So, who will be Kamala’s next VP after they toss Walz?

Cool… for whatever your priorities are. Nothing wrong with that.
I like my money as much as the next guy, but basic stability matters more than that. I know I know the border, property crime in the cities. Hopefully when Harris wins, the GOP will come to its senses and support a version of the bipartisan border bill already offered months ago. As for the cities, elect different mayors I guess. Presidents can’t do much there.
OK, by that logic, why would you want a twice impeached, convicted seventy eight year old felon former president who had the second worst favorability numbers at the end of his term of any modern president, barely beating out Richard Nixon for the honor of the worst? Seems a losing argument to me.

Actually , no we dont , but when you put Kamala out there as your candidate, those us on the right dont see any other options.

And you post a poll from USCB lol?
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I bolded above where you said, "he has shown to be a coward."

You really want to focus on a DUI that resulted 30 years of ongoing sobriety? You and your buddies must be a bunch of teetotalers. Good luck with that line of attack.

I guess you didn't see that, once again, Trump had white stuff flying out of his nose during an appearance? It sure seems that the people who have accused him of snorting Adderall may have been telling the truth.

Regarding Harris and Walz, I'm confident that she feels better about her choice of Walz than Trump feels about his choice of Vance.
How do you know he's been sober for 30 years? Because CNN told you so? That was a predetermined response because they knew that would be one of the first skeletons to fall out of Tampon Tim's closet.
How do you know he's been sober for 30 years? Because CNN told you so? That was a predetermined response because they knew that would be one of the first skeletons to fall out of Tampon Tim's closet.
Well, I'll listen to any reasonable source that suggests otherwise. Have a link to share?

Y'all are really casting a wide net here to smear a guy who seems to have devoted his entire adulthood to public service. But please continue.
OK, by that logic, why would you want a twice impeached, convicted seventy eight year old felon former president who had the second worst favorability numbers at the end of his term of any modern president, barely beating out Richard Nixon for the honor of the worst? Seems a losing argument to me.

You aren’t that smart. Nice deflection. Yes his final approval rating did crater after j6. But it was never as low as Biden’s during the term and actually stayed pretty steady. Pretty dishonest and sneaky will. That is a bad look for you.

It is what I thought. You wouldn’t answer the question.
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Well, I'll listen to any reasonable source that suggests otherwise. Have a link to share?

Y'all are really casting a wide net here to smear a guy who seems to have devoted his entire adulthood to public service. But please continue.
If public service includes letting your biggest city burn to the ground, (twice) , allowing minors to mutilate themselves and putting tampons in Jr High school boys restrooms, then I wish he had found another job.
I like my money as much as the next guy, but basic stability matters more than that. I know I know the border, property crime in the cities. Hopefully when Harris wins, the GOP will come to its senses and support a version of the bipartisan border bill already offered months ago. As for the cities, elect different mayors I guess. Presidents can’t do much there.
To be clear about the border. The bill sucked an egg. It did nothing but provide more money for the Ukraine. Would have been a win for the left. I am embarsssed for any pub who backed it. Biden did what he eventually had to do and reinstated what he could have done all along. What so many here were saying. The laws were already on the books. Just weren’t being enforced. He also began to build the wall again. The ultimate I was wrong and admit it decision brimur. This isn’t the right hill to die on. We still have 8 million who crossed illegally. That is more than the population of 36 states to be clear.

Even the New York governor went after Biden till he did something to at least close the door. This nearly put New York in play.
Well, I'll listen to any reasonable source that suggests otherwise. Have a link to share?

Y'all are really casting a wide net here to smear a guy who seems to have devoted his entire adulthood to public service. But please continue.
LOL...Tampon Tim smeared himself. We're just pointing it out.

And Joe Biden devoted his entire adulthood to public service and turned out to be the worst President EVER. Devotion to some cause doesn't always mean you're good at it.
I like my money as much as the next guy, but basic stability matters more than that. I know I know the border, property crime in the cities. Hopefully when Harris wins, the GOP will come to its senses and support a version of the bipartisan border bill already offered months ago. As for the cities, elect different mayors I guess. Presidents can’t do much there.
I get it, it all is a personal choice.

But boy, politics have REALLY become MORE dirty. I really don’t let too much bother me, but I just despise the lies and half truths.
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She made a bad choice. I see more info coming out on his record. She is not a great candidate and I don’t think she survives without a strong VP. Not really sure the Dems have anyone better though so we will see.
The VP pick gets a lot of press, but in reality, no one votes for VP. Like it or not (I’m voting for Trump), Kamala is a MUCH stronger candidate than Republicans give her credit for. She is black (at least she claims it when convenient), she is a woman, and she is young (as far as presidential candidates go). The old Republican playbook where they would focus on solidifying the white vote doesn’t work anymore. W was elected with 8% of the black vote, Trump will need at least 15% and over 40% if the Hispanic vote. To put it bluntly, there aren’t enough white people as a percentage of the population for the old strategy to work. Single white women are breaking heavily for Kamala. It will be an uphill battle for Trump.
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You aren’t that smart. Nice deflection. Yes his final approval rating did crater after j6. But it was never as low as Biden’s during the term and actually stayed pretty steady. Pretty dishonest and sneaky will. That is a bad look for you.

It is what I thought. You wouldn’t answer the question.
Oh, Trump's numbers don't count because he lied about covid, lied about election fraud and tried to overturn the election? That's right, the GOP wants to memory hole Trump's last year like it never happened. Sorry, no mulligans.

You might want to keep your comments about intelligence to yourself. Really.

How about we actually discuss something that is in any way relevant to the current topic?

Harris is still in office and what are her approval numbers now? What are her current numbers compared to Trump? What's the trendline for both candidates? Do you think this supports your argument?
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Oh, Trump's numbers don't count because he lied about covid, lied about election fraud and tried to overturn the election? That's right, the GOP wants to memory hole Trump's last year like it never happened. Sorry, no mulligans.

You might want to keep your comments about intelligence to yourself. Really.

How about we actually discuss something that is in any way relevant to the current topic?

Harris is still in office and what are her approval numbers now? What are her current numbers compared to Trump? What's the trendline for both candidates? Do you think this supports your argument?
Serious question- how did he lie about Covid?
Oh, Trump's numbers don't count because he lied about covid, lied about election fraud and tried to overturn the election? That's right, the GOP wants to memory hole Trump's last year like it never happened. Sorry, no mulligans.

You might want to keep your comments about intelligence to yourself. Really.

How about we actually discuss something that is in any way relevant to the current topic?

Harris is still in office and what are her approval numbers now? What are her current numbers compared to Trump? What's the trendline for both candidates? Do you think this supports your argument?
Get your panties out of a wad. I have called you intelligent numerous times in posts. That was more of a joke. You were being sneaky. You asked for the poll then put out a final poll that had nothing to do with his performance, just one day. His job approval during his term was very good. Which is why he was killing Biden in the polls. The reason you guys needed to forget democracy and pull a coup.

His approval was fine with Covid. Biden’s was atrocious. Then there is Fauci. Covid is a bad topic. Lots of lies there from both sides. No one told the truth. More died under Biden so it is just a bad argument for you.

Stick with the faux felony. The j6 stuff. That is more your area and sweet spot.

You never answered the question. I answered that trump wasn’t a bad president for four years. He was in fact very good till the very end. The numbers back that up. That is my answer

Why do you want to promote the worst ever at her job, whose numbers were bad all the way thru. Accomplished zero and fubared the border so bad, it probably cost Biden a chance to be a two term president. That and the knife she plunged into his back. He is angry. I will hang up and listen to why you want to promote the worst employee in Washington to the highest position you can obtain?
The VP pick gets a lot of press, but in reality, no one votes for VP. Like it or not (I’m voting for Trump), Kamala is a MUCH stronger candidate than Republicans give her credit for. She is black (at least she claims it when convenient), she is a woman, and she is young (as far as presidential candidates go). The old Republican playbook where they would focus on solidifying the white vote doesn’t work anymore. W was elected with 8% of the black vote, Trump will need at least 15% and over 40% if the Hispanic vote. To put it bluntly, there aren’t enough white people as a percentage of the population for the old strategy to work. Single white women are breaking heavily for Kamala. It will be an uphill battle for Trump.
I don't disagree with you on the lack of importance for the VP. My original post is this pick is bad and she cannot afford to be dragged down. She need to move to the center and took a wrong turn. I also agree with you on what Trump needs to do as far as black and Hispanic votes. I think he is fine here as well. Low and middle income homes are getting crushed by Bidenomics and I believe will vote in record numbers (compared to the last 30 years) for Trump.
Serious question- how did he lie about Covid?
Some AI below:

Trump acknowledged the seriousness of COVID in private conversations with Bob Woodward, while publicly downplaying the virus. In February 2020, Trump told Woodward that COVID-19 was “deadly stuff”, impacted more than just the elderly and he admitted to wanting to “play it down” to avoid creating a panic. This was in contrast to his public statements at the time, in which he downplayed the severity of the virus and implied it was under control. These disclosures were a part of Woodward's book "Rage" and were reported by multiple news outlets after the release of audio excerpts from their interviews confirming Trump's statements.

His denials about the deadliness of covid continued well into March. He then chose to have public rallies which we know killed Herman Cain and, according to a Stanford study, likely resulted in 30k cases and around 700 deaths.

Some AI below:

Trump acknowledged the seriousness of COVID in private conversations with Bob Woodward, while publicly downplaying the virus. In February 2020, Trump told Woodward that COVID-19 was “deadly stuff”, impacted more than just the elderly and he admitted to wanting to “play it down” to avoid creating a panic. This was in contrast to his public statements at the time, in which he downplayed the severity of the virus and implied it was under control. These disclosures were a part of Woodward's book "Rage" and were reported by multiple news outlets after the release of audio excerpts from their interviews confirming Trump's statements.

His denials about the deadliness of covid continued well into March. He then chose to have public rallies which we know killed Herman Cain and, according to a Stanford study, likely resulted in 30k cases and around 700 deaths.

So he played it down in Feb 2020 before we knew what it was. Ok. And then you blame him for Herman Caines death? My gawd man.

Also didn’t the work Trump did get the vaccine out to the public?
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So he played it down in Feb 2020 before we knew what it was. Ok. And then you blame him for Herman Caines death? My gawd man.

Also didn’t the work Trump did get the vaccine out to the public?
He told the public that it was not deadly while acknowledging in private that we knew that it was. That's a lie.

Herman Caine almost certainly got covid at a Trump rally. Caine made the choice to be there, so I don't blame Trump per se. The Stanford study, while only a study, is a rather stark view of the impact of Trump's need to hold large rallies during a pandemic.
OK, by that logic, why would you want a twice impeached, convicted seventy eight year old felon former president who had the second worst favorability numbers at the end of his term of any modern president, barely beating out Richard Nixon for the honor of the worst? Seems a losing argument to me.

Ask the primary voters that got him the nomination. If you can find a single voter that ever cast a primary ballot for Harris, we can ask them the same :p
He told the public that it was not deadly while acknowledging in private that we knew that it was. That's a lie.

Herman Caine almost certainly got covid at a Trump rally. Caine made the choice to be there, so I don't blame Trump per se. The Stanford study, while only a study, is a rather stark view of the impact of Trump's need to hold large rallies during a pandemic.
Did Stanford do a study on all the people that died when Biden was president?
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He told the public that it was not deadly while acknowledging in private that we knew that it was. That's a lie.

Herman Caine almost certainly got covid at a Trump rally. Caine made the choice to be there, so I don't blame Trump per se. The Stanford study, while only a study, is a rather stark view of the impact of Trump's need to hold large rallies during a pandemic.
Just for kicks, lets say Stanford did a study that said Trump was the greatest POTUS of all time and should be on Mt Rushmore. Would you believe it?
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OK, by that logic, why would you want a twice impeached, convicted seventy eight year old felon former president who had the second worst favorability numbers at the end of his term of any modern president, barely beating out Richard Nixon for the honor of the worst? Seems a losing argument to me.

You’re showing your true colors today, more than ever.

You think any of this BS is sticking??
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Trump has been using fear tactics about crime and poverty since his bizarre convention speech in 2016. People are tired of the chicken little routine. Meanwhile, Dems use Trump’s anti-democratic rhetoric and actions against him. Yall can whitewash Trump’s actions leading up to January 6 all you want, but the rest of us won’t forget.

So no there is no equivalency.

This is a ridiculous post, so hypocritical it barely deserves a response.

Trump will end democracy
The end of social security
Trump will never leave office
Freedom will die if Trump is elected
He will destroy the Constitution

If Americans are tired of apocalyptic messaging, someone should tell the DNC
This is a ridiculous post, so hypocritical it barely deserves a response.

Trump will end democracy
The end of social security
Trump will never leave office
Freedom will die if Trump is elected
He will destroy the Constitution

If Americans are tired of apocalyptic messaging, someone should tell the DNC
Hes also Hitler from what we have been told.
Honest question. What are your go-to news sources?

Walz got a DUI thirty years ago and has been sober since.

You support Trump (STD’s were his personal Vietnam) while claiming a guy who served 24 years is a coward. He has two guys from his regiment criticizing him, who are far outnumbered by others who’s served both above and below him who speak highly of him.

Vance is so awkward and doing so poorly that when Trump was asked how he felt about his pick, his answer was that the VP pick doesn’t traditionally impact elections. What a stirring endorsement.

Kamala is on repeat? Did you watch Trump’s presser yesterday? He’s been obsessing about crowd size since his inauguration over seven years ago and came back to it multiple times yesterday. Crowds bigger than MLK! What a sad child.

I’m generally dismissive of polling, but all of the polls have moved, and moved a lot. The betting lines have moved a lot. Trump and the GOP have very limited field office operations and are currently being out raised and outspent by the Dems. Trump has one appearance this week in Montana of all places while Harris and Walz are doing multiple stops a day in front of thousands of people.

Harris has plenty of vulnerabilities for an opponent to exploit. Trump’s big attack yesterday is that “she’s dumb”, and his big attack on Walz was “socialist policies like you can’t even believe exist”. He seems angry, old and with the silly lies about abortion, crowd size and others comes across as disconnected from reality. He better figure out something to blunt the momentum soon before this election gets away from him entirely.

How do you know he’s sober? Did he tell you?
Serious question- how did he lie about Covid?

Hi lied constantly about Covid. I ended with April 23 with his ridiculous disinfectant comments below because by then my father was already dead from Covid.

- Feb. 23 to reporters: "We're very much involved. We're very — very cognizant of everything going on. We have it very much under control in this country."

- Feb. 27 at the White House: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

- March 10 after meeting Republican senators: "This was unexpected...And it hit the world. And we’re prepared, and we’re doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”

- March 13 to reporters: "Yeah, no, I don't take responsibility at all, because we were given a - a set of circumstances and we were given rules, regulations, and specifications from a different time."

- March 15 at a White House briefing: “This is a very contagious virus. It’s incredible. But it’s something that we have tremendous control over.”

- March 18 tweet: “I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning, including my very early decision to close the ‘borders’ from China - against the wishes of almost all.”

- April 3 at a White House briefing: “With the masks, it’s going to be really a voluntary thing. You can do it, you don’t have to do it. I’m choosing not to do it, but some people may want to do it and that’s OK...As I greet presidents, prime ministers, dictators, kings, queens...I don’t see it for myself, I just don’t.”

- April 23 at a White House briefing: “I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute, and is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning? Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that.” Pressed later about the issue, Trump said he was not encouraging people to ingest disinfectant and portrayed his remarks as sarcasm.
I like my money as much as the next guy, but basic stability matters more than that. I know I know the border, property crime in the cities. Hopefully when Harris wins, the GOP will come to its senses and support a version of the bipartisan border bill already offered months ago. As for the cities, elect different mayors I guess. Presidents can’t do much there.
Thought that bill was in Shumers hands to sign.

Good question. I don’t think the question is who will they pick, it will be Who will pick them.

Harris is a terrible candidate. The second she goes off script, her dumb, nervous, insecure self rears its head. Most of their choices already turned down the invitation because they don’t want to be branded with this loser.
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God I hope this is what we focus on for a while. I want Trump’s personal vietnam clip back in rotation so bad!