Most obvious coordinated media effort right now….

the GOP is working overtime to make him seem worse than he is.
Dont think so. We dont need to work at all to see Biden's deteriorating condition with our own eyes, including very recently:

- The Obama hand hold walk off at the recent fundraiser.
- His visit for the G 7 summit.
Absolutely right, it's an indication of mental comprehension or mental illness. A question of substance would be valid if he at least attempts to answer the question but doesn't go into detail. He just starts talking about something totally unrelated.

Again Biden is old as shit and suffering from decline like most Americans at his age. To blow-off Trump's incoherent and nonsensical answers on multiple occasions is being guilty of what you accuse Biden supporters of. line w/ this thread, it's not about content. It's about clear mental decline. You're now arguing content, when the entire point of this thread was about the media gaslighting everyone w/ "Trump is old & just as incoherent as Biden!". (note: it's difficult to argue content when Biden is struggling to put two coherent thoughts together).

If you want to discuss the content of what you disagree w/, do it somewhere else & don't change the subject in this thread which is about recorded mental gaffes & clear physical decline.
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Again he wasn't asked a policy question or how he plans on ending the Israeli/Palestinian crisis but what his relationship with God is like. Simple question deserves simple answer. So either this is a comprehension issue or he's hiding what his relationship with God is like.
Your words:

“Case in point when Trump has to answer a very simple question about his relationship with God from his supporters”.

His Reply:

OK, so I think it is good,” Trump replied.

Sounds like he gave a “simple answer” from my seat. line w/ this thread, it's not about content. It's about clear mental decline. You're now arguing content, when the entire point of this thread was about the media gaslighting everyone w/ "Trump is old & just as incoherent as Biden!". (note: it's difficult to argue content when Biden is struggling to put two coherent thoughts together).

If you want to discuss the content of what you disagree w/, do it somewhere else & don't change the subject in this thread which is about recorded mental gaffes & clear physical decline.
The OP was literally about comparison or Trump and Bidens mental impairment and my posts are to that point. You are attempting to make my post about content. I've said several times Trump appears to have a mental comprehension problem so I'm not sure what you're issue is here.
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Your words:

“Case in point when Trump has to answer a very simple question about his relationship with God from his supporters”.

His Reply:

OK, so I think it is good,” Trump replied.

Sounds like he gave a “simple answer” from my seat.
So you think he answers but others here think he didn't and they rationalize his non-answer with "that's OK because politicians always give non-answers". So I've got multiple posters in this single thread, who are Trump supports, saying two different things...doesn't appear to be a simple answer if multiple people are interpreting his answer differently.
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So you think he answers but others here think he didn't and they rationalize his non-answer with "that's OK because politicians always give non-answers". So I've got multiple posters in this single thread, who are Trump supports, saying two different things...doesn't appear to be a simple answer if multiple people are interpreting his answer differently.
I said he didn’t answer like you wanted. I said he was vague. That is to be expected since I think going into the election he should be as neutral as possible. line w/ this thread, it's not about content. It's about clear mental decline. You're now arguing content, when the entire point of this thread was about the media gaslighting everyone w/ "Trump is old & just as incoherent as Biden!". (note: it's difficult to argue content when Biden is struggling to put two coherent thoughts together).

If you want to discuss the content of what you disagree w/, do it somewhere else & don't change the subject in this thread which is about recorded mental gaffes & clear physical decline.
Also next time you feel someone has tried to change the subject in one of my threads I hope you tell them what you just told me. Keep it 💯
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I said he didn’t answer like you wanted. I said he was vague. That is to be expected since I think going into the election he should be as neutral as possible.
So he should be neutral and vague about his Christian faith? Again this wasn't a policy question or a question about abortion. Its a question to a supposed Christian about his relationship with God.
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The OP was literally about comparison or Trump and Bidens mental impairment and my posts are to that point. You are attempting to make my post about content. I've said several times Trump appears to have a mental comprehension problem so I'm not sure what you're issue is here.

You were referencing the answer to a question. But, didn't provide the impairment part...just that he didn't answer it, which (as far as what I'm reading from your posts) is more about what the answer was & not the inability to answer the question.

Regardless, I'm not sure the example you provided is clearly one way or the other. But, this is going down a rabbit hole that's ultimately unproductive, unless I just missed the details of what you were saying (which is entirely possible).
Also next time you feel someone has tried to change the subject in one of my threads I hope you tell them what you just told me. Keep it 💯

Only if I'm participating...otherwise, feel free to try & keep said individual on-subject ;)
So he should be neutral and vague about his Christian faith? Again this wasn't a policy question or a question about abortion. Its a question to a supposed Christian about his relationship with God.
“So I think it’s good” is not a reasonable answer? I think it’s both reasonable and complete. It’s also a simple answer, which you said the question deserved. Not many know 100% where they stand with God. What could he say that would satisfy you?
So you think he answers but others here think he didn't and they rationalize his non-answer with "that's OK because politicians always give non-answers". So I've got multiple posters in this single thread, who are Trump supports, saying two different things...doesn't appear to be a simple answer if multiple people are interpreting his answer differently.
Just looks to me like you don’t know what you are arguing.

And you think Trump has “a mental comprehension problem”???…..,ha, the irony of it all.
I stand corrected on the Gulf of Aden.

Regarding global tensions, yes, they are clearly higher. Regarding what has led to that, and Russia's significant contribution specifically, I'm quite sure that we have foundationally different opinions on that.
Russia invaded Ukraine both before and after, but not during, the Trump presidency.

Thats a fact, not an opinion.
Trump worked long hours and his team couldn't take the heat? That's literally the opposite of reality. Trump was known to watch Fox News well into the morning and he spent a ton of time on the golf course. Where did you get the idea that Trump put in a lot of hours each day?

And the rest of his cabinet are succumbing to pressure from the left? Huh?

So Axios is your source? A little better than MSNBC I guess. I don’t think this article says what you think is says. Did you read it? And yes, his staff was hounded and harassed. It just wasn’t in the news you read I suppose.
As I said, the propaganda is flowing from both sides, including the post my post was responding to. Biden is old as hell, and the GOP is working overtime to make him seem worse than he is. The lies and exaggerations get fact checked over and over again and it changes nothing.

Reminder that many of Trump's issues are what he says, and you can't really deny that he is saying it.

Trump worked long hours and his team couldn't take the heat? That's literally the opposite of reality. Trump was known to watch Fox News well into the morning and he spent a ton of time on the golf course. Where did you get the idea that Trump put in a lot of hours each day?

And the rest of his cabinet are succumbing to pressure from the left? Huh?

Now give us a breakdown of Biden’s schedule. That would be a fun read.
Yes, you’re right because I notice Russia invaded Ukraine both before and after, but not during, the Trump presidency.
So if Trump was such an effective foil for Russian aggression, why did Putin work to put him in the WH in 2016, 2020 and is doing it again in 2024? Perhaps Trump in the WH actually helps Putin’s long term goal of weakening NATO and reforming the Soviet empire. If not, why the well proven effort to help Trump?

Yesterday we got the latest proof that Russia is working to help Trump. Again, why would Putin support Trump against his own best interest? He wouldn’t.

Dont think so. We dont need to work at all to see Biden's deteriorating condition with our own eyes, including very recently:

- The Obama hand hold walk off at the recent fundraiser.
- His visit for the G 7 summit.
Were you concerned with the many times Trump was confused and walked away during his presidency, which is four to six years ago now?

This whole back half of the thread is clean up and spin. A really bad source was used. A poster was totally busted, and has been trying to recover ever since. With sho showing support, swearing their mental acuity is the same. It is funny, most pubs in this thread admit trump may have some moments. He is in front of a camera so often. He isn’t a spring chicken. Biden is barely ever in front of a camera and has 1000 gaffes out there. Because when he is, and it is rare, he has multiple issues every single speech. You can just see it in the way he walks. He has the old man diaper shuffle. It is time to own it fellas from the left. One side is owning what is seen and polled by everyone. The other is in denial. It is embarrassing. I am embarrassed for you. When his actual mental issues come out, I will revisit with both of you. lol. I do appreciate the laugh in this thread. Great entertainment
This whole back half of the thread is clean up and spin. A really bad source was used. A poster was totally busted, and has been trying to recover ever since. With sho showing support, swearing their mental acuity is the same. It is funny, most pubs in this thread admit trump may have some moments. He is in front of a camera so often. He isn’t a spring chicken. Biden is barely ever in front of a camera and has 1000 gaffes out there. Because when he is, and it is rare, he has multiple issues every single speech. You can just see it in the way he walks. He has the old man diaper shuffle. It is time to own it fellas from the left. One side is owning what is seen and polled by everyone. The other is in denial. It is embarrassing. I am embarrassed for you. When his actual mental issues come out, I will revisit with both of you. lol. I do appreciate the laugh in this thread. Great entertainment
No thoughts on the montage of Trump wandering away during his presidency? Guess not.

My response is best summarized by a direct quote from Trump’s rally last night.

“Joe Biden is foaming mass. Think of.”

Indeed. Think of.

One week from tomorrow we can stop speculating about the comparative health of the two candidates.
This whole back half of the thread is clean up and spin. A really bad source was used. A poster was totally busted, and has been trying to recover ever since. With sho showing support, swearing their mental acuity is the same. It is funny, most pubs in this thread admit trump may have some moments. He is in front of a camera so often. He isn’t a spring chicken. Biden is barely ever in front of a camera and has 1000 gaffes out there. Because when he is, and it is rare, he has multiple issues every single speech. You can just see it in the way he walks. He has the old man diaper shuffle. It is time to own it fellas from the left. One side is owning what is seen and polled by everyone. The other is in denial. It is embarrassing. I am embarrassed for you. When his actual mental issues come out, I will revisit with both of you. lol. I do appreciate the laugh in this thread. Great entertainment
I agree. I also think it's embarrassing that these are the "best" we can come up with.
With sho showing support, swearing their mental acuity is the same
Again if you can blow off Trump's gaffes and insane ramblings as simple "style" you're not being intellectually honest. @willdup have both recognized Bidens decline but MAGA seems to be blind to Trump's. Hell you guys are actually gaslighting yourselves into believing Trump is this symbol of American masculinity which is crazy because we've never seen the dude anything requiring physical exertion....ever.
Again if you can blow off Trump's gaffes and insane ramblings as simple "style" you're not being intellectually honest. @willdup have both recognized Bidens decline but MAGA seems to be blind to Trump's. Hell you guys are actually gaslighting yourselves into believing Trump is this symbol of American masculinity which is crazy because we've never seen the dude anything requiring physical exertion....ever.
That’s not fair, Sho. He’s won multiple club championship. Now they were always at his clubs, including one event he didn’t even bother to attend, but that’s just how good Trump is on the golf course.

Speaking of lies, here’s a brief recap of some of his lies from the rally last night.

Again if you can blow off Trump's gaffes and insane ramblings as simple "style" you're not being intellectually honest. @willdup have both recognized Bidens decline but MAGA seems to be blind to Trump's. Hell you guys are actually gaslighting yourselves into believing Trump is this symbol of American masculinity which is crazy because we've never seen the dude anything requiring physical exertion....ever.
On a scale of 1-10, where would we rate their current mental fitness as compared to each others Prime. I’m assuming both of their prime mental fitness was in the 1990-1995 range.

I would say Biden is at 3.5 out of 10, you could argue slightly higher, perhaps a 4. If he were to win re-election he would most likely be down to a 2 in four years.

I would say Trump is at a 7 out of 10. Some may argue slightly lower but that seems fair. He would most likely be down to a 5.5 in four years should he win.

So yes, both have declined significantly and yes there is a significant gap in their current mental fitness. Clearly both will not be at the top of their game during their next Presidency.
That’s not fair, Sho. He’s won multiple club championship. Now they were always at his clubs, including one event he didn’t even bother to attend, but that’s just how good Trump is on the golf course.

Speaking of lies, here’s a brief recap of some of his lies from the rally last night.

Will getting ready for his date with Sho. An evening watching Maddow on MSNBC.

On a scale of 1-10, where would we rate their current mental fitness as compared to each others Prime. I’m assuming both of their prime mental fitness was in the 1990-1995 range.

I would say Biden is at 3.5 out of 10, you could argue slightly higher, perhaps a 4. If he were to win re-election he would most likely be down to a 2 in four years.

I would say Trump is at a 7 out of 10. Some may argue slightly lower but that seems fair. He would most likely be down to a 5.5 in four years should he win.

So yes, both have declined significantly and yes there is a significant gap in their current mental fitness. Clearly both will not be at the top of their game during their next Presidency.
Is this scale of 1 - 10 assuming they are both of equal mental intellect? I'm trying to figure out what you're attempting to compare here.
Again if you can blow off Trump's gaffes and insane ramblings as simple "style" you're not being intellectually honest. @willdup have both recognized Bidens decline but MAGA seems to be blind to Trump's. Hell you guys are actually gaslighting yourselves into believing Trump is this symbol of American masculinity which is crazy because we've never seen the dude anything requiring physical exertion....ever.
I thought he played to much golf. And now I find out he never does anything physically. I'm misconfused.
Is this scale of 1 - 10 assuming they are both of equal mental intellect? I'm trying to figure out what you're attempting to compare here.
I would assume in their Prime they were both at equal or near equal intellect. Comparing that to their current state.
I thought he played to much golf. And now I find out he never does anything physically. I'm misconfused.
I'll give you that 1, he does play golf. Have we ever seen him do any type of workout? Drive a car? Ride a bike? Run?

Literally grabs his son's hand for a brief second. Doesn't need anyone to help him off stage in that moment

I hate that we live in a society where everything gets taken out of context & we are never given full facts. Everything has a spin to it
And there is no video anywhere over the last yr or 2 showing Biden with a gait as close to normal and healty as Trump in the video. This is a transparent and silly attempt to gaslight.
No thoughts on the montage of Trump wandering away during his presidency? Guess not.

My response is best summarized by a direct quote from Trump’s rally last night.

“Joe Biden is foaming mass. Think of.”

Indeed. Think of.

One week from tomorrow we can stop speculating about the comparative health of the two candidates.
Again if you can blow off Trump's gaffes and insane ramblings as simple "style" you're not being intellectually honest. @willdup have both recognized Bidens decline but MAGA seems to be blind to Trump's. Hell you guys are actually gaslighting yourselves into believing Trump is this symbol of American masculinity which is crazy because we've never seen the dude anything requiring physical exertion....ever.
You keep saying in a week we will know. He will be all coked up and ready. For his sit down debate. Because he can’t stand up thru the entire event. I guess I struck a nerve on this. If you think this is remotely the same sho and will, disingenuous isn’t a strong enough word. Comedians have started catching on too. They aren’t making fun of Trump for being not well. Just crazy. The Biden turns into a roomba when he starts to leave the stage killed me.

Eventually the corrupt doctors signing off on his health will come clean. My guess is when they want him removed they will leak the real deal. I guess it flew by both of you that 50 pubs and Dems said Biden can’t even make it thru meetings without guidance and breaks. But sure. They are the same. Let’s vote for this all over again. 😂
I play golf......ride in a golf cart, drink beer, swing club, repeat.
Not that hard.
That is true but you do have to have a good bit of balance and flexibilty to swing a club effectively. I dont think anyone believes Trump is fit enough to run a 5 K but there is really no comparison between Ttump and Biden. Biden is a very frail man and only appears to be getting worse.
This happens at every rally, and usually multiple times.

Where is the whole video? Seems like he did something I do all the time....begin his thought, and when something within that context comes to mind, begin talking about that in support of whatever that thought is, likely before coming back and finishing the point.

This seven second video proves one thing above all else - the lengths anyone has to go in order to try and turn the age argument away from Biden and against Trump.

Here's the big difference:

When I watch one of Trump's "gaffes," typically if you look at a five minute video including the 5 second "gaffe," at the very least it provides context. Maybe it is still a gaffe maybe it is not, but in every case it kind of proves that the guy still has his mental faculties. And in many cases, it is pretty impressive for a guy his age to think on his feet the way he does.

When I watch Biden's gaffes, the five second clip is bad, but the five minute context is even worse. That Juneteenth concert is a great example. Saw the short clip that looked weird. And then figured hey, look at the source, it is probably not as bad as it seems. The five minute video wasn't just bad, it was truly disturbing - whoever put him in that position as a campaign move should have been fired. Dude is done.

My favorite is that when he called an impromptu press conference, the goal of which was to defend his ability / age, it became exhibit A as to how impaired / angry the guy is.

Trying to compare the two completely undermines anyone's credibility in any other area.
You keep saying in a week we will know. He will be all coked up and ready. For his sit down debate. Because he can’t stand up thru the entire event. I guess I struck a nerve on this. If you think this is remotely the same sho and will, disingenuous isn’t a strong enough word. Comedians have started catching on too. They aren’t making fun of Trump for being not well. Just crazy. The Biden turns into a roomba when he starts to leave the stage killed me.

Eventually the corrupt doctors signing off on his health will come clean. My guess is when they want him removed they will leak the real deal. I guess it flew by both of you that 50 pubs and Dems said Biden can’t even make it thru meetings without guidance and breaks. But sure. They are the same. Let’s vote for this all over again. 😂
Honest question. Do you really think that the guy who has been rumored to snort Adderall for years isn’t also going to be on a cocktail of uppers for the debate?

I know you think that sitting for the debate is a sign of weakness for Biden. Well, what happened when Trump had to sit for extended periods of time during his recent trial? He fell asleep more days than not. Or do you want to tell me that he wasn’t sleeping, he was simply resting his eyes (as my grandfather used to say).

Still no comment about the many times Trump wandered off stage during events, because that is different. Or his consistent mangling of phrases and names. Or weird monologues about electric boats and sharks. That’s total normal.

9pm is Sundowners time. It might be helpful if Trump’s cocktail of drugs can be administered by Doc Ronny Johnson, or is it Jackson, the guy who was running a pill mill from of the WH infirmary while Trump as in office.

Yes, both candidates will be jacked up next Thursday. We will still get a sense for exactly how compromised each candidate is.

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So he should be neutral and vague about his Christian faith? Again this wasn't a policy question or a question about abortion. Its a question to a supposed Christian about his relationship with God.
I didn’t say what I think he should do at all. I said almost all politicians do this unless it is a question they really want to answer. There are numerous examples on both sides of the aisle doing this.
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