Most obvious coordinated media effort right now….

I didn’t say what I think he should do at all. I said almost all politicians do this unless it is a question they really want to answer. There are numerous examples on both sides of the aisle doing this.
So he doesn't want to talk about his relationship with God but totally cool with talking about how so many people pray for him? Sounds like a Messiah complex
I'll give you that 1, he does play golf. Have we ever seen him do any type of workout? Drive a car? Ride a bike? Run?
I did see brandon fall off a bike and fall on a stage he was trying to walk on, and wonder around aimlessly looking at ghost. I'll be glad to look those up for you if you didn't yet see them.
So if Trump was such an effective foil for Russian aggression, why did Putin work to put him in the WH in 2016, 2020 and is doing it again in 2024? Perhaps Trump in the WH actually helps Putin’s long term goal of weakening NATO and reforming the Soviet empire. If not, why the well proven effort to help Trump?

Yesterday we got the latest proof that Russia is working to help Trump. Again, why would Putin support Trump against his own best interest? He wouldn’t.

Researching your sources is entertaining for me. It seems you follow every leftwing nutjob on X.

I like this quote: “Welcome to the Dark Ages, y'all. Since Louisiana's now the first state to require the 10 Commandments to be posted in classrooms, Project 2025 is officially no longer a theory. The plot to transform America into a fascist authoritarian dictatorship involves theocratic governance”

The entire thread is absolute loony headcase bullshit. I hope everybody reads through it to get a feeling where your ideas come from.
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I think the coverage for trump is fair, if not tilted more in trump's favor as it's not talked about as much as it probably should be.

Both are old. Both have gaffes... yet only one gets the press when he stumbles/mumbles/misspeaks... Biden. Biden gets higher scutiny given he is the supposed leader of the free world. Rightfully so. And i think that's fair.

But...we cannot fault one without raising questions about the other when the present similar traits. These are clips from over the years. If this was Biden it would be front page/top of the hour story everywhere.

I think the coverage for trump is fair, if not tilted more in trump's favor as it's not talked about as much as it probably should be.

Both are old. Both have gaffes... yet only one gets the press when he stumbles/mumbles/misspeaks... Biden. Biden gets higher scutiny given he is the supposed leader of the free world. Rightfully so. And i think that's fair.

But...we cannot fault one without raising questions about the other when the present similar traits. These are clips from over the years. If this was Biden it would be front page/top of the hour story everywhere.

Or maybe it is 5,000 times more obvious that Biden is senile. Good point on trump receiving favorable media coverage though. Everyone knows that.
Honest question. Do you really think that the guy who has been rumored to snort Adderall for years isn’t also going to be on a cocktail of uppers for the debate?

I know you think that sitting for the debate is a sign of weakness for Biden. Well, what happened when Trump had to sit for extended periods of time during his recent trial? He fell asleep more days than not. Or do you want to tell me that he wasn’t sleeping, he was simply resting his eyes (as my grandfather used to say).

Still no comment about the many times Trump wandered off stage during events, because that is different. Or his consistent mangling of phrases and names. Or weird monologues about electric boats and sharks. That’s total normal.

9pm is Sundowners time. It might be helpful if Trump’s cocktail of drugs can be administered by Doc Ronny Johnson, or is it Jackson, the guy who was running a pill mill from of the WH infirmary while Trump as in office.

Yes, both candidates will be jacked up next Thursday. We will still get a sense for exactly how compromised each candidate is.

Yes. 100 percent they have him drugged up to the hilt for the debates. Joe has been great at debating his whole career. Literally one of his best skills as a politician. Trump is not a politician. This is something Biden should wipe the floor with him every single time. The debates won’t yield much. The rules are geared to help Biden. He shouldn’t need any help in reality. The pub and dem politician article last week was the last damning straw. Or should be. Unless you have a massive agenda.
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I am over 60 and still play twice a week in this awful Ga heat.....and yes, my back will give me fits at times.
Father time is undefeated.
Haha. Thank you. I am 51. Played today. I hate that it whips my ass sometimes these days. It was 90 degrees and breezy. Not awful. But still checked and lost 6 pounds on the course. Crazy. I ran out of gas around 17 today. Just had nothing left in the tank. Back and wrists for me.
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Were you concerned with the many times Trump was confused and walked away during his presidency, which is four to six years ago now?

Dude. Challenging Trump's fitness in defense of Biden? You're embarrassing yourself.

I have no problem with them sitting, no audience, etc. That's what JFK and Nixon did. My concern is whether it'll be a true one on one debate or one against three? If they're going to question Trump about the current criminal cases, the recent NY conviction, and the Jean Carroll judgment, and they definitely will, then they should also question Biden's Day-1 reversal of the Keystone Pipeline and Trump's effective southern border policy, the Afghanistan debacle, the wars, his attempts to defy SCOTUS, who says he doesn't have the authority to shift student debt to taxpayers, and his total failure to unite the country as he campaigned he would. Lord knows if Trump did half of that shit, Tapper would have a field day.
I have no problem with them sitting, no audience, etc. That's what JFK and Nixon did. My concern is whether it'll be a true one on one debate or one against three? If they're going to question Trump about the current criminal cases, the recent NY conviction, and the Jean Carroll judgment, and they definitely will, then they should also question Biden's Day-1 reversal of the Keystone Pipeline and Trump's effective southern border policy, the Afghanistan debacle, the wars, his attempts to defy SCOTUS, who says he doesn't have the authority to shift student debt to taxpayers, and his total failure to unite the country as he campaigned he would. Lord knows if Trump did half of that shit, Tapper would have a field day.
Yes. 100 percent they have him drugged up to the hilt for the debates. Joe has been great at debating his whole career. Literally one of his best skills as a politician. Trump is not a politician. This is something Biden should wipe the floor with him every single time. The debates won’t yield much. The rules are geared to help Biden. He shouldn’t need any help in reality. The pub and dem politician article last week was the last damning straw. Or should be. Unless you have a massive agenda.
Were you concerned with the many times Trump was confused and walked away during his presidency, which is four to six years ago now?
Edit: Tried several times to include @jlstone412 in this post, but his quote always drops off. Not sure why.

I have a question for the room.

We know that one feature of the debate format is that mics will be cut when it is the other candidate's turn to answer, so that each can answer uninterrupted.

My question is this:
Are they also going to cut off the moderators' mics after they ask a question so that each candidate can answer without the moderator arguing with them or trying to guide their answers?

Too often, moderators inject themselves into the debate as if they are a participant, but no one in this discussion has expressed an interest in hearing their thoughts. Probably because they aren't on the ballot and their opinions are irrelevant. What do you think?
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I have a question for the room.

We know that one feature of the debate format is that mics will be cut when it is the other candidate's turn to answer, so that each can answer uninterrupted.

My question is this:
Are they also going to cut off the moderators' mics after they ask a question so that each candidate can answer without the moderator arguing with them or trying to guide their answers?

Too often, moderators inject themselves into the debate as if they are a participant, but no one in this discussion has expressed an interest in hearing their thoughts. Probably because they aren't on the ballot and their opinions are irrelevant. What do you think?
The way the rules are we shouldn’t hear from them outside the questions period. But I am sure they will ask follow up questions to Biden to steer him in the right direction.

This isn’t a debate. I am surprised they don’t have an ear bud and someone speaking to the both of them. Telling them what to say. The only question is how drugged up will Biden be.
Edit: Tried several times to include @jlstone412 in this post, but his quote always drops off. Not sure why.

I have a question for the room.

We know that one feature of the debate format is that mics will be cut when it is the other candidate's turn to answer, so that each can answer uninterrupted.

My question is this:
Are they also going to cut off the moderators' mics after they ask a question so that each candidate can answer without the moderator arguing with them or trying to guide their answers?

Too often, moderators inject themselves into the debate as if they are a participant, but no one in this discussion has expressed an interest in hearing their thoughts. Probably because they aren't on the ballot and their opinions are irrelevant. What do you think?
I would be on board with that. I agree they inject themselves too much as a moderator in some cases.
Edit: Tried several times to include @jlstone412 in this post, but his quote always drops off. Not sure why.

I have a question for the room.

We know that one feature of the debate format is that mics will be cut when it is the other candidate's turn to answer, so that each can answer uninterrupted.

My question is this:
Are they also going to cut off the moderators' mics after they ask a question so that each candidate can answer without the moderator arguing with them or trying to guide their answers?

Too often, moderators inject themselves into the debate as if they are a participant, but no one in this discussion has expressed an interest in hearing their thoughts. Probably because they aren't on the ballot and their opinions are irrelevant. What do you think?
You think they'll really cut off POTUS?
You think they'll really cut off POTUS?
I can think of a scenario where that could happen. I could also see where the moderators might be tempted to interject while he is speaking. I would want the moderators to ask the same policy based questions of each candidate in turn, then STFU and let them answer in their allotted time. I would be in favor of cutting the moderators' mics to ensure it happens that way.

As for the candidates, given the rules, I would expect them to use all of their time to present their points and to not stop until their time expires.
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I can think of a scenario where that could happen. I could also see where the moderators might be tempted to interject while he is speaking. I would want the moderators to ask the same policy based questions of each candidate in turn, then STFU and let them answer in their allotted time. I would be in favor of cutting the moderators' mics to ensure it happens that way.

As for the candidates, given the rules, I would expect them to use all of their time to present their points and to not stop until their time expires.
Old Tapper will probably be like Wallace was when he was the mod. for Fox. He cut Trump off and would not let him rebut Biden’s lies. He also inserted himself into the debate where everyone knew who he favored. That’s the reason he is no longer with Fox News .
No, that's not completing the sentence, then branching off on the same topic to add context. I bet if you see the full sequence, he finishes that thought. That was evidence of nothing, imo.
They intentionally shortened the clip because he quickly caught himself and was back on track. This is an example of a cheap fake the dens are crying about. Trump must be sharp as hell if they’re actually choosing this as an example of Trump slipping. Kind of humorous
They intentionally shortened the clip because he quickly caught himself and was back on track. This is an example of a cheap fake the dens are crying about. Trump must be sharp as hell if they’re actually choosing this as an example of Trump slipping. Kind of humorous
No one suggested he lost his ability to speak permanently. He glitched, and it’s been happening more frequently recently.

I understand that Trump supporters can justify absolutely anything he does. We’ve seen it for years now.

He didn’t really ask Russia for help, that was a joke. He didn’t really try to leverage an aid package for political dirt, he’s just a business guy who doesn’t understand diplomacy. He’s not responsible for J6, that was Pelosi’s fault.

It does make me laugh that Trump has gotten so extreme, that most of his followers don’t even try to make excuses for things like his continued lies about election fraud or praising and promising to pardon violent J6 felons. It’s just part of the package now.

Or maybe I’m wrong. Feel free to explain how Trump’s current rhetoric regarding J6 isn’t an affront to the rule of law and an implicit promise to reward future political violence committed in his name. I’d love to hear it. Maybe Trump will address that question Thursday. I hope so.

Both candidates will be jacked up Thursday, but regardless it’s going to require some level of mental agility. One side believes Biden can barely form a thought, the other side believe Trump is showing signs of dementia. We can start to better judge for ourselves Thursday.

Edit: what on earth is he talking about here? Make it make sense.

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No one suggested he lost his ability to speak permanently. He glitched, and it’s been happening more frequently recently.

I understand that Trump supporters can justify absolutely anything he does. We’ve seen it for years now.

He didn’t really ask Russia for help, that was a joke. He didn’t really try to leverage an aid package for political dirt, he’s just a business guy who doesn’t understand diplomacy. He’s not responsible for J6, that was Pelosi’s fault.

It does make me laugh that Trump has gotten so extreme, that most of his followers don’t even try to make excuses for things like his continued lies about election fraud or praising and promising to pardon violent J6 felons. It’s just part of the package now.

Or maybe I’m wrong. Feel free to explain how Trump’s current rhetoric regarding J6 isn’t an affront to the rule of law and an implicit promise to reward future political violence committed in his name. I’d love to hear it. Maybe Trump will address that question Thursday. I hope so.

Both candidates will be jacked up Thursday, but regardless it’s going to require some level of mental agility. One side believes Biden can barely form a thought, the other side believe Trump is showing signs of dementia. We can start to better judge for ourselves Thursday.

Edit: what on earth is he talking about here? Make it make sense.

Why not acknowledge they both do the same thing. Everything you mentioned Biden has done but just in a different way.

You are no better than the Trump supporters.
I am voting for Trump but I am not a supporter for him.
Why can’t everyone just focus on common ground and how we can improve no matter who wins the election?
I think both sides are going to call out lunacy in their own parties and hold them accountable until everything settles back towards the middle.
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Why not acknowledge they both do the same thing. Everything you mentioned Biden has done but just in a different way.

You are no better than the Trump supporters.
I am voting for Trump but I am not a supporter for him.
Why can’t everyone just focus on common ground and how we can improve no matter who wins the election?
I think both sides are going to call out lunacy in their own parties and hold them accountable until everything settles back towards the middle.
I have acknowdged that they are both too old for the job. Many times.

The reason it keeps coming up is because the fall back for Trump supporters when he says something that can’t de defended is that at least he isn’t a mush brain, which is simply an avoidance tactic and fails to recognize Trump’s issues like his blathering about tent cities at airports from last night.

There are plenty of substantive issues to cover Thursday. Biden’s border policy. How would Trump’s proposed tariffs and mass deportations affect inflation? What exactly does each candidate propose moving forward on Ukraine and the ME? I’d like to hear Trump actually explain his praise for the J6 felons and promises of pardons.

Of course, this will be a forum for judging each candidate’s fitness. And if one or the other projects as mentally incompetent, let’s pick the topic back up then. But we were told that Biden couldn’t conduct the SOTU and he did more than fine. Let’s see how it plays out Thursday.
I laugh with you. haha... libs minds and delusion are something else. 😂
I have acknowdged that they are both too old for the job. Many times.

The reason it keeps coming up is because the fall back for Trump supporters when he says something that can’t de defended is that at least he isn’t a mush brain, which is simply an avoidance tactic and fails to recognize Trump’s issues like his blathering about tent cities at airports from last night.

There are plenty of substantive issues to cover Thursday. Biden’s border policy. How would Trump’s proposed tariffs and mass deportations affect inflation? What exactly does each candidate propose moving forward on Ukraine and the ME? I’d like to hear Trump actually explain his praise for the J6 felons and promises of pardons.

Of course, this will be a forum for judging each candidate’s fitness. And if one or the other projects as mentally incompetent, let’s pick the topic back up then. But we were told that Biden couldn’t conduct the SOTU and he did more than fine. Let’s see how it plays out Thursday.
We disagree a lot, but this is a reasonable post. With the help of medications, I expect both to make it through the debate fine. That is, with the exception of some mispronounced words from both. People sometimes just get their words crossed up. No big deal for either guy.

I said it before. I don't want to hear about
Hunter Biden
White House Cocaine
Stolen elections
Stormy Daniels
Jan 6 (I know you disagree here, but that's ok)

Israel and Ruasia.
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I have acknowdged that they are both too old for the job. Many times.

The reason it keeps coming up is because the fall back for Trump supporters when he says something that can’t de defended is that at least he isn’t a mush brain, which is simply an avoidance tactic and fails to recognize Trump’s issues like his blathering about tent cities at airports from last night.

There are plenty of substantive issues to cover Thursday. Biden’s border policy. How would Trump’s proposed tariffs and mass deportations affect inflation? What exactly does each candidate propose moving forward on Ukraine and the ME? I’d like to hear Trump actually explain his praise for the J6 felons and promises of pardons.

Of course, this will be a forum for judging each candidate’s fitness. And if one or the other projects as mentally incompetent, let’s pick the topic back up then. But we were told that Biden couldn’t conduct the SOTU and he did more than fine. Let’s see how it plays out Thursday.
Trump has plenty of imperfections. But he's correct on policy. I'm not a single issue voter. When it comes to POTUS, it's all about the big picture. In this regard, Trump is superior. In fact, until the Dems take back their party from the DSA, Trump will be superior to every Dem.

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