Preach! ...


Pillar of the DawgVent
Jan 4, 2012
Tell the truth, buddy. H1B just as bad as the rest of it. And it's all the republicans talk about - they say they are for illegal immigration but all for this H1B shit (except for a few patriots like Sessions). Many of them don't want the low skilled but they sure are all in on this H1B DEAL. Meanwhille, your college grad kids are going to be in your basement so big business can underpay hindus or asians. Don't sleep on the H1B just 'cause your political "team" is for it. They aren't really on your side either. Just a little more on it than the other guys. That does mean something, but remember what is happening to the American worker when you hear these republicans pushing for even more legal immigration. We need a moratorium on all of it for awhile. There are plenty of Americans to do ALL the jobs.
Good comment from this article - nails it, IMO ...

Americans, you have been sold out. The Big Picture is this. The Ruling Elites have grown weary of native born Americans and the Constitution. They fancy the Padrone Model in Mexico. A strong man calls the shots. They just want to rule. What stands in the way of this hideous dream? You. So...they seek to displace and marginalize you in the work place, in the voting booth in the laws of the land. The New Arrivals will receive voting cards, welfare and a 35K EITC from the IRS. Who do you think they are going to vote for? Perhaps you have noticed that the New Arrivals have been granted Free Speech. You, on the other hand, have virtually everything uttered out of your mouth labeled Hate Speech. They have the displaced Workers by the Balls in this video. You want severance, you must swear Omerta to everything you have seen and done. Weep for the Lost America.

Americans better wake the F' up and soon.
While I wholeheartedly support legal immigration, and even have...

... a personal connection to it, I have also seen a personal effect from this H1B visa onslaught, as I've watched jobs be cut and within 3-6 months those same jobs be filled by a contracting company FROM INDIA and the workers be located right in the same office from where those cuts took place.

It is happening right before our eyes. The American standard of living is being relegated to that of every third world economy that we can use to get labor cheaper and cheaper and ever cheaper.

Meanwhile, American corporations are making the highest level of profit EVER in the history of the United States.

It is interesting to see that one company after another closes its doors, yet profits are so high. That means that profits are high (super-high) within a select number of corporations while other companies are going out of business. I'd like to know more about that, how that plays out.

The average American is getting attacked from all sides. We're being hammered by the federal government who wants to keep increasing taxes and who keeps putting more and more people on their lists of dependency. Then, we get it from the working world. Jobs keep leaving and the jobs that stay, they now want to fill them with cheap foreign labor from places like India, China and eastern European countries.

The federal government has absolutely become the enemy of the brunt of the American people.
I don't know - HB1 at least brings a skilled worker here, which there

aren't enough of. There is a worldwide glut of unskilled workers, and there probably will be as long as civilization endures.

We are in for some big changes in the short term future. There are a lot of bright, educated people around the world that are willing to work for much less than our workforce is. Functions like billing, customer support, programming, accounts payable - no reason that needs to be provided by a $45,000 a year high school educated US office worker that only speaks one language.
I've actually seen it work out differently. I've watched skilled workers...

... get laid off and replaced by cheaper foreign contractors with LESS skills.

The cost of living in the U.S. sets the demand for salaries, wages, etc. There may be some $45,000 per year office workers but I'd say they are only located in downtown areas where you have to pay just to park your car every day. Get out into places like Cobb County and start working your way farther out and somebody working in billing doesn't make anywhere even remotely close to $45,000 per year.

I've personally watched people who not only had over 30 years experience in their field, but were also veterans, get laid off and within 3-6 months be replaced by contractors from a company located in India. This same company touts itself for how they seek to employ veterans (all of them do that these days... that is one of the latest corporate fads... "hire a veteran").

Another fad in the American corporate world is to find people in their late-40s/early-mid-50s and lay them off. Yeah, those are the ones who will find it REALLY easy to find another job, much less one paying close to what they were making before they got laid off (roll eyes). I know one guy who is an architect. He graduated from college and went to work for a firm and was with them his entire career, well over 20-25 years. They went through cuts and he was one of the first ones to go. They kept those who had far less time with the company and who's salaries were far less than his. It took the guy over a year to land another job doing what he had been doing his entire life.
I'm not saying HB1 is great, I'm just saying it isn't nearly as stupid

as bringing in unskilled workers.

I've worked in the Perimeter Center area for most of my career, by the time you add in benefits and payroll taxes, it was pretty rare to see any office worker making less than 40k. But the point is, whatever we are paying for desk jobs, there is someone elsewhere in the world willing to do that job for half the cost and they may have a better education.
The pouring in of unskilled workers has done nothing to help us...

... as a country. People say that they only do the jobs that Americans won't do. That is a load of bunk. Who was doing it before they poured in by the millions?

The world is full of people who make far, far less money than the average American makes, and that is because their respective economy and cost of living is below ours. With the onset of the internet and so-called free trade agreements, we've opened up our economy to those of the rest of the world. The inevitable is a leveling process by which our economy and standard of living drops and theirs goes up. In fact, you can't avoid that from happening.

What I see happening is the taking advantage of this temporary, short-term gain/boom by corporate America. Eventually, things will settle at some point on the economic scale and they'll have to devise some other method by which to make short term booms.