The newest phony controversy from so called "whistleblower":

Yeah ... that proves for sure that Trump asked the Ukrainians to investigate Biden. Boy you sure showed me!
'RATs can't win on facts so they keep changing the subject.

John Solomon has hundreds of documents that show the following:
1. The prosector was investigating Burisma and Hunter Biden was scheduled to be interviewed.
2. Trump had every reason to inquire about corruption that involved American citizens in foreign countries. Especially someone who could become pres and be subject to blackmail.
3. Biden having a Prosecutor fired by holding back $1B to protect his son is the definition of corruption. I remember all the leftists were saying that Obama had every right to investigate potential corruption in the Trump admin. I don't see a difference.
3. Biden really doesn't have any leg to stand on. He will resign from his campaign.
4. the left trying to protect Biden by claiming the prosecutor was corrupt. Solomon's docs prove that is false.
John Solomon has hundreds of documents that show the following:
1. The prosector was investigating Burisma and Hunter Biden was scheduled to be interviewed.
2. Trump had every reason to inquire about corruption that involved American citizens in foreign countries. Especially someone who could become pres and be subject to blackmail.
3. Biden having a Prosecutor fired by holding back $1B to protect his son is the definition of corruption. I remember all the leftists were saying that Obama had every right to investigate potential corruption in the Trump admin. I don't see a difference.
3. Biden really doesn't have any leg to stand on. He will resign from his campaign.
4. the left trying to protect Biden by claiming the prosecutor was corrupt. Solomon's docs prove that is false.
Has Solomon said when he plans in releasing these documents?
From everything I've read Shokin was looking into Burisma CEO not the company itself. And it looks like that inquriry was before Biden was hired to work at Burisma. Also there is no evidence that HB was the subject of the investigation at all. Oh and one more thing that you guys constantly overlook.............Biden was doing the will of the entire U.S. government having prosecurtor relieved and that of several western European countries. Please show me evidence Biden went Rogue somehow and did this for personal reasons.
This is taken from what Hoffman posted in this thread. You are incorrect. Burisma was being investigated and Hunter Biden was being called in for questioning.
"Some media outlets have reported that, at the time Joe Biden forced the firing in March 2016, there were no open investigations. Those reports are wrong. A British-based investigation of Burisma's owner was closed down in early 2015 on a technicality when a deadline for documents was not met. But the Ukraine Prosecutor General's office still had two open inquiries in March 2016, according to the official case file provided me. One of those cases involved taxes; the other, allegations of corruption." Burisma announced the cases against it were not closed and settled until January 2017.
Has Solomon said when he plans in releasing these documents?
Sorry man, I posted part of what you responded to from what Hoffman posted. But you can bet, John Solomon will produce the documents. He is legit, unlike many of these clowns who try to sneak in their opinion as fact.
John Solomon has hundreds of documents that show the following:
1. The prosector was investigating Burisma and Hunter Biden was scheduled to be interviewed.
2. Trump had every reason to inquire about corruption that involved American citizens in foreign countries. Especially someone who could become pres and be subject to blackmail.
3. Biden having a Prosecutor fired by holding back $1B to protect his son is the definition of corruption. I remember all the leftists were saying that Obama had every right to investigate potential corruption in the Trump admin. I don't see a difference.
3. Biden really doesn't have any leg to stand on. He will resign from his campaign.
4. the left trying to protect Biden by claiming the prosecutor was corrupt. Solomon's docs prove that is false.
Hoffman, how are things, I assume this is the same John Soloman who has been accused of the following:

Has a history of bending truth to his storyline
Notorious for massaging facts to conjure phony scandals
Wrote a story for AP in the 2004 election that mirrored RNC talking points
Multiple reporters working under him have said he encouraged them to bend the truth to support a pre-existing narrative
Has appeared on the Sean Hannity show over 15 times (we all know Sean's not biased)

So basically a right wing hack says Biden is guilty as hell.

What a shocker.
You guys crack me up, if Trump murdered someone on TV you guys would defend him and blame it on a libtard. No point to make, just having fun
You crack me up, you are all worked up over Trump and want to impeach him (because the left can't win an election on their loony ideas) but you can't sight a single crime. Weird don't you think
Facts are pretty straight forward, after being requested to release aid already approved by Congress, Trump asked a foreign government for a favor which was to investigate his likely opponent in the 2020 election.

Trump even told them who to work with.

You really believe that, don't you? First, no opponent was mentioned in the conversation, second all Trump was doing is exactly what the loons you support claimed to be doing...Looking into interfering into our elections, suddenly you guys aren't interested in that, because it's now clear that the idiots you support were attempting a coup. And now the walls are closing in on them...and they are in a panic. Oh, and BTW, the Ukraine President didn't even know the aid was being held up at the time of the call according to the NYT which I know you respect.

Here's the truth of the matter. People like you. You're suffering a mental disorder, you have no ability to think, or reason. You have no common sense or logic. You are emotional misfits who are motivated by envy, greed, hatred and entitlement.

You follow people who know they can't win on their nutty ideas, so they need to try and get rid of Trump before the election in 14 months. See Americas don't believe in open borders, Reparations, more than two genders, giving up 1st and second amendment rights, free healthcare for ILLEGALS, criminals are given the right to vote, 16 years olds given voting rights, green new deal that takes away your right to what you want to drive, the home you live in and the food you eat, their anti-police agenda, these people are absolutely insane and their followers are even more so.

In short, you're a bunch of lunatic freak shows
You disagree with negotiating a trade deal with China? Rural America still supporting Trump. What would’ve the Hillary administration do differently?
Negotiate? There are negotiations happening?

What I’m against is taxing American businesses and handing that out to farmers as subsidies because your trade war is causing them to lose foreign markets in the first place! Last time I checked, that’s what Socialists do...hmm. Pot meet kettle.
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Hoffman, how are things, I assume this is the same John Soloman who has been accused of the following:

Has a history of bending truth to his storyline
Notorious for massaging facts to conjure phony scandals
Wrote a story for AP in the 2004 election that mirrored RNC talking points
Multiple reporters working under him have said he encouraged them to bend the truth to support a pre-existing narrative
Has appeared on the Sean Hannity show over 15 times (we all know Sean's not biased)

So basically a right wing hack says Biden is guilty as hell.

What a shocker.
Documents are documents. Solomon can't make them be anything they aren't.
Just like Trump's phone call. You leftist pukes can try to interpret the words to meet your narrative. But in the end. He did nothing wrong during that call.
Solomon will produce what he has and then we'll see. You're trying to kill the messenger before you even see what he has ... typical scumbag democRAT, leftist, America hater strategy.
Exactly the same strategy Pelosi and the 'RATs in congress are spewing against Bill Barr and the US Attonney in Connecticut (Durham) ... calling them names and trying to discredit them in advance of the release of the IG report and the investigation into FISA abuse. That's because they know the truth coming out shortly is very, very bad for them.
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I mean, a unanimous vote in the Senate to release the report? Literally every Republican voted for it...must be some giant conspiracy against your king

Because there's nothing there. And here's the Elephant in the room you loons don't get. Trump isn't a republican, both sides is against Trump because he is upsetting their long-running kabuki theater where they all put on a show and fight and argue, then go have dinner and do things that keeps them all in power and they live happily ever after. Leftist nuts don't see it. You love the kabuki theater, where pols tell you one thing, then do the opposite once they're elected. Useful idiots are the term someone coined sometime
He's making that assertion on the fact that the dozen or so posters here are all blindly loyal to Trump regardless of any facts that say he committed a crime.

But there are no facts anywhere that say he's committed a crime. For Democrats, defeating them is the most greatest of all crime
Couple of points:

They did not release a transcript of the call. WH admits there are redactions, but won’t say what they are. Wonder why?

Right after the Ukraine President brings up the military aid, Trump says, I have a favor to ask. Even Trump is not dumb enough to say we will release the aid if you investigate Biden. My guess is the Ukraine President had no problem understanding that the “favor” was the carrot for getting the aid.

I know you guys will support him no matter what he does, this is just another example.

How many times do you have to be made a fool of before you wise up? But then I've always said you can't embarrass a democrat.
I’ll break it down for you. This has been happening for months and there were multiple intelligence employees concerned over many months before discussing and debating Ukraine before the phone call happened. This was discussed internally by dozens of employees before it happened, so the whistleblower has a ton of credibility. If Trump one day decided to do this, then could deny, but this built up and was discussed for months before the call happened.

LOL, it's hard to debate a guy who makes it up as he goes. This is not a whistleblower, he's a partisan hack that is part of the overall Russian BS hoax that was an attempt to overthrow the President. He knew nothing except RUMORS, that's it, nothing, an with the release of the transcript he becomes irrelevant
Hoffman, how are things, I assume this is the same John Soloman who has been accused of the following:

Has a history of bending truth to his storyline
Notorious for massaging facts to conjure phony scandals
Wrote a story for AP in the 2004 election that mirrored RNC talking points
Multiple reporters working under him have said he encouraged them to bend the truth to support a pre-existing narrative
Has appeared on the Sean Hannity show over 15 times (we all know Sean's not biased)

So basically a right wing hack says Biden is guilty as hell.

What a shocker.
Actually he has documents to back up his reporting. Let's see if we can follow your logic. Biden getting a Ukraine prosecutor fired because he's investigating his son's company and weeks from taking his deposition is ok, Its quite natural and not an issue what so ever for Biden's son to enrich himself from the Ukraine and China, no crime there, but asking the Ukraine to look into it is impeachable. You people are truly weird and deranged
Looking at his second felony in a week...on a role!!!!
Yawn and Trump colluded with Russia, and he supported racist in Charlottesville, and he obstructed justice, and He fired Comey to cover up his crimes, He sent his attorney to Prague, the list goes on and on, and you useful idiots (the man was Lenin ahead of his time)
Wouldn’t exactly say the article you linked to backs up anything you’re’s exactly what we are saying happened
Its the point, it all a pile of BS that the democrat Media has been spewing for 3 years now, and you keep eating it up then getting dropped on your head, so on to whatever else they can make up. Seriously, I don't like being mean to anyone, but you people are truly useful idiots. You keep going back to and depending on the very people that have made fools of your for 3 years, but this time they got it right huh? You're so full of hatred and envy you'll buy any bullshit from the very people who have lied to you for years over and over. #DUMBAF
Having your political rival investigated by a foreign government is a crime
Then why isn't Hillary Clinton in jail, and show me where Trump asked anyone to investigage any of his rivals? Or just STFU and stop making a fool of yourself

BTW, should these guys be under criminal investigation? of Ukraine on Mueller investigation.pdf

Or this guy/

I just perused Twitter. The Libs are already downplaying the fact that Trump is releasing the unredacted transcript tomorrow. I guess they think it’s fake. Now, they’re demanding to see the whistleblower’s complaint. As if. The POS has zero first-hand knowledge, yet calls himself or herself a whistleblower. The complaint is 100% hearsay. That’s your grounds?! What a DA! And what DAs are the focking Libs who jump at anything to impeach as if there are no grounds for impeachment. The NYT, WaPo and DA frosh House members are leading you to ruin.

Losers, the lot of you. But, I appreciate that you’ve all but assured a Trump landslide and a return of GOP majority in the House.
How are you feeling today? Your boy Trump and his boy Rudy are F’d!! I hope they put both their sorry a$$es in the Epstein suite!! Or even better like trump said treat them both like we used to treat Benedict Arnolds!
How are you feeling today? Your boy Trump and his boy Rudy are F’d!! I hope they put both their sorry a$$es in the Epstein suite!! Or even better like trump said treat them both like we used to treat Benedict Arnolds!
Sigh, bless your heart. Yet another liberal Charlie Brown. Keep trusting Lucy not to move the ball Charlie. #dumbAF
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Ummm no he can’ see we have this document called the United States Constitution! You should read it and then maybe you’ll understand the POTUS answers to us, the congress and judicial. We are a Democracy not a dictatorship.

It does not matter. The President can say anything he wants. You idiots don't have any control over it. He is the President. He sets the policy. All other agencies must obey. But you ain't seen nuthin yet. He has the power to do a whole lot more than he is using. But don't worry ... "tell nancy that after the election he will have much more flexibility".
He's going to wreak holy hell on that criminal syndicate pretending to be a the democRAT party.
Impeach ... LOL you guys are fkn clowns.
Ummm no he can’ see we have this document called the United States Constitution! You should read it and then maybe you’ll understand the POTUS answers to us, the congress and judicial. We are a Democracy not a dictatorship.
You have absolutely no idea what you're even talking about. The Constitution is the basis for the power I said the President has and I am correct.

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