Cue the "class warfare" whining and crying...
Actually it has got the Republicans excited. As it signals a long, nasty war between the dem establishment and the young base of the democrat party. It is out in the open now. And the dem party is a mess. Wasserman-Shultz, the big money folks, even the Obama WH have lost control. The young folks, white and black hate Hillary. And the "flip truthers" are out in full force. A potentially fatally flawed Hillary vs a creepy, angry 75 year old socialist who is seemingly detached from reality. The dems are stuck with what they have got now. The best outcome for the party may have been a loss in Iowa followed by an overwhelming defeat in NH to the creep. That may have enticed Biden, Gore, Bloomberg or someone else into the fight to save the day. But Hillary's flippers slammed that window shut Monday. Clinton will never drop out simply because she has no place else to go. Hell you are not alone trying to wiggle off the Clinton wagon and looking for an alternative in the old! You never say never but Hillary is the dem establishment candidate and only hope to hold the WH. And she has the look of a dead fish. They tried to hide her and slip her past the sight test and use crazy old Bernie as a foil. But like a dead fish she wound up stinking up the joint and can't be hidden or protected now. Cue the war on women, and all that whinning and crying! Over half the pop is female and many of them are victims right along with Hillary. Whoa! I can tell you the odds of the first Hispanic president of the USA (Rubio or Cruz) have went way up. Rubio is the choice of most of the moderate R's and most independents but Cruz has got some moxie and ground game. Race on........Maybe it's not too late to get Trump to switch parties and run as a dem, he has been a Hillary supporter in the past, and bring his blue collar, labor union base with him. He already hates the R establishment and Fox News plus they hate him so that's a leg up.Cue the "class warfare" whining and crying...
Actually it has got the Republicans excited. As it signals a long, nasty war between the dem establishment and the young base of the democrat party. It is out in the open now. And the dem party is a mess. Wasserman-Shultz, the big money folks, even the Obama WH have lost control. The young folks, white and black hate Hillary. And the "flip truthers" are out in full force. A potentially fatally flawed Hillary vs a creepy, angry 75 year old socialist who is seemingly detached from reality. The dems are stuck with what they have got now. The best outcome for the party may have been a loss in Iowa followed by an overwhelming defeat in NH to the creep. That may have enticed Biden, Gore, Bloomberg or someone else into the fight to save the day. But Hillary's flippers slammed that window shut Monday. Clinton will never drop out simply because she has no place else to go. Hell you are not alone trying to wiggle off the Clinton wagon and looking for an alternative in the old! You never say never but Hillary is the dem establishment candidate and only hope to hold the WH. And she has the look of a dead fish. They tried to hide her and slip her past the sight test and use crazy old Bernie as a foil. But like a dead fish she wound up stinking up the joint and can't be hidden or protected now. Cue the war on women, and all that whinning and crying! Over half the pop is female and many of them are victims right along with Hillary. Whoa! I can tell you the odds of the first Hispanic president of the USA (Rubio or Cruz) have went way up. Rubio is the choice of most of the moderate R's and most independents but Cruz has got some moxie and ground game. Race on........Maybe it's not too late to get Trump to switch parties and run as a dem, he has been a Hillary supporter in the past, and bring his blue collar, labor union base with him. He already hates the R establishment and Fox News plus they hate him so that's a leg up.
Actually it has got the Republicans excited. As it signals a long, nasty war between the dem establishment and the young base of the democrat party. It is out in the open now. And the dem party is a mess. Wasserman-Shultz, the big money folks, even the Obama WH have lost control. The young folks, white and black hate Hillary. And the "flip truthers" are out in full force. A potentially fatally flawed Hillary vs a creepy, angry 75 year old socialist who is seemingly detached from reality. The dems are stuck with what they have got now. The best outcome for the party may have been a loss in Iowa followed by an overwhelming defeat in NH to the creep. That may have enticed Biden, Gore, Bloomberg or someone else into the fight to save the day. But Hillary's flippers slammed that window shut Monday. Clinton will never drop out simply because she has no place else to go. Hell you are not alone trying to wiggle off the Clinton wagon and looking for an alternative in the old! You never say never but Hillary is the dem establishment candidate and only hope to hold the WH. And she has the look of a dead fish. They tried to hide her and slip her past the sight test and use crazy old Bernie as a foil. But like a dead fish she wound up stinking up the joint and can't be hidden or protected now. Cue the war on women, and all that whinning and crying! Over half the pop is female and many of them are victims right along with Hillary. Whoa! I can tell you the odds of the first Hispanic president of the USA (Rubio or Cruz) have went way up. Rubio is the choice of most of the moderate R's and most independents but Cruz has got some moxie and ground game. Race on........Maybe it's not too late to get Trump to switch parties and run as a dem, he has been a Hillary supporter in the past, and bring his blue collar, labor union base with him. He already hates the R establishment and Fox News plus they hate him so that's a leg up.
The media is getting worked up about Iowa and will get worked up even more about New Hampshire when Bernie wins there.
But Iowa caucus voters on the democrat side identified as 40% socialist. Bernie got less than 10% of the non-socialist voters. New Hampshire has similar numbers of self identified "socialists". But other than Vermont, that's not the case for any other state in the US.
Bernie's challenge will be to turn momentum from strong finishes in Iowa and New Hampshire into results in the following states... that are not almost completely white and weighted heavily with people who ARE in fact Socialist voters.
Nevada's democratic primary has a heavy Hispanic influence.
South Carolina's is generally won by whoever does best with black voters.
Then you have Super Tuesday... Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Mass, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont and Virginia.
To be honest... the only ones from that list I can see Bernie winning are Vermont... and maybe Minnesota or Mass.
Unless he gets momentum among minorities or more moderate democratic primary voters.
i have seen Bernie bumper stickers on cars driven by minorities in my area and also some Carson stickers on their cars ......who knows !
Exactly, they have put all their money behind Hillary to continue the Obama regime loaded with corporate welfare and they are scared they will get $0 back on their investment. Bill and Hillary promised they had it handled but Bernie is screwing it up. Berning Hillary at the stake!Cue the "class warfare" whining and crying...
Keep believing that, fool.The election of 2016 is going to play out eerily similar to 1964. The Dixiepublican rubes in the Solid South and Arizona will vote for the Reptilican candidate, the rest of the country will go for the Democratic candidate.
LOL, Pug's only hope on this planet is socialism. What a life!Cue the "class warfare" whining and crying...
Cue the "class warfare" whining and crying...
Cue the "class warfare" whining and crying...
Keep believing that, fool.
Nobody likes the 1%ers. Nobody likes the Wall Street stereotypes. Screw those guys. Class warfare for me is when my neighbor thinks I have a 1,000 more in savings than he does and he allows himself to be sold on the idea that he deserves and I don't. That is the most damaging kind. It turns neighbors and family members against each other, when if they would just sit down and talk things over, they'd both want to throw EVERYONE out of DC and start over.
You've said a lot of stupid shit. But this takes the cake. The ppl you support are the ones that practice identity politics. They're the ones that pit Americans agains each other. Liberals will always tell you who they are if you just listenThe Koch brothers, Lloyd Blankfein and others of their ilk would love to turn neighbors and family members against one another.
You've said a lot of stupid shit. But this takes the cake. The ppl you support are the ones that practice identity politics. They're the ones that pit Americans agains each other. Liberals will always tell you who they are if you just listen
The Koch brothers, Lloyd Blankfein and others of their ilk would love to turn neighbors and family members against one another.
The democrats just point it out Rolo.
Look... it's not a democrat idea to identify people of a specific religion and deny them the ability to come to the US as refugees. That's a GOP idea... and that's identity politics.
It's not a democrat idea to have police "use their judgement" to determine if they suspect someone is an illegal immigrant and arrest them. That was a law passed by the GOP in Arizona... and it's identity politics because their judgement is based on skin color.
It's not the democrats defending police who feel threatened by black men and shoot them in self defense but rarely do the same with white suspects. The GOP defends those police officers... and it's based on the identity of the victims.
Pointing out bias is not causing the bias. It's bringing it to light. If you don't want to be called on it... stop doing it. This idea that if you don't talk about it then it will disappear is just dumb.
F'ing idiot, I bet you hate your employer for making a profit. Typical of someone that has failed at everything they have ever tried.The Koch brothers, Lloyd Blankfein and others of their ilk would love to turn neighbors and family members against one another.
Cue the "class warfare" whining and crying...
I decided last night I'm voting for Sanders.
I decided last night I'm voting for Sanders.
F'ing idiot, I bet you hate your employer for making a profit. Typical of someone that has failed at everything they have ever tried.
Dear Lord.
Democrats actually locks up ppl of a different religion and faith during WWII. When you're at war, you take drastic actions. Muslims are the main cause of all the worlds problems. At some point you have to think of the Country and its citizens before letting your heart bleed all over itself. Look at what's happening in Europe with these savages? Its not identity politics, its National Security.
F'ing idiot, I bet you hate your employer for making a profit. Typical of someone that has failed at everything they have ever tried.
I decided last night I'm voting for Sanders.
A little hint for you.
Today's democrats would mostly be Republicans prior to LBJ and Nixon's presidencies.
That's when the democrats jettisoned most of the racist Dixiecrat element of their party and the GOP snatched them up. Pointing back to pre-civil rights era issues on race as an attack on Democrats only shows how far the GOP has fallen on the issue.
No, todays DemocRATs wouldn't even be democrats during the Clinton years. Today's democRAT party is a marxist bunch of radical loons. You know that. Just look who they're running for President. Read " Rules for Radicals" if you disagree, then get back to me.
Okay chief.
Today's democrats wouldn't even be considered moderate by the late 60's/early 70's standards of Saul Alinsky. They'd be considered right-leaning.
Today's conservatives are so far off the deep end to the right they think liking Social Security or Medicaid makes you a liberal. Teddy Roosevelt was a liberal by today's conservative standards. So was Eisenhower. Heck... REAGAN is moving toward liberal territory.
Hillary Clinton is an Eisenhower Republican. And I mean that literally... she WAS an Eisenhower Republican. She worked for Nixon's 1960 campaign and volunteered for Goldwater in 1964 as well. The changes in how the parties viewed Civil Rights (democrats embracing it, GOP moving away from it) caused her to become a democrat in the late 60's.
This was common. Many of today's older democrats followed the same path. My parents did as well. I'm not joking when I say that today's democrats would have been Republicans prior to the civil rights movement... it's true.
The GOP used to be a great party. It used to be the party of civil rights and inclusion. Now it's... not.
To claim these democrats as moderates is just beyond believe, reason, logic, or common sense. And to claim this republican party is " far right" Is just truly stupid on its face. These asshats are for amnesty, the import export bank, they just gave POSOTUS everything he wanted in the budget. You sight facts not in evidence.
Hillary is a far left corrupt lying old bag. Do you think she's qualified to be the leader of the Free world?
Ted Cruz is my candidate followed by Carson then Trump. Tell me exactly what's far right about any of their positions?
If you want to make these silly charges. Lets you and I take them one at at time.
Tell me how the GOP is anti civil rights? We "rights" have they taken from anyone?
Um, I'm afraid you don't really understand the history. See Reagan agreed to amnesty for 2.5m ppl in exchange for closing the boarder and being DONE WITH IT. However, the boarder closing was blocked by Democrats at every turn. And now we're back here again. You aren't a stupid guy, do you really believe this is about helping ppl? Do you really believe that new laws will be any better than existing law?REAGAN was for amnesty. REAGAN reauthorized the import export bank twice. You've moved the bar so much that St. Ron... who every GOP candidate wants to be seen as the next incarnation of... would be a RINO to today's conservative party.
... yes. 8 years as a US senator and 4 years as secretary of state is generally considered more than adequate qualifications to be president.
Ronald Reagan's only public service was 8 years as a governor and 3 years service as a public relations officer for the US Army Air Force.
going to bother. I assume you think Cruz saying "Gay Marriage leads to Christianity becoming Hate Speech" is not anti-gay. I assume you think Trump tweeting "Jeb Bush likes Illegals because of his wife." (who's a mexican american) is not anti-hispanic. I assume you think Trump tweeting: "The United Kingdom is trying hard to disguise their massive Muslim problem. Everybody is wise to what is happening, very sad! Be honest." is not anti-muslim. I assume you think Carson saying that a Muslim person should not be allowed to be president is not anti-muslim.
anti-civil rights doesn't mean taking rights away... it means not guaranteeing equal rights. Those opposing the civil rights act weren't advocating taking anything away from Blacks... they just didn't want to give them equality.
The GOP (or major figures like current presidential candidates are:
-Against gay marriage
-Against requiring equal pay for equal work. (virtually all GOP candidates are against this... with the exception of Carly Fiorina)
-In favor of additional requirements for voting that have been shown to hinder the ability of African-Americans to vote more than any group.
-The majority of African-Americans view "Black Lives Matter" as a modern black civil rights movement. I have yet to hear of any major republican endorse that group.
Now look... I realize you're going to say that those aren't civil rights issues. I get that you feel that way. But those who view civil rights as still being an issue feel differently. And insulting them isn't going to convince them you're correct on the matter. The idea that it's okay to insult others due to race/religion/ethnicity because "you're not politically correct" doesn't sway people in those groups. It makes them think you're racist.
Good points. Sanders is starting a fight he cannot win. The 1%'s are the people that are executives in the large corporations. These people have very strong ties with some very powerful PACs. These are the same ones that provide most of the high paying jobs with benefits in America.Actually it has got the Republicans excited. As it signals a long, nasty war between the dem establishment and the young base of the democrat party. It is out in the open now. And the dem party is a mess. Wasserman-Shultz, the big money folks, even the Obama WH have lost control. The young folks, white and black hate Hillary. And the "flip truthers" are out in full force. A potentially fatally flawed Hillary vs a creepy, angry 75 year old socialist who is seemingly detached from reality. The dems are stuck with what they have got now. The best outcome for the party may have been a loss in Iowa followed by an overwhelming defeat in NH to the creep. That may have enticed Biden, Gore, Bloomberg or someone else into the fight to save the day. But Hillary's flippers slammed that window shut Monday. Clinton will never drop out simply because she has no place else to go. Hell you are not alone trying to wiggle off the Clinton wagon and looking for an alternative in the old! You never say never but Hillary is the dem establishment candidate and only hope to hold the WH. And she has the look of a dead fish. They tried to hide her and slip her past the sight test and use crazy old Bernie as a foil. But like a dead fish she wound up stinking up the joint and can't be hidden or protected now. Cue the war on women, and all that whinning and crying! Over half the pop is female and many of them are victims right along with Hillary. Whoa! I can tell you the odds of the first Hispanic president of the USA (Rubio or Cruz) have went way up. Rubio is the choice of most of the moderate R's and most independents but Cruz has got some moxie and ground game. Race on........Maybe it's not too late to get Trump to switch parties and run as a dem, he has been a Hillary supporter in the past, and bring his blue collar, labor union base with him. He already hates the R establishment and Fox News plus they hate him so that's a leg up.
F'ing idiot, I bet you hate your employer for making a profit. Typical of someone that has failed at everything they have ever tried.
Okay chief.
Today's democrats wouldn't even be considered moderate by the late 60's/early 70's standards of Saul Alinsky. They'd be considered right-leaning.
Today's conservatives are so far off the deep end to the right they think liking Social Security or Medicaid makes you a liberal. Teddy Roosevelt was a liberal by today's conservative standards. So was Eisenhower. Heck... REAGAN is moving toward liberal territory.
Hillary Clinton is an Eisenhower Republican. And I mean that literally... she WAS an Eisenhower Republican. She worked for Nixon's 1960 campaign and volunteered for Goldwater in 1964 as well. The changes in how the parties viewed Civil Rights (democrats embracing it, GOP moving away from it) caused her to become a democrat in the late 60's.
This was common. Many of today's older democrats followed the same path. My parents did as well. I'm not joking when I say that today's democrats would have been Republicans prior to the civil rights movement... it's true.
The GOP used to be a great party. It used to be the party of civil rights and inclusion. Now it's... not.
. If Repubs aren't for an open borders welfare state or for letting in unvetted Muslim refugees, Dems say they hate Muslims and Hispanics. If it weren’t that, it would be Pubs want to put blacks back in chains or want to shove granny over a cliff. The only thing libs really do is use the race card or sex card and repeat the mantra 24/7 that republicans are evil.
The problems Dems have is their ideas of redistribution of wealth, open borders, more govt regulation of the private sector,& their multicultural philosophy don’t work.They believe that all cultures are morally equal which obviously is not true especially the Middle East culture. This philosophy is in the process of destroying Germany, France, & Great Britain. We can’t let it destroy our country.
Hoff... two things:
1. This isn't an issue about how democrats see things. It's an issue about how the minority voters see things. Ignoring the fact that the majority of Hispanics view anti-illegal rheotric as anti-hispanic doesn't change the fact they view it that way. This isn't an issue of the "Dems" twisting the GOP position... this is an issue of minority voters hating the GOP position. Sure... Democrat politicians point it out... but they aren't forming the opinion. They are simply pointing out GOP beliefs that they realize minority voters hate. Stop blaming the democrats for minorities hating the GOP. It's not their fault... it's the GOP's fault.
2. By insinuating that cultures other than the white european based "western" culture are inferior... you aren't helping the GOP's case with minorities. You're basically pushing a "white is best" view. Black = bad. Muslim = bad. Hispanic = bad. Multicultural = bad. Are you really shocked that people of other cultures don't vote for the GOP given that mindset? You're basically calling them the enemy.
I am on active duty in the US Army, and I'm doing quite well, thank you.
The democrats just point it out Rolo.
Look... it's not a democrat idea to identify people of a specific religion and deny them the ability to come to the US as refugees. That's a GOP idea... and that's identity politics.
So is it white ppl coming in illegally? Have you ever been to the boarder? Do you know who is committing most of the crime there? When the Federal gov refuses to enforce the law, do you think the State should allow it also? Stop with the surface dwelling emotional race based bullshit and lets deal with the Substance. The law doesn't allow what you've suggested. Its is specifically written as to access the subject of a crime.It's not a democrat idea to have police "use their judgement" to determine if they suspect someone is an illegal immigrant and arrest them. That was a law passed by the GOP in Arizona... and it's identity politics because their judgement is based on skin color.
It's not the democrats defending police who feel threatened by black men and shoot them in self defense but rarely do the same with white suspects. The GOP defends those police officers... and it's based on the identity of the victims
Pointing out bias is not causing the bias. It's bringing it to light. If you don't want to be called on it... stop doing it. This idea that if you don't talk about it then it will disappear is just dumb.