science agrees, human life begins

Well, Cherry, I’ll tell you that you are judging people, not god. You tell people you feel sorry for them, which implies YOU are better than them. You are telling people they aren’t worthy of your empathy because they don’t accept God the way you do. You’re nothing more than another hypocritical judgey person.
All i did was post Bible verses and yes I absolutely feel sorry for people that deny God. You have a problem. You are one of those shoot the messenger types. IF I didn't feel sorry for you and what is going to happen to you, I wouldn't bother. You won't be on my conscience. I tried just letting you read for yourself. But you are too arrogant and as the Bible says, "thinking yourself wise became a fool". Say what you want about me. Any honest person see what I posted was straight Bible verses. You not liking what they say is on you. Nothing hypocritical about trying to teach someone the way. The Bible tells us we are to try and save people that are lost. You don't believe in God or his word which is what will judge us. ITs on you.

PS The Bible also tells us to reprove rebuke and exhort one another to good works. Showing you where you stand when compared to Gods word is not me judging you. Its the word judging you. You don't have to believe it. Thats your choice. As I said. I have done my duty to you, your an adult and are free to make you own choice. YOUR party should stop trying to force its evil on everyone. Especially children.
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All i did was post Bible verses and yes I absolutely feel sorry for people that deny God. You have a problem. You are one of those shoot the messenger types. IF I didn't feel sorry for you and what is going to happen to you, I wouldn't bother. You won't be on my conscience. I tried just letting you read for yourself. But you are too arrogant and as the Bible says, "thinking yourself wise became a fool". Say what you want about me. Any honest person see what I posted was straight Bible verses. You not liking what they say is on you. Nothing hypocritical about trying to teach someone the way. The Bible tells us we are to try and save people that are lost. You don't believe in God or his word which is what will judge us. ITs on you.

PS The Bible also tells us to reprove rebuke and exhort one another to good works. Showing you where you stand when compared to Gods word is not me judging you. It’s the word judging you. You don't have to believe it. Thats your choice. As I said. I have done my duty to you, you’re an adult and are free to make you own choice. YOUR party should stop trying to force its evil on everyone. Especially children.
Ah yes, you are just a channel of god’s words. A vessel through which the word of the lord is shared. I’m not lost! I think the Bible is a waste of time and dumb. I’m happy you believe in it, but leave me the heck alone. I’m never going to believe it is worthwhile. It was a book arranged by the Romans to control people from the First Council of Nicaea. Jesus was likely a real person, but the rest was based on a combination of Paganism and Judiaism. Hell, no one even knows when the supposed Christ was actually born.
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Thanks for clarifying. I still say a woman's body is her body and the governmnet should not control her body.
On the clarification point. A woman’s body is her body. A human beings right to freedom of choice is paramount to living in the U.S.

We are free to make lifestyle choices, intimacy choices and career choices. We have freedom of speech……. but wait, we don’t. Our freedoms are only allowed in what the government allows. So in reality, if I choose to speak publicly and harshly of particular racial groups, I can be labeled a racist, placed on a terrorist watch list, can lose my job.

I am forced to believe a man can biologically be a woman, which is scientifically false. I am forced to accept sexual content an illustrations being forced upon my children and being told that another person, besides the parent can discuss gender dysphoria with my children and promote gender mutilation to my children without my knowledge or consent.

Yet, when it comes to a scientific fact that when two humans conceive a life, the government tells me that it is not human life.

We make laws from points of convenience. We are capable of stopping conception before it happens. But we don’t. We would rather kill what was created.

So why is that? The government forced an untested vaccine on its citizens. I was not given the right to my body in the process. Why not? It never stopped transmissions to others. Why was the government acting so concerned about me?

If the government was so concerned about the sanctity of life of its citizens, it should mandate contraception until conception is desired. That would save money, save surgical risks, and honor life.

But we won’t do that. There is too much money in it and it would cause us to value life, which is not the point of the government.
On the clarification point. A woman’s body is her body. A human beings right to freedom of choice is paramount to living in the U.S.

We are free to make lifestyle choices, intimacy choices and career choices. We have freedom of speech……. but wait, we don’t. Our freedoms are only allowed in what the government allows. So in reality, if I choose to speak publicly and harshly of particular racial groups, I can be labeled a racist, placed on a terrorist watch list, can lose my job.

I am forced to believe a man can biologically be a woman, which is scientifically false. I am forced to accept sexual content an illustrations being forced upon my children and being told that another person, besides the parent can discuss gender dysphoria with my children and promote gender mutilation to my children without my knowledge or consent.

Yet, when it comes to a scientific fact that when two humans conceive a life, the government tells me that it is not human life.

We make laws from points of convenience. We are capable of stopping conception before it happens. But we don’t. We would rather kill what was created.

So why is that? The government forced an untested vaccine on its citizens. I was not given the right to my body in the process. Why not? It never stopped transmissions to others. Why was the government acting so concerned about me?

If the government was so concerned about the sanctity of life of its citizens, it should mandate contraception until conception is desired. That would save money, save surgical risks, and honor life.

But we won’t do that. There is too much money in it and it would cause us to value life, which is not the point of the government.
None of your claims have any basis in fact. You are not "forced" to do any of the things you listed. The vaccine was never about curing or preventing the virus, it was about limiting the symptoms and reducing the chances of serious effects. Millions chose not to take the vaccine and paid the price. Some were lucky, but they had a choice. Quit lying.

Free speech has always had limitations and you know it, or should. An embryo is not a human being.
If you speak harshly and publicly of other races you should expect to be labeled a racist. Maybe yiou aren't, but what do you expect folks to believe? If you are carrying out activities that may lead to acts of terrorist violence you should be on a watchlist. You disagree?
Ah yes, you are just a channel of god’s words. A vessel through which the word of the lord is shared. I’m not lost! I think the Bible is a waste of time and dumb. I’m happy you believe in it, but leave me the heck alone. I’m never going to believe it is worthwhile. It was a book arranged by the Romans to control people from the First Council of Nicaea. Jesus was likely a real person, but the rest was based on a combination of Paganism and Judiaism. Hell, no one even knows when the supposed Christ was actually born.
For someone that thinks they are so smart .......
None of your claims have any basis in fact. You are not "forced" to do any of the things you listed. The vaccine was never about curing or preventing the virus, it was about limiting the symptoms and reducing the chances of serious effects. Millions chose not to take the vaccine and paid the price. Some were lucky, but they had a choice. Quit lying.

Free speech has always had limitations and you know it, or should. An embryo is not a human being.
If you speak harshly and publicly of other races you should expect to be labeled a racist. Maybe yiou aren't, but what do you expect folks to believe? If you are carrying out activities that may lead to acts of terrorist violence you should be on a watchlist. You disagree?
You and payne are delusional.
You and payne are delusional.
What's delusional is calling embryos babies and lying about things being mandatory, which aren't, including the vaccine. Did you take it? Were you forced to? If not, I guess you weren't.
And yeah, terrorist watch lists are a good thing. maybe if Bush and his folks had paid attention to it 911 would not have happened.
What's delusional is calling embryos babies and lying about things being mandatory, which aren't, including the vaccine. Did you take it? Were you forced to? If not, I guess you weren't.
And yeah, terrorist watch lists are a good thing. maybe if Bush and his folks had paid attention to it 911 would not have happened.
LOL. The science says other wise. They are human cells. In your mind are they a hippo or a rhino maybe? LOL As for as the vaccine. I took it because you had to to travel.. See you deluded arrogant know it all libs don't understand when the govt makes rules that force you to do things or be,,,,,, oh never mind, you won't get it. You are to brain toasted to see what is right before you eyes. I am done talking to you. Your ideas are too far off the wall. Does no good to talk to someone that thinks we came from nothing or monkeys which came from nothing. Good grief, how far in la la land does one have to be to come up with that crap. And before you say "science" remember 2 things. You don't believe science on the original topic, and 2. La la land stuff you believe is just a "theory" not proven science. SMH
LOL. The science says other wise. They are human cells. In your mind are they a hippo or a rhino maybe? LOL As for as the vaccine. I took it because you had to to travel.. See you deluded arrogant know it all libs don't understand when the govt makes rules that force you to do things or be,,,,,, oh never mind, you won't get it. You are to brain toasted to see what is right before you eyes. I am done talking to you. Your ideas are too far off the wall. Does no good to talk to someone that thinks we came from nothing or monkeys which came from nothing. Good grief, how far in la la land does one have to be to come up with that crap. And before you say "science" remember 2 things. You don't believe science on the original topic, and 2. La la land stuff you believe is just a "theory" not proven science. SMH
Yeah they are human cells. So is a cup of blood or a piece of flesh I lose when I scrape my knee. First of all the government has all kinds of rules for plane travel. Nobody forced you to travel, it was your choice. And it was to protect your fellow travelers, but hell they could have been atheists and deserved whatever they got. Please post where I said we came from nothing or monkeys. Lying again.

This is the third time you've lied about not talking to me anymore. have you no shame?
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So you think the world and all its wonders, and the human species with its incredibly complex body that science still doesn't fully understand just appeared out of nothing? A big explosion maybe? Talk about believing in fairytales and wizardry.

I'm glad all you atheist are outing yourselves. I see celtic has even put his stamp of approval on your anti God statements. That helps explain why so many libs are so evil.

you have it all wrong...
Did these Christians miss the one about do not judge, least you be judged?

I truly do not have a horse in This race;
but your posts seems devisive.
pugster wants be be along to get along.
conversation is key.