NonDawg Stay away from Gummies

Please don't tell me you went to all those Dead shows you went to straight. Like Wavy Gravy said, as long as you did not eat the brown acid...
Lol of course not. This was supposed to be a normal edible , but I’m thinking most of the canna butter went to one side of the pan and I ingested all of it . It was actually very trippy, I was on another planet for 8-10 hours.
Should someone jump behind it? Is having more intoxicants available a good thing for society?

I’ve smoked plenty of weed in HS/ college, not sure legalizing it is the way to go. Just one man’s opinion.
It is a valid opinion and should not be belittled. The same concerns were voiced before the alcohol prohibition era. Moderation is advisable in all things. Perhaps we move forward with legalization and current and future generations will decide whether or not it has merit. We should have some certainty that what we have done in the past has not been successful. I suspect that there is a novelty to it all and that use will decline, just as alcohol use is in decline with Millennial's. Their generation and the Zer's seem to be more inclined towards healthy living. It will be fascinating to observe.
Once one of the southern states - North Carolina, legalizes it won’t take long for others to follow suit. They will see the revenue they could make and it will be too much to pass up.
I was gonna say this if they want farmers to come back in America ding ding and I bet everyone would chill tf out
It is a valid opinion and should not be belittled. The same concerns were voiced before the alcohol prohibition era. Moderation is advisable in all things. Perhaps we move forward with legalization and current and future generations will decide whether or not it has merit. We should have some certainty that what we have done in the past has not been successful. I suspect that there is a novelty to it all and that use will decline, just as alcohol use is in decline with Millennial's. Their generation and the Zer's seem to be more inclined towards healthy living. It will be fascinating to observe.

Yea I don’t drink which makes it easier to lose weight save money and be a better person. I workout 4/5x a week, smoke weed or eat edibles, make sure my mental health is good and get bi weekly massages. Our generation is trying to avoid what kid off our parents and our peers parents.
Some good advice but some I respectfully disagree with. Your first question should be "what's the dosage?". Then you can figure out how much to take based on your tolerance level/time since you last partook. 5 mg. does nothing to me. 10 mg. does very little. 15 mg. starts to generate a "high". 20 mg. and I usually have a full on high.

I completely agree with 706Dawg86 - edible high is very different from smoking high. It is best to have a butt landing spot nearby if you are doing edibles.

On the subject of legalization, I think we are about to enter a time period of multi state legalization done rapidly. Covid has destroyed state tax revenue. States need it replaced quickly. Legalization offers them a steady revenue stream.

yea depending on the cbd and the ingredients i pop 10 like candy and keep it moving, 20 im in a very good place 30+ which I’ve done a few times I’m no good lol
Lol of course not. This was supposed to be a normal edible , but I’m thinking most of the canna butter went to one side of the pan and I ingested all of it . It was actually very trippy, I was on another planet for 8-10 hours.
Yeah the home made canna butter treats can definitely do this and not be uniform in potency... lol funny shit... great thread... have a good week y’all!
Stuff is a little more potent these days, thank you science and technology
You say that it is more potent, but I remember getting orange kush in the late 80’s, early 90’s in Athens that would put you down for the count. One hitter quitter good! Then my roommate showed up with some stuff called “scissor hash”, and that might be most messed up I’ve ever been. Kind bud has always been around, you just needed to know the right guy.

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