Trump goes after Brian Kemp

Harris never called Biden a racist. She actually said in the debate you are talking about:

“I do not believe you are a racist.”

Facts don't really matter any more though.

If he's not a narcissist, there is no such thing. Now go buy me a TDS t-shirt and I will wear that sucker anywhere, any day. You don't bother me with that. It's the definition of common sense. Get to it.
This has been gone over many times. I forget you may have missed this discussion here. It is a fact that while she didn’t directly call him a racist, the implication was 100 percent there. This is not denied. She asked him for a public apology never given kckd. The Dem leadership went to her and asked her to backtrack. Because he was likely going to be the nominee. They couldn’t have that out there. Which 100 percent lead to her being one of the choices for vp. That was the fact check the media tried to use to help Joe. She had made this implications at rallies also. It is well know and not even disputed anymore. But like covering for her being the border czar the media struck again.
That’s the entire point, it took you geniuses seeing the debate to realize how far gone he is because your new appointed (notice I didn’t say elected) presidential nominee and the entire mainstream media hid him for 3 years and those without their head in the sand of glued to CNN could see it clear as day

And you speak of cults? Laughable
Fair point. It's been said by several of us liberals here we ignored the early signs as misinformation and just didn't follow his daily movements like the Right was. But thay being said, once we saw the decline at the debates everyone galvanized to have to step aside, that's why you've seen such enthusiasm on the left...we've got someone new, younger and energetic to be excited about.

Now how long will it take the GOP to move on from Trump if he loses this election is the better question. What comes after Trump? Is MAGA still a force in the GOP? Who lines up to run in 2028 and will they have to fly down to MAL to bend the knee to Trump? If Trump loses and the Dems retake the House the GOP during Trump's term have to go down as dome of the worst times in party history
I wish the GOP had the same courage and conviction that the Dem party had in how we replaced Biden. Have that same courage and conviction to move away from MAGA.
Ok. We are calling it courage now to knife a fifty year politician in the back. Threatening him and his family to get him to step away. 😂 maga had the courage to try the same thing in 1-6 remember. 🤦‍♂️
This has been gone over many times. I forget you may have missed this discussion here. It is a fact that while she didn’t directly call him a racist, the implication was 100 percent there. This is not denied. She asked him for a public apology never given kckd. The Dem leadership went to her and asked her to backtrack. Because he was likely going to be the nominee. They couldn’t have that out there. Which 100 percent lead to her being one of the choices for vp. That was the fact check the media tried to use to help Joe. She had made this implications at rallies also. It is well know and not even disputed anymore. But like covering for her being the border czar the media struck again.
The implication that he could have done more than he did is correct. My guess if that if you are white and were raised in South Georgia, your parents or grandparents (age dependent) voted for a segregationist for POTUS in 1968. He carried the state. He had to get votes from somewhere and almost every rural county that was majority white went with him. I doubt very many people who voted for him would say they are racist if they are still alive today, but it's kind of hard to see them not being. It's also kind of hard to see that within two generations that such sentiment is totally gone.

Times change and time changes people.

And all the changes of mind on the Trump side. We're not talking decades on that stuff. Just politics, right?
You are talking about other people doing this. I was talking about heels up and Biden changing with the wind. One of the things Trump doesn’t do. This at times drives me crazy. Act more presidential and he wins by ten points. He can’t help himself from being what and who he is. This is was a stupid thing he did tonight. But he didn’t backtrack and deviate for politics.
Trump supported Democrats before he ran for POTUS.

Trump was pro choice before he ran for POTUS.

Trump went back and forth on the war in Iraq.

Trump was all in on removing Roe v. Wade saying it was the state's rights and then criticized states for going too far with it when it seemed to hurt him in the polls.

The idea that Trump doesn't change his mind on a whim is silly.

Like I said, you don't do what he likes then he doesn't like you. If Kemp said he was wrong and sorry, Trump would be back with him. Look at Mitch.
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Two things here. This wasn’t a smart decision imo. But it wasn’t fake. He went all of the sudden start to like kemp again. It isn’t like someone calling the current president a racist then becoming his vp. He never stops short of being who he is. And this is the part of him I can’t stand.
I hope in the 2028 election I can vote for a Presidential candidate without "holding my nose." The only time that happened in this 21st century was my Trump vote in 2020. I thank Trump for transforming the party away from McCain, Romney, and Haley types and toward Populism. But I am ready for DT to exit the stage so we can get younger America First candidates stepping up that don't act like a 10-year-old bickering in the school yard. I like DT's policies, but dislike his personality, and especially that horrible cringe voice he uses at his rallies.
Can someone explain what Vance meant by saying Harris wants to take away the ability to eat red meat? I’ve never heard this before. I’ve heard all of the stove and windmill nuttiness but not this.
I hope in the 2028 election I can vote for a Presidential candidate without "holding my nose." The only time that happened in this 21st century was my Trump vote in 2020. I thank Trump for transforming the party away from McCain, Romney, and Haley types and toward Populism. But I am ready for DT to exit the stage so we can get younger America First candidates stepping up that don't act like a 10-year-old bickering in the school yard. I like DT's policies, but dislike his personality, and especially that horrible cringe voice he uses at his rallies.
Yes. Times 1000. The party needed him to wake it up. Change the party from being boring to now ever growing. I never thought I would see the gop become more inclusive in most cases than the Dems. I think that part he brought is great. Common sense policies as well. I couldn’t agree more about how he handles himself. Drives me crazy. I would have voted elsewhere in the primary. I have changed my mind that he is actually what we need at the moment. We need a villian. We need someone the world worries about a little bit. I will not be upset if and when he ever fades away
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Can someone explain what Vance meant by saying Harris wants to take away the ability to eat red meat? I’ve never heard this before. I’ve heard all of the stove and windmill nuttiness but not this.
It is an in turn response to the Dem claims pubs will put you back in chains. Take away your freedoms. Which is horseshit. Kamala believes you should eat less red meat to help with the climate. She also believes in no more plastic straws. People really don’t like paper straws. This is true. It isn’t true that she would outlaw any of it. Just politics. She did say she would use her power to be sure we consume less of it. That is a fact. She has some ridiculously progressive left viewpoints. God help us if she gets elected.

Go see the original Dem ads. They didn’t even try to tell the truth. Used flat out lies. This is where we are in politics. She said these things. Just not to this extreme.

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This level of pettiness from Trump is without a doubt a sign of extreme narcissistic and borderline personality disorders. No reasonable person running for political office would do this.

This level of pettiness from Trump is without a doubt a sign of extreme narcissistic and borderline personality disorders. No reasonable person running for political office would do this.

Which is worse? The Hill is saying the formerly quiet part out loud. After this, I really DGAS what Trump says. Your side needs to crash and burn and be totally rebuilt. Between the anti-democratic manner in which Kamala was installed and the gaslighting by the MSM, the Ds are in a really bad spot.

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This level of pettiness from Trump is without a doubt a sign of extreme narcissistic and borderline personality disorders. No reasonable person running for political office would do this.

He did manage to lose GA in 2020 for himself and both senate candidates.

Last night was a textbook example of narcissistic injury resulting in Trump being literally incapable of acting in his own best interest.
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Harris never called Biden a racist. She actually said in the debate you are talking about:

“I do not believe you are a racist.”

Facts don't really matter any more though.

If he's not a narcissist, there is no such thing. Now go buy me a TDS t-shirt and I will wear that sucker anywhere, any day. You don't bother me with that. It's the definition of common sense. Get to it.
has biden ever said racist things?
I know you voted for him but want to see if you really know lol
has biden ever said racist things?
I know you voted for him but want to see if you really know lol
Lido missed the boat that day, he left the shack
But that was all he missed, and he ain't comin' back
Trump supported Democrats before he ran for POTUS.

Trump was pro choice before he ran for POTUS.

Trump went back and forth on the war in Iraq.

Trump was all in on removing Roe v. Wade saying it was the state's rights and then criticized states for going too far with it when it seemed to hurt him in the polls.

The idea that Trump doesn't change his mind on a whim is silly.

Like I said, you don't do what he likes then he doesn't like you. If Kemp said he was wrong and sorry, Trump would be back with him. Look at Mitch.
Not quite the same, but you have to argue it some way. He was also pro gay marriage before Obama. He is still pro choice. But there should be time limits to that choice to protect the child. He went way farther with this than most super conservative pubs. You can’t modify your views. Everyone is allowed to do that for sure. But calling sanctuary cities dumps like Biden did, then opening the border like a madman is more than a modification. He is more touting the roe v wade decision not because it stops abortion. It did the opposite. There are more abortions since roe v wade. He wanted the decision to be in each state’s hands.

He was a democrat before democrats became left of left. And despite him giving to Obama, Obama decided to roast him while he was in the building. We wouldn’t even be here without that.
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Can someone explain what Vance meant by saying Harris wants to take away the ability to eat red meat? I’ve never heard this before. I’ve heard all of the stove and windmill nuttiness but not this.
In her own words…Govt controlled diets…all in the sake of “Climate Change” and the Govt controlling more of your life. Most of the search engines try to either erase these clips or place them 10 pages back and beyond

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What Conway, the man not woman, and others have said about Trump is exactly right. He is a classic narcissist. You either do what he wants you to do or you are a bad person.
You tell him he's right or you are a bad person.

You support his claims or you are a bad person.

He never does anything wrong. Never.
You ask him a question about lies he's told in the past and you are a bad person.

For all the fluff about Kamala's laugh, have you ever seen Trump actually laugh. I've never seen it. Can't recall it. Not talking about these chuckles he might do when he knows someone is telling a joke. I mean literally laughing about something he actaully finds funny. It's a question being raised now but I was asking this years ago. He makes people laugh, both intentionally and unintentionally. But does he do it?

Have you ever seen him use self deprecating humor? I haven't. This is usually a very common practice from politicians as it makes them come across as more human and not so full of themselves. But he can't do it.

9 signs: Which does he not fit?
  1. Sense of self-importance
  2. Preoccupation with power, beauty, or success
  3. Entitled
  4. Can only be around people who are important or special
  5. Interpersonally exploitative for their own gain
  6. Arrogant
  7. Lack empathy
  8. Must be admired
  9. Envious of others or believe that others are envious of them
You have just described the entire music and movie industry and the progressive liberal movement.

What you described is narcissism without regard for greater good. Narcissism that supports only agenda and seeks to cancel out opposing opinion.

The leader of our country needs should have many of these qualities but speak for the process of constitutional law in regards to the citizen, not movement of agenda to gain control.

Our country better hire a strong willed President who is willing to be the sheriff. You cannot negotiate peace with evil. You must control evil.

Kamala is not capable of that and it is obvious. Does anyone think she can lead our military?

Good post!
I do not trust Kemp. He failed to stop the stolen 2020 election so he could maintain support to get re-elected. Now he has his eye on the US Senate. I don’t care what good he has done, he did not man up and stop the stolen election. I will be looking for someone else to vote for when he runs for the Senate.
Oh my gosh…STOP with the stolen BS. It’s so friggin old dude. Voters in 2024 don’t care about that and they’re tired of it. This is such a laughable post.

If you think the race was stolen in 2020, well it was genius for you to renominate the guy who, as the President in charge of the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security and the FBI, couldn’t keep it from being stolen then and now has Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in charge of Washington and Kemp and Raffensperger still in charge in Georgia. Answer me that dude. You don’t have to because you can’t, so I’ll save ya from having to type on your keyboard.

Since 2016, all Trump and MAGA has done is lose. Lose primaries, lose midterms, lose generals. He said he’s all about winning but the man just loses. Why do you like losing?
Oh my gosh…STOP with the stolen BS. It’s so friggin old dude. Voters in 2024 don’t care about that and they’re tired of it. This is such a laughable post.

If you think the race was stolen in 2020, well it was genius for you to renominate the guy who, as the President in charge of the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security and the FBI, couldn’t keep it from being stolen then and now has Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in charge of Washington and Kemp and Raffensperger still in charge in Georgia. Answer me that dude. You don’t have to because you can’t, so I’ll save ya from having to type on your keyboard.

Since 2016, all Trump and MAGA has done is lose. Lose primaries, lose midterms, lose generals. He said he’s all about winning but the man just loses. Why do you like losing?
The 2020 election was stolen by the DemonRats. Trump actually won.

Oh, and I’m not your dude, dude.
Will, here’s the biggest problem the Ds have other than the fact she’s a moron.

And the pathetic and sad thing is, people still will vote for her. She is a train wreck. She's even worse than Biden, and I didn't think that was possible. She can't put two sentences together. She has an atrocious record. Just look what she did in Cali. Covering up that Biden was not mentally fit for office for four years is just the cherry on top.

While Trump gave us some of the best four years in our country's history. My 401k was never happier. He's proven he can run the country. I'll happily be voting for him again. Kamala will destroy this country.
How many votes will Trump gain by bashing Kemp and his wife? None. He will lose some though. Kemp has a lot of friends in the state and is very popular. It’s a battleground state and he cannot help himself. Totally stupid move.
Same reason he lost to Biden, I will vote for him, but will cancel my monthly contribution🤪
It is an in turn response to the Dem claims pubs will put you back in chains. Take away your freedoms. Which is horseshit. Kamala believes you should eat less red meat to help with the climate. She also believes in no more plastic straws. People really don’t like paper straws. This is true. It isn’t true that she would outlaw any of it. Just politics. She did say she would use her power to be sure we consume less of it. That is a fact. She has some ridiculously progressive left viewpoints. God help us if she gets elected.

Go see the original Dem ads. They didn’t even try to tell the truth. Used flat out lies. This is where we are in politics. She said these things. Just not to this extreme.

No one is taking red meat from anyone. I do want my plastic straws though. I hate the paper ones!!!!!!
No one is taking red meat from anyone. I do want my plastic straws though. I hate the paper ones!!!!!!
We get far enough left with the climate freaks they will. That was when she was being the most liberal senator in dc. Of course she is better now and cured of that illness. Red meat is her friend today. 🤦‍♂️
That’s the entire point, it took you geniuses seeing the debate to realize how far gone he is because your new appointed (notice I didn’t say elected) presidential nominee and the entire mainstream media hid him for 3 years and those without their head in the sand of glued to CNN could see it clear as day

And you speak of cults? Laughable

The difference is - we say / admit we were wrong. The MAGA cult will ride until they die with Trump… even with convictions, porn star sleepovers, 3 wives, grabbing women by the pussy, minions trying to overthrow the gov’t, Epstein visits with young girls, making fun on the disabled, acting like a 5 year man child, etc etc etc
Kemp is such an interesting case. Most pubs that have tried to go after Trump in any way have not had a very good go of it. Most have been really close to being destroyed. Jeb bush. Cheney. Romney. Etc. Not so much with kemp. He takes no shit from anyone and gives just as good as he gets. He hasn’t handled Fani and the election issues as well as he could have, but he became more popular after tangling with trump. Trump keeps trying him and he doesn’t learn. I know for a fact kemp sees the bigger picture. He is heading up the ladder. Having Trump a total odds with him isn’t going to help him as much nationally. Plus kemp knows just how bad Kamala is. Both we be better served to be quiet about the other.

I know kemp has pissed several off on this board, but the way he handled the new voting laws was brilliant. Deemed Jim Crow 2.0. Cost us the allstar game. He went to the radio to explain. And show he went across the isle and got opinions from both sides. Even including some corporations including coke. Who went woke after it passed. He called coke and Stacy out. Hammered them both. Stacey cost the city millions and for all intents and purposes put big stace to sleep in ga. I will be curious to see how his career progresses going forward.
Yeah I love that people throw out RINO when discussing Kemp. The hate for him is baffling when you consider what all he has accomplished while governing GA. Now that I no longer live in GA, I miss a strong and intelligent governor who truly understands the game. But we unfortunately live in a society where name calling and taking jabs at people is seen as more important than actual policy. Miss Abrams has all but disappeared after being labeled the next big thing for the Dems. Gone, forgotten. Kemp is responsible for that because he won and then 100% made GA a better state to live in. It killed all the talking points that the dems had against him.
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Yeah I love that people throw out RINO when discussing Kemp. The hate for him is baffling when you consider what all he has accomplished while governing GA. Now that I no longer live in GA, I miss a strong and intelligent governor who truly understands the game. But we unfortunately live in a society where name calling and taking jabs at people is seen as more important than actual policy. Miss Abrams has all but disappeared after being labeled the next big thing for the Dems. Gone, forgotten. Kemp is responsible for that because he won and then 100% made GA a better state to live in. It killed all the talking points that the dems had against him.
He's been a healthy surprise for the state for sure.

Only reason I don't think he'd translate nationally because there's a requisite amount of charisma required and he has had to swallow some poison pills from the GA leg, or at least one.

But he will make a fine senator, if he can unseat one or the other.
The difference is - we say / admit we were wrong. The MAGA cult will ride until they die with Trump… even with convictions, porn star sleepovers, 3 wives, grabbing women by the pussy, minions trying to overthrow the gov’t, Epstein visits with young girls, making fun on the disabled, acting like a 5 year man child, etc etc etc
What exactly did you (left) EVER admit you were wrong about?

Believing the media (and Kamala) that Biden was shape as a tack? Yet you continue to buy their Kamala schtick. And if they lied to you about that (which is not even debatable) why believe the constant attacks on Trump?

You guys actually bought that Biden had an acute change in his mental state over a month and the story that the man is a patriot for sacrificing himself to the party.
It’s hilarious

And by the way half of what you mentioned about Trump is conjecture or just completely false and half is true. The fact that you guys don’t see the hypocrisy in your “overthrowing democracy” claims is just baffling

Also, half of what you mentioned about Trump ….. you may want to look at god of the liberals Bill Clinton…. Again more hypocrisy
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