Very disappointed this morning

Typical liberal BS. And several other idiots actually agreed with the i
post. The Dems have become a party intent on making ridiculous claims against the other party starting with Joe.
Ridiculous claims like accusations of successfully executing a multi-state scheme involving hundreds of thousands of votes to steal the election? Got it.
LOL. Don’t even try. Better to call others a threat to Democracy if you disagree with them on the issues? That’s your party and you own that starting with the POTUS.
You mean the party of open borders, child mutilation, murdering of fetuses, killing of our energy independence, killing much of American industry, giving away our hard earned money to pay for loans so young folks can renig on their signed contracts to pay back their debts. Allowing men to play in girls sports and use their restrooms! Your party is so damn crazy you can not even imagine their extremes until you witness it occurring! Teaching hatred of the United States, pushing socialism on our children in schools. That’s just off the top of my head. If you need more examples, you are to far gone to debate.
You mean the party of open borders, child mutilation, murdering of fetuses, killing of our energy independence, killing much of American industry, giving away our hard earned money to pay for loans so young folks can renig on their signed contracts to pay back their debts. Allowing men to play in girls sports and use their restrooms! Your party is so damn crazy you can not even imagine their extremes until you witness it occurring! Teaching hatred of the United States, pushing socialism on our children in schools. That’s just off the top of my head. If you need more examples, you are to far gone to debate.
Well, that is quite a rant...straight out of QAnon. "Killing energy", "killing American Industry", "murdering fetuses", "cancelling student loans", the "trans" spectre stealing women's sports (and, even worse, their bathrooms...shudder), "teaching hatred" (also known as history), and "socialism" (occasionally referred to as economic theory).

The "killed" Energy sector is leading the market, making more money than a show dog can jump over, for the industry and it's fortunate shareholders. As far as "killed American industry", I don't suppose you checked the DOW, the S&P 500, or the NASDAQ today (American Industry apparently rose from the dead).

Your GOP had a perfect opportunity Nov. 8th to put a stamp on all that hogwash you spout, and the American Electorate answered with a resounding NO (but, Yes to lawful abortion) to all of your QAnon fueled rant. As to the "crazy Democrat Party" the Mid-Term results suggest you might just have misapplied that opprobrium, and that the American people have rightly placed it squarely on the Trumpublican Party.
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Well, that is quite a rant...straight out of QAnon. "Killing energy", "killing American Industry", "murdering fetuses", "cancelling student loans", the "trans" spectre stealing women's sports (and, even worse, their bathrooms...shudder), 'teaching hatred" (also known as history), and "socialism" (occasionally referred to as economic theory).

The "killed" Energy sector is leading the market, making more money than a show dog can jump over, for the industry and it's fortunate shareholders. As far as "killed American industry", I don't suppose you checked the DOW, the S&P 500, or the NASDAC today (American Industry apparently rose from the dead).

Your GOP had a perfect opportunity Nov. 8th to put a stamp on all that hogwash you spout, and the American Electorate answered with a resounding NO (but, Yes to lawful abortion) to all of your QAnon fueled rant. As to the "crazy Democrat Party" the Mid-Term results suggest you might just have misapplied that opprobrium, and that the American people have rightly placed it squarely on the Trumpublican Party.
Green energy is not sustainable at this time. Solar needs lithium batteries to store excess power (Very expensive) and the ols batteries are like toxic waste. The fossil fuel energy is being killed by the dems. Never before in history has government shut down a power source and said we will find am alternative in the future. Idiots in charge. The green energy sector is making a killing for the élite government officials with kickbacks and government subsidies to keep the farce afloat. The manufacturing and counting of votes is not over yet, hold your horses, Jimmy.
No such thing as q anon, ( like an intelligent democrat or the easter bunny). Just stating facts, you can't handle.
Fetterman is not crazy? You dems elected someone like him and question being called crazy? Wow.
Call it what you want. But at least we wont have people fighting in the streets trying to incite a civil war or sucking up to the Russian govt. So while you have the luxury of sitting on the sidelines and only having to worry about your wallet, other people have more pressing concerns about the direction of the country.
Coco, I guess you want your kids in drag because of what they are taught in schools, pay double at the gas pump and grocery stores, and suck up to China so they can send another virus to the US, leave billions of our tax money in AfghanIstanbul for the taliban to train their troops with and put women in slave position, I am sure your wife would like that, cut heads off Of Americans that Joe Blow abandoned and so o , get a real life.
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