The cons (DEMS) are confused why some people who attend church are supporting Trump.


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
First consider the context, as pointed out below, anyone who believes in Jesus Christ is a snake handling, dangerous person subject to go off at any moment and start BIBLE THUMPING on Peachtree. LOL! But back to my Trump support thing. To the majority of normal, 40 hour working Americans who love their children and wish them to have as good a chance in life as they had, many democrats are like cockroaches. The pestilence that is running them crazy and destroying all that is good in their homes and threatens their children's happy lives if not existence. So naturally they want the pestilence G-O-N-E. And along comes this guy (Trump) who is promising them he can rid their home, sweet home of the cockroaches. And even though they attend church at times they really don't give a damn that he may swear, take young wives and say some dumb stuff they don't agree with at times. They just want the damn cockroaches out of their lives! So they hire him. Aside from that there are as many diverse people who go to church as there are among those who don't. With different ideas.
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First consider the context, as pointed out below, anyone who believes in Jesus Christ is a snake handling, dangerous person subject to go off at any moment and start BIBLE THUMPING on Peachtree. LOL! But back to my Trump support thing. To the majority of normal, 40 hour working Americans who love their children and wish them to have as good a chance in life as they had, many democrats are like cockroaches. The pestilence that is running them crazy and destroying all that is good in their homes and threatens their children's happy lives if not existence. So naturally they want the pestilence G-O-N-E. And along comes this guy (Trump) who is promising them he can rid their home, sweet home of the cockroaches. And even though they attend church at times they really don't give a damn that he may swear, take young wives and say some dumb stuff they don't agree with at times. They just want the damn cockroaches out of their lives! So they hire him. Aside from that there are as many diverse people who go to church as there are among those who don't. With different ideas.

You poor low-information creature! You don't realize that Trump is doing the bidding of the "cockroaches". OPERATION TROJAN HORSE is taking over your party and imploding it. Not even you racist rubes will be able to put Trumpty Dumpty back together again ...snicker.
You poor low-information creature! You don't realize that Trump is doing the bidding of the "cockroaches". OPERATION TROJAN HORSE is taking over your party and imploding it. Not even you racist rubes will be able to put Trumpty Dumpty back together again ...snicker.
Now we have Pug the poet taking slang to a new level. If you think he's a dumbass you must be a racist. Behind closed doors Clinton would call Pug a dumbass too.
You poor low-information creature! You don't realize that Trump is doing the bidding of the "cockroaches". OPERATION TROJAN HORSE is taking over your party and imploding it. Not even you racist rubes will be able to put Trumpty Dumpty back together again ...snicker.
Speaking of low information. I at least give myself the opportunity of selection since I am an Indy and would never be a member of either of the two gangs who are for the weak of mind. You are beholding to massa Obommer suh and Miz Hillary. They can fart in your face and you would inhale deeply and tell them, sho smell sweet down heah. And hope they throwed you a biscuit for yo supper. I liked Biden and would have voted for his azz had he ran since he is at least pretty honest. Although it was painfully obvious he was handpicked to be Obommer's foil to keep from making him look bad.

We are all worse off for living in a time when you takers have the math. As soon as the money runs thin and the riots begin you'd best hope you're long gone. Won't be a good place for a fay, pale sissy looking for a handout. And btw, the turnout for the Republican election is light years ahead of the dems because everytime freaking Trump belches more of you hairy backed, sweaty blue collar dems rush in to smell it. And vote for him. Try coming up with some original material if you truly are planning on attempting insults. Nobody gives a shat anymore for your weak, redundant out of date crapola. Either that or go to your safe place in a bath house.
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Speaking of low information. I at least give myself the opportunity of selection since I am an Indy and would never be a member of either of the two gangs who are for the weak of mind. You are beholding to massa Obommer suh and Miz Hillary. They can fart in your face and you would inhale deeply and tell them, sho smell sweet down heah. And hope they throwed you a biscuit for yo supper. I liked Biden and would have voted for his azz had he ran since he is at least pretty honest. Although it was painfully obvious he was handpicked to be Obommer's foil to keep from making him look bad.

We are all worse off for living in a time when you takers have the math. As soon as the money runs thin and the riots begin you'd best hope you're long gone. Won't be a good place for a fay, pale sissy looking for a handout.

Biden seems like a nice enough guy but I am not sure how honest he is. He has had several incidences of plagiarism and numerous self-aggrandizing thefts, misstatements, and exaggerations that seemed to point to a serious character defect.
Biden seems like a nice enough guy but I am not sure how honest he is. He has had several incidences of plagiarism and numerous self-aggrandizing thefts, misstatements, and exaggerations that seemed to point to a serious character defect.

you are right, he's been there too long to be honest .
Biden seems like a nice enough guy but I am not sure how honest he is. He has had several incidences of plagiarism and numerous self-aggrandizing thefts, misstatements, and exaggerations that seemed to point to a serious character defect.

I think that describes 99.9 percent of all politicians in DC. As well as the general public. Except the general public are also flawed human beings and not running for office or looking for handouts from big donors. There was only 1 perfect man.
Now we have Pug the poet taking slang to a new level. If you think he's a dumbass you must be a racist. Behind closed doors Clinton would call Pug a dumbass too.
The low IQ, racists are the democrats. Like Sanders who throws incendiary bombs at "poor whites" and he and Hillary promise the moon and cater too blacks and Hispanics based upon their race. And notice the Dems refuse to consider any minorities as viable candidates since the Obama nightmare. The only three they allowed to go forward are all white as white gets while the R's had Carson, with Rubio and Cruz all in it late and Cruz and Rubio still standing with massive support. In fact if both were not there one would likely be the nominee. Dems are eat up with race as their lockstep voters are huge racists. Blacks and Hispanics are locked in racists, one issue voters. What's in it for my race. And ther entire ?debate? last evening was! What I'm a gonna do for all you Hispanics and blacks. The other huge group of racists are registered Dems as well and probably includes some here. Blue collar unionists and laborers. Huge white racists they are and many are crossing over to support Trump in the R primary.

Nothing has really changed except that the new immigration norms has allowed millions more racists into our country and only racists who cater to them can really win from now on. Actually Hillary is the biggest racist (along with her supporters) of them all, at least Bernie has made room for communists under his tent. Clinton and her supporters and you know who you are, only want blacks and browns, the sexually different, plus huge Wall Street billionaires and foreign government contributors. No middle class, white, educated folks allowed, yeah same old, same old. Race and Democrats, nobody does it better.
To the majority of normal, 40 hour working Americans who love their children and wish them to have as good a chance in life as they had, many democrats are like cockroaches. The pestilence that is running them crazy and destroying all that is good in their homes and threatens their children's happy lives if not existence. So naturally they want the pestilence G-O-N-E.

Oh give me a break. Neither party is doing what you just described. You talk like the majority of Americans are conservatives. They're not. Americans identify one way or another depending on whether you're talking about social issues, fiscal issues, or foreign policy issues. I can't take posts that are framed like this seriously. Pestilence? Cockroaches?
Oh give me a break. Neither party is doing what you just described. You talk like the majority of Americans are conservatives. They're not. Americans identify one way or another depending on whether you're talking about social issues, fiscal issues, or foreign policy issues. I can't take posts that are framed like this seriously. Pestilence? Cockroaches?
Ok I'll frame it where even someone a little slow on the uptake can understand. There is a very real difference in most conservatives and most liberals when it comes to motivation. Conservatives tend to be more responsible and more responsive to what is beneficial for the overall health of the economy, our security as a nation and what will provide their children the best chance to live safe, fulfilling lives. Whereas liberal democrats mostly want someone to give them something using someone else's money. And to hell with where it leads us. You give every indication of being one of the takers so congratulations.

Through a slow and ongoing moral decay plus massive immigration of folks who get here and instantly become welfare recepiants the providers are now out numbered. Add in a long line of politicians like Huey P Long, Herman Talmedge, Big Jim Folsom, George Wallace, Lester Maddox, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama who flat out lie to the American people promising free this, that and the other, and you takers now rule. We have a national debt and no growth economy that will lower the living conditions of every American and will eventually bring about a bankruptcy of our country and race riots when we can't pay the inner city minorities and that could fuel any sort of calamity. The so called debate was nothing short of sickening with Hillary and Sanders trying to one up each other with wild azz give away promises. It was childish and you are childish for not disavowing both. Instead you support every bit of it. An idiot like Donald Trump and twin idiots like Clinton and Sanders being in the positions they are in is a result of such foolishness. You and your attempt to spin away your irresponsibility along with many other is a huge causation of the on rushing crisis. Disgusting is too mild a term for someone of average intelligence which you seem to be. I understand a welfare mom who gets up at 5 AM and goes to her job paying minimum wage to support her children at home whose sorry dad is gone and selling drugs someplace. Yes she probably has a reason to vote the way she does but not you. Now that is framed about as simple as I can make it so you should begin to get it. Oh and I absolutely don't talk like most Americans are conservative. That is the major issue and the reason for the national crisis we are facing in the future. Now get your head out and have a nice day.
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Why do some of you feel the need to think people who disagree with you are ''confused'' or ''low information types'' ?
I'm not confused about why many church goers support Trump, they are hypocrites, more concerned with winning than true faith.
The political right segment of church goers is inherently hypocritical though, it's nothing new.
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Why do some of you feel the need to think people who disagree with you are ''confused'' or ''low information types'' ?
I'm not confused about why many church goers support Trump, they are hypocrites, more concerned with winning than true faith.
The political right segment of church goers is inherently hypocritical though, it's nothing new.
And you support the left (Hillary/Sanders) whose hypocracy knows no bounds. They lie, steal and misrepresent (all while trying to gain more power and wealth) yet hold themselves out to be representing "what's good" about America? A carnival barker has more cred than either of these two with their wild and crazy talking down to their audience. They sound like they think the people listening to them are total retards. And they are if they believe a word of their goofy promises. I don't know you but you have shown where you stand and you have no standing when it comes to hypocracy since you support the epitome of such. Therefore I would trust a random selection from the First Baptist of any location before you. All church goers contain people of all stripes. That was the point of the opening post in this thread. Yet you extreme left firebrands attmept to paint them all with one goofy, narrow brush. BTW, I am not a religious person.
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And you support the left (Hillary/Sanders) whose hypocracy knows no bounds. They lie, steal and misrepresent (all while to try to gain more power and wealth) yet hold themselves out to be representing "what's good" about America? A carnival barker has more cred than either of ther two with their wild and crazy talking down to their audience. They sound like they think the people listening to them are total retards. And they are if they believe a word of their goofy promises. I don't know you but you have shown where you stand and you have no standing when it comes to hypocracy since you support the epitome of such. Therefore I would trust a random selection from the First Baptist of any location before you. All church goers contain people of all stripes. That was the point of the opening post in this thread. Yet you extreme left firebrands attmept to paint them all with one goofy, narrow brush. BTW, I am not a religious person.

I'm not religious and even if I was I wouldn't ''confuse'' politics with religion like the right wing politically active''Christians'' have for the past 35 years.
Can you grasp my point ? The only plank in the religious right's agenda that might please Jesus is pro life, that I have respect for, the rest is bull shit.
Why do some of you feel the need to think people who disagree with you are ''confused'' or ''low information types'' ?
I'm not confused about why many church goers support Trump, they are hypocrites, more concerned with winning than true faith.
The political right segment of church goers is inherently hypocritical though, it's nothing new.
I'm not religious and even if I was I wouldn't ''confuse'' politics with religion like the right wing politically active''Christians'' have for the past 35 years.
Can you grasp my point ? The only plank in the religious right's agenda that might please Jesus is pro life, that I have respect for, the rest is bull shit.


So u boil down religion to anti-abortion and BS? U are quite the deep thinker.
I'm not religious and even if I was I wouldn't ''confuse'' politics with religion like the right wing politically active''Christians'' have for the past 35 years.
Can you grasp my point ? The only plank in the religious right's agenda that might please Jesus is pro life, that I have respect for, the rest is bull shit.
So anyone who attends church this Sunday is a card carrying member of "The Religious Right" party huh? Tell me more about this party and their "planks" you describe. A deep thinker such as yourself who is familiar with that party and all their planks must be very learned on the subject so let's hear them. Truth is you are just another shallow crackpot talking in circles and void of any point except you are a misfit and angry at those with meaningful lives, careers and families.
So anyone who attends church this Sunday is a card carrying member of "The Religious Right" party huh? Tell me more about this party and their "planks" you describe. A deep thinker such as yourself who is familiar with that party and all their planks must be very learned on the subject so let's hear them. Truth is you are just another shallow crackpot talking in circles and void of any point except you are a misfit and angry at those with meaningful lives, careers and families.

The right wingnut JEBUS freaks believe in:

Religious education, including government subsidies for religious schools (vouchers).
The teaching of so-called "intelligent design", and rejection of science that threatens their belief system.
Support for religious institutions in government and fewer restrictions for government subsidy for religious charities and schools.
Support for Israel even in matters which go against the self-interests of US foreign policy and economic policy.
Opposition to abortion
Opposition to therapeutic and reproductive human cloning, human embryonic stem cell research and euthanasia.
Opposition to same-sex marriage, homosexuality, and pornography.
The right wingnut JEBUS freaks believe in:

Religious education, including government subsidies for religious schools (vouchers).
The teaching of so-called "intelligent design", and rejection of science that threatens their belief system.
Support for religious institutions in government and fewer restrictions for government subsidy for religious charities and schools.
Support for Israel even in matters which go against the self-interests of US foreign policy and economic policy.
Opposition to abortion
Opposition to therapeutic and reproductive human cloning, human embryonic stem cell research and euthanasia.
Opposition to same-sex marriage, homosexuality, and pornography.

There have been efforts to give vouchers to inner city kids that attend failing schools that dems block because of the Teachers Union. The proposals have been to give poor familes vouchers equal to the amount of money the Govt spends on education per kid which could be used only for tuition for private schools if necessary.

So u boil down religion to anti-abortion and BS? U are quite the deep thinker.

You guys should name your little club, ''The Mule Tits''.
You missed the point entirely, no surprise there.
I respect real Christian faith, what right wing activist do is USE others' true faith as a political tool to advance a very unchristian agenda. The exception is the pro-life plank, which most have now abandoned for political purposes. That leaves nothing being promoted by right wing ''Christian activist'' that Jesus would recognize as advancing his teachings.
The right wingnut JEBUS freaks believe in:

Religious education, including government subsidies for religious schools (vouchers).
The teaching of so-called "intelligent design", and rejection of science that threatens their belief system.
Support for religious institutions in government and fewer restrictions for government subsidy for religious charities and schools.
Support for Israel even in matters which go against the self-interests of US foreign policy and economic policy.
Opposition to abortion
Opposition to therapeutic and reproductive human cloning, human embryonic stem cell research and euthanasia.
Opposition to same-sex marriage, homosexuality, and pornography.

I'm closer to the right's positions on abortion. If it comes down to lifting all restrictions on abortions or being in the pro-life camp, morally I would have to side with the pro-life camp.
How anybody can think it's simply a ''choice'' to abort late term babies or allow children to have abortions without parental consent is beyond me. There is something missing in a person who can simply think, in the womb = a thing without rights, then magically it becomes ''life'' when out of the womb.
I'm closer to the right's positions on abortion. If it comes down to lifting all restrictions on abortions or being in the pro-life camp, morally I would have to side with the pro-life camp.
How anybody can think it's simply a ''choice'' to abort late term babies or allow children to have abortions without parental consent is beyond me. There is something missing in a person who can simply think, in the womb = a thing without rights, then magically it becomes ''life'' when out of the womb.

The religious right-wingnuts have lost to the progressives on EVERY cultural issue of the post World War II era.

School prayer? Progressives won.
Equal rights for women? Progressives won.
Abortion? Progressives won.
Impeach the president over extramarital sex? Progressives won.
Same-sex marriage? Progressives won.
Anything-goes pop culture? Progressives won.

To quote Edward G. Robinson in The Ten Commandments: "Where's your messiah now, see?"
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