
Turley is a Lefty, but you can tell he is incensed over how the Media is ignoring this story. Taibbi and Greenwald are other lefty journalists who are pissed too for the same reason. This is why the story will get out.

Why did Trump play this hand so late in the election season, should have played it in mid September. If it is legit, it can’t be hidden. If it’s not legit, then it will and should blow up in Trump’s face. Seems credible to me, we shall see...
Why did Trump play this hand so late in the election season, should have played it in mid September. If it is legit, it can’t be hidden. If it’s not legit, then it will and should blow up in Trump’s face. Seems credible to me, we shall see...

Trump should never have been forced to play this hand. Everybody and I mean everybody that pays attention has known for a long time how the game is played in the Ukraine. That is what makes the impeachment such a farce. When this is over, you are going to see that people like John Kerry and Mitt Romney were involved in Ukraine corruption to some degree. An impartial media would have killed the Biden campaign before it got started.
Why did Trump play this hand so late in the election season, should have played it in mid September. If it is legit, it can’t be hidden. If it’s not legit, then it will and should blow up in Trump’s face. Seems credible to me, we shall see...
The same reason people hold back information all the time, to make it as damaging as possible before it’s relative importance can fade away. The reason Trump is president today is because Hillary‘s camp had the NBC tapes and made sure that they leaked a couple weeks before the election rather than before the GOP primary when GOP voters might’ve had another alternative. Their polls suggested he was the easiest candidate to beat. They weren’t giving up the damaging goods on him until after he was the nominee. The problem is they didn’t realize how awful their candidate was and how disaffected a lot of the Trump voters really were (there were counties that had no significant demographic shifts that swung 20 points from Obama to Trump).

Similarly, David Corn held onto a tape of Romney that wasn’t disclosed until late in the election in 2012. And in 2000, the last weekend release of George Bush’s DUI almost swung the election to Gore.

It’s a despicable practice, and I wouldn’t mind if the media ignored all these stories as long as they did it consistently. In fairness though, the European stuff was out there to be developed but the media embargoed it for obvious reasons.
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Turley is a Lefty, but you can tell he is incensed over how the Media is ignoring this story. Taibbi and Greenwald are other lefty journalists who are pissed too for the same reason. This is why the story will get out.

Turley is not a leftist but is a Dem in name only. He almost always sides with repubs. It is a lot easier to live in DC as a democrat.
Turley is not a leftist but is a Dem in name only. He almost always sides with repubs. It is a lot easier to live in DC as a democrat.
Not true, he has been very hard on Republicans and was against George W. Bush. He’s just a very intellectually honest guy, and a free speech absolutist. Similar to the late Nat Hentoff who wrote for the Village Voice, that notorious conservative rag. There are still a few folks on the left (although I wouldn’t put Turley on the Left) who are not crazy about some of the authoritarian tendencies that have emerged in the last two decades. It is important to separate process from policy, and when you are willing to bend process in the name of policy, you will lose people like Turley. Which speaks well of him.

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