Think I'm gonna read this guy's books. Conservative journalist who has one of the best quotes about the 2020 election and Jan. 6th....


Circle of Honor
Gold Member
Aug 8, 2001
On Republican lawmakers:

"People who voted with Trump nine times out of 10 and who have conservative values and conservative ideas, they still could have done the right thing by their constituents. They could have told them--when the moment in history called, they could have stood up and said, "Listen, I'm for the guy; I voted for him; I supported his agenda, but I am not for this. I will not abide what he is doing right now, because it's dangerous. It's undemocratic, it's un-American." Everyone of them had that opportunity and almost none of them took it. They took the cowardly way out.

And then, when the people came for the People's House, and when the shots fired (please don't get into "there weren't any guns", this is obviously a figure of speech) and the attackers scaled the walls, and the mob started beating the policemen, what did all these people do inside of Congress? All of these people who had fomented this, all these people who had enabled lies, all these people who had invited this violence, what did they do? They ran. They went looking for cover. They weren't celebrating. They weren't joining the mob. They ran from the mob and they cowered. That's all you need to know about them."

-Tim Alberta

This is exactly why, despite thinking some of them would do a good deal better than Biden, I have a hard time voting for any of them that wouldn't speak out against Trump and what happened on Jan. 6th. I have no respect for them.

He made a great point that every Republican in Congress knew the people in charge of voting in their state elections. That these people aren't strangers to each other. He said they all called and asked if anything was wrong with the elections. "Can't you throw me a bone?" just to appease Trump. And they were told that everything went well. There was nothing they could see that was wrong with the election. By and large Republicans running the show in elections in states that were strongly Republican in state elections but had flipped to Biden in the national election, i.e. Georgia, Arizona. People that had voted for and supported Trump.