Is the 2024 Presidential race over at this point?

I agree it’s not over by a long shot, but I think the Democrats may indeed try to replace Joe Biden. I think the ironic thing if that happens is that Biden asked for this debate “Anytime pal I’ll debate ya ol lunchbucket Joe. Corn Pop.
The guys not capable of being a Wal Mart greeter we’ve seen him shake hands with the air.
All them talkin heads on TV are like “naw man he’s gettin MENSA applications in the mail almost every day that rascal is brilliant, and MAGA republickens is just mean.”
Well, I’ll just be damn. He’s a bumbling dipshit like we told you.
Hunters laptop is real, like we told you.
Steele dossier Russiagate was all a lie, like we told you.
Could the big guy be an influence peddler selling his office-like we told you?
I mean, even though those aforementioned people who told you those other things said “no he’s clean as a whistle!?” Ya think?
They lie and lie and lie to you.
And yet some of you dopes will vote for Joe Biden, or whomever your cultural elite “super delegates” (please tell me they wear a cape!) say you are supposed to vote for anyhow.
Won’t you? Because Bad Orange man and 34 felonies and January 6th right?

Never underestimate the Dems ability to circle the wagons and stick to a narrative, no matter how outlandish, as long as they have a sycophantic media.

Never underestimate the Pubs ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Never underestimate the Dems win at any cost mentality and never underestimate their get out the vote schemes.

Now, I do believe the constant spin about Biden being in great shape and the performance Thursday night shot a lot of holes in their ability to spin going forward and that is going to hurt them with some number of undecideds. I also believe Trump could virtually lock it up with a good, safe VP pick but there is still enough time left for a lot of funky things to happen.
Under any circumstances approaching a normal election year, the only possible answer would be, of course it’s over.

Biden completely flamed out, he couldn’t have performed worse. However, I don’t think some of the Trump voters on here understand how poorly Trump came across Thursday to the undecideds.

I take all polling with a giant grain of salt, but let’s look at the polling over the next few weeks and track what happens post debate. Ultimately there are only about 300k to 400k undecided voters in four to five states that will determine the outcome of this election. That makes predicting the outcome a lot more challenging than it would be otherwise.

Of course, if Joe steps aside, everything gets recalculated.

Pollster Frank Luntz’s Debate Focus Group Comprised of Independents Delivers More Bad News to Biden Campaign Following Debate-12 Out of 14 Swing to Trump​


Pollster Frank Luntz’s Debate Focus Group Comprised of Independents Delivers More Bad News to Biden Campaign Following Debate-12 Out of 14 Swing to Trump​

Considering Luntz is a closet liberal , fairly sure him sharing this information is almost as big a deal as the reaction of these independents.
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