Judge's comments on January 6th

The thread was a J6 focused thread, thus the posts about J6.

Regarding Biden:
GDP exceeding consensus expectations
Employment up
Inflation down (reminder, inflation has been a global problem)
Producing more oil than ever before, including becoming the world's largest exporter of LNG in 2022
Manufacturing jobs surging and microchip production returning to US

He has had his failures such as the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the border, although the Republicans just did a great job of taking co-ownership of that last issue.

And the fact that he did not attempt to steal the last election and the other guy did is relevant to any discussion of our upcoming choice..
"And the fact that he did not attempt to steal the last election and the other guy did is relevant to any discussion of our upcoming choice.."

You have got to be kidding me. They have tried everything they could to put Trump in jail. Are you serious with this ? We are turning into a banana republic.

Also spoiler alert- inflation isnt down in any way shape or form. How does GDP being " up" help anyone? This is all window dressing.

Why are Bidens poll numbers so bad?
J6 is about to be litigated in court in two jurisdictions, so I'm not sure what you mean when you say "spin with no chance of defense". In fact, Trump's current defense is presidential immunity. He isn't even bothering to defend himself on the facts, at least not right now. Is that not telling?
Didnt this case just get moved off the docket?
J6 is about to be litigated in court in two jurisdictions, so I'm not sure what you mean when you say "spin with no chance of defense". In fact, Trump's current defense is presidential immunity. He isn't even bothering to defend himself on the facts, at least not right now. Is that not telling?
Exactly. Let’s see what happens when people get to poke holes in the Jan 6th narrative. Let’s see what happens if the start to question all the other strange things that happen that day.

Not defending himself. Pretty sure he didn’t sit down and plan it. His words may have stoked the fire, but he also asked them to be peaceful in his speech. He literally carries around with him in his jacket pocket a copy of the tweet taken down. And the timestamp. Which he showed on a gotcha question sit down on cnn.

Has Biden down any gotcha sit downs since president? Is he invoking his right to be a dictator by answering to literally no one?
The answer for why the police did not respond more aggressively earlier on J6 is simple. Can you name another time that the followers of a sitting president attacked our own government, forcing a response from the police? They came directly from a rally that was lead by Trump and were proudly flying his flag. Likely a lot of the Capitol police force voted for Trump and were even sympathetic to the cause given the lies about election fraud. Sympathetic that is until the Trump followers started beating the crap out of them.

This was entirely new in our history, which explains both why the police were not more forceful and why those who broke the law must be prosecuted.

Regarding the National Guard, Trump never authorized the deployment of troops and Trump loyalist Chris Miller, who was inexplicably installed as acting Secretary of Defense after Trump lost the election, sent out a memo on January 4th reminding everyone that he alone could approve the arming and deployment of the National Guard in DC.

Trump could have gone on TV and called his followers to leave the Capitol any time between when the violence started at 12:53 and 4:17 when he finally released his video praising the rioters while telling them to go home. That was a well-over three hour period when he didn’t do the one thing that could have stopped the attack, and that’s how we know exactly what his intent was that day.

Here’s the memo.

Here is Chris miller. A green beret also saying trump told him they may need 10000 national guard to control the crowd on Jan 6th.(on Jan 5th) He also states that pelosi and other democrat leaders that day were not in control of themselves or their emotions when this happened. This is what I am talking about. It is in a book he wrote. Another big fat freaking hole in your story. I am just a village idiot. I found a big fat hole in five minutes. A day after the memo. And he put that in his book. I will take a green beret’s version over a politician.

Here is Chris miller. A green beret also saying trump told him they may need 10000 national guard to control the crowd on Jan 6th.(on Jan 5th) He also states that pelosi and other democrat leaders that day were not in control of themselves or their emotions when this happened. This is what I am talking about. It is in a book he wrote. Another big fat freaking hole in your story. I am just a village idiot. I found a big fat hole in five minutes. A day after the memo. And he put that in his book. I will take a green beret’s version over a politician.
Haven't you figured out by now that what Trumpers say in public can change entirely when they are under oath? Chris Miller, a Trump loyalist (who was installed as SOD after Trump lost the election for what reason?), first supported Trump's contention that he had ordered National Guard troops be readied, and then corrected himself when under oath. He was caught in a blatant lie. He has zero credibility.

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Haven't you figured out by now that what Trumpers say in public can change entirely when they are under oath? Chris Miller, a Trump loyalist (who was installed as SOD after Trump lost the election for what reason?), first supported Trump's contention that he had ordered National Guard troops be deployed, and then corrected himself when under oath. Funny how that works.

He put it in his book. What happened on Jan 6th. lol. So it would be really easy to figure out if committing perjury. He said trump volunteered that you will need that many troops. Not ordered. Very different. But still a problem if he is asked. You don’t think any decent attorney brings that up. It is out there in black and white. Why volunteer that info to stop what you are planning?

Also, miller threw trump under the bus in his book as well. He didn’t call the day of. While it was happening. I tend to believe what he is saying since he also threw trump under the bus as well.
Haven't you figured out by now that what Trumpers say in public can change entirely when they are under oath? Chris Miller, a Trump loyalist (who was installed as SOD after Trump lost the election for what reason?), first supported Trump's contention that he had ordered National Guard troops be readied, and then corrected himself when under oath. He was caught in a blatant lie. He has zero credibility.

Got it. He is credible when it suits your purpose. Not credible otherwise. lol
Haven't you figured out by now that what Trumpers say in public can change entirely when they are under oath? Chris Miller, a Trump loyalist (who was installed as SOD after Trump lost the election for what reason?), first supported Trump's contention that he had ordered National Guard troops be readied, and then corrected himself when under oath. He was caught in a blatant lie. He has zero credibility.

Can he order the troops without Nancy approving them? Isnt that why they werent there because she said no? Bowser also said no.
Got it. He is credible when it suits your purpose. Not credible otherwise. lol
No, he is credible when under oath and due to the threat of perjury.

BTW, the 11th circuit just rejected Trump’s ridiculous presidential immunity claim 3-0.

“At bottom, former President Trump’s stance would collapse our system of separated powers by placing the President beyond the reach of all three Branches. Presidential immunity against federal indictment would mean that, as to the President, the Congress could not legislate, the Executive could not prosecute and the Judiciary could not review. We cannot accept that the office of the Presidency places its former occupants above the law for all time thereafter. Careful evaluation of these concerns leads us to conclude that there is no functional justification for immunizing former Presidents from federal prosecution in general or for immunizing former President Trump from the specific charges in the Indictment. In so holding, we act, “not in derogation of the separation of powers, but to maintain their proper balance.” See Fitzgerald, 457 U.S. at 754.

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Haven't you figured out by now that what Trumpers say in public can change entirely when they are under oath? Chris Miller, a Trump loyalist (who was installed as SOD after Trump lost the election for what reason?), first supported Trump's contention that he had ordered National Guard troops be readied, and then corrected himself when under oath. He was caught in a blatant lie. He has zero credibility.

Let me ask you some non partisan questions. How can you convict him here. Unless it is some kangaroo court, how can someone impartial not have reasonable doubt.

I have read his speech. It has words in it that certainly can be taken as expressed. Very pointed words. That could incite a crowd. In the same speech he said be peaceful when you protest. He has said numerous times we love our men and women in blue. And I believe he repeated that in the speech. He certainly did in a tweet that day.

Miller was supposedly in charge. Yet it didn’t seem like Trump was ordering him to really do anything. Just telling him what he thought would be needed. Miller has put this in black and white. And on tv. If in testimony he said differently, that is on him. So far all we have heard is a blurb and one sided questioning. And certainly hard for anyone to figure out. I am assuming others could prod him to deploy the guard. Sounds like shumer and pelosi called immediately. Do we really think no one discussed the national guard with miller? Not trump. Not shumer? Not pelosi? Not one person discussed this with him. Trump was on his way out. Are we to believe pelosi would have trusted Trump and miller with this?

Why the guided tour. A domestic watch lister was given a guided tour in a Viking outfit. He has since been let out of prison since the video was released. No one has heard from him. This is a guy who made it into chamber right. One of the most aggressive offenders. That is odd, and makes no sense.
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Let me ask you some non partisan questions. How can you convict him here. Unless it is some kangaroo court, how can someone impartial not have reasonable doubt.

I have read his speech. It has words in it that certainly can be taken as expressed. Very pointed words. That could incite a crowd. In the same speech he said be peaceful when you protest. He has said numerous times we love our men and women in blue. And I believe he repeated that in the speech. He certainly did in a tweet that day.

Miller was supposedly in charge. Yet it didn’t seem like Trump wasnt ordering him to really do anything. Just telling him what he thought would be needed. Miller has put this in black and white. And on tv. If in testimony he said differently, that is on him. And certainly hard for anyone to figure out. I am assuming others could prod him to deploy the guard. Sounds like shumer and pelosi called immediately. Do we really think no one discussed the national guard with miller? Not trump. Not shumer? Not pelosi? Not one person discussed this with him. Trump was on his way out. Are we to believe pelosi would have trusted Trump and miller with this?

Why the guided tour. A domestic watch lister was given a guided tour in a Viking outfit. He has since been let out of prison since the video was released. No one has heard from him. This is a guy who made it into chamber right. One of the most aggressive offenders. That is odd, and makes no sense.
We haven’t seen all of the evidence yet, but what we have seen is damning. There will be testimony from multiple senior republicans who were in the WH with Trump before and during J6. Jack Smith apparently has damning mobile phone data. There will be plenty more.

It’s going to be ugly. This is exactly why Trump and team were forced to attempt the Hail Mary of all Hail Marys, the presidential immunity defense, which was rightly rejected as in irreconcilable opposition to the entire concept of the separation of powers.

I’ll wager SCOTUS doesn’t even hear the petition and we get this trial started sooner than later.
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We haven’t seen all of the evidence yet, but what we have seen is damning. There will be testimony from multiple senior republicans who were in the WH with Trump before and during J6. Jack Smith apparently has damning mobile phone data. There will be plenty more.

It’s going to be ugly. This is exactly why Trump and team were forced to attempt the Hail Mary of all Hail Marys, the presidential immunity defense, which was rightly rejected as in irreconcilable opposition to the entire concept of the separation of powers.

I’ll wager SCOTUS doesn’t even hear the petition and we get this trial started sooner than later.
Please watch the entire analysis and respond. You would think such an offensive violator of election law would be performing a lot worse across all demographics. And the trend going back to 2019? Yikes. Jan 6 and GDP doesn't seem to be sticking.

Could it be that folks care a lot more about the issues that effect them personally than the ones we endlessly debate about on a message board. Political high ground? No. Being able to buy a house, groceries, go to school without a mask, go to school at all, etc, etc. Those are the things folks seem to care about.

Please watch the entire analysis and respond. You would think such an offensive violator of election law would be performing a lot worse across all demographics. And the trend going back to 2019? Yikes. Jan 6 and GDP doesn't seem to be sticking.

Could it be that folks care a lot more about the issues that effect them personally than the ones we endlessly debate about on a message board. Political high ground? No. Being able to buy a house, groceries, go to school without a mask, go to school at all, etc, etc. Those are the things folks seem to care about.

No now the defense of the charges of trying to steal an election is to point to polling?

Trump just lost his last and most desperate chance to avoid prosecution for J6. Let’s discuss the polling as that case proceeds, as it will soon enough.
We haven’t seen all of the evidence yet, but what we have seen is damning. There will be testimony from multiple senior republicans who were in the WH with Trump before and during J6. Jack Smith apparently has damning mobile phone data. There will be plenty more.

It’s going to be ugly. This is exactly why Trump and team were forced to attempt the Hail Mary of all Hail Marys, the presidential immunity defense, which was rightly rejected as in irreconcilable opposition to the entire concept of the separation of powers.

I’ll wager SCOTUS doesn’t even hear the petition and we get this trial started sooner than later.
Depends on who you listen to I guess. Most lawyers say it was a Hail Mary. But mostly used to waste time. I feel better now that you have invoked Jack smith. There are so many contradictions that happened that day only a court of liberals would find guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Which is what you will likely find. They have to get him. I have told you this. The spin is out. The gloves are off. He is flat out saying if he gets elected he is coming after his enemies. The wagons are circling. It will be entertaining either way, but the wolves are out. If he makes it on the ballot, he will probably win. None of this is good for the country. And none of it focuses on what we should be focused on. I think that’s what low country means. But you get to circle jerk with the other tdsers while watching in hopes he goes down. I can’t fault you for some personal pleasure.

How bout ole Fani setting that murderer free? Isn’t that a hoot.

Four more years!!!
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No now the defense of the charges of trying to steal an election is to point to polling?

Trump just lost his last and most desperate chance to avoid prosecution for J6. Let’s discuss the polling as that case proceeds, as it will soon enough.
My point is that all these indictments, stolen election discussions, etc. if anything seem to be helping the guy. What is going to change between now and November? Is he going to be convicted and put in jail? Or is it just going to be rinse / repeat of all the same stuff being said now? I get that the issue is personal to you. But it is clearly not sticking the way you want.