So Kemp / Trump feud is resolved…


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Aug 12, 2001
No, I don’t listen to Sean Hannity but this popped up on U Tube. Senator Graham doing the leg work for President Trump. Fairly sure Kemp is setting himself up for a senate run based on who he was hanging out with.

No, I don’t listen to Sean Hannity but this popped up on U Tube. Senator Graham doing the leg work for President Trump. Fairly sure Kemp is setting himself up for a senate run based on who he was hanging out with.

Meh, I would argue differently. Just because the have an "R" after their name doesn't make them the same. Since Lindsey is the biggest Neocon spokesman on his side of the aisle, I see it more along the lines of what Kemp has always been - a captured establishment Republican who does what he is told. Like Graham. Both are RINO's. Graham and Trump are not on the same page/side.

I would agree with you Kemp is thinking Senate run, because that is what his funders want him to do. Just wonder who they are? Does he still owe Kelly Loeffler's husband? My guess is her husband billionaire is funding his Senate run too.

I stated since before Kemp's first term that he is the weakest R governor of Georgia that I have seen. The apologists always counter with "he is better than Stacy Abrams", which is ignorant. Of course he is better than a leftist commie.

My point is the Ga Republican party is a hollow shell of what it used to be. Who runs to replace Kemp? Raffensnot? Holy crap, if he is all the party has then the Dem's will be able to take over the state.
Meh, I would argue differently. Just because the have an "R" after their name doesn't make them the same. Since Lindsey is the biggest Neocon spokesman on his side of the aisle, I see it more along the lines of what Kemp has always been - a captured establishment Republican who does what he is told. Like Graham. Both are RINO's. Graham and Trump are not on the same page/side.

I would agree with you Kemp is thinking Senate run, because that is what his funders want him to do. Just wonder who they are? Does he still owe Kelly Loeffler's husband? My guess is her husband billionaire is funding his Senate run too.

I stated since before Kemp's first term that he is the weakest R governor of Georgia that I have seen. The apologists always counter with "he is better than Stacy Abrams", which is ignorant. Of course he is better than a leftist commie.

My point is the Ga Republican party is a hollow shell of what it used to be. Who runs to replace Kemp? Raffensnot? Holy crap, if he is all the party has then the Dem's will be able to take over the state.
It's amazing what a car explosion and investigator getting killed can do to your "outlook" on things...things haven't been the same since...
Meh, I would argue differently. Just because the have an "R" after their name doesn't make them the same. Since Lindsey is the biggest Neocon spokesman on his side of the aisle, I see it more along the lines of what Kemp has always been - a captured establishment Republican who does what he is told. Like Graham. Both are RINO's. Graham and Trump are not on the same page/side.

I would agree with you Kemp is thinking Senate run, because that is what his funders want him to do. Just wonder who they are? Does he still owe Kelly Loeffler's husband? My guess is her husband billionaire is funding his Senate run too.

I stated since before Kemp's first term that he is the weakest R governor of Georgia that I have seen. The apologists always counter with "he is better than Stacy Abrams", which is ignorant. Of course he is better than a leftist commie.

My point is the Ga Republican party is a hollow shell of what it used to be. Who runs to replace Kemp? Raffensnot? Holy crap, if he is all the party has then the Dem's will be able to take over the state.
Agree with you 100% on all of the above. Need to get Raffensburger retired.
Not following you on this one.........
And that's part of the problem...try looking up the car explosion that took his future son in laws life...and then look at the timing of it in regard to other investigations...
Kemp makes a lot of mistakes like everyone else, but he did open up the state during covid and every liberal in the country along with Trump raised hell about it. He turned out to be right.
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