Palestinian civilians


Pillar of the DawgVent
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Riddle me this…from a maga supporter to a democrat. How many of the 2m so called Palestinian civilians are pro Hamas and how many are not? How many of the Palestinian civilians are in favor of eliminating Israel from existence? What would you guesstimate or think if you’re not for sure? Last but not least, do you think Israel should continue killing the Hamas terrorist/regime?
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Riddle me this…from a maga supporter to a democrat. How many of the 2m so called Palestinian civilians are pro Hamas and how many are not? How many of the Palestinian civilians are in favor of eliminating Israel from existence? What would you guesstimate or think if you’re not for sure? Last but not least, do you think Israel should continue killing the Hamas terrorist/regime?
Palestine is NOT and never has been sovereign state, there is no such thing as Palestinian civilians.

The innocent people of Gaza do deserve to live free from the oppression of the evil terrorist regime Hamas. Everyone should support Israel eradicating them
Riddle me this…from a maga supporter to a democrat. How many of the 2m so called Palestinian civilians are pro Hamas and how many are not? How many of the Palestinian civilians are in favor of eliminating Israel from existence? What would you guesstimate or think if you’re not for sure? Last but not least, do you think Israel should continue killing the Hamas terrorist/regime?
silence is loud …
Palestine is NOT and never has been sovereign state, there is no such thing as Palestinian civilians….how about are there Palestinians?

The innocent people of Gaza do deserve to live free from the oppression of the evil terrorist regime Hamas.

Everyone should support Israel eradicating them…

even the Palestinians or is it better if I say Muslims

I see the Palestinians aren’t real civilians in the news a lot, yet the USA govt seems to talk about Palestinians quite a bit…what do Palestinians call themselves and don’t neighboring Muslim countries call them Palestinians?
Palestinians live in Gaza…i ask u the same ?’s, do they support or not support Hamas in Gaza, how many? Do they want to see Israel erased? How many of them are innocent…Help me out here?
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silence is loud …

I see the Palestinians aren’t real civilians in the news a lot, yet the USA govt seems to talk about Palestinians quite a bit…what do Palestinians call themselves and don’t neighboring Muslim countries call them Palestinians?
Its a dumb question that is impossible to answer(how the hell would anyone know how many do and do not support Hamas) and also completely irrelevant.

Israel has a right and an obligation to secure its nation and citizens. Every single civilian killed is the result of Hamas. Hamas needs to go. Palestinian Jihad needs to go. Israel needs to take full control of the strip until they can be assured that its citizens are safe
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From one of my SS lessons:

SO, who are “THESE PEOPLE”? The Palestinians? Listen closely!

Under Emperor Hadrian in 135 AD the name Israel was changed to Palestine as an insult to the Jews.

The base word comes from Philistia, an area where the Philistines lived. This is where Goliath lived—enemies of Israel.

It was a made up name imposed on Israel in order to wipe out its name from history.

The name of Jerusalem was also changed so that no one would ever remember Jerusalem.

Isaiah 56:5 “I will give them an everlasting name that will endure forever.”

Now the Philistines have been extinct for 2500 years!!! They have NOT walked the face of this earth for 2500 years!!

In Isaiah 14:31 God says “Melt away all you Philistines” and they did!!

Go back to the Ottoman Empire—

no boundaries—no nation states—

so ALL people that lived in the Holy Land area were called PALESTINIANS—including JEWS!!

So, Jews and Arabs were called Palestinians.


born in Egypt, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood that is/was rioting in Egypt today to gain control of the government;

Founded a terrorist group called the Palestinian Liberation Organziation—PLO.

He created the MYTH that the Palestinian People were Arabs descended from the Philistines!!! And had a right to the land occupied by Israel.

Now the Philistines were not Arabs but from an area of Greece that sailed to the coast of Canaan and settled there. They have been extinct for 2500 years!!!!

There is NO DISTINCT Arab group knows as Palestinians!!! Yet the world has bought this LIE hook, line, and sinker.

This was a made up gimmick to wrestle the land from Israel.

Arafat convinced the world media that the Jews have stolen the land of the Palestinians; that the Jews “OCCUPY” Palestinian Land.

The charter of the PLO calls for the end of Israel and calls Zionism “Racism”.

Iran also calls for the end of Israel.

Maps in Arab textbooks do not have Israel on them—only Palestine. Again you see an effort to remove the name of Israel from the face of the earth. The Apple OS does NOT list Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, nor does it list Jerusalem as being a part of any country.

The “Liberation of Palestine” really means the ERADICATION OF ISRAEL!!

There is a propaganda war against Israel buys this garbage because they do not know history and have chosen to believe this lie.

Jesus warns us over and over—DO NOT BE DECEIVED. Yet the world has been deceived the world media and the UN.

The UN passes more resolutions AGAINST Israel than all other nations combined!!! And this has been their position since the inception of Israel in 1948.
From one of my SS lessons:

SO, who are “THESE PEOPLE”? The Palestinians? Listen closely!

Under Emperor Hadrian in 135 AD the name Israel was changed to Palestine as an insult to the Jews.

The base word comes from Philistia, an area where the Philistines lived. This is where Goliath lived—enemies of Israel.

It was a made up name imposed on Israel in order to wipe out its name from history.

The name of Jerusalem was also changed so that no one would ever remember Jerusalem.

Isaiah 56:5 “I will give them an everlasting name that will endure forever.”

Now the Philistines have been extinct for 2500 years!!! They have NOT walked the face of this earth for 2500 years!!

In Isaiah 14:31 God says “Melt away all you Philistines” and they did!!

Go back to the Ottoman Empire—

no boundaries—no nation states—

so ALL people that lived in the Holy Land area were called PALESTINIANS—including JEWS!!

So, Jews and Arabs were called Palestinians.


born in Egypt, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood that is/was rioting in Egypt today to gain control of the government;

Founded a terrorist group called the Palestinian Liberation Organziation—PLO.

He created the MYTH that the Palestinian People were Arabs descended from the Philistines!!! And had a right to the land occupied by Israel.

Now the Philistines were not Arabs but from an area of Greece that sailed to the coast of Canaan and settled there. They have been extinct for 2500 years!!!!

There is NO DISTINCT Arab group knows as Palestinians!!! Yet the world has bought this LIE hook, line, and sinker.

This was a made up gimmick to wrestle the land from Israel.

Arafat convinced the world media that the Jews have stolen the land of the Palestinians; that the Jews “OCCUPY” Palestinian Land.

The charter of the PLO calls for the end of Israel and calls Zionism “Racism”.

Iran also calls for the end of Israel.

Maps in Arab textbooks do not have Israel on them—only Palestine. Again you see an effort to remove the name of Israel from the face of the earth. The Apple OS does NOT list Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, nor does it list Jerusalem as being a part of any country.

The “Liberation of Palestine” really means the ERADICATION OF ISRAEL!!

There is a propaganda war against Israel buys this garbage because they do not know history and have chosen to believe this lie.

Jesus warns us over and over—DO NOT BE DECEIVED. Yet the world has been deceived the world media and the UN.

The UN passes more resolutions AGAINST Israel than all other nations combined!!! And this has been their position since the inception of Israel in 1948.
Very good post. The Muslim Brotherhood also spawned Hamas as a spinoff from the Muslim Brotherhood Palestine branch. The Brotherhood causes huge problems in Egypt, which is one of many reasons Egypt refuses to accept more Gazans. The Gazans‘ Arab neighbors, those who know them best, are unwilling to provide them sanctuary, preferring to throw money at them. Which tells you a lot about the Gazans. IMO, the best solution would be to disperse the Gazans among the Arab nations, but that ain’t happening.
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Its a dumb question that is impossible to answer(how the hell would anyone know how many do and do not support Hamas) and also completely irrelevant.

Israel has a right and an obligation to secure its nation and citizens. Every single civilian killed is the result of Hamas. Hamas needs to go. Palestinian Jihad needs to go. Israel needs to take full control of the strip until they can be assured that its citizens are safe
How would one know…I’ve thought for yrs the Palestinians or whatever you want to call them has a majority in allegiance of supporting Hamas and or a mindset of wanting Israel eliminated…just common sense to me. Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m not gonna hide behind the Palestinians or Gazan’s don’t exist or a so called legit govt/state…why does the world media seem to call them Palestinians on a daily basis?

So ur saying you can’t decipher the people that live in Gaza that's under the Hamas regime as to whether they support or not support Hamas…I didn’t ask for a pin point scientific answer, just an opinion if you can. Even if it’s a dumb ?
How would one know…I’ve thought for yrs the Palestinians or whatever you want to call them has a majority an allegiance of supporting Hamas and or a mindset of wanting Israel eliminated…just common sense to me. Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m not gonna hide behind the Palestinians or Gazan’s don’t exist or aren’t people…why does the media seem to call them Palestinians on a daily basis?

So ur saying you can’t decipher the people that live in Gaza that's under the Hamas regime as to whether they support or not support Hamas…I didn’t ask for a pin point scientific answer, just an opinion if you can. Even if it’s a dumb ?
My opinion is the near-total majority of non-Hamas Gaza denizens support the eradication of Israel and the Jews and thus support Hamas‘ efforts to do so. I have been around a lot of “Palestinians” in Jordan and Egypt and my opinion is they’re stupid as shit and place little value on human or animal life. If you carved out a state for them, they’d be OK while other Arabs and Western bleeding hearts poured money in. But, when the money stops, the shithole starts. They’re totally incapable of self governance or of developing an economy. They are goat herders, coffee servers, and broom pushers, and not so great at those tasks. They’re bitter and full of hate. These are all reasons they are currently stuck in a big patch of smoking concrete. Ambitious and decent cultures might disperse and become contributing members of other cultures, but not so the Gazans.
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What if I told you there is a third option?

history channel win GIF by HISTORY UK
How would one know…I’ve thought for yrs the Palestinians or whatever you want to call them has a majority in allegiance of supporting Hamas and or a mindset of wanting Israel eliminated…just common sense to me. Maybe I’m wrong, but I’m not gonna hide behind the Palestinians or Gazan’s don’t exist or a so called legit govt/state…why does the world media seem to call them Palestinians on a daily basis?

So ur saying you can’t decipher the people that live in Gaza that's under the Hamas regime as to whether they support or not support Hamas…I didn’t ask for a pin point scientific answer, just an opinion if you can. Even if it’s a dumb ?
Gun to my head I would say a majority of the adults living in Gaza and the West Bank support Israel’s demise.

Still very irrelevant. No matter what they think of Israel, Israel needs to demolish Hamas and the other terrorist groups. They use the citizens of Gaza, especially children, as human shields. Every single person that has died has been murdered by Hamas
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My opinion is the near-total majority of non-Hamas Gaza denizens support the eradication of Israel and the Jews and thus support Hamas‘ efforts to do so. I have been around a lot of “Palestinians” in Jordan and Egypt and my opinion is they’re stupid as shit and place little value on human or animal life. If you carved out a state for them, they’d be OK while other Arabs and Western bleeding hearts poured money in. But, when the money stops, the shithole starts. They’re totally incapable of self governance or of developing an economy. They are goat herders, coffee servers, and broom pushers, and not so great at those tasks. They’re bitter and full of hate. These are all reasons they are currently stuck in a big patch of smoking concrete. Ambitious and decent cultures might disperse and become contributing members of other cultures, but not so the Gazans.
To your point Gaza should be a vacation destination for billionaires. It has absolute perfect temperature. Perfect location. Right on the water. The split second Israel handed them over control they turned it to shit
To your point Gaza should be a vacation destination for billionaires. It has absolute perfect temperature. Perfect location. Right on the water. The split second Israel handed them over control they turned it to shit
Some peoples just do that. Some peoples are smarter and more ambitious and additive to the human condition. Liberals generally don’t like to hear these things. I recently saw a list of Nobel Prize winners from Israel and Palestine. Israel had well over 100 from every discipline, math, physics, medicine, peace, art, music, etc. 214 Jews are Laureates. Palestine has had one, Yassar Arafat, who looked like he just rolled out from under an upside down rowboat on a polluted beach.
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Riddle me this…from a maga supporter to a democrat. How many of the 2m so called Palestinian civilians are pro Hamas and how many are not? How many of the Palestinian civilians are in favor of eliminating Israel from existence? What would you guesstimate or think if you’re not for sure? Last but not least, do you think Israel should continue killing the Hamas terrorist/regime?
Riddle me this…from a maga supporter to a democrat. How many of the 2m so called Palestinian civilians are pro Hamas and how many are not? How many of the Palestinian civilians are in favor of eliminating Israel from existence? What would you guesstimate or think if you’re not for sure? Last but not least, do you think Israel should continue killing the Hamas terrorist/regime?
It’s the majority. This is precisely why Abbas won’t call for elections in the West Bank. Hamas would defeat Fatah. It’s also why so many of them celebrated in the streets on 911 and Oct 7.
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My opinion is the near-total majority of non-Hamas Gaza denizens support the eradication of Israel and the Jews and thus support Hamas‘ efforts to do so. I have been around a lot of “Palestinians” in Jordan and Egypt and my opinion is they’re stupid as shit and place little value on human or animal life. If you carved out a state for them, they’d be OK while other Arabs and Western bleeding hearts poured money in. But, when the money stops, the shithole starts. They’re totally incapable of self governance or of developing an economy. They are goat herders, coffee servers, and broom pushers, and not so great at those tasks. They’re bitter and full of hate. These are all reasons they are currently stuck in a big patch of smoking concrete. Ambitious and decent cultures might disperse and become contributing members of other cultures, but not so the Gazans.
Palestine is NOT and never has been sovereign state, there is no such thing as Palestinian civilians.

The innocent people of Gaza do deserve to live free from the oppression of the evil terrorist regime Hamas. Everyone should support Israel eradicating them
85% of the Palestinians are in agreement with the attack on Israel. The only solution is for Israel to take out every Hamas member.