Trump goes after Brian Kemp

Okay, see this now. Some context helps, but he shouldn’t have said it.

I know some people that are close to kemp. He and Trump will never write each other Christmas cards. Kemp doesn’t take shit off of anyone. Period. He knows Kamala is an idiot beyond anything to ever run for that office. The bigger prize is at stake. And she stands for stuff he would never get behind. Like Biden it will take the democrats till 2027 to realize how bad she is.
How many votes will Trump gain by bashing Kemp and his wife? None. He will lose some though. Kemp has a lot of friends in the state and is very popular. It’s a battleground state and he cannot help himself. Totally stupid move.
I don’t think so. We are at a cross roads. There may be a very, very small few that don’t know the stakes. Including kemp. He knows exactly what is up. He will hold his nose. Everyone but the agenda driven don’t know who the left’s candidate is. What she stands for. And how incredibly incompetent she is. Personal feelings are in the rear view right now. More at stake than a social media spat. (Agreed it is a really stupid move)
I don’t think so. We are at a cross roads. There may be a very, very small few that don’t know the stakes. Including kemp. He knows exactly what is up. He will hold his nose. Everyone but the agenda driven don’t know who their candidate is. What she stands for. And how incredibly incompetent she is. Personal feelings are in the rear view right now. More at stake than a social media spat.
It's the cumulative impact of Trump's careless (I'm being kind) moves and what it does to enthusiasm. A month ago, he had it made, his voters were high enthusiasm, while Biden support, particularly from the young, was low energy. And that would drive turnout and Trump was on way to a near landslide. I think he is on tilt now as he can't believe the race is a toss up, he knows she's an idiot and gets away with anything because the media is totally behind her, and he commits unforced error after unforced error. Georgia was totally in the bag a month ago, now he has to devote time and energy and money to it, he should still win due in no small part to Kemp's organization.

I remain convinced that someone among the Dems (who was very aware of his decline and coverup) was smart enough to convince Joe to have the debate early enough for him to be replaced. My money would be on Pelosi, you don't have to like her but she's smart and ruthless enough to do stab him in the back. Small chance it was Kamala, if so, she has more smarts than I give her credit for.
Kemp has a ground organization that will help Trump if could control his impulses. America is begging for a leader that will make the necessary sacrifices to win. For once, try to at least be civil. Trump could have really made some headway by reaching out to Kemp and getting everyone on the same team. Kemp realizes what is at stake. I am starting to think Trump would rather lose with his ego intact.
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Kemp has a ground organization that will help Trump if could control his impulses. America is begging for a leader that will make the necessary sacrifices to win. For once, try to at least be civil. Trump could have really made some headway by reaching out to Kemp and getting everyone on the same team. Kemp realizes what is at stake. I am starting to think Trump would rather lose with his ego intact.

Of course - he is all about himself and his ego and nothing else. He’s a cult leader, like it or not. You can’t say that about the Dems (re: Cult) - everyone was shocked at Biden’s debate performance and how bad it was and most sane people wanted him out after that (most of us wanted him out before that). There was no hiding the disappointment. CNN and MSNBC wasn’t trying to sugarcoat it. The difference in the MAGA Cult is that Trump can do anything - ANYTHING - and he won’t lose that vote. Evidence - look at the last 8 years.
Of course - he is all about himself and his ego and nothing else. He’s a cult leader, like it or not. You can’t say that about the Dems (re: Cult) - everyone was shocked at Biden’s debate performance and how bad it was and most sane people wanted him out after that (most of us wanted him out before that). There was no hiding the disappointment. CNN and MSNBC wasn’t trying to sugarcoat it. The difference in the MAGA Cult is that Trump can do anything - ANYTHING - and he won’t lose that vote. Evidence - look at the last 8 years.
This is the g rated version. Dems elected a vege good and well knowing it. If you didn’t, you weren’t listening to me and every other pub on this board from prior to the last election. Same with any conservative led media nationally. His gaffes were weekly fodder. The media covered it up. You guys could not have cared less. He won his primaries remember. The debate performance didn’t sound off that he was unfit. If you really believe that I don’t have the words for how dumb that is. The left knew he couldn’t win after the debate. Don’t know how they predict the future like that. So a coup prededed. Or insurrection. How they actually work in real life. Biden was told by nancy. Her words, “ this can go the easy way or the hard way”. He was told the 25th amendment would be invoked and all funding would go away. Any protection he was receiving for hunter would go away if he continued in this election. An offer he couldn’t refuse.

Cults don’t have members on this board calling trump out for being stupid. You guys row in the same direction like no one I have ever seen. If they don’t agree with you, you cancel them. That is a cult. The brainwashing needed to convince your base Kamala is a great candidate is crazy.
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Kemp has a ground organization that will help Trump if could control his impulses. America is begging for a leader that will make the necessary sacrifices to win. For once, try to at least be civil. Trump could have really made some headway by reaching out to Kemp and getting everyone on the same team. Kemp realizes what is at stake. I am starting to think Trump would rather lose with his ego intact.
If I could, I would triple like this post
Trump was foolish in making this comment and Kemp’s wife was equally foolish in making her comments. I like Kemp better than Trump but Trump put Kemp into office over Cagel. Kemp misstep in Fulton county ARGUABLY cost Trump the Georgia victory. Regardless they need to bury the hatchet for both their political careers. If that means Kemp muzzling his wife so be it. Trump needs to be more humble for sure. Similar of how he handled the Maryland senate canadate.
I love that comment. Kemp allowed as convoluted a ballot collection operation as one could imagine during the 2020 election.

If you had written a book on the policies that allow the most fraud, that was it.

Of course we are suppose to believe all human beings are honest.

So yes, Kemp did his citizens poorly. He fell for the pressure.

I have known Brian for years. I like him and have voted for him. But he fell asleep at the wheel and it cost us.
I do not trust Kemp. He failed to stop the stolen 2020 election so he could maintain support to get re-elected. Now he has his eye on the US Senate. I don’t care what good he has done, he did not man up and stop the stolen election. I will be looking for someone else to vote for when he runs for the Senate.
100%. Trump is who we need. I will be voting for him proudly once again.
Kemp is more conservative than Trump
Kemp is such an interesting case. Most pubs that have tried to go after Trump in any way have not had a very good go of it. Most have been really close to being destroyed. Jeb bush. Cheney. Romney. Etc. Not so much with kemp. He takes no shit from anyone and gives just as good as he gets. He hasn’t handled Fani and the election issues as well as he could have, but he became more popular after tangling with trump. Trump keeps trying him and he doesn’t learn. I know for a fact kemp sees the bigger picture. He is heading up the ladder. Having Trump a total odds with him isn’t going to help him as much nationally. Plus kemp knows just how bad Kamala is. Both we be better served to be quiet about the other.

I know kemp has pissed several off on this board, but the way he handled the new voting laws was brilliant. Deemed Jim Crow 2.0. Cost us the allstar game. He went to the radio to explain. And show he went across the isle and got opinions from both sides. Even including some corporations including coke. Who went woke after it passed. He called coke and Stacy out. Hammered them both. Stacey cost the city millions and for all intents and purposes put big stace to sleep in ga. I will be curious to see how his career progresses going forward.
Kemp is such an interesting case. Most pubs that have tried to go after Trump in any way have not had a very good go of it. Most have been really close to being destroyed. Jeb bush. Cheney. Romney. Etc. Not so much with kemp. He takes no shit from anyone and gives just as good as he gets. He hasn’t handled Fani and the election issues as well as he could have, but he became more popular after tangling with trump. Trump keeps trying him and he doesn’t learn. I know for a fact kemp sees the bigger picture. He is heading up the ladder. Having Trump a total odds with him isn’t going to help him as much nationally. Plus kemp knows just how bad Kamala is. Both we be better served to be quiet about the other.

I know kemp has pissed several off on this board, but the way he handled the new voting laws was brilliant. Deemed Jim Crow 2.0. Cost us the allstar game. He went to the radio to explain. And show he went across the isle and got opinions from both sides. Even including some corporations including coke. Who went woke after it passed. He called coke and Stacy out. Hammered them both. Stacey cost the city millions and for all intents and purposes put big stace to sleep in ga. I will be curious to see how his career progresses going forward.
Kemp is very smart, and very politically savvy. And, his first priority is the people he governs. He sticks to the fundamentals that the R party was founded upon. He behaves like a mature adult and does not get sucked into the trashy freak show that the party has allowed itself to become. I would love for him to run for President in the future.
I know some people that are close to kemp. He and Trump will never write each other Christmas cards. Kemp doesn’t take shit off of anyone. Period. He knows Kamala is an idiot beyond anything to ever run for that office. The bigger prize is at stake. And she stands for stuff he would never get behind. Like Biden it will take the democrats till 2027 to realize how bad she is.
Trump is such a damn idiot and Kemp is one of the best governors we have ever had, if not the best. Kemp will run for Senate after he is done. Trump just can't get out of his own way.
I don’t think so. We are at a cross roads. There may be a very, very small few that don’t know the stakes. Including kemp. He knows exactly what is up. He will hold his nose. Everyone but the agenda driven don’t know who the left’s candidate is. What she stands for. And how incredibly incompetent she is. Personal feelings are in the rear view right now. More at stake than a social media spat. (Agreed it is a really stupid move)
This guy is obviously deranged, rolling in to Atlanta and going after the extremely popular governor. Trump went on and on, because he just can’t help himself.

This isn’t even all of it.

Of course - he is all about himself and his ego and nothing else. He’s a cult leader, like it or not. You can’t say that about the Dems (re: Cult) - everyone was shocked at Biden’s debate performance and how bad it was and most sane people wanted him out after that (most of us wanted him out before that). There was no hiding the disappointment. CNN and MSNBC wasn’t trying to sugarcoat it. The difference in the MAGA Cult is that Trump can do anything - ANYTHING - and he won’t lose that vote. Evidence - look at the last 8 years.

That’s the entire point, it took you geniuses seeing the debate to realize how far gone he is because your new appointed (notice I didn’t say elected) presidential nominee and the entire mainstream media hid him for 3 years and those without their head in the sand of glued to CNN could see it clear as day

And you speak of cults? Laughable
How many votes will Trump gain by bashing Kemp and his wife? None. He will lose some though. Kemp has a lot of friends in the state and is very popular. It’s a battleground state and he cannot help himself. Totally stupid move.
What Conway, the man not woman, and others have said about Trump is exactly right. He is a classic narcissist. You either do what he wants you to do or you are a bad person.
You tell him he's right or you are a bad person.

You support his claims or you are a bad person.

He never does anything wrong. Never.
You ask him a question about lies he's told in the past and you are a bad person.

For all the fluff about Kamala's laugh, have you ever seen Trump actually laugh. I've never seen it. Can't recall it. Not talking about these chuckles he might do when he knows someone is telling a joke. I mean literally laughing about something he actaully finds funny. It's a question being raised now but I was asking this years ago. He makes people laugh, both intentionally and unintentionally. But does he do it?

Have you ever seen him use self deprecating humor? I haven't. This is usually a very common practice from politicians as it makes them come across as more human and not so full of themselves. But he can't do it.

9 signs: Which does he not fit?
  1. Sense of self-importance
  2. Preoccupation with power, beauty, or success
  3. Entitled
  4. Can only be around people who are important or special
  5. Interpersonally exploitative for their own gain
  6. Arrogant
  7. Lack empathy
  8. Must be admired
  9. Envious of others or believe that others are envious of them
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be hard to beat either of the incumbents, imo
maybe not, but he's already got his own political organization and he's smart and he's well liked. I don't think he plays nationally, I could be wrong, but I think President is not the cards given certain intangibles
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This guy is obviously deranged, rolling in to Atlanta and going after the extremely popular governor. Trump went on and on, because he just can’t help himself.

This isn’t even all of it.

Two things here. This wasn’t a smart decision imo. But it wasn’t fake. He went all of the sudden start to like kemp again. It isn’t like someone calling the current president a racist then becoming his vp. He never stops short of being who he is. And this is the part of him I can’t stand.
Two things here. This wasn’t a smart decision imo. But it wasn’t fake. He went all of the sudden start to like kemp again. It isn’t like someone calling the current president a racist then becoming his vp. He never stops short of being who he is. And this is the part of him I can’t stand.
You mean like comparing Trump to Hitler and then becoming his Veep candidate?

Or calling him a disgrace and then becoming his right hand man like Graham?

Or saying he's unhinged and not fit for the job and then endorsing him for POTUS like Haley?

Or saying you could never endorse him for POTUS, telling Republicans to "vote your conscience" at the 2016 convention and then working on his campaign just a few weeks later like Cruz?

Those kinds of things?
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What Conway, the man not woman, and others have said about Trump is exactly right. He is a classic narcissist. You either do what he wants you to do or you are a bad person.
You tell him he's right or you are a bad person.

You support his claims or you are a bad person.

He never does anything wrong. Never.
You ask him a question about lies he's told in the past and you are a bad person.

For all the fluff about Kamala's laugh, have you ever seen Trump actually laugh. I've never seen it. Can't recall it. It's a question being raised now but I was asking this years ago. He makes people laugh, both intentionally and unintentionally. But does he do it?

Have you ever seen him use self deprecating humor? I haven't. This is usually a very common practice from politicians as it makes them come across as more human and not so full of themselves. But he can't do it.

9 signs: Which does he not fit?
  1. Sense of self-importance
  2. Preoccupation with power, beauty, or success
  3. Entitled
  4. Can only be around people who are important or special
  5. Interpersonally exploitative for their own gain
  6. Arrogant
  7. Lack empathy
  8. Must be admired
  9. Envious of others or believe that others are envious of them
This is where you cross over the line into tds land.

So funny that you have never seen the man be self deprecating, yet hosted a roast of himself. Where he laughed.

Self importance. Anyone who has run for president and been elected has this. Biden was overcome with self importance. Obama. Reagan. Bush. That is a stupid acronym.

P. He ran a tv show. He was a real estate agent. It is literally part of the job description. Even Biden in his farewell address said he had to put aside his own personal ambition.

E. Entitled. Really? Dei?

C. Corn pop was a bad man. Marched with mlk. Name dropping dead presidents he claimed to talk to recently. Except dead since 1996

I. Be a vp and retract the racist statement. Be president and stab one of your biggest supporters in the back. The man who stood by you a year ago when your party wanted to replace you with another vp on the ticket.

A. Just listen to any Obama speech. They all are.

L. Tons of examples of this. You just don’t want to hear it or will say it is self serving. Example. He sued other Florida clubs to make them allow African Americans and Jewish member. Got an award from reverend Jesse and Al for doing this. Oprah liked it a lot as well and decided to make him even more famous.

M: does he run a cult or not. Cant have it both ways. Has been a candidate now for three elections. Someone admires him

E: go watch him play with Bryson. Or listen to any old interviews after he signed 34.

I don’t like him when he is like he was tonight. But he didn’t change to be fake. To be a politician. That is why tds is so blinding for others. You only see what you want to see. And you can’t accuse me of saying nothing negative about him. Did it several times in this thread
You mean like comparing Trump to Hitler and then becoming his Veep candidate?

Or calling him a disgrace and then becoming his right hand man like Graham?

Or saying he's unhinged and not fit for the job and then endorsing him for POTUS like Haley?

Or saying you could never endorse him for POTUS, telling Republicans to "vote your conscience" at the 2016 convention and then working on his campaign just a few weeks later like Cruz?

Those kinds of things?
You are talking about other people doing this. I was talking about heels up and Biden changing with the wind. One of the things Trump doesn’t do. This at times drives me crazy. Act more presidential and he wins by ten points. He can’t help himself from being what and who he is. This is was a stupid thing he did tonight. But he didn’t backtrack and deviate for politics.
This is where you cross over the line into tds land.

So funny that you have never seen the man be self deprecating, yet hosted a roast of himself. Where he laughed.

Self importance. Anyone who has run for president and been elected has this. Biden was overcome with self importance. Obama. Reagan. Bush. That is a stupid acronym.

P. He ran a tv show. He was a real estate agent. It is literally part of the job description. Even Biden in his farewell address said he had to put aside his own personal ambition.

E. Entitled. Really? Dei?

C. Corn pop was a bad man. Marched with mlk. Name dropping dead presidents he claimed to talk to recently. Except dead since 1996

I. Be a vp and retract the racist statement. Be president and stab one of your biggest supporters in the back. The man who stood by you a year ago when your party wanted to replace you with another vp on the ticket.

A. Just listen to any Obama speech. They all are.

L. Tons of examples of this. You just don’t want to hear it or will say it is self serving. Example. He sued other Florida clubs to make them allow African Americans and Jewish member. Got an award from reverend Jesse and Al for doing this. Oprah liked it a lot as well and decided to make him even more famous.

M: does he run a cult or not. Cant have it both ways. Has been a candidate now for three elections. Someone admires him

E: go watch him play with Bryson. Or listen to any old interviews after he signed 34.

I don’t like him when he is like he was tonight. But he didn’t change to be fake. To be a politician. That is why tds is so blinding for others. You only see what you want to see. And you can’t accuse me of saying nothing negative about him. Did it several times in this thread
Harris never called Biden a racist. She actually said in the debate you are talking about:

“I do not believe you are a racist.”

Facts don't really matter any more though.

If he's not a narcissist, there is no such thing. Now go buy me a TDS t-shirt and I will wear that sucker anywhere, any day. You don't bother me with that. It's the definition of common sense. Get to it.
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