Judge's comments on January 6th


Pillar of the DawgVent
Gold Member
Sep 2, 2003

Read what judges appointed by both parties have to say about the defendants in the January 6th trials.
Don't you know all judges, juries, election officials, Rep Governers, Rep Sec of St, Rep Att Gen, Rep VP, and many others are just part of the deep state and never trumper crowd?
Trump is the only one you should listen to. The tax cheating, having affairs on 3 wives, yankee blowhard is the only one that will tell you the real truth.
Which truth?

Youre the one that posted the "story".
You seem to have a problem telling the difference between your stories and quotes from judges who have been involved and seen a lot of actual evidence and not stories.
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Don't you know all judges, juries, election officials, Rep Governers, Rep Sec of St, Rep Att Gen, Rep VP, and many others are just part of the deep state and never trumper crowd?
Trump is the only one you should listen to. The tax cheating, having affairs on 3 wives, yankee blowhard is the only one that will tell you the real truth.

I beg you to forgive me because I have forgotten the truth. Maybe Trump will add me to his pardons since he won't even know who he is giving them to.

Read what judges appointed by both parties have to say about the defendants in the January 6th trials.
They did something incredibly stupid. So whatever comes is what comes. There was a chance to stop the retribution coming. To have level heads prevail and realize these are mostly the crazies if they do something like this.

The rhetoric the judges were worried about Celtic. Where did it start concerning trump. Did this kind of political rhetoric start with trump in 2020. Restore my faith in humanity. Can we go back and look at what was said by big time politicians about the Trump presidency right after the election. Jimmy Carter and John Lewis? Bill and Hillary Clinton? Remember that softball field being shot up? What were they saying leading up to the election they won in 2020? I don’t want to go back and look up and post 10 articles backing this up. Where did it start?

We are going to keep this going. Very short sighted by the judges here. Most from the big mouthed Obama appointee. No shock there. Four years for broken glass. What was the rhetoric used just a few years ago when the Dems took over a local capitol. Nothing happened to them remember. My friend, you are a good guy. I get why you posted this. One sided. As always
Don't you know all judges, juries, election officials, Rep Governers, Rep Sec of St, Rep Att Gen, Rep VP, and many others are just part of the deep state and never trumper crowd?
Trump is the only one you should listen to. The tax cheating, having affairs on 3 wives, yankee blowhard is the only one that will tell you the real truth.
You said that not me. Celtic posted an article with quotes from judges that suited his narrative.

For instance , the illegal aliens that just attacked a cop were released w no bail. Then a group of pro life protestors just got 11 FREAKING YEARS. So spare me on what judges say.


Read what judges appointed by both parties have to say about the defendants in the January 6th trials.

The fact these judges even offered a public opinion on this proves they are compromised. This isn’t their job, and only serves to jeopardize any credit that has been earned by the judicial
Branch. If they truly feel this way, they should understand it will only inflame those that feel it’s a sham.

Since they are in a talking move, maybe they could pontificate on how those that attack cops, throw explosives at federal and state offices, light govt buildings in fire are not deserving of jail time, or even arrest while these sept and octogenarians are sentenced to time for what amounts to trespassing charges.

Complete fail and all posting this garbage does is entrench those that disagree with you further

Read what judges appointed by both parties have to say about the defendants in the January 6th trials.
celtic, I will not joust with you. I understand both sides of that argument. And I will not attack your opinion. Too much respect for you.

The hypocrisy within our politicized legal system is evident.

Illegal immigrants attack NYPD cops and are released bail free.

Looters and anarchistic gangs burn down businesses and attack officers attempting to guard businesses, and see police precincts destroyed, don’t go to prison….. in multiple cities.

Shoplifters are provide direct permission to steal from businesses and we are called to stand down with no prison.

Jan 6th had no fires, no weapons pointed and by video accounts, no physical confrontations other than shoving their way through doorways and a window, under the protection of one of the most highly trained security forces in the world, then behaving rationally and politely inside the building with no vandalism, and we send them to prison.

January 6th cannot logically happen. It is impossible unless allowed. If you study the security measures and the WH force, January 6th is impossible.

Not debating your point, just pointing out the hypocrisy in our politically slanted legal system.

They did something incredibly stupid. So whatever comes is what comes. There was a chance to stop the retribution coming. To have level heads prevail and realize these are mostly the crazies if they do something like this.

The rhetoric the judges were worried about Celtic. Where did it start concerning trump. Did this kind of political rhetoric start with trump in 2020. Restore my faith in humanity. Can we go back and look at what was said by big time politicians about the Trump presidency right after the election. Jimmy Carter and John Lewis? Bill and Hillary Clinton? Remember that softball field being shot up? What were they saying leading up to the election they won in 2020? I don’t want to go back and look up and post 10 articles backing this up. Where did it start?

We are going to keep this going. Very short sighted by the judges here. Most from the big mouthed Obama appointee. No shock there. Four years for broken glass. What was the rhetoric used just a few years ago when the Dems took over a local capitol. Nothing happened to them remember. My friend, you are a good guy. I get why you posted this. One sided. As always
I know where you are coming from, but I am tired of you changing the subject. There are plenty of things both sides have done that we agree on are bad. Biden's nipple pinching is not relevant to January 6th. January 6th is one of the most significant events in recent history and should stand by itself.

Short sided by the judges? Unfortunately I know you are serious. Do you think they might be pissed off that people haven't taken this seriously. Their job is to see justice is served and people want to make it joke of it. It's unfortunate that people even think of retribution, but of course that is what Trump intends to do.

I only responded to you because I consider you a friend. Take care.
I know where you are coming from, but I am tired of you changing the subject. There are plenty of things both sides have done that we agree on are bad. Biden's nipple pinching is not relevant to January 6th. January 6th is one of the most significant events in recent history and should stand by itself.

Short sided by the judges? Unfortunately I know you are serious. Do you think they might be pissed off that people haven't taken this seriously. Their job is to see justice is served and people want to make it joke of it. It's unfortunate that people even think of retribution, but of course that is what Trump intends to do.

I only responded to you because I consider you a friend. Take care.
It was a chance to slow the rhetoric. Celtic do you not get what I am saying. Still Americans roaming around in our capital. It was a chance to say let’s come together. Instead it was let’s make an example out of them. So now, there will be retribution. That is the point. If you can’t see the rhetoric being used let me remind you. It isn’t nipple pinching. I actually read your article. The judges were more upset at people still being upset after sentencing. Learning nothing. Still being defiant. It was a chance to be lenient to non violent offenders. This is where we are. So don’t restore my faith in humanity.

Jan 6th protest was a response to the summer of love. The Tennessee capital takeover was a response to the Jan 6th protest. Where does it end?

This all began when election denying and illegitimacy was brought to the forefront by Hillary and the rest of the Democrat politicians. Then several people were killed by an activist trying to shoot Republican congressmen. A Bernie guy did it. Forward to the summer of violence/love. So many arrests there. Unsolved murders everywhere. Then finished with Hillary stating Joe should never concede. Fight it till the end. Don’t let Trump steal another election. The hypocrisy is mind blowing from the left. Like none of that shit ever happened. What trump did was wrong. Two wrongs don’t make a right, but the revisionist history by you and others is hilarious.

I understand this post was more about your stand on Trump. I get it. But where does it end? If trump wins this election Biden and hunter will be drug into every courtroom possible. Pelosi’s 8 time aquitted son will be a target. Luckiest kid on earth right. Pelosi will be a target. From this point forward every president will be facing possible jail time after leaving office. Every president will be impeached. This is where we are going. I think it was short sighted, but I would expect nothing less. This is the kind of stuff that feeds Trump. Fuels his base. It doesn’t hurt him. Unfortunately it makes him stronger.
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It was a chance to slow the rhetoric. Celtic do you not get what I am saying. Still Americans roaming around in our capital. It was a chance to say let’s come together. Instead it was let’s make an example out of them. So now, there will be retribution. That is the point. If you can’t see the rhetoric being used let me remind you. It isn’t nipple pinching. I actually read your article. The judges were more upset at people still being upset after sentencing. Learning nothing. Still being defiant. It was a chance to be lenient to non violent offenders. This is where we are. So don’t restore my faith in humanity.

Jan 6th protest was a response to the summer of love. The Tennessee capital takeover was a response to the Jan 6th protest. Where does it end?

This all began when election denying and illegitimacy was brought to the forefront by Hillary and the rest of the Democrat politicians. Then several people were killed by an activist trying to shoot Republican congressmen. A Bernie guy did it. Forward to the summer of violence/love. So many arrests there. Unsolved murders everywhere. Then finished with Hillary stating Joe should never concede. Fight it till the end. Don’t let Trump steal another election. The hypocrisy is mind blowing from the left. Like none of that shit ever happened. What trump did was wrong. Two wrongs don’t make a right, but the revisionist history by you and others is hilarious.

I understand this post was more about your stand on Trump. I get it. But where does it end? If trump wins this election Biden and hunter will be drug into every courtroom possible. Pelosi’s 8 time aquitted son will be a target. Luckiest kid on earth right. Pelosi will be a target. From this point forward every president will be facing possible jail time after leaving office. Every president will be impeached. This is where we are going. I think it was short sighted, but I would expect nothing less. This is the kind of stuff that feeds Trump. Fuels his base. It doesn’t hurt him. Unfortunately it makes him stronger.

The action of arresting all Of these people had one goal and one objective.


These Marxists wanted to send a message, that if you resist us, we will use this government to crush you. They want to turn this country into a one party political state. And their message was, do not resist us. They wanted a show of force that applied to only supporters of their counterparts.

Most all people support the arrest of those that caused major damage and assaulted anyone else. But they overcharged many, with extraneous and excessive charges. Just to intimidate others.

But there is nothing to these people orchestrating this. It’s like the wizard of oz where that one guy was operating this big scary thing. When the bell tolls for these small, bitter , insignificant people, they will be pissing their pants and cowering in the corner.

These referenced judges are only mad, left leaning, manipulated people that do not like the fact that their portion of the federal government has been shown and proven to be contradictory to their sworn duty. They are trying to get out ahead and provide cover, and with a MSM that is all too happy to assist.

Anyone taking these judges seriously does not have a logical, unbiased, critical thinking ounce of independent brain cells left. If these judges wanted to clear the air, there are tons of independent media broadcast stations that would gladly invite them on to debate. They won’t. They’re a joke
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It was a chance to slow the rhetoric. Celtic do you not get what I am saying. Still Americans roaming around in our capital. It was a chance to say let’s come together. Instead it was let’s make an example out of them. So now, there will be retribution. That is the point. If you can’t see the rhetoric being used let me remind you. It isn’t nipple pinching. I actually read your article. The judges were more upset at people still being upset after sentencing. Learning nothing. Still being defiant. It was a chance to be lenient to non violent offenders. This is where we are. So don’t restore my faith in humanity.

Jan 6th protest was a response to the summer of love. The Tennessee capital takeover was a response to the Jan 6th protest. Where does it end?

This all began when election denying and illegitimacy was brought to the forefront by Hillary and the rest of the Democrat politicians. Then several people were killed by an activist trying to shoot Republican congressmen. A Bernie guy did it. Forward to the summer of violence/love. So many arrests there. Unsolved murders everywhere. Then finished with Hillary stating Joe should never concede. Fight it till the end. Don’t let Trump steal another election. The hypocrisy is mind blowing from the left. Like none of that shit ever happened. What trump did was wrong. Two wrongs don’t make a right, but the revisionist history by you and others is hilarious.

I understand this post was more about your stand on Trump. I get it. But where does it end? If trump wins this election Biden and hunter will be drug into every courtroom possible. Pelosi’s 8 time aquitted son will be a target. Luckiest kid on earth right. Pelosi will be a target. From this point forward every president will be facing possible jail time after leaving office. Every president will be impeached. This is where we are going. I think it was short sighted, but I would expect nothing less. This is the kind of stuff that feeds Trump. Fuels his base. It doesn’t hurt him. Unfortunately it makes him stronger.
I've heard all this from you before. Yes, some of those things were bad as I said in my earlier post to you.

But I am not revising history. I am not alone in thinking January 6th was the worst event in recent history because it was an attack on our government, not only physically but symbolically.

January 6th was not a response to the summer of love. It doesn't happen without Trump. He said something was going to happen and he wanted his supporters to be there and he sat there and watched. No other denial of election results came close to that.

That's the big picture. Maybe some sentences were excessive, but I wasn't in court. That's missing me point.

You asked where this will end. I don't know, but Trump is responsible in my mind and we need to be rid of him. I know this fuels him, but I don't think it's picking up new supporters.
Jan 6th protest was a response to the summer of love.
I have too many thoughts on this thread and not enough time to share them all. But this specific contention, which you keep promoting, is just dead wrong and more whataboutism. How can I prove it? Because the motives are documented as part of a public record that includes speeches, press conferences, tweets, testimony under oath and the words of DJT himself.

January 6th was about stopping the certification of the 2020 election, full stop, and the riot took place as part of the effort to accomplish that. That's why Trump called his followers to DC on that day, it's why Trump was pressuring Pence to exceed his constitutional powers to block certification and why some of the crowd were chanting "Hang Mike Pence" when he failed to do as he was told by Trump. Many, many J6 defendants have testified under oath that they were there to stop the Dems from stealing the election by disrupting certification and pressuring Congress to bend to Trump's will.

Of course, that's only what we knew at the time because it was all public record. What has been uncovered since then has only supported the obvious initial conclusions.

You know what I didn't hear one time by any of the participants? That they were avenging the civil unrest of the Floyd riots. They were there to "stop the steal", as Trump and many of the rioters said.

And BTW, expressing frustration and anger with riots by attacking the police in a riot is a hell of an odd expression of anger from the law and order crowd.
I've heard all this from you before. Yes, some of those things were bad as I said in my earlier post to you.

But I am not revising history. I am not alone in thinking January 6th was the worst event in recent history because it was an attack on our government, not only physically but symbolically.

January 6th was not a response to the summer of love. It doesn't happen without Trump. He said something was going to happen and he wanted his supporters to be there and he sat there and watched. No other denial of election results came close to that.

That's the big picture. Maybe some sentences were excessive, but I wasn't in court. That's missing me point.

You asked where this will end. I don't know, but Trump is responsible in my mind and we need to be rid of him. I know this fuels him, but I don't think it's picking up new supporters.
Just one thing to add. You have certainly read this from me before. This is my biggest issue with Jan 6th. I am in a hospital bed. Not involved in anything but trying to get better. I get texts from friends. It is our turn to protest. Jan 6th. You know the incredibly annoying texts I am sure you get from Biden, pelosi and others to donate to their cause, I get one (from the gop side)on Jan 2cd. It is our turn to protest. Take back our country.

I am going to ask again. How in the hell did no one know this shit was going down. I knew and the fbi didn’t know? The cia didn’t know. Give me a break. You know I am not full of shit. So how? How did they not know?

It was a response. The protest. Now storming the capitol was something more sinister. For sure. But no way in hell it wasn’t a response. @willdup. How does Bob from fvcking Camilla know it is going down in the text he sent me, but our country’s finest know jack shit.

The response isn’t an opinion. I keep telling you this. It is a fact.
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Just one thing to add. You have certainly read this from me before. This is my biggest issue with Jan 6th. I am in a hospital bed. Not involved in anything but trying to get better. I get texts from friends. It is our turn to protest. Jan 6th. You know the incredibly annoying texts I am sure you get from Biden, pelosi and others to donate to their cause, I get one (from the gop side)on Jan 2cd. It is our turn to protest. Take back our country.

I am going to ask again. How in the hell did no one know this shit was going down. I knew and the fbi didn’t know? The cia didn’t know. Give me a break. You know I am not full of shit. So how? How did they not know?

It was a response. The protest. Now storming the capitol was something more sinister. For sure. But no way in hell it wasn’t a response. @willdup. How does Bob from fvcking Camilla know it is going down in the text he sent me, but our country’s finest know jack shit.

The response isn’t an opinion. I keep telling you this. It is a fact.
I understand the questions about the readiness, but it doesn't change what happened. If there was more resistance from the police, who knows what would happened . Some of those people weren't going to back down.
Just one thing to add. You have certainly read this from me before. This is my biggest issue with Jan 6th. I am in a hospital bed. Not involved in anything but trying to get better. I get texts from friends. It is our turn to protest. Jan 6th. You know the incredibly annoying texts I am sure you get from Biden, pelosi and others to donate to their cause, I get one (from the gop side)on Jan 2cd. It is our turn to protest. Take back our country.

I am going to ask again. How in the hell did no one know this shit was going down. I knew and the fbi didn’t know? The cia didn’t know. Give me a break. You know I am not full of shit. So how? How did they not know?

It was a response. The protest. Now storming the capitol was something more sinister. For sure. But no way in hell it wasn’t a response. @willdup. How does Bob from fvcking Camilla know it is going down in the text he sent me, but our country’s finest know jack shit.

The response isn’t an opinion. I keep telling you this. It is a fact.
Than why did the rally before the riot focus entirely on saving the country from a stolen election? The entire rally, including President Trumps speech.

Here are some of Trump’s own words from a mere hour before the riot started. Note the focus on a stolen election and total absence of any mention of the BLM riots.

“Big tech is now coming into their own. We beat them four years ago. We surprised them. We took them by surprise and this year they rigged an election. They rigged it like they've never rigged an election before. And by the way, last night they didn't do a bad job either if you notice.

I'm honest. And I just, again, I want to thank you. It's just a great honor to have this kind of crowd and to be before you and hundreds of thousands of American patriots who are committed to the honesty of our elections and the integrity of our glorious republic.

All of us here today do not want to see our election victory stolen by emboldened radical-left Democrats, which is what they're doing. And stolen by the fake news media. That's what they've done and what they're doing. We will never give up, we will never concede. It doesn't happen. You don't concede when there's theft involved.

Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore and that's what this is all about. And to use a favorite term that all of you people really came up with: We will stop the steal. Today I will lay out just some of the evidence proving that we won this election and we won it by a landslide. This was not a close election.

You know, I say, sometimes jokingly, but there's no joke about it: I've been in two elections. I won them both and the second one, I won much bigger than the first. OK. Almost 75 million people voted for our campaign, the most of any incumbent president by far in the history of our country, 12 million more people than four years ago.

And I was told by the real pollsters — we do have real pollsters — they know that we were going to do well and we were going to win. What I was told, if I went from 63 million, which we had four years ago, to 66 million, there was no chance of losing. Well, we didn't go to 66, we went to 75 million, and they say we lost. We didn't lose.”

Don't you know all judges, juries, election officials, Rep Governers, Rep Sec of St, Rep Att Gen, Rep VP, and many others are just part of the deep state and never trumper crowd?
Trump is the only one you should listen to. The tax cheating, having affairs on 3 wives, yankee blowhard is the only one that will tell you the real truth.
He is such a good President, Old Joe I mean. He is mafia crooked, and has sold his sole to communism.
Than why did the rally before the riot focus entirely on saving the country from a stolen election? The entire rally, including President Trumps speech.

Here are some of Trump’s own words from a mere hour before the riot started. Note the focus on a stolen election and total absence of any mention of the BLM riots.

“Big tech is now coming into their own. We beat them four years ago. We surprised them. We took them by surprise and this year they rigged an election. They rigged it like they've never rigged an election before. And by the way, last night they didn't do a bad job either if you notice.

I'm honest. And I just, again, I want to thank you. It's just a great honor to have this kind of crowd and to be before you and hundreds of thousands of American patriots who are committed to the honesty of our elections and the integrity of our glorious republic.

All of us here today do not want to see our election victory stolen by emboldened radical-left Democrats, which is what they're doing. And stolen by the fake news media. That's what they've done and what they're doing. We will never give up, we will never concede. It doesn't happen. You don't concede when there's theft involved.

Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore and that's what this is all about. And to use a favorite term that all of you people really came up with: We will stop the steal. Today I will lay out just some of the evidence proving that we won this election and we won it by a landslide. This was not a close election.

You know, I say, sometimes jokingly, but there's no joke about it: I've been in two elections. I won them both and the second one, I won much bigger than the first. OK. Almost 75 million people voted for our campaign, the most of any incumbent president by far in the history of our country, 12 million more people than four years ago.

And I was told by the real pollsters — we do have real pollsters — they know that we were going to do well and we were going to win. What I was told, if I went from 63 million, which we had four years ago, to 66 million, there was no chance of losing. Well, we didn't go to 66, we went to 75 million, and they say we lost. We didn't lose.”

He also tweeted the day of to keep it peaceful. Respect the police. We are the party of law and order.

Here is a list of his tweets.

All I am telling you is a guy from Camilla knew what was happening 4 days before it happened. Again. I am just saying it was a response to the SOL that got out of control. You had extremists there that took things too far. No insurrection ever really planned to succeed would be without real weapons. There are so many stupid unexplainable events that day. Awful day in our history. But ever since it happened, it has been over politicized and used for whatever gain can be squeezed out of it.
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He also tweeted the day of to keep it peaceful. Respect the police. We are the party of law and order.

Here is a list of his tweets.

All I am telling you is a guy from Camilla knew what was happening 4 days before it happened. Again. I am just saying it was a response to the SOL that got out of control. You had extremists there that took things too far. No insurrection ever really planned to succeed would be without real weapons. There are so many stupid unexplainable events that day. Awful day in our history. But ever since it happened, it has been over politicized and used for whatever gain can be squeezed out of it.
You and I disagree regarding what Trump’s various communications (or lack there of) on J6 tell us about his intent, by that will be before the courts soon enough, as will why it took so long for the national guard to arrive at the Capitol.

My point was that the there is endless evidence that J6 was about blocking certification as part of the effort to steal an election and no evidence that I have found to support the idea that J6 was in reaction to the BLM riots.
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You and I disagree regarding what Trump’s various communications (or lack there of) on J6 tell us about his intent, by that will be before the courts soon enough, as will why it took so long for the national guard to arrive at the Capitol.

My point was that the there is endless evidence that J6 was about blocking certification as part of the effort to steal an election and no evidence that I have found to support the idea that J6 was in reaction to the BLM riots.
My question remains. And I have several others. Why the tour? Why not ask for the national guard when it was offered? Why didn’t the policie use more force. Supposedly the best trained force in the country. Sliced thru like butter by a bunch of unarmed dipsticks. Why did I know about what was happening and the fbi or others didn’t? Why so many different weird events happened on that day. Why did 9/10ths of it look like a guided tour? Why did they have to shoot that woman? The swat team was right there. Who gave the code red? How did trump plan it, then have to punch his driver in the face to get him to drive him over? Why wasn’t he waiting to give a big speech and revel in his coronation. Like the diva showman he is. Etc.

Taking the capital was part of what you are describing. And not a response to the summer of love. The protest absolutely was will. I am sorry. No way info is out before that if it is not a response. So many people said it is our turn. It doesn’t fit your narrative. It is an absolute fact. The same way the Tennessee capitol insurrection where no real arrests were made, was a reaction to Jan 6th.
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and you think this is ok ?

What do you mean by OK? The fact that people are being tried for crimes they committed, found guilty and getting sentenced. That's how the legal system works in this country. The sentences? I already said some might be excessive, but I wasn't in court and didn't hear the testimony or what happened there, so I can't judge. The fact the judges made comments? I already said that I could see judges being frustrated by the defendants and hearing comments similar to what has been expressed in this thread and speaking publicly. They seem to feel that people are not taking what happened on January 6th seriously (just read the thread).

Read what judges appointed by both parties have to say about the defendants in the January 6th trials.
If only the govt would enforce all the laws.
If you never believed in a two tier system of justice you need only to look at what this Biden DOJ has been allowed to do to good Americans. Eff every one of them...............Trump is going to pardon them all.
My question remains. And I have several others. Why the tour? Why not ask for the national guard when it was offered? Why didn’t the policie use more force. Supposedly the best trained force in the country. Sliced thru like butter by a bunch of unarmed dipsticks. Why did I know about what was happening and the fbi or others didn’t? Why so many different weird events happened on that day. Why did 9/10ths of it look like a guided tour? Why did they have to shoot that woman? The swat team was right there. Who gave the code red? How did trump plan it, then have to punch his driver in the face to get him to drive him over? Why wasn’t he waiting to give a big speech and revel in his coronation. Like the diva showman he is. Etc.

Taking the capital was part of what you are describing. And not a response to the summer of love. The protest absolutely was will. I am sorry. No way info is out before that if it is not a response. So many people said it is our turn. It doesn’t fit your narrative. It is an absolute fact. The same way the Tennessee capitol insurrection where no real arrests were made, was a reaction to Jan 6th.
The answer for why the police did not respond more aggressively earlier on J6 is simple. Can you name another time that the followers of a sitting president attacked our own government, forcing a response from the police? They came directly from a rally that was lead by Trump and were proudly flying his flag. Likely a lot of the Capitol police force voted for Trump and were even sympathetic to the cause given the lies about election fraud. Sympathetic that is until the Trump followers started beating the crap out of them.

This was entirely new in our history, which explains both why the police were not more forceful and why those who broke the law must be prosecuted.

Regarding the National Guard, Trump never authorized the deployment of troops and Trump loyalist Chris Miller, who was inexplicably installed as acting Secretary of Defense after Trump lost the election, sent out a memo on January 4th reminding everyone that he alone could approve the arming and deployment of the National Guard in DC.

Trump could have gone on TV and called his followers to leave the Capitol any time between when the violence started at 12:53 and 4:17 when he finally released his video praising the rioters while telling them to go home. That was a well-over three hour period when he didn’t do the one thing that could have stopped the attack, and that’s how we know exactly what his intent was that day.

Here’s the memo.
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The answer for why the police did not respond more aggressively earlier on J6 is simple. Can you name another time that the followers of a sitting president attacked our own government, forcing a response from the police? They came directly from a rally that was lead by Trump and were proudly flying his flag. Likely a lot of the Capitol police force voted for Trump and were even sympathetic to the cause given the lies about election fraud. Sympathetic that is until the Trump followers started beating the crap out of them.

This was entirely new in our history, which explains both why the police were not more forceful and why those who broke the law must be prosecuted.

Regarding the National Guard, Trump never authorized the deployment of troops and Trump loyalist Chris Miller, who was inexplicably installed as acting Secretary of Defense after Trump lost the election, sent out a memo on January 4th reminding everyone that he alone could approve the arming and deployment of the National Guard in DC.

Trump could have gone on TV and called his followers to leave the Capitol any time between when the violence started at 12:53 and 4:17 when he finally released his video praising the rioters while telling them to go home. That was a well-over three hour period when he didn’t do the one thing that could have stopped the attack, and that’s how we know exactly what his intent was that day.

Here’s the memo.
The sad part about all of this is all you guys have is Jan 6th. You have no policy wins. Build Back Better was dog sht. The border is wide open. Crime is out of control. We are spending more money on aliens than citizens. Bidens poll numbers are worse than any POTUS at this point in 50 years. He is losing the black vote. This bill that was proposed on Sunday is garbage and will never pass. We are currently involved in 3 wars due to Bidens weakness. Groceries are 30% higher than 3 years ago. My power bill is up 30%. The college debt buyout is complete bullshit. He is everything they said Trump would be and worse. East Palestine Oh blew up, he still hasnt gone. He passed on his interview before the Super Bowl on Sunday because hes too old to form complete sentences. People really seem to hate him.

Tell us one thing that Biden has done that is good.
The sad part about all of this is all you guys have is Jan 6th. You have no policy wins. Build Back Better was dog sht. The border is wide open. Crime is out of control. We are spending more money on aliens than citizens. Bidens poll numbers are worse than any POTUS at this point in 50 years. He is losing the black vote. This bill that was proposed on Sunday is garbage and will never pass. We are currently involved in 3 wars due to Bidens weakness. Groceries are 30% higher than 3 years ago. My power bill is up 30%. The college debt buyout is complete bullshit. He is everything they said Trump would be and worse. East Palestine Oh blew up, he still hasnt gone. He passed on his interview before the Super Bowl on Sunday because hes too old to form complete sentences. People really seem to hate him.

Tell us one thing that Biden has done that is good.
"All you guys have is Jan 6th?" How much more does anybody need, to keep Trump from going back to the WH?
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"All you guys have is Jan 6th?" How much more does anybody need, to keep Trump from going back to the WH?
I also notice you didnt answer the question , you just continue to prove my point. Joe Biden sucks a$$ , so lets keep pointing to something that happened 3 years ago. The sleight of hand that got Biden elected is about to get him unelected.
so lets keep pointing to something that happened 3 years ago.

And you are telling someone else to get help. In case you haven't noticed there is CURRENTLY a case and indictments against Trump for that very thing so it's very much in the news. January 6th has also resulted in keeping Trump off the ballot and the Supreme Court will be looking into those cases. You are just trying to ignore this very current issue because you can't defend it.
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The answer for why the police did not respond more aggressively earlier on J6 is simple. Can you name another time that the followers of a sitting president attacked our own government, forcing a response from the police? They came directly from a rally that was lead by Trump and were proudly flying his flag. Likely a lot of the Capitol police force voted for Trump and were even sympathetic to the cause given the lies about election fraud. Sympathetic that is until the Trump followers started beating the crap out of them.

This was entirely new in our history, which explains both why the police were not more forceful and why those who broke the law must be prosecuted.

Regarding the National Guard, Trump never authorized the deployment of troops and Trump loyalist Chris Miller, who was inexplicably installed as acting Secretary of Defense after Trump lost the election, sent out a memo on January 4th reminding everyone that he alone could approve the arming and deployment of the National Guard in DC.

Trump could have gone on TV and called his followers to leave the Capitol any time between when the violence started at 12:53 and 4:17 when he finally released his video praising the rioters while telling them to go home. That was a well-over three hour period when he didn’t do the one thing that could have stopped the attack, and that’s how we know exactly what his intent was that day.

Here’s the memo.
This is the left’s version. I have heard it. It leaves out a lot. There are questions on the national guard. There is the tour you glossed over. Amongst other things. This is the version you want to believe. There is truth there, but any spin with no chance of defense from the right is going to have some lies too. You know this. It has been proven over and over again. Everytime the left puts out financial numbers they turn out to be lies. I give you credit. You know your side’s version word for word. They have imprinted it on your brain. Or other lies like the border is secure. I don’t say no more fracking. Or I have never spoken to hunter’s business associates. For example. You think these guys were stopping to watch a television once inside the capitol. I can’t quantify that thought.

Trump went to Twitter. They took it down. You think any msm channel was putting him on air. That is hilarious you believe that. If winning is all he is about, wouldn’t he had expected the presidency to stay with him. He planned it right? He also conceded the next day.

I listened to a talk show monologue last night. There is so much propaganda out there no one even has a clue what the truth is anymore.

Here is your guy. Making you proud again. Can’t wait to have him handle foreign policy again. We may be in seven wars four years from now.
I also notice you didnt answer the question , you just continue to prove my point. Joe Biden sucks a$$ , so lets keep pointing to something that happened 3 years ago. The sleight of hand that got Biden elected is about to get him unelected.
The thread was a J6 focused thread, thus the posts about J6.

Regarding Biden:
GDP exceeding consensus expectations
Employment up
Inflation down (reminder, inflation has been a global problem)
Producing more oil than ever before, including becoming the world's largest exporter of LNG in 2022
Manufacturing jobs surging and microchip production returning to US

He has had his failures such as the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the border, although the Republicans just did a great job of taking co-ownership of that last issue.

And the fact that he did not attempt to steal the last election and the other guy did is relevant to any discussion of our upcoming choice..
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This is the left’s version. I have heard it. It leaves out a lot. There are questions on the national guard. There is the tour you glossed over. Amongst other things. This is the version you want to believe. There is truth there, but any spin with no chance of defense from the right is going to have some lies too. You know this. It has been proven over and over again. Everytime the left puts out financial numbers they turn out to be lies. I give you credit. You know your side’s version word for word. They have imprinted it on your brain. Or other lies like the border is secure. I don’t say no more fracking. Or I have never spoken to hunter’s business associates.

Trump went to Twitter. They took it down. You think any msm channel was putting him on air. That is hilarious you believe that. If winning is all he is about, wouldn’t he had expected the presidency to stay with him. He planned it right? He also conceded the next day.

I listened to a talk show monologue last night. There is so much propaganda out there no one even has a clue what the truth is anymore.

Here is your guy. Making you proud again. Can’t wait to have him handle foreign policy again. We may be in seven wars four years from now.
J6 is about to be litigated in court in two jurisdictions, so I'm not sure what you mean when you say "spin with no chance of defense". In fact, Trump's current defense is presidential immunity. He isn't even bothering to defend himself on the facts, at least not right now. Is that not telling?