Most obvious coordinated media effort right now….

Many of them are just part of the system, the uni-party and are against everything Trump proposes. Bolton is definitely that. Some just don't like the grind of working with him. Like him or not he works long hours and expects the same. The rest can only deal with so much crap from the left. The left is merciless on how they treat anyone working for the evil orange man.
If you've worked in the private sector for any length of time, you've probably worked for or had a customer just like Trump. I think a lot of the disconnect stems from the fact that in the private sector, the boss doesn't really have to worry about feelings or making employees mad and the employees for the most part learn how to deal with an over-bearing boss. From what I've heard about Trump, he listens to his advisors, makes his decision and then expects those under his authority to pull the wagons in accordance with his decision. In DC, a lot of the underlings think it's their turf and they are going to protect their turf as opposed to doing it the bosses way or resigning if they fell that strongly.
As I said, the propaganda is flowing from both sides, including the post my post was responding to. Biden is old as hell, and the GOP is working overtime to make him seem worse than he is. The lies and exaggerations get fact checked over and over again and it changes nothing.

Reminder that many of Trump's issues are what he says, and you can't really deny that he is saying it.

Many of them are just part of the system, the uni-party and are against everything Trump proposes. Bolton is definitely that. Some just don't like the grind of working with him. Like him or not he works long hours and expects the same. The rest can only deal with so much crap from the left. The left is merciless on how they treat anyone working for the evil orange man.
Trump worked long hours and his team couldn't take the heat? That's literally the opposite of reality. Trump was known to watch Fox News well into the morning and he spent a ton of time on the golf course. Where did you get the idea that Trump put in a lot of hours each day?

And the rest of his cabinet are succumbing to pressure from the left? Huh?

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As I said, the propaganda is flowing from both sides, including the post my post was responding to. Biden is old as hell, and the GOP is working overtime to make him seem worse than he is. The lies and exaggerations get fact checked over and over again and it changes nothing.

Reminder that many of Trump's issues are what he says, and you can't really deny that he is saying it.

Trump worked long hours and his team couldn't take the heat? That's literally the opposite of reality. Trump was known to watch Fox News well into the morning and he spent a ton of time on the golf course. Where did you get the idea that Trump put in a lot of hours each day?

And the rest of his cabinet are succumbing to pressure from the left? Huh?

I'm not really engaging/participating in this thread. But, I just thought it was interesting that I clicked on the tweet you provided and the first reply I saw was what I posted (which I acknowledge was tweeted after you posted).

My critique for you is that you give other posters a hard time (rightfully so) for sharing easily disprovable content from questionable sources. Sources like Rupar & the individual in the quoted tweet are just as "bad" as the sources you pan...just from the other "side".

That's fine because a "bad" source doesn't automatically mean their content is "bad" as well. But, I find your stance on using questionable sources inconsistent, respectfully.
I'm not really engaging/participating in this thread. But, I just thought it was interesting that I clicked on the tweet you provided and the first reply I saw was what I posted (which I acknowledge was tweeted after you posted).

My critique for you is that you give other posters a hard time (rightfully so) for sharing easily disprovable content from questionable sources. Sources like Rupar & the individual in the quoted tweet are just as "bad" as the sources you pan...just from the other "side".

That's fine because a "bad" source doesn't automatically mean their content is "bad" as well. But, I find your stance on using questionable sources inconsistent, respectfully.
Entirely fair critique and yet another lesson that everything needs to be validated before sharing. That is particularly true regarding this topic as we get closer to the election. I've never seen this much pure BS coming from both sides at the same time and in such volume. That's just as true for the GOP as it is for the Dems.

As I've said over and over again, next week will be telling. Everyone said that Biden was going to embarrass himself at the last SOTU, and he did so well that the narrative changed to what drugs he was on to perform so well.

I personally believe that Trump is far worse off than most of his supporters chose to either see or acknowledge. The list of reasons to believe that is long, but next Thursday will be a chance for both sides to address the issue in a setting that is going to require some degree on mental acuity.
This happens at every rally, and usually multiple times.

I don't find that evidence of anything other than going 'off script' in the middle of a sentence...especially since it (as so many of these short clips do) doesn't provide the full sequence.

As someone else suggested to you the readily available long sequences/speeches/rallies that Trump has done in '24. He does plenty of unscripted interviews and regularly goes off script in his rallies, as well.

Biden doesn't & when he does it's painful.

As I've said over and over again, next week will be telling. Everyone said that Biden was going to embarrass himself at the last SOTU, and he did so well that the narrative changed to what drugs he was on to perform so well.

To be fair, there was plenty of talk of what cocktail Biden would be on prior to the SOTU. But, that narrative certainly increased based on his performance. He did start off well, but clearly faded towards the end.

The debate will be interesting & may be the most watched/hyped presidential debate, ever.

Edit: I'll also add that I think the muted microphones helps Trump from being his own worst enemy.
There is no need for that. He does it on his own .From to wanting to be Hitler, to lying about crowd sizes and showing false pictures of same ,to making incoherent statements and to showing pictures of Obama crowds and representing as his. If that is not luny, then, what is. He is very much in fancy land.

Wouldn’t Biden be more like Hitler though? You know, the guy with wars popping up everywhere under his watch, pulling weapons from Israel, etc.. Besides taking out ISIS in 6 weeks, Trump had a peaceful presidency. If the polls are correct that immigration, inflation, and foreign policy are the top issues then I don’t understand anyone not 100% partisan that could vote for Joe.
I don't find that evidence of anything other than going 'off script' in the middle of a sentence...especially since it (as so many of these short clips do) doesn't provide the full sequence.

As someone else suggested to you the readily available long sequences/speeches/rallies that Trump has done in '24. He does plenty of unscripted interviews and regularly goes off script in his rallies, as well.

Biden doesn't & when he does it's painful.

To be fair, there was plenty of talk of what cocktail Biden would be on prior to the SOTU. But, that narrative certainly increased based on his performance. He did start off well, but clearly faded towards the end.

The debate will be interesting & may be the most watched/hyped presidential debate, ever.

Edit: I'll also add that I think the muted microphones helps Trump from being his own worst enemy.
That's not going off script. That's temporarily losing the ability to form a cogent sentence, which we see often with Trump.

Do you think the rumors of Trump being a long-time abuser of Adderall are true, because I do. I don't doubt that both use drugs of some sort to aid them in public settings.

Wouldn’t Biden be more like Hitler though? You know, the guy with wars popping up everywhere under his watch, pulling weapons from Israel, etc.. Besides taking out ISIS in 6 weeks, Trump had a peaceful presidency. If the polls are correct that immigration, inflation, and foreign policy are the top issues then I don’t understand anyone not 100% partisan that could vote for Joe.
Where are US troops currently engaged in a shooting war? The answer is no where.

Which of the statements in this list regarding Afghanistan isn't true?

I'm not really engaging/participating in this thread. But, I just thought it was interesting that I clicked on the tweet you provided and the first reply I saw was what I posted (which I acknowledge was tweeted after you posted).

My critique for you is that you give other posters a hard time (rightfully so) for sharing easily disprovable content from questionable sources. Sources like Rupar & the individual in the quoted tweet are just as "bad" as the sources you pan...just from the other "side".

That's fine because a "bad" source doesn't automatically mean their content is "bad" as well. But, I find your stance on using questionable sources inconsistent, respectfully.
Thinks you are being too kind/nice……but I get it.
That's not going off script. That's temporarily losing the ability to form a cogent sentence, which we see often with Trump.

Do you think the rumors of Trump being a long-time abuser of Adderall are true, because I do. I don't doubt that both use drugs of some sort to aid them in public settings.

Where are US troops currently engaged in a shooting war? The answer is no where.

Which of the statements in this list regarding Afghanistan isn't true?

“Where are US troops currently engaged in a shooting war? The answer is no where.”

The Gulf of Aden, albeit a relatively minor shooting war. If you argue that world tensions have decreased during the Biden presidency since the Trump presidency, I think you’re wrong. And all indications and warnings from our own intelligence are that the Biden policies have hugely increased the possibility of American bloodshed on American territory.
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“Where are US troops currently engaged in a shooting war? The answer is no where.”

The Gulf of Aden, albeit a relatively minor shooting war. If you argue that world tensions have decreased during the Biden presidency since the Trump presidency, I think you’re wrong. And all indications and warnings from our own intelligence are that the Biden policies have hugely increased the possibility of American bloodshed on American territory.
I stand corrected on the Gulf of Aden.

Regarding global tensions, yes, they are clearly higher. Regarding what has led to that, and Russia's significant contribution specifically, I'm quite sure that we have foundationally different opinions on that.
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I stand corrected on the Gulf of Aden.

Regarding global tensions, yes, they are clearly higher. Regarding what has led to that, and Russia's significant contribution specifically, I'm quite sure that we have foundationally different opinions on that.
Yes, you’re right because I notice Russia invaded Ukraine both before and after, but not during, the Trump presidency.
That's not going off script. That's temporarily losing the ability to form a cogent sentence, which we see often with Trump.

No, that's not completing the sentence, then branching off on the same topic to add context. I bet if you see the full sequence, he finishes that thought. That was evidence of nothing, imo.
No, that's not completing the sentence, then branching off on the same topic to add context. I bet if you see the full sequence, he finishes that thought. That was evidence of nothing, imo.
OK. I guess we see what we want to see. Let's check back after the debate and compare notes. I'm sure regardless of how it unfolds, there will be plenty to discuss.
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No, that's not completing the sentence, then branching off on the same topic to add context. I bet if you see the full sequence, he finishes that thought. That was evidence of nothing, imo.
So I always found the excuse of "Trump is just going off script" for his public speaking word salads interesting because when he goes off script it makes no sense. Case and point when Trump has to answer a very simple question about his relationship with God from his supporters:

“OK, so I think it is good,” Trump replied. “I do very well with the evangelicals. I love the evangelicals. And I have more people saying they pray for me ― I can’t even believe it. They are so committed, and they are so believing. They say, ‘Sir, you’re going to be OK. I pray for you every night.’ I mean, everybody, almost ― I can’t say everybody, but almost everybody that sees me, they say it.”

Can anyone say he answered the question? Yes Biden is old and he often misspeaks but I can at least discern a singular cognitive thought from what he's saying. With
Trump it's always his sycophants having to come in after the fact to decipher what he's not only said but meant.
It seems you watch a lot more of Trump’s rallies than I do.
As you might imagine, Trump gaffs like the "Joe Bride" moment below that happened a few minutes ago tend to find their way into my timeline.

At least he isn't confusing the former Dem Speaker of the House with his former UN Ambassador and opponent for the GOP nomination as he did earlier this year. That was a doozy.

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I can still identify every important WW2 plane by its silhouette but can't remember the name of the new client I met yesterday. My cognitive prioritization is pathetic.
I resemble that remark. It drives me crazy when Im doing a honey do and can't find the screwdriver I just sat down.
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So I always found the excuse of "Trump is just going off script" for his public speaking word salads interesting because when he goes off script it makes no sense. Case and point when Trump has to answer a very simple question about his relationship with God from his supporters:

“OK, so I think it is good,” Trump replied. “I do very well with the evangelicals. I love the evangelicals. And I have more people saying they pray for me ― I can’t even believe it. They are so committed, and they are so believing. They say, ‘Sir, you’re going to be OK. I pray for you every night.’ I mean, everybody, almost ― I can’t say everybody, but almost everybody that sees me, they say it.”

Can anyone say he answered the question? Yes Biden is old and he often misspeaks but I can at least discern a singular cognitive thought from what he's saying. With
Trump it's always his sycophants having to come in after the fact to decipher what he's not only said but meant.

I think your use of the word "sycophants" is unfair here and your singular example is w/o context (I'm not even sure of what you're referring to). Trump has always had a meandering way of speaking. Whatever.

The example I was responding to provided by will wasn't clear indication of anything. But, the clear excuse-making for several high-profile gaffs from Biden & the subsequent attempt to rope Trump into the same type of "gaffs" is comparing apples to oranges.

Trump regularly engages. Biden rarely or never puts himself in uncontrolled situations (even his 30 second clips often have 5 or more cuts!). So, collecting Trump "gaffs" is easy when he has hours of footage. Compare it w/ Biden whose handlers carefully control what he says, who he says it to, and what he is asked...and he still often fails to provide 120 seconds of error-free footage.

Pretending that they are on the same "level" is ridiculous. You can not like Trump or what he stands for and support Biden...but, their performance in public is exponentially different & pretending otherwise is "sycophant-level" gaslighting, imo.
Trump has always had a meandering way of speaking.
"Meandering way of speaking" and "Trump always engages" mean nothing when what he says makes no sense. I'm not blind to Biden gaffes but most Trump supporters absolutely choose to purposely ignore or make excuses for his meandering/nonsensical way of speaking to either hid his ignorance or display is narcissism. And the singular example I provide is not a one off but something that happens all the time. The supporter asked him a simple question about his faith and he couldn't answer that question without turning it around to worship of himself.

"Meandering way of speaking" and "Trump always engages" mean nothing when what he says makes no sense. I'm not blind to Biden gaffes but most Trump supporters absolutely choose to purposely ignore or make excuses for his meandering/nonsensical way of speaking to either hid his ignorance or display is narcissism. And the singular example I provide is not a one off but something that happens all the time. The supporter asked him a simple question about his faith and he couldn't answer that question without turning it around to worship of himself.

Ok, so is it a question of style? Or an indication of mental degradation?

I frankly don't care about style and/or not answering a question...that's politics 101. But, on-topic for this thread...that example doesn't indicate some mental incapacity, which is the point here.

(also, quoting Scarborough is rapidly becoming another example of a poor source, per my discussion w/ will earlier in this thread)
Ok, so is it a question of style? Or an indication of mental degradation?

I frankly don't care about style and/or not answering a question...that's politics 101. But, on-topic for this thread...that example doesn't indicate some mental incapacity, which is the point here.

(also, quoting Scarborough is rapidly becoming another example of a poor source, per my discussion w/ will earlier in this thread)
It's absolutely an indication of mental comprehension when you can't stay on topic and answer a simple question. That's not a style of speak, either he's hiding something or doesn't understand the question. So is he lieing about his Christian faith or does he not understand the concept of a God and prayer.

And I wasn't quoting Joe I was quoting Trump so there's that.
"Meandering way of speaking" and "Trump always engages" mean nothing when what he says makes no sense. I'm not blind to Biden gaffes but most Trump supporters absolutely choose to purposely ignore or make excuses for his meandering/nonsensical way of speaking to either hid his ignorance or display is narcissism. And the singular example I provide is not a one off but something that happens all the time. The supporter asked him a simple question about his faith and he couldn't answer that question without turning it around to worship of himself.

Most politicians answer the question they want to answer and not the question as it was asked. That is the vast majority of politicians unless they have been fed the questions ahead of time and prepared a canned answer. That goes for both sides.
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It's absolutely an indication of mental comprehension when you can't stay on topic and answer a simple question. That's not a style of speak, either he's hiding something or doesn't understand the question. So is he hiding his Christian faith or doesn't understand the concept of a God and prayer.

And I wasn't quoting Joe I was quoting Trump so there's that.

My point was that if that's how he's always talked (which history shows it does), then it's not an indication of a mental decline (which this thread is about). You may make a valid point that not answering a simple question coherently is "bad"...but, that's a question of substance & not what Biden has clearly run into.

(and my point was Scarborough's "take" on anything Trump is flawed...he's as bad or worse a pandering idiot as Hannity)
Most politicians answer the question they want to answer and not the question as it was asked. That is the vast majority of politicians unless they have been fed the questions ahead of time and prepared a canned answer. That goes for both sides.
He wasn't answering a question on policy but what's his relationship with God. I think that's a pretty simple and straight forward question and deserves a pretty simple and straight forward answer. If someone asks you what's your relationship with your father like and you start rambling on about everything except you and your father, that's not answering the question.
then it's not an indication of a mental decline
Absolutely right, it's an indication of mental comprehension or mental illness. A question of substance would be valid if he at least attempts to answer the question but doesn't go into detail. He just starts talking about something totally unrelated.
He wasn't answering a question on policy but what's his relationship with God. I think that's a pretty simple and straight forward question and deserves a pretty simple and straight forward answer. If someone asks you what's your relationship with your father like and you start rambling on about everything except you and your father, that's not answering the question.
No kidding. You act like this is something new. They all do it. They change their answers to suit their audience. Have you heard Biden or any politician answer a question they do not want to answer? Of course they will be vague and try not to offend anyone. I don’t like it but it is what they do. I will give Trump credit he usually tells you what he thinks whether it benefits him or not.
No kidding. You act like this is something new. They all do it. They change their answers to suit their audience. Have you heard Biden or any politician answer a question they do not want to answer? Of course they will be vague and try not to offend anyone. I don’t like it but it is what they do. I will give Trump credit he usually tells you what he thinks whether it benefits him or not.
Again he wasn't asked a policy question or how he plans on ending the Israeli/Palestinian crisis but what his relationship with God is like. Simple question deserves simple answer. So either this is a comprehension issue or he's hiding what his relationship with God is like.
No kidding. You act like this is something new. They all do it. They change their answers to suit their audience. Have you heard Biden or any politician answer a question they do not want to answer? Of course they will be vague and try not to offend anyone. I don’t like it but it is what they do. I will give Trump credit he usually tells you what he thinks whether it benefits him or not.
I haven’t heard Biden answer a question period.
Again he wasn't asked a policy question or how he plans on ending the Israeli/Palestinian crisis but what his relationship with God is like. Simple question deserves simple answer. So either this is a comprehension issue or he's hiding what his relationship with God is like.
Seriously you are hung up on this. There are plenty of times they do not answer non policy questions. Never mind this is useless.
Do you care for his answer or just pissed he didn’t answer the way you wanted him too.
I have a pretty good idea of what I think.
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