Sanders' Iowa showing has got the 1 percenters scared...

Very different results when you ask LEGAL Hispanics, and the Brothers are all for putting an end to the illegals. So ya know...there's that

No... it's not different. Those answers come from exit polls... legal hispanic voters giving their opinions. Again... refusing to believe what the voters are telling you doesn't help you win their votes.

So American culture is only for white ppl? This is really quite a silly strawman. Look, America has its own culture. DemocRATS DGAS about it. The DGAS about minorities, they only care about votes. So if bringing in uneducated (democrats wet dream) shitheads from 3rd world shitholes gets them those votes. They could GAS what it does to the Country as a whole.

When you dismiss culture that comes from people with any other skin color... then YES... your view of what "american culture" stands for is "whites only". My personal view of "American culture" is the old "melting pot" version. Take a bunch of people from a bunch of different places, throw them together and you get a mix of everything.

The GOP does't seem to profess to want that any more. They want potato soup. They don't care if you're a carrot, cucumber, watermelon or hunk of beef... you better darn well turn yourself into a potato before getting in the pot.
No... it's not different. Those answers come from exit polls... legal hispanic voters giving their opinions. Again... refusing to believe what the voters are telling you doesn't help you win their votes.

When you dismiss culture that comes from people with any other skin color... then YES... your view of what "american culture" stands for is "whites only". My personal view of "American culture" is the old "melting pot" version. Take a bunch of people from a bunch of different places, throw them together and you get a mix of everything.

The GOP does't seem to profess to want that any more. They want potato soup. They don't care if you're a carrot, cucumber, watermelon or hunk of beef... you better darn well turn yourself into a potato before getting in the pot.

You ever hear the word "assimilation"? Its what the Irish, Italians, Pol's etc did when they came . We completely shut down immigration for almost 70 years to give them time to do so. Now these ILLEGALS don't come here to be Americans. They come for the goodies, they bring crime and cultures that aren't compatible with American culture. Just recently they've talked about how MS 13 has begun getting a strong hold in the Southwest. Its starting to look like Mexico and South America with all the crime and drugs.

As to Muslims, they embrace honor killings, pedophilia , genital mutilation of women, they reject our laws in favor of their religious doctrine.

See like I said in the last post. You never address anything of substance. Just emotional accusations of silly racial BS as if its just that...racism. Its can't be anything of substance.

Funny you libs are quick to attack anything Conservative or Christian as intolerant, But embrace these cultures that are exactly that...... why?.........Because it suits your purpose.
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I know you like breaking up quotes... but it makes it impossible to respond once it's gone back and forth more than once.

Let me make this simple though.

1. When you pass laws that target people of a certain race or religion... EVEN IF IT'S JUSTIFIED IN YOUR MIND... they won't vote for you. It doesn't matter if hispanics are most of the illegals... if you pass "anti-illegal" laws that cause Hispanics to be singled out you won't win their votes.

2. General crime statistics have nothing to do with police shootings. In 2015 there were 965 people shot to death by police. And yes... less than 4% of those were police killing unarmed black men. But the fact is that of the unarmed people killed by police in 2015... 40% of them were black men. And black men make up just 6% of the general population. Just because black men are arrested more often doesn't mean that unarmed black men should be shot more often. That's a sign that police aren't looking at objective facts when determining if they should kill someone without a gun... they are "playing the number" and looking at race and gender.

Look... the idea you're floating that blacks get shot because they're more likely to be criminals doesn't account for the percentage of unarmed blacks getting shot... other than the fact that police are thinking that since they're black they're probably a criminal and should be shot. And THAT'S what black voters are seeing in your argument. They see it as dismissing the murder of unarmed blacks because... blacks are criminals.

Again... I KNOW you don't see yourself that way. But that's how minority groups see YOU... and the GOP in general. And they aren't going to vote for people they view that way.
So technically CobbDawg51 was right. You do hate your employer, i.e., the 1%, because without them, the Army couldn't pay you...

The Man who signed my commission is the Commander-in-Chief, the President of the United States. My oath pledges allegiance to the President and my superior officers. I don't think about civilians at all.
I am on active duty in the US Army, and I'm doing quite well, thank you.

that doesn't say much for the job requirement as a ( so called instructor ) IF that is a fact , you don't have time to do anything productive because you stay on this board all the time . lol
The Man who signed my commission is the Commander-in-Chief, the President of the United States. My oath pledges allegiance to the President and my superior officers. I don't think about civilians at all.

It's good to know that you feel that way. It sheds a great deal of light on your insight. I can only hope that you are alone in the way that you feel as a veteran of this COUNTRY's military.

It's not the President's military. He may be the Commander-in-Chief, but he will soon be out of office. Will you stick to that sentiment if your desired CIC isn't elected?
It's good to know that you feel that way. It sheds a great deal of light on your insight. I can only hope that you are alone in the way that you feel as a veteran of this COUNTRY's military.

It's not the President's military. He may be the Commander-in-Chief, but he will soon be out of office. Will you stick to that sentiment if your desired CIC isn't elected?[/QUOTE

based on the active military poll giving odumma 15% approval tells me he probably keeps his liberal politics to himself .
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I know you like breaking up quotes... but it makes it impossible to respond once it's gone back and forth more than once.

Let me make this simple though.

1. When you pass laws that target people of a certain race or religion... EVEN IF IT'S JUSTIFIED IN YOUR MIND... they won't vote for you. It doesn't matter if hispanics are most of the illegals... if you pass "anti-illegal" laws that cause Hispanics to be singled out you won't win their votes.

2. General crime statistics have nothing to do with police shootings. In 2015 there were 965 people shot to death by police. And yes... less than 4% of those were police killing unarmed black men. But the fact is that of the unarmed people killed by police in 2015... 40% of them were black men. And black men make up just 6% of the general population. Just because black men are arrested more often doesn't mean that unarmed black men should be shot more often. That's a sign that police aren't looking at objective facts when determining if they should kill someone without a gun... they are "playing the number" and looking at race and gender.

Look... the idea you're floating that blacks get shot because they're more likely to be criminals doesn't account for the percentage of unarmed blacks getting shot... other than the fact that police are thinking that since they're black they're probably a criminal and should be shot. And THAT'S what black voters are seeing in your argument. They see it as dismissing the murder of unarmed blacks because... blacks are criminals.

Again... I KNOW you don't see yourself that way. But that's how minority groups see YOU... and the GOP in general. And they aren't going to vote for people they view that way.

That piece offers no source info. But lets say it s 100% true. You can't ignore the fact that. Blacks commit more crime, and 2 you don't know the circumstances of any of those shootings. Black culture is to no obey the police. I have no doubt there are bad cops and bad shootings. But even if the 40% shot is true. Its minuscule in the overall picture. But liberals (you) want to promote it as if its an epidemic. Not because you care, but because it gets votes and advances your political agenda.

Black votes need to be educated. But ppl like you stand in the way by dismissing the facts and fanning the flames of ignorance. You guys want blacks and hispanics riled up, that's why the message is racism and dependence. See what those evil republicans will do to you...They'll put you back in chains (Thanks Joe) When the reality is your sides depends on this ignorance and stupidity to your advantage, you feed the hatred.....when the reality is, you simply want these ppl on the plantation.

Look at what Liberals do to blacks and Hispanics who leave the Plantation. You talk about racism. they're Uncle Toms, House ni^&ers, etc.

No my friend. You're side is morally bankrupt. You depend on and flame these issues when you know its a false premise. But that doesn't stop you, because the ends justify the means
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You ever hear the word "assimilation"? Its what the Irish, Italians, Pol's etc did when they came . We completely shut down immigration for almost 70 years to give them time to do so. Now these ILLEGALS don't come here to be Americans. They come for the goodies, they bring crime and cultures that aren't compatible with American culture. Just recently they've talked about how MS 13 has begun getting a strong hold in the Southwest. Its starting to look like Mexico and South America with all the crime and drugs.

As to Muslims, they embrace honor killings, pedophilia , genital mutilation of women, they reject our laws in favor of their religious doctrine.

See like I said in the last post. You never address anything of substance. Just emotional accusations of silly racial BS as if its just that...racism. Its can't be anything of substance.

Funny you libs are quick to attack anything Conservative or Christian as intolerant, But embrace these cultures that are exactly that...... why?.........Because it suits your purpose.

Culture isn't about legality. It's about... culture.

The Irish, Italians, etc didn't assimilate until the 2nd or 3rd generations. And even then, america ended up embracing large chunks of their culture, not telling them they had to abandon it.

And your view of what Muslims embrace is simply not accurate. It's like saying Christians embrace speaking in tongues, snake handling, having multiple wives, stoning sinners, women cannot cut their hair or wear anything other than dresses or that women shouldn't be allowed to work outside the home. Yes... there are some extreme sects of Christianity that embrace some of those views... but they don't represent all Christians anymore than Isis represents all Muslims.
Culture isn't about legality. It's about... culture.

The Irish, Italians, etc didn't assimilate until the 2nd or 3rd generations. And even then, america ended up embracing large chunks of their culture, not telling them they had to abandon it.

And your view of what Muslims embrace is simply not accurate. It's like saying Christians embrace speaking in tongues, snake handling, having multiple wives, stoning sinners, women cannot cut their hair or wear anything other than dresses or that women shouldn't be allowed to work outside the home. Yes... there are some extreme sects of Christianity that embrace some of those views... but they don't represent all Christians anymore than Isis represents all Muslims.

And its why we stopped immigration. We did amnesty in 86. Time to shut it down for a few decades. Culture is what it is.

You're analogy about Christians is really very silly, its an example again of how liberals debate. They try and find an anomaly and equate it to a larger problem.

Where are the moderate muslims??? Are all muslims terrorists? Of course not, are all terrorists muslims...mostly.

Again you have to ignore the facts to make your points. Fact. Muslim culture is not compatible with American culture. Go to Dear Born Mich. Every been there? Give me an example of a Muslim Country you'd be ok living in? The extreme is Muslim Culture in General. I'd once again ask you to explain how its working in Europe?

We're not talking about ISIS, we're talking about ISLAM. Its not a religion, its a political movement. Its based in war and oppression. But you're bleeding heart won't let you see it. You're willing to toss the Country into the trash heap of history so you can feel better about how open and caring you are. I'm not. Facts, no more emotional strawman make me feel better about myself BS....Facts please.
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That piece offers no source info. But lets say it s 100% true. You can't ignore the fact that. Blacks commit more crime, and 2 you don't know the circumstances of any of those shootings. Black culture is to no obey the police. I have no doubt there are bad cops and bad shootings. But even if the 40% shot is true. Its minuscule in the overall picture. But liberals (you) want to promote it as if its an epidemic. Not because you care, but because it gets votes and advances your political agenda.

Black votes need to be educated. But ppl like you stand in the way by dismissing the facts and fanning the flames of ignorance. You guys want blacks and hispanics riled up, that's why the message is racism and dependence. See what those evil republicans will do to you...They'll put you back in chains (Thanks Joe) When the reality is your sides depends on this ignorance and stupidity to your advantage, you feed the hatred.....when the reality is, you simply want these ppl on the plantation.

Look at what Liberals do to blacks and Hispanics who leave the Plantation. You talk about racism. they're Uncle Toms, House ni^&ers, etc.

No my friend. You're side is morally bankrupt. You depend on and flame these issues when you know its a false premise. But that doesn't stop you, because the ends justify the means

I'm guessing you don't even realize how condescending you sound.

Here's how what you're saying is heard by others.

Blacks don't obey the police. ("Black culture is to no obey the police")
Blacks are criminals.("Blacks commit more crime")
The blacks being shot by cops don't matter because they are miniscule in the overall picture. ("But even if the 40% shot is true. Its minuscule in the overall picture")
Blacks need to be educated/Blacks are ignorant. ("Black votes need to be educated. But ppl like you stand in the way by dismissing the facts and fanning the flames of ignorance.")

So you say all that... and claim that it's liberals who are "riling minorities up".
I'm guessing you don't even realize how condescending you sound.

Here's how what you're saying is heard by others.

Blacks don't obey the police. ("Black culture is to no obey the police")
Blacks are criminals.("Blacks commit more crime")
The blacks being shot by cops don't matter because they are miniscule in the overall picture. ("But even if the 40% shot is true. Its minuscule in the overall picture")
Blacks need to be educated/Blacks are ignorant. ("Black votes need to be educated. But ppl like you stand in the way by dismissing the facts and fanning the flames of ignorance.")

So you say all that... and claim that it's liberals who are "riling minorities up".

See you just made my point. You can't talk about things that are honest and true. Its how liberals end debate. If you can't defend the points....well just call someone a awful that you are critical of our protected class. The fact is, its your racism of low expectations that is the true problem here.

Racism is the built in excuse for racism. Everything I said is true and should be up for discussion. Everything I said has been said by Conservative blacks. But those guys are "Uncle Tom's" right? But you guys don't want to have the discussion. Because to do so would mean you have to face the reality, and then you'd be RACIST ...:rolleyes:
Hoff... two things:

1. This isn't an issue about how democrats see things. It's an issue about how the minority voters see things. Ignoring the fact that the majority of Hispanics view anti-illegal rheotric as anti-hispanic doesn't change the fact they view it that way. This isn't an issue of the "Dems" twisting the GOP position... this is an issue of minority voters hating the GOP position. Sure... Democrat politicians point it out... but they aren't forming the opinion. They are simply pointing out GOP beliefs that they realize minority voters hate. Stop blaming the democrats for minorities hating the GOP. It's not their fault... it's the GOP's fault.

2. By insinuating that cultures other than the white european based "western" culture are inferior... you aren't helping the GOP's case with minorities. You're basically pushing a "white is best" view. Black = bad. Muslim = bad. Hispanic = bad. Multicultural = bad. Are you really shocked that people of other cultures don't vote for the GOP given that mindset? You're basically calling them the enemy.

The GOP position on immigration is that we should enforce our immigration laws, close the borders and not allow unvettable refugees into the country to protect the citizens. A REASONABLE POSITION imo. I think the MSM and Dems hugely influence Hispanics by constantly charging that Repubs are racist 24/7. U pander to them by giving them food stamps, EITC, and varying degrees of welfare. We give them birthplace citizenship which gives them more welfare. For u to step back and say your party and the leftist media don't happily pile on, is being disingenuous. U can't deny that. it is also interesting that their own countries are very hostile to people coming into their countries illegally. In Mexico, illegal immigrants are imprisoned or promptly deported.

.Just like college kids are brainwashed by the media, professors, and the left to become socialists. .Minorities are influenced by the MSM to believe repubs hate minorities. . Yet, we bring in 1MM legal immigrants a year.and repubs mostly favor this . If it were explained that their wages and job availablity are adversely affected by open borders, they would be less positive about illegal immigration.

On cultures, that is my opinion and I don't know that repubs in general believe that or say that. . But it is pretty obvious. Mexico is corrupt and controlled by drug cartels. Crime is rampant. A large percentage of Muslims discriminate against women, believe it is ok to marry a child. They allow honor killings, cut off hands of thieves, tax people just because they are not Muslims, death penalty for adulterers, kill homos, and believe a man can take as many wives as he wants. Those are not cultures either of us would want to live in.
The GOP position on immigration is that we should enforce our immigration laws, close the borders and not allow unvettable refugees into the country to protect the citizens. A REASONABLE POSITION imo. I think the MSM and Dems hugely influence Hispanics by constantly charging that Repubs are racist 24/7. U pander to them by giving them food stamps, EITC, and varying degrees of welfare. We give them birthplace citizenship which gives them more welfare. For u to step back and say your party and the leftist media don't happily pile on, is being disingenuous. U can't deny that. it is also interesting that their own countries are very hostile to people coming into their countries illegally. In Mexico, illegal immigrants are imprisoned or promptly deported.

.Just like college kids are brainwashed by the media, professors, and the left to become socialists. .Minorities are influenced by the MSM to believe repubs hate minorities. . Yet, we bring in 1MM legal immigrants a year.and repubs mostly favor this . If it were explained that their wages and job availablity are adversely affected by open borders, they would be less positive about illegal immigration.

On cultures, that is my opinion and I don't know that repubs in general believe that or say that. . But it is pretty obvious. Mexico is corrupt and controlled by drug cartels. Crime is rampant. A large percentage of Muslims discriminate against women, believe it is ok to marry a child. They allow honor killings, cut off hands of thieves, tax people just because they are not Muslims, death penalty for adulterers, kill homos, and believe a man can take as many wives as he wants. Those are not cultures either of us would want to live in.

Hoff... the talk radio types for the GOP are starting to rail against legal immigration too. Rubio is getting criticized here in South Carolina for H1B visas. The GOP seems to support things like the Arizona law for having police be able to check Hispanics for their papers. These aren't things that many Hispanic voters (aside from some Cuban-Americans) are on board with.

I'm not saying Republicans are racist. I'm saying the GOP PLATFORM is viewed as racist by minorities. It isn't because of things democrats are saying about you. It's because of things like certain Donald Trump statements, laws like the Arizona state immigration checks and GOP opposition to things like the Dream Act. They view those as anti-hispanic viewpoints... not anti-illegal viewpoints.

Years of polling confirms that is what they think and how they vote. At some point you're going to have to listen to them or just accept that they'll never vote for the Republicans.

Dick Armey realized this four years ago: "You can't call someone ugly and expect them to go to the prom with you. We've chased the Hispanic voter out of his natural home."

The thing is you don't even realize you're chasing them away. YOu think someone else is doing it. YOu blame democrats. You blame the media. YOu blame professors. You blame their ignorance. You claim they're brainwashed.

At some point... you're going to need to look in the mirror to find someone to blame. I don't know how to say it any simpler than that.
Hoff... the talk radio types for the GOP are starting to rail against legal immigration too. Rubio is getting criticized here in South Carolina for H1B visas. The GOP seems to support things like the Arizona law for having police be able to check Hispanics for their papers. These aren't things that many Hispanic voters (aside from some Cuban-Americans) are on board with.

I'm not saying Republicans are racist. I'm saying the GOP PLATFORM is viewed as racist by minorities. It isn't because of things democrats are saying about you. It's because of things like certain Donald Trump statements, laws like the Arizona state immigration checks and GOP opposition to things like the Dream Act. They view those as anti-hispanic viewpoints... not anti-illegal viewpoints.

Years of polling confirms that is what they think and how they vote. At some point you're going to have to listen to them or just accept that they'll never vote for the Republicans.

Dick Armey realized this four years ago: "You can't call someone ugly and expect them to go to the prom with you. We've chased the Hispanic voter out of his natural home."

The thing is you don't even realize you're chasing them away. YOu think someone else is doing it. YOu blame democrats. You blame the media. YOu blame professors. You blame their ignorance. You claim they're brainwashed.

At some point... you're going to need to look in the mirror to find someone to blame. I don't know how to say it any simpler than that.

Dems still pander to blacks/Hispanics and rail that repubs are racist all the time. I rarely get into ANY discussion with a liberal where they don't claim repubs as racist. The Dem party only looks at minority votes period. I am for helping the helpless not the clueless and druggies. Do u think blacks or Hispanics would vote Dem if the 80 plus welfare programs and food stamps were stopped?.Certainly obama has not created many jobs for the black community. Illegal aliens take well paying construction jobs. My brother who is a builder says he has to hire illegals or he wouldnt be competitive.

Since BO it has become the law NOT to enforce immigration laws. Ariz tried to enforce existing immigration laws and were sued by Obama. It has somehow become racist to want sovereign country with borders. It has become racist to be against sanctuary cities. Most people don't realize how much crime illegal immigrants commit. Just my saying that would be (I am sure) construed as racist by the left. In the 4 years 2009-12, 25K murders and 70K rapes or sex crimes committed by illegal immigrants. The media ignores this and few people realize this. pg 21.Then on top of that to bring in thousands of unvettable Muslims is just plain wrong. Can't u see what is happening in Europe?

So I will look in the mirror and not be ashamed that I want what is best for the USA economy and safety of the American people. Repubs might as well stand up for what is right because they will never out pander the Democrat party.

Dems still pander to blacks/Hispanics and rail that repubs are racist all the time. I rarely get into ANY discussion with a liberal where they don't claim repubs as racist. The Dem party only looks at minority votes period. I am for helping the helpless not the clueless and druggies. Do u think blacks or Hispanics would vote Dem if the 80 plus welfare programs and food stamps were stopped?.Certainly obama has not created many jobs for the black community. Illegal aliens take well paying construction jobs. My brother who is a builder says he has to hire illegals or he wouldnt be competitive.

Since BO it has become the law NOT to enforce immigration laws. Ariz tried to enforce existing immigration laws and were sued by Obama. It has somehow become racist to want sovereign country with borders. It has become racist to be against sanctuary cities. Most people don't realize how much crime illegal immigrants commit. Just my saying that would be (I am sure) construed as racist by the left. In the 4 years 2009-12, 25K murders and 70K rapes or sex crimes committed by illegal immigrants. The media ignores this and few people realize this. pg 21.Then on top of that to bring in thousands of unvettable Muslims is just plain wrong. Can't u see what is happening in Europe?

So I will look in the mirror and not be ashamed that I want what is best for the USA economy and safety of the American people. Repubs might as well stand up for what is right because they will never out pander the Democrat party.


Keep talking.

Look... the point I made before stands. Nobody is painting the GOP as anything. The GOP is painting themselves that way. The more you post... the more you make the point for the democrats.

The more you spout your views... the more minorities view you as racist. Nobody needs to say anything beyond your own statements. There's no pandering here... minority groups are JUDGING you. They find you wanting.
Keep talking.

Look... the point I made before stands. Nobody is painting the GOP as anything. The GOP is painting themselves that way. The more you post... the more you make the point for the democrats.

The more you spout your views... the more minorities view you as racist. Nobody needs to say anything beyond your own statements. There's no pandering here... minority groups are JUDGING you. They find you wanting.

So give into the law breakers to win their votes? That's not pandering? C'mon man. What other laws are you willing to ignore for votes?
Keep talking.

Look... the point I made before stands. Nobody is painting the GOP as anything. The GOP is painting themselves that way. The more you post... the more you make the point for the democrats.

The more you spout your views... the more minorities view you as racist.


"minority groups are JUDGING you. They find you wanting. Nobody needs to say anything beyond your own statements. There's no pandering here".. .

U are in an alternate universe..U are so far left, Dems don't pander or villainize repubs. LOL . Ridiculous! That is ALL u do. What did I say in your opinion is racist?
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Dems still pander to blacks/Hispanics and rail that repubs are racist all the time. I rarely get into ANY discussion with a liberal where they don't claim repubs as racist. The Dem party only looks at minority votes period. I am for helping the helpless not the clueless and druggies. Do u think blacks or Hispanics would vote Dem if the 80 plus welfare programs and food stamps were stopped?.Certainly obama has not created many jobs for the black community. Illegal aliens take well paying construction jobs. My brother who is a builder says he has to hire illegals or he wouldnt be competitive.

Since BO it has become the law NOT to enforce immigration laws. Ariz tried to enforce existing immigration laws and were sued by Obama. It has somehow become racist to want sovereign country with borders. It has become racist to be against sanctuary cities. Most people don't realize how much crime illegal immigrants commit. Just my saying that would be (I am sure) construed as racist by the left. In the 4 years 2009-12, 25K murders and 70K rapes or sex crimes committed by illegal immigrants. The media ignores this and few people realize this. pg 21.Then on top of that to bring in thousands of unvettable Muslims is just plain wrong. Can't u see what is happening in Europe?

So I will look in the mirror and not be ashamed that I want what is best for the USA economy and safety of the American people. Repubs might as well stand up for what is right because they will never out pander the Democrat party.


Reptilicans have a very small base...old white people, racists, creeps, and kooks. PLEASE refuse to "pander"! You and your ilk will join the Dixiecrats on the scrap heap of history.
U are in an alternate universe..U are so far left, Dems don't pander or villainize repubs. LOL . Ridiculous! That is ALL u do. What did I say in your opinion is racist?

Do u think blacks or Hispanics would vote Dem if the 80 plus welfare programs and food stamps were stopped? - This is essentially saying that blacks and Hispanics only vote based on receiving welfare programs. It's insulting to blacks and Hispanics. It's like saying that white Christians only vote for the GOP because their churches tell them to.

We give them birthplace citizenship which gives them more welfare. - Again... insinuating that immigrants are all welfare recipients... which is insulting.

Minorities are influenced by the MSM to believe repubs hate minorities - Essentially you're claiming that minorities are easily manipulated by the media... unlike the smart people who are not manipulated by the media... who I guess are not minorities.

But it is pretty obvious. Mexico is corrupt and controlled by drug cartels. Crime is rampant. A large percentage of Muslims discriminate against women, believe it is ok to marry a child. They allow honor killings, cut off hands of thieves, tax people just because they are not Muslims, death penalty for adulterers, kill homos, and believe a man can take as many wives as he wants. Those are not cultures either of us would want to live in. - Yeah... so you insult the culture that minority groups come from without being accurate (no... the majority of muslims do not believe in those things any more than the majority of Christians believe in polygamy or stoning sinners).

Most people don't realize how much crime illegal immigrants commit. Just my saying that would be (I am sure) construed as racist by the left - Not just by the left... by pretty much all Hispanics.

But like I said... I really don't mind. It's funny because you think what you post will not be viewed as racist by minority groups. You're simply wrong about that.

Do u think blacks or Hispanics would vote Dem if the 80 plus welfare programs and food stamps were stopped? - This is essentially saying that blacks and Hispanics only vote based on receiving welfare programs. It's insulting to blacks and Hispanics. It's like saying that white Christians only vote for the GOP because their churches tell them to.

We give them birthplace citizenship which gives them more welfare. - Again... insinuating that immigrants are all welfare recipients... which is insulting.

Minorities are influenced by the MSM to believe repubs hate minorities - Essentially you're claiming that minorities are easily manipulated by the media... unlike the smart people who are not manipulated by the media... who I guess are not minorities.

But it is pretty obvious. Mexico is corrupt and controlled by drug cartels. Crime is rampant. A large percentage of Muslims discriminate against women, believe it is ok to marry a child. They allow honor killings, cut off hands of thieves, tax people just because they are not Muslims, death penalty for adulterers, kill homos, and believe a man can take as many wives as he wants. Those are not cultures either of us would want to live in. - Yeah... so you insult the culture that minority groups come from without being accurate (no... the majority of muslims do not believe in those things any more than the majority of Christians believe in polygamy or stoning sinners).

Most people don't realize how much crime illegal immigrants commit. Just my saying that would be (I am sure) construed as racist by the left - Not just by the left... by pretty much all Hispanics.

But like I said... I really don't mind. It's funny because you think what you post will not be viewed as racist by minority groups. You're simply wrong about that.

So republicans have no choice but go socialist and/or redistribution of wealth, open borders, ignore all immigration laws, bring in a couple million Syrian refugees and everyone will live happily ever after? Is that what u advocate?
I am hoping there are enough Americans left with the common sense to reject those policies and instead vote for what is best for the economy and safety of all American citizens. What u are doing is basically looking out for what is best for illegal immigrants and Syrian migrants and u really don't care what is best for the American citizens.
The end justifies the means.
Reptilicans have a very small base...old white people, racists, creeps, and kooks. PLEASE refuse to "pander"! You and your ilk will join the Dixiecrats on the scrap heap of history.

Who are the Blacks and Hispanics running on the DemocRAT side? And Repubs hold the large majority of State Houses, State Senates, Governors , The House and the Senate. You ppl are just really dumb. LOL
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I'm a one percenter and not scared by sanders at all. I've argued for years that It's not the one percenters that can do anything really. The 0.1 percenters are the ones you should fear and hold enormous power to do great evil to others. Most of the one percent are successful doctors, lawyers and businessmen. They have some money but not real money. The 0.1 percent all have a net worth greater than $10 million. That's real money and can get real results. Your average 1% doctor or lawyer can not effect politics in any way. All of your average 0.1 percenters can swing the pendulum of almost any race they'd like. The reason the one percent was attacked is that the 99 percent routinely interacts with the 1 % but essentially never come in any real contact with the 0.1 percent. Wish this idea was more nationally known.
It's good to know that you feel that way. It sheds a great deal of light on your insight. I can only hope that you are alone in the way that you feel as a veteran of this COUNTRY's military.

It's not the President's military. He may be the Commander-in-Chief, but he will soon be out of office. Will you stick to that sentiment if your desired CIC isn't elected?

Sure! My commission was signed by President Reagan. And while on active duty, I would never express contempt against the current president, vice president, Congress, secretary of defense, secretary of any armed service, secretary of transportation, or the governor or legislature of any state, territory, or commonwealth in which I am on duty. It is prohibited by Article 88 of the UCMJ.

Article 88 does not apply to contempt expressed against individual members of Congress, only the entire body.
So republicans have no choice but go socialist and/or redistribution of wealth, open borders, ignore all immigration laws, bring in a couple million Syrian refugees and everyone will live happily ever after? Is that what u advocate?
I am hoping there are enough Americans left with the common sense to reject those policies and instead vote for what is best for the economy and safety of all American citizens. What u are doing is basically looking out for what is best for illegal immigrants and Syrian migrants and u really don't care what is best for the American citizens.
The end justifies the means.

No... your choice is to continue supporting whatever policies you want without saying that minorities are too dumb to realize they're the best policies or bought off by welfare checks or by telling them their culture is evil.

You don't convince anyone your policy is right by insulting them. You convince them by showing them how the policy is in their best interest.

If it's not in their best interest so you can't do that... well you're not going to win that voting block. But don't tell them it's because they're stupid... because if you do that enough they won't vote for you even when your policies do in fact favor them.

When unarmed black people are shot and the response is "most criminals are blacks, so it's justified"... you're not making a policy point. You're insulting blacks. Same goes when you say the only reason they vote democrat is because of welfare checks.

When you talk about "Mexican culture" being something we need to keep out of the country... you're not talking about policy... you're insulting Hispanics.

When you talk about Muslims as if they're all terrorists, you're not talking about policy. You're insulting Muslims.

And when your insults all seem based on race or religion... people are going to view you as a racist or a religious bigot. Because you AREN'T talking about policy. You're simply insulting people based on race or religion because they don't agree with you on policy as a group.
I'm a one percenter and not scared by sanders at all. I've argued for years that It's not the one percenters that can do anything really. The 0.1 percenters are the ones you should fear and hold enormous power to do great evil to others. Most of the one percent are successful doctors, lawyers and businessmen. They have some money but not real money. The 0.1 percent all have a net worth greater than $10 million. That's real money and can get real results. Your average 1% doctor or lawyer can not effect politics in any way. All of your average 0.1 percenters can swing the pendulum of almost any race they'd like. The reason the one percent was attacked is that the 99 percent routinely interacts with the 1 % but essentially never come in any real contact with the 0.1 percent. Wish this idea was more nationally known.

This might be one of the dumbest uninformed....and FOS postings I've ever seen here. Bless your heart.
No... your choice is to continue supporting whatever policies you want without saying that minorities are too dumb to realize they're the best policies or bought off by welfare checks or by telling them their culture is evil.

You don't convince anyone your policy is right by insulting them. You convince them by showing them how the policy is in their best interest.

If it's not in their best interest so you can't do that... well you're not going to win that voting block. But don't tell them it's because they're stupid... because if you do that enough they won't vote for you even when your policies do in fact favor them.

When unarmed black people are shot and the response is "most criminals are blacks, so it's justified"... you're not making a policy point. You're insulting blacks. Same goes when you say the only reason they vote democrat is because of welfare checks.

When you talk about "Mexican culture" being something we need to keep out of the country... you're not talking about policy... you're insulting Hispanics.

When you talk about Muslims as if they're all terrorists, you're not talking about policy. You're insulting Muslims.

And when your insults all seem based on race or religion... people are going to view you as a racist or a religious bigot. Because you AREN'T talking about policy. You're simply insulting people based on race or religion because they don't agree with you on policy as a group.

Here's your problem. Its the ppl you support that treat and condition and depend on minorities being dumb. And their voting habits prove just that. The Liberals don't want an informed electric, or an independent one. I'd like to see you rebut that.

As to your "most criminals are blacks, so it's justified".. STRAWMAN. Again you have to ignore the substance then add in your emotional unfounded accusation . Show me anyone here, or anywhere on the internet that said shooting anyone unarmed is justified as a general statement...anyone. Such a sad and dishonest tactic. But then without these charges, a liberal couldn't argue with anyone.

Do you even know what mexican culture accepts? Have you seen the ppl coming across the boarder, do you know they have no interest in being Americans? But to point that out in your mind is "racist"

Is there any thing that anyone disagrees with you on.....that's not racist??

And again, I've followed you everywhere, and you keep ignoring the facts. Show many where anyone said ALL MUSLIMS are terrorist? Look you're nice fella. do you not see how you're perceived when you say this silly shit?
Hoff... the talk radio types for the GOP are starting to rail against legal immigration too. Rubio is getting criticized here in South Carolina for H1B visas. The GOP seems to support things like the Arizona law for having police be able to check Hispanics for their papers. These aren't things that many Hispanic voters (aside from some Cuban-Americans) are on board with.

I'm not saying Republicans are racist. I'm saying the GOP PLATFORM is viewed as racist by minorities. It isn't because of things democrats are saying about you. It's because of things like certain Donald Trump statements, laws like the Arizona state immigration checks and GOP opposition to things like the Dream Act. They view those as anti-hispanic viewpoints... not anti-illegal viewpoints.

Years of polling confirms that is what they think and how they vote. At some point you're going to have to listen to them or just accept that they'll never vote for the Republicans.

Dick Armey realized this four years ago: "You can't call someone ugly and expect them to go to the prom with you. We've chased the Hispanic voter out of his natural home."

The thing is you don't even realize you're chasing them away. YOu think someone else is doing it. YOu blame democrats. You blame the media. YOu blame professors. You blame their ignorance. You claim they're brainwashed.

At some point... you're going to need to look in the mirror to find someone to blame. I don't know how to say it any simpler than that.
So what your saying is the GOP should sell out the United States so illegals and criminals will vote for them?
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So what your saying is the GOP should sell out the United States so illegals and criminals will vote for them?

No... I'm saying you should try to convince them if you believe the platform you support works.

Calling them criminals or terrorists, saying their culture is evil, and saying they only feel the way they do about policy because they're addicted to welfare doesn't do that. It makes minorities think of the GOP as racist. But that's Hoff's, Rolo's and many other GOP supporters approach to minorities.

Insult them.

If you have the better platform... you should be able to articulate why it's better without insulting those who disagree with you. Reagan made an argument for the conservative economic approach and people listened. In the end, the results proved him wrong in my opinion... but he won people over not by insulting them... but by providing an argument that won them over.

Usually if you just resort to insults... you don't have an argument good enough to win people over.
Exactly, I asked him earlier what other laws should be ignored to secure votes....He's not responded
Rolo, it's impossible to catch all of the little questions you ask between the insults and rants.

I assume you're talking about immigration laws. Right now the law says the executive branch can prioritize who immigration officers target. There's an understanding that the resources haven't been provided to adequately go after every person breaking immigration law, so congress has told the executive branch to use their own judgement in determining who to prioritize (through legislation).

Obama has chosen to increase the priority on going after those committing crimes (other than immigration violation) and decrease the priority on those living and working in the US without committing criminal offenses.

That's not ignoring the law... because the laws passed explicitly give the president the authority to do what Obama did.

Similarly Obama is using a law on the books that allows the executive branch to use renewable waivers to allow people to remain legally in the US to "preserve family unity". He's enacted two executive orders that allow people with relatives who are here legally to apply to remain in the US legally using 2-year renewable waivers. This process is part of the law of the US... and it gives the executive branch complete authority to determine what is covered by family unity and to decide any other factors they want to consider when granting or denying the waiver... as long as "family unity" being preserved is the issue addressed.

That's what DACA and DAPA are... the executive branch using authority granted by the legislative branch.

Congress has passed a TON of laws over the years. Many of them... particularly the ones that have created cabinet positions... grant the executive branch a TON of authority on a wide range of issues. The justice department for example is given the authority to not prosecute cases that aren't viewed as capable of being won. That power is why Obama could quit prosecuting the defense of marriage act... because congress gave him that authority.

I'm sorry you don't understand how our government works... but when Congress has passed a law giving Obama the authority to do something... he's not ignoring the law when he uses it. He's following the law.
No... I'm saying you should try to convince them if you believe the platform you support works.

Calling them criminals or terrorists, saying their culture is evil, and saying they only feel the way they do about policy because they're addicted to welfare doesn't do that. It makes minorities think of the GOP as racist. But that's Hoff's, Rolo's and many other GOP supporters approach to minorities.

Insult them.

If you have the better platform... you should be able to articulate why it's better without insulting those who disagree with you. Reagan made an argument for the conservative economic approach and people listened. In the end, the results proved him wrong in my opinion... but he won people over not by insulting them... but by providing an argument that won them over.

Usually if you just resort to insults... you don't have an argument good enough to win people over.

If I call a white guy that robbed a bank..a bank robber....would you find a way to say I was insulting all white people? LOL , Good Lord have mercy
Rolo, it's impossible to catch all of the little questions you ask between the insults and rants.

I assume you're talking about immigration laws. Right now the law says the executive branch can prioritize who immigration officers target. There's an understanding that the resources haven't been provided to adequately go after every person breaking immigration law, so congress has told the executive branch to use their own judgement in determining who to prioritize (through legislation).

Obama has chosen to increase the priority on going after those committing crimes (other than immigration violation) and decrease the priority on those living and working in the US without committing criminal offenses.

That's not ignoring the law... because the laws passed explicitly give the president the authority to do what Obama did.

Similarly Obama is using a law on the books that allows the executive branch to use renewable waivers to allow people to remain legally in the US to "preserve family unity". He's enacted two executive orders that allow people with relatives who are here legally to apply to remain in the US legally using 2-year renewable waivers. This process is part of the law of the US... and it gives the executive branch complete authority to determine what is covered by family unity and to decide any other factors they want to consider when granting or denying the waiver... as long as "family unity" being preserved is the issue addressed.

That's what DACA and DAPA are... the executive branch using authority granted by the legislative branch.

Congress has passed a TON of laws over the years. Many of them... particularly the ones that have created cabinet positions... grant the executive branch a TON of authority on a wide range of issues. The justice department for example is given the authority to not prosecute cases that aren't viewed as capable of being won. That power is why Obama could quit prosecuting the defense of marriage act... because congress gave him that authority.

I'm sorry you don't understand how our government works... but when Congress has passed a law giving Obama the authority to do something... he's not ignoring the law when he uses it. He's following the law.

I don't mean to insult you, I don't. But damn when you just toss out BS like "all muslims are terrorist" What do you expect?

You're immigration excuse in this thread is a perfect example. Its nothing but BS liberal talking points. WTF makes you think new laws are needed when the morons don't enforce existing laws? I thought this was done when Reagan did it? Its what they said at the time.

Obama is ENCOURAGING ppl to flood across the boarder. He's advertising in South America, he's ordered the Boarder patrol to stand down

To believe what you believe you have to ignore the facts. Hell you don't even know what law on the books you're talking about....BECAUSE THERE ISN'T ONE!! Its why the Courts ordered him to STOP...FKC!!!

I mean you seem to have some intelligence ...But damn you truly don't know WTF you're talking about. There IS NO LAW. Maybe you should enroll in a JC Civics course.

THE COURTS STOPPED HIM....Do you understand how that works?
No... I'm saying you should try to convince them if you believe the platform you support works.

Calling them criminals or terrorists, saying their culture is evil, and saying they only feel the way they do about policy because they're addicted to welfare doesn't do that. It makes minorities think of the GOP as racist. But that's Hoff's, Rolo's and many other GOP supporters approach to minorities.

Insult them.

If you have the better platform... you should be able to articulate why it's better without insulting those who disagree with you. Reagan made an argument for the conservative economic approach and people listened. In the end, the results proved him wrong in my opinion... but he won people over not by insulting them... but by providing an argument that won them over.

Usually if you just resort to insults... you don't have an argument good enough to win people over.

Man, its like arguing with a wall. No one is calling them all criminals or Terrorists. Stop with the strawman BS. We have an ILLEGAL problem. Some of us believe in the rule of law, and that we actually have a sovereign Country with Legal boarders. What don't you understand about that?

We are also at war with Radical Islamist. Maybe you heard, but ISIS not has chemical weapons.....So inviting UNDOCUMENTED, "refuge's" in without knowing who they are (did you hear about Paris?) And leaving the Boarders unprotected....well some of us see that that could be a wee bit of a problem. So while you heart bleeds over these law breakers and ppl from Terrorist held Countries......You can see how it could be an issue to where you might actually end up dead right?
If I call a white guy that robbed a bank..a bank robber....would you find a way to say I was insulting all white people? LOL , Good Lord have mercy

No... but saying that it was white culture that led him to rob the bank would be.
Or saying that if another white guy got shot by police that it's acceptable because more white guys rob banks... that would qualify as well.
No... but saying that it was white culture that led him to rob the bank would be.
Or saying that if another white guy got shot by police that it's acceptable because more white guys rob banks... that would qualify as well.
Who said that? I said we don't need ppl who won't assimilate and don't want to be Americans into the Country. Some cultures are not compatible with American culture. I'll ask again, ever been to Dearborn Mich or LA? You tell me those towns are American. California is no longer and American State, they are letting ILLEGALS vote and 60 of new DL's issued are ILLEGAL. I guess you don't see a problem?

And again I ask you to defend your accusation that anyone has said shooting someone because of their race is ok? Stawman after strawman....You'll be covered up soon.
I don't mean to insult you, I don't. But damn when you just toss out BS like "all muslims are terrorist" What do you expect?

You're immigration excuse in this thread is a perfect example. Its nothing but BS liberal talking points. WTF makes you think new laws are needed when the morons don't enforce existing laws? I thought this was done when Reagan did it? Its what they said at the time.

Obama is ENCOURAGING ppl to flood across the boarder. He's advertising in South America, he's ordered the Boarder patrol to stand down

To believe what you believe you have to ignore the facts. Hell you don't even know what law on the books you're talking about....BECAUSE THERE ISN'T ONE!! Its why the Courts ordered him to STOP...FKC!!!

I mean you seem to have some intelligence ...But damn you truly don't know WTF you're talking about. There IS NO LAW. Maybe you should enroll in a JC Civics course.

THE COURTS STOPPED HIM....Do you understand how that works?

Do you actually know why the courts stopped him? Because he didn't allow for a long enough period of review before initiating the regulation (which is required by another law governing executive actions). Obama tried to put the second immigration executive order through under the blanket of the first one (which did go through the review process and was not stopped and is STILL going). The court said that was not proper... it needed to go through a second review process as a new order.

It was stopped due to a procedural problem... not a decision on the legal basis of the order. The law is the immigration act of 1986, Title 2, Sec 201 (Legalization of Status), d (waivers), 2 (waiver of grounds for exclusion), B. (waiver on other grounds), (i) IN GENERAL. -- Except as provided in clause (ii), the Attorney General may waive any other provision of section 212(a) in the case of individual aliens for humanitarian purposes, to assure family unity, or when it is otherwise in the public interest.

Section 212(a) that the waiver applies to those who are ineligible for receiving legal status. It includes those who illegally entered the US. The above allows the executive branch to have a waiver to ignore that section for various reason... INCLUDING "to assure family unity".

That is current law. Just because you are not aware that it exists doesn't mean it's not valid. It does mean you may be a a bit lazy... that took me 30 seconds to find with a google search. Though perhaps it helped that I actually looked it up before forming my opinion on the subject in the past so I knew it existed.
Who said that? I said we don't need ppl who won't assimilate and don't want to be Americans into the Country. Some cultures are not compatible with American culture. I'll ask again, ever been to Dearborn Mich or LA? You tell me those towns are American. California is no longer and American State, they are letting ILLEGALS vote and 60 of new DL's issued are ILLEGAL. I guess you don't see a problem?

And again I ask you to defend your accusation that anyone has said shooting someone because of their race is ok? Stawman after strawman....You'll be covered up soon.

"But it is pretty obvious. Mexico is corrupt and controlled by drug cartels. Crime is rampant. A large percentage of Muslims discriminate against women, believe it is ok to marry a child. They allow honor killings, cut off hands of thieves, tax people just because they are not Muslims, death penalty for adulterers, kill homos, and believe a man can take as many wives as he wants. Those are not cultures either of us would want to live in." - Hoff posted this in this thread. It seems to imply that Mexican culture leads those from that culture to be corrupt and criminal. That doesn't seem on par with: "saying that it was white culture that led him to rob the bank would be." in your eyes?

"Blacks commit more crime, and 2 you don't know the circumstances of any of those shootings. Black culture is to no obey the police. I have no doubt there are bad cops and bad shootings. But even if the 40% shot is true. Its minuscule in the overall picture." - You posted this one. I interpret "Its minuscule in the overall picture" as the same as " it's acceptable" and "Black culture is to no obey the police." as "Blacks commit more crimes".

And that's just on the current page of this thread.
Do you actually know why the courts stopped him? Because he didn't allow for a long enough period of review before initiating the regulation (which is required by another law governing executive actions). Obama tried to put the second immigration executive order through under the blanket of the first one (which did go through the review process and was not stopped and is STILL going). The court said that was not proper... it needed to go through a second review process as a new order.

It was stopped due to a procedural problem... not a decision on the legal basis of the order. The law is the immigration act of 1986, Title 2, Sec 201 (Legalization of Status), d (waivers), 2 (waiver of grounds for exclusion), B. (waiver on other grounds), (i) IN GENERAL. -- Except as provided in clause (ii), the Attorney General may waive any other provision of section 212(a) in the case of individual aliens for humanitarian purposes, to assure family unity, or when it is otherwise in the public interest.

Section 212(a) that the waiver applies to those who are ineligible for receiving legal status. It includes those who illegally entered the US. The above allows the executive branch to have a waiver to ignore that section for various reason... INCLUDING "to assure family unity".

That is current law. Just because you are not aware that it exists doesn't mean it's not valid. It does mean you may be a a bit lazy... that took me 30 seconds to find with a google search. Though perhaps it helped that I actually looked it up before forming my opinion on the subject in the past so I knew it existed.

Maybe you should read the judgement. The Judge said he was writing law. The 86 law was specifically written for those here at the time, and Reagan acted because it left out a very few family members and used the statute to justify his EXE order. The 86 law doesn't apply for leeches that have come recently. Remember the law said there would be NO MORE ILLEGALS.