The next debate


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Aug 12, 2003
Assuming Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump engage in a second debate, here is how I'd advise Mr. Trump AND Mr. Biden.

Please.....PLEASE focus on established facts, to refute your opponents claims.

I think it was John Adams who said, “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

Get specifics. Get sources. Counter the claims.

Next, one of the most widely used techniques, in debate, is to put words in your opponent's mouth. Be prepared to address the twisting of words.

Just because you support a policy, that doesn't mean you support every anticipated consequence/result.

For example:
John says "I think we should eat mexican tonite"
Jim says, "John wants you to spend all night on the toilet. If he wants you to eat Mexican, that must be what he wants".

That's stupid, but that's how politics go. Be prepared for made up conclusions and false narratives. Develop an intelligent response, instead of a childish outburst.

"No Jim, I don't want people to spend all night on the toilet. I simply think Mexican is a very flavorful and fun cuisine, that many people enjoy. You are making an assumption about my intentions that was the last thing on my mind"

In the end, both men should know what the other is going to say. Get ahead of the attacks. Get prepared. Speak with clarity and reason. Use facts.
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Assuming Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump engage in a second debate, here is how I'd advise Mr. Trump AND Mr. Biden.

Please.....PLEASE focus on established facts, to refute your opponents claims.

I think it was John Adams who said, “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

Get specifics. Get sources. Counter the claims.

Next, one of the most widely used techniques, in debate, is to put words in your opponent's mouth. Be prepared to address the twisting of words.

Just because you support a policy, that doesn't mean you support every anticipated consequence/result.

For example:
John says "I think we should eat mexican tonite"
Jim says, "John wants you to spend all night on the toilet. If he wants you to eat Mexican, that must be what he wants".

That's stupid, but that's how politics go. Be prepared for made up conclusions and false narratives. Develop an intelligent response, instead of a childish outburst.

"No Jim, I don't want people to spend all night on the toilet. I simply think Mexican is a very flavorful and fun cuisine, that many people enjoy. You are making an assumption about my intentions that was the last thing on my mind"

In the end, both men should know what the other is going to say. Get ahead of the attacks. Get prepared. Speak with clarity and reason. Use facts.
I agree. But I think Trump forgoes the next debate. 60-0 is as good as you can do. “Does anyone want to put Joe back thru that again” move on.
Everyone always says they want a substantive debate and I guess political junkies may. But the bottom line is the candidates are focused grouped to the nth degree and they go in with a list of talking points they want to hammer and that is what we are always going to get. You can't spend your time speaking to the 10% that understand complex policy when 90% of the electorate dive no deeper than sound bytes.
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I agree. But I think Trump forgoes the next debate. 60-0 is as good as you can do. “Does anyone want to put Joe back thru that again” move on.
Yeah, come out and say they gave him the debate questions, had a mock up of the debate stage, took 7 days off to prepare, had everything in his favor and was still blown out of the water.
Assuming Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump engage in a second debate, here is how I'd advise Mr. Trump AND Mr. Biden.

Please.....PLEASE focus on established facts, to refute your opponents claims.

I think it was John Adams who said, “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

Get specifics. Get sources. Counter the claims.

Next, one of the most widely used techniques, in debate, is to put words in your opponent's mouth. Be prepared to address the twisting of words.

Just because you support a policy, that doesn't mean you support every anticipated consequence/result.

For example:
John says "I think we should eat mexican tonite"
Jim says, "John wants you to spend all night on the toilet. If he wants you to eat Mexican, that must be what he wants".

That's stupid, but that's how politics go. Be prepared for made up conclusions and false narratives. Develop an intelligent response, instead of a childish outburst.

"No Jim, I don't want people to spend all night on the toilet. I simply think Mexican is a very flavorful and fun cuisine, that many people enjoy. You are making an assumption about my intentions that was the last thing on my mind"

In the end, both men should know what the other is going to say. Get ahead of the attacks. Get prepared. Speak with clarity and reason. Use facts.

0% chance Joe’s handlers subject him to that again.
If I’m Trump’s Team, no way I let Trump debate again either. He is the clear front runner at this point, just do rallies and stick to a scripted message
Exactly. As of now the whole country knows that Biden is incapable of having a debate. I say again. Your President is incapable of debating. Why the actual phuck would team Trump oblige anything that while unlikely, could possibly change that narrative? Don’t see any possible way the needle could move any more in Trump’s favor in the debate category.
Assuming Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump engage in a second debate, here is how I'd advise Mr. Trump AND Mr. Biden.

Please.....PLEASE focus on established facts, to refute your opponents claims.

I think it was John Adams who said, “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

Get specifics. Get sources. Counter the claims.

Next, one of the most widely used techniques, in debate, is to put words in your opponent's mouth. Be prepared to address the twisting of words.

Just because you support a policy, that doesn't mean you support every anticipated consequence/result.

For example:
John says "I think we should eat mexican tonite"
Jim says, "John wants you to spend all night on the toilet. If he wants you to eat Mexican, that must be what he wants".

That's stupid, but that's how politics go. Be prepared for made up conclusions and false narratives. Develop an intelligent response, instead of a childish outburst.

"No Jim, I don't want people to spend all night on the toilet. I simply think Mexican is a very flavorful and fun cuisine, that many people enjoy. You are making an assumption about my intentions that was the last thing on my mind"

In the end, both men should know what the other is going to say. Get ahead of the attacks. Get prepared. Speak with clarity and reason. Use facts.
What is the point of debates? A voter can look around at our country and determine whether it needs to be changed or continued as it is.

It’s not that hard.

Large central gov vs State sovereignty
Abortion, abortion rules….
Non citizens breaking our laws
Cost to eat, house, drive
Definition of sexes
Sexual transition of minors
International perception of strength

To name a few

What in the hell does a staged debate tell me?
What is the point of debates? A voter can look around at our country and determine whether it needs to be changed or continued as it is.

It’s not that hard.

Large central gov vs State sovereignty
Abortion, abortion rules….
Non citizens breaking our laws
Cost to eat, house, drive
Definition of sexes
Sexual transition of minors
International perception of strength

To name a few

What in the hell does a staged debate tell me?
Tells me that the most powerful man in the world. The man with the power to nuke literally cannot have an unscripted conversation about his record or policies.
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What is the point of debates? A voter can look around at our country and determine whether it needs to be changed or continued as it is.

It’s not that hard.

Large central gov vs State sovereignty
Abortion, abortion rules….
Non citizens breaking our laws
Cost to eat, house, drive
Definition of sexes
Sexual transition of minors
International perception of strength

To name a few

What in the hell does a staged debate tell me?

I didn't call for debates. I simply said if you are going to do it, do it well.
I can’t imagine Trump would participate in a 2nd debate, what would he have to gain?
Biden has shown that with speech writers and teleprompters he can deliver a decent message. But, when he has to think and process a response on the fly he is what we just saw in the first debate.