science agrees, human life begins

So you think the world and all its wonders, and the human species with its incredibly complex body that science still doesn't fully understand just appeared out of nothing? A big explosion maybe? Talk about believing in fairytales and wizardry.

I'm glad all you atheist are outing yourselves. I see celtic has even put his stamp of approval on your anti God statements. That helps explain why so many libs are so evil.
And your belief is that Adam and Eve were real people and Eve was created from Adam's rib? What about dinosaurs? Where were they? How about prehistoric cavemen? Did they not exist either? Is evolution not a real thing in your mind?
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So you think the world and all its wonders, and the human species with its incredibly complex body that science still doesn't fully understand just appeared out of nothing? A big explosion maybe? Talk about believing in fairytales and wizardry.

I'm glad all you atheist are outing yourselves. I see celtic has even put his stamp of approval on your anti God statements. That helps explain why so many libs are so evil.
I'm not anti-god so stop the bs. There could be some initiating force in the universe (s) as it appears there well may be. The big Bang is still accepted by some and challenged by other astrophysicists. As for life beginning on earth, I lean towards the theory of panspermia, which basically posits that microbial life came to earth billions of years ago on comets or meteors. But, then, of course, that life had to come from somewhere as well. So back to square one. You know you sound like one of those aboriginals that lived on an island that had never been discovered until a plane finally landed there. Guess what? They couldn't understand science and believed the plane and it's occupants were gods. Just like the Aztecs believed the Spanish were gods...and look what it got them.

Not understanding everything in nature proves there is a divine power that caused it.
I really don't care what someone believes, and if it makes them happy and peaceful all the better, as long as it doesn't lead to them telling me what I can do with my body, in my bedroom, what I can read, or motivates them to want to behead or otherwise punish me for not being a true believer. I could be persuaded to believe if god opened up a large Swiss bank account in my name.

Woody Allen offers some words of comfort " Mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other to total extinction. let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.
"And don't worry, eternal nothingness isn't so bad if you happen to be dressed for it".
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And your belief is that Adam and Eve were real people and Eve was created from Adam's rib? What about dinosaurs? Where were they? How about prehistoric cavemen? Did they not exist either? Is evolution not a real thing in your mind?
Once you get into the Adam and Eve thing it gets messy, when you start to wonder where all the grandkids came from if all they had was two sons.
And your belief is that Adam and Eve were real people and Eve was created from Adam's rib? What about dinosaurs? Where were they? How about prehistoric cavemen? Did they not exist either? Is evolution not a real thing in your mind?
Yes I do.

Once you get into the Adam and Eve thing it gets messy, when you start to wonder where all the grandkids came from if all they had was two sons.
dude, please read your Bible. They had numerous children. Just because only sons where listed by name does not eliminate daughters. Also more than 2 sons are mentioned. The problem atheist/agnostics have is that they don't have a clue what the Bibles says and then argue against it from the point of ignorance.
I'm not anti-god so stop the bs. There could be some initiating force in the universe (s) as it appears there well may be. The big Bang is still accepted by some and challenged by other astrophysicists. As for life beginning on earth, I lean towards the theory of panspermia, which basically posits that microbial life came to earth billions of years ago on comets or meteors. But, then, of course, that life had to come from somewhere as well. So back to square one. You know you sound like one of those aboriginals that lived on an island that had never been discovered until a plane finally landed there. Guess what? They couldn't understand science and believed the plane and it's occupants were gods. Just like the Aztecs believed the Spanish were gods...and look what it got them.

Not understanding everything in nature proves there is a divine power that caused it.
I really don't care what someone believes, and if it makes them happy and peaceful all the better, as long as it doesn't lead to them telling me what I can do with my body, in my bedroom, what I can read, or motivates them to want to behead or otherwise punish me for not being a true believer. I could be persuaded to believe if god opened up a large Swiss bank account in my name.

Woody Allen offers some words of comfort " Mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other to total extinction. let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.
"And don't worry, eternal nothingness isn't so bad if you happen to be dressed for it".
Your smug disrespect for "gawd" tells a different story. There is much more evidence that God spoke the world as we know it into existence than any of your scientific theories. o key word = THEORIES

Woody Allen vs God... I'll choose God

leftist talk about others trying to tell them what to do with their bodies .when in fact leftist are the ones trying to force their perversions on everyone else using the power of the government. I don't think you can point to anyone trying to hunt down homosexuals and burn them at the stake, but you can sure find homosexuals trying to force others to accept and promote their cause. As you stated, Im not trying to tell anyone what to do (other than warn them they are in danger of hell) in their bedroom but they sure want children to be taught and others to know and accept what they do. LIBS are hypocrites. Stop trying to use the government to push leftist perversions on everyone else.
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dude, please read your Bible. They had numerous children. Just because only sons where listed by name does not eliminate daughters. Also more than 2 sons are mentioned. The problem atheist/agnostics have is that they don't have a clue what the Bibles says and then argue against it from the point of ignorance.
So it was all just incest? OK. That explains a lot.
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Your smug disrespect for "gawd" tells a different story. There is much more evidence that God spoke the world as we know it into existence than any of your scientific theories. o key word = THEORIES

Woody Allen vs God... I'll choose God

leftist talk about others trying to tell them what to do with their bodies .when in fact leftist are the ones trying to force their perversions on everyone else using the power of the government. I don't think you can point to anyone trying to hunt down homosexuals and burn them at the stake, but you can sure find homosexuals trying to force others to accept and promote their cause. As you stated, Im not trying to tell anyone what to do (other than warn them they are in danger of hell) in their bedroom but they sure want children to be taught and others to know and accept what they do. LIBS are hypocrites. Stop trying to use the government to push leftist perversions on everyone else.
Who is passing all the anti-trans and anti gay laws? Libs? "Straight" killers have entered gay bars etc and gunned down hundreds of gays over the years. Guess bullets are cheaper than gas huh? How can you force others to accept something, or their cause? Children should be taught to respect other folks choices. They can make up their own minds about joining in. If somebody promotes something that is not force. How is the gubmint using their power to promote perversion? When some group fights to receive the same rights and treatment under the law they are often cited for promoting an agenda, which they have every right to do, but mostly they just want the same rights as others. It's happened with blacks, gays, hispanics and others in the US. Pick any country in the world and the same shit happens. But, oh the US is supposed to be some bastion of freedom.

By the way, I'll take Woody. Seems god is awful boring most of the time. Give me some humor from the bible. Seems at least Jesus could have opened The Last Supper with a good joke or two to lighten the mood. Like maybe "Hey Judas got thirty bucks you can loan me"?
Children should be taught to respect other folks choices.
You mean like you respect those who choose Christianity? All you do is sneer at and disparage the faith that gives joy and comfort to so many.

And if you don’t see how this sick administration is promoting perversion you’re either not paying attention or you’re so perverse yourself that their promoting books normalizing gay anal sex to grade schoolers seems normal to you.

Doctor Jill Biden: All books belong in (school) libraries.
So the guy who believes the human race started with a fully formed man in the Garden of Eden is lecturing us on the science of conception? GTFO
SMH So the guy who thinks everything comes from nothing questions GOD's power.
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Who is passing all the anti-trans and anti gay laws? Libs? "Straight" killers have entered gay bars etc and gunned down hundreds of gays over the years. Guess bullets are cheaper than gas huh? How can you force others to accept something, or their cause? Children should be taught to respect other folks choices. They can make up their own minds about joining in. If somebody promotes something that is not force. How is the gubmint using their power to promote perversion? When some group fights to receive the same rights and treatment under the law they are often cited for promoting an agenda, which they have every right to do, but mostly they just want the same rights as others. It's happened with blacks, gays, hispanics and others in the US. Pick any country in the world and the same shit happens. But, oh the US is supposed to be some bastion of freedom.

By the way, I'll take Woody. Seems god is awful boring most of the time. Give me some humor from the bible. Seems at least Jesus could have opened The Last Supper with a good joke or two to lighten the mood. Like maybe "Hey Judas got thirty bucks you can loan me"?
Enjoy eternity
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Rom 1:18-22

For God's wrath is revealed from heaven against all Godlessness and unrighteousness of people who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth, since what can be known about God is evident among them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, that is his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world being understood through what he has made. As a result, people are without excuse. For though they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God or show gratitude. Instead, their thinking became worthless, and their senseless hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools.....

I hope and pray you all will find God instead of worshiping the foolishness of man.
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10,000 years of inbreeding would explain a lot
your theory puts humans on the same level with any other animal. No wonder yall have no conscience about murdering innocent babies. After all, lots of animals eat their newborns.
Rom 1:18-22

For God's wrath is revealed from heaven against all Godlessness and unrighteousness of people who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth, since what can be known about God is evident among them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, that is his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world being understood through what he has made. As a result, people are without excuse. For though they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God or show gratitude. Instead, their thinking became worthless, and their senseless hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools.....

I hope and pray you all will find God instead of worshiping the foolishness of man.
Man it would be nice if you folks could think for yourselves instead of quoting a bunch of gibberish from ancient texts. I had many years of religion as a child and teenager. Then I began to realize that one religion claims to have the answers and the others are wrong. And the others feel the same way for the most part. It all comes down to what part of the globe you happen to be born into. Every so called christian here born in the middle east, or far east would not believe one word of the bible, because they never would have read it.
your theory puts humans on the same level with any other animal. No wonder yall have no conscience about murdering innocent babies. After all, lots of animals eat their newborns.
Who's killing babies? Embryos are not babies. Do you have any idea how many innocent Muslim children were slaughtered by the crusaders? How many native american children were slaughtered by white christians, whether English, French or Spanish. There are no animals on the planet that approach that kind of savagery, but the human animal. Makes you proud to be a warrior of god huh?
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Yep, he will never know.

He is demonstrating his respect for other people’s choices.
I don't give a damn about other people's choices. I respect their right to have that belief, but finding that belief inconsistent and based on nothing but writings that are thousands of years old that are based on writings even older from other cultures. As well as much of it being tossed out over hundreds of years by various church "authorities". What you are left with is a mish mash of fables, legends unproven stories.
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And that is apropos of what exact
I don't give a damn about other people's choices. I respect their right to have that belief, but finding that belief inconsistent and based on nothing but writings that are thousands of years old that are based on writings even older from other cultures. As well as much of it being tossed out over hundreds of years by various church "authorities". What you are left with is a mish mash of fables, legends unproven stories.

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God never said a damn thing about anything. People have said he said a bunch of stuff, but as far as god, he's never been seen or heard saying anything.
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God never said a damn thing about anything. People have said he said a bunch of stuff, but as far as god, he's never been seen or heard saying anything.
SMH I feel sorry for you and those that agree with you. There is nothing more to be said to you.
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Well so far you haven't said anything that made sense or reflected reality, so I guess I should feel lucky.
I don't think thats how you should feel at all. There is no hope for anyone that denies God.

The Bible says we can know the truth and the truth will make us free. John 8:32. It also tells us what truth is, "thy word is truth" John 17:17 We will be judged by that word John 12:48 Faith comes by hearing the word of God Romans 10:17
Even the words you use are full of judgement. Very Christian of you Cherry.
The thing that is judging you is the word of God. The Bible says Gods word is truth and that truth will make us free. John 8:32 and John 17:17 and that we will judged by those words. John 12;48. It is very Christian to point out that those that live outside the word are in danger of judgement. Your argument is not with me its with God.

Come on out and deny God yourself celtic. I see you approve of the blasphemous posts of payne and elevator.
I don't think thats how you should feel at all. There is no hope for anyone that denies God.

The Bible says we can know the truth and the truth will make us free. John 8:32. It also tells us what truth is, "thy word is truth" John 17:17 We will be judged by that word John 12:48 Faith comes by hearing the word of God Romans 10:17
I'm telling you man shrooms would do you a world of good.
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The thing that is judging you is the word of God. The Bible says Gods word is truth and that truth will make us free. John 8:32 and John 17:17 and that we will judged by those words. John 12;48. It is very Christian to point out that those that live outside the word are in danger of judgement. Your argument is not with me its with God.

Come on out and deny God yourself celtic. I see you approve of the blasphemous posts of payne and elevator.
If you think the posts I liked were blasphemous, so be it. I don't deny there is a God, but I don't believe in Jesus and don't take the Bible as the literal truth.

But I will tell you what is really tiresome. You claiming to be a tolerant Christian and trying to shove your beliefs down everyone's throat.
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The thing that is judging you is the word of God. The Bible says Gods word is truth and that truth will make us free. John 8:32 and John 17:17 and that we will judged by those words. John 12;48. It is very Christian to point out that those that live outside the word are in danger of judgement. Your argument is not with me its with God.

Come on out and deny God yourself celtic. I see you approve of the blasphemous posts of payne and elevator.
Well, Cherry, I’ll tell you that you are judging people, not god. You tell people you feel sorry for them, which implies YOU are better than them. You are telling people they aren’t worthy of your empathy because they don’t accept God the way you do. You’re nothing more than another hypocritical judgey person.
So you think the world and all its wonders, and the human species with its incredibly complex body that science still doesn't fully understand just appeared out of nothing? A big explosion maybe? Talk about believing in fairytales and wizardry.

I'm glad all you atheist are outing yourselves. I see celtic has even put his stamp of approval on your anti God statements. That helps explain why so many libs are so evil.
Man there’s no use trying to talk sense to the evil. They are doomed to hell and they are happy about it.
Man there’s no use trying to talk sense to the evil. They are doomed to hell and they are happy about it.
Nothing screams narcissistic insanity louder than claiming people are evil and doomed to hell for posts on a website. And isn't it scary to imagine these folks are walking around out there and probably appear normal. They should be made to wear a sandwich board with the end is near evil ones and you are doomed. At least that wat way we could keep a safe distance.