Trump and the GOP just seem like they’re hellbent on snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Dec 4, 2017
The Democrats have been smart enough to minimize the crazy from getting too close to whisper in Harris’ ear. The Republicans put their crazy right next to Trump.

*From Erick Erickson’s Substack for all the crazies “it was stolen” folks!*

“If Donald Trump loses in November and your first thought is that it was stolen, ask yourself why it was a good idea to re-nominate a man who had it stolen from him even while he was the sitting President in charge of the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security and FBI with Republican Governors in Arizona and Georgia. Now, in 2024, Joe Biden is in charge at the federal level, Democrats control Arizona, and Brian Kemp and Brad Raffensperger are still in charge in Georgia. Really, a genius plan.”

If Trump wants to win, he needs Georgia. Perhaps he should not attack the most popular politician in the state and presume he can bully that man and his wife into helping him.

This is an interesting note too:

If this keeps up, you’ll have a lot of Republicans start reasoning that they could put up with Kamala Harris for two years and lock in the House and Senate in 2026 and it’d be far better to go through that than put up with Trump for four years and all the down ballot disasters that would come in 2026.

I could see folks saying “hey, I’ll put up with Harris for two years to get to the 2026 midterms and try and lock up the Senate and House for Rs.” We all know usually whoever Trump endorses for any of these races, they lose (look at the disaster of the ‘22 midterms that was supposed to be the “red wave”).

Thank goodness Kemp isn’t pity because he needs Kemp’s really good ground game in the state. Just a bizarre weekend for him.

As much as the man drives me nuts he’s still MUCH better than the alternative and the GOP needs him to win for the future of the SCOTUS. It’s monumental that he wins because there will probably be two seats coming up in the next 4 years.

If you as a conservative/Republican would really rather have Kamala Harris picking those lifetime replacements for the two most conservative Justices over "principles" and "ridding the party of the Trump stench.”

SCOTUS is the single-best reason to vote for Trump at this point.