Well I won’t be buying anymore Nike UGA gear. Great while it lasted.

Only people offended by Nike and freaking out about it are old people, which accounts for a small portion of Nike's revenue. Wont hurt Nike all that much, just like every good NFL team will still have a packed stadium, and NFL will still be the highest rated programming on TV.

You are FOS … But you should change your screenname to cocksarebiggerinTechsass.
Only people offended by Nike and freaking out about it are old people, which accounts for a small portion of Nike's revenue. Wont hurt Nike all that much, just like every good NFL team will still have a packed stadium, and NFL will still be the highest rated programming on TV.
My 25 year old son who is a Navy officer just called me to say he will never buy anything from Nike again.
Only people offended by Nike and freaking out about it are old people, which accounts for a small portion of Nike's revenue. Wont hurt Nike all that much, just like every good NFL team will still have a packed stadium, and NFL will still be the highest rated programming on TV.

All I can say is, if only you young whipper snappers were 1/1000th as smart and informed as you think you are, then you might have 1/2 a brain.
Nice. So I am currently Active Duty (15 years next month) but a scumbag because i support his constitutional rights? Gotcha

I have a constitutional right to be a racist...... but if I express myself publically, I will lose my job and reputation. Not me, just using an illustration.

I have the right to be a racist, but there are consequences for being a racist in today's society.

The race card is old. Funny how we throw out constitutional rights only to back our own agenda. And I have the constitutional right to be a racist.

I am for constitutional rights. The problem is we no longer teach our children about how those rights became to be. While I respect your service, our rights were brought to us be men and woman who gave their lives to carve out this country. The average person who uses the anthem and flag to protest race inequality is pretty stupid. They do not understand the basic context of this country and the laws that even allow to protest.

Rights in a democratic republic are earned through basic human behavior and respect, not by protest, violence and intimidation. But we are acting like a third world country. The laws of our country are changed through the greatest political system the world has ever known. When we protest everything and intimidate to get laws changed, it bastardizes the entire legal system of our country. It also creates an unsafe environment for all citizens and our law enforcement community, which has gotten worst with all the violence.

If you want change, look to change it politically and through new concepts in laws and regulations. That is how our country was formed and how our founding Fathers put it together.

The problem with the protestors and such is that they are used, fueled and funded by those who don't care to fix the problem, only fuel discontent. We protest everything now. Anyone who expresses an opinion that doesn't agree with the new liberal view is shouted down. We protest, counter protest, then protest how the media covered the protest. No one can say what they believe anymore, it has to fit the narrative.

Not standing for the country is disrespectful. Again, we don't even understand why we can live in a free country and provide for our families. Living in the richest country in the world. And no, our country wasn't built on the back of Colin Kapernick. It gave him a great opportunity. If he wants to change things, do it right. Our system is set up to do that.

Screaming from the mountain top isn't the answer, it just creates hate.

Instead of protesting the behavior of others, why not look at how we behave? What can we do to make it a better place to live, work and survive........ or is the government just suppose to create quotas?

As a pro ballplayer, go to the police departments and set up discussions and work through the problems..... or protest and scream. He chose to protest and scream, creating hate and revolution where it wasn't needed.

We can go on and on but the economic and opportunity divide in this country has been earned. Behavior fitting a citizen of our country is required. If you don't live within that requirement, asking the government to provide for you is wrong. And wondering why bad things happen to you is, well, naive.

This whole issue has helped put our law enforcement in harms way. It has given many the excuse to kill innocent lives. Protests such as this just prove to entrap us further. And create hate.

Respect cannot be demanded. It must be earned.
I have a constitutional right to be a racist...... but if I express myself publically, I will lose my job and reputation. Not me, just using an illustration.

I have the right to be a racist, but there are consequences for being a racist in today's society.

The race card is old. Funny how we throw out constitutional rights only to back our own agenda. And I have the constitutional right to be a racist.

I am for constitutional rights. The problem is we no longer teach our children about how those rights became to be. While I respect your service, our rights were brought to us be men and woman who gave their lives to carve out this country. The average person who uses the anthem and flag to protest race inequality is pretty stupid. They do not understand the basic context of this country and the laws that even allow to protest.

Rights in a democratic republic are earned through basic human behavior and respect, not by protest, violence and intimidation. But we are acting like a third world country. The laws of our country are changed through the greatest political system the world has ever known. When we protest everything and intimidate to get laws changed, it bastardizes the entire legal system of our country. It also creates an unsafe environment for all citizens and our law enforcement community, which has gotten worst with all the violence.

If you want change, look to change it politically and through new concepts in laws and regulations. That is how our country was formed and how our founding Fathers put it together.

The problem with the protestors and such is that they are used, fueled and funded by those who don't care to fix the problem, only fuel discontent. We protest everything now. Anyone who expresses an opinion that doesn't agree with the new liberal view is shouted down. We protest, counter protest, then protest how the media covered the protest. No one can say what they believe anymore, it has to fit the narrative.

Not standing for the country is disrespectful. Again, we don't even understand why we can live in a free country and provide for our families. Living in the richest country in the world. And no, our country wasn't built on the back of Colin Kapernick. It gave him a great opportunity. If he wants to change things, do it right. Our system is set up to do that.

Screaming from the mountain top isn't the answer, it just creates hate.

Instead of protesting the behavior of others, why not look at how we behave? What can we do to make it a better place to live, work and survive........ or is the government just suppose to create quotas?

As a pro ballplayer, go to the police departments and set up discussions and work through the problems..... or protest and scream. He chose to protest and scream, creating hate and revolution where it wasn't needed.

We can go on and on but the economic and opportunity divide in this country has been earned. Behavior fitting a citizen of our country is required. If you don't live within that requirement, asking the government to provide for you is wrong. And wondering why bad things happen to you is, well, naive.

This whole issue has helped put our law enforcement in harms way. It has given many the excuse to kill innocent lives. Protests such as this just prove to entrap us further. And create hate.

Respect cannot be demanded. It must be earned.
Tl;dr . Sorry
Lost over 4 BILLION market cap today. If you 20 something asshats would pay attention you could stop being asshats
What does Nike's business decisions have to do with "20 something asshats"? You don't think the people who decided to do this are boomers? Why is an overpriced company like Nike stocks going down a tragedy?
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Looks like the NFL is changing their stance Roloboy.
I’ll even let your Fox News tell you about it.

IDGAS....If they don't play another NFL game I won't miss them.....and at this rate it won't be long.

Here's what being a business that lets the inmates run the asylum gets you......Keep it up
I have a constitutional right to be a racist...... but if I express myself publically, I will lose my job and reputation. Not me, just using an illustration.

I have the right to be a racist, but there are consequences for being a racist in today's society.

The race card is old. Funny how we throw out constitutional rights only to back our own agenda. And I have the constitutional right to be a racist.

I am for constitutional rights. The problem is we no longer teach our children about how those rights became to be. While I respect your service, our rights were brought to us be men and woman who gave their lives to carve out this country. The average person who uses the anthem and flag to protest race inequality is pretty stupid. They do not understand the basic context of this country and the laws that even allow to protest.

Rights in a democratic republic are earned through basic human behavior and respect, not by protest, violence and intimidation. But we are acting like a third world country. The laws of our country are changed through the greatest political system the world has ever known. When we protest everything and intimidate to get laws changed, it bastardizes the entire legal system of our country. It also creates an unsafe environment for all citizens and our law enforcement community, which has gotten worst with all the violence.

If you want change, look to change it politically and through new concepts in laws and regulations. That is how our country was formed and how our founding Fathers put it together.

The problem with the protestors and such is that they are used, fueled and funded by those who don't care to fix the problem, only fuel discontent. We protest everything now. Anyone who expresses an opinion that doesn't agree with the new liberal view is shouted down. We protest, counter protest, then protest how the media covered the protest. No one can say what they believe anymore, it has to fit the narrative.

Not standing for the country is disrespectful. Again, we don't even understand why we can live in a free country and provide for our families. Living in the richest country in the world. And no, our country wasn't built on the back of Colin Kapernick. It gave him a great opportunity. If he wants to change things, do it right. Our system is set up to do that.

Screaming from the mountain top isn't the answer, it just creates hate.

Instead of protesting the behavior of others, why not look at how we behave? What can we do to make it a better place to live, work and survive........ or is the government just suppose to create quotas?

As a pro ballplayer, go to the police departments and set up discussions and work through the problems..... or protest and scream. He chose to protest and scream, creating hate and revolution where it wasn't needed.

We can go on and on but the economic and opportunity divide in this country has been earned. Behavior fitting a citizen of our country is required. If you don't live within that requirement, asking the government to provide for you is wrong. And wondering why bad things happen to you is, well, naive.

This whole issue has helped put our law enforcement in harms way. It has given many the excuse to kill innocent lives. Protests such as this just prove to entrap us further. And create hate.

Respect cannot be demanded. It must be earned.

Great post!! I wish I could stay calm and write a calm post. If you look back, even though I hated O and what he stood for, I posted very little. However, the behavior of the dims has pushed me over the edge. All the lying and worst of all the unmitigated HYPOCRICY. IF you are going to be a socialist, just admit it. If you are anti America, just admit it. etc etc. The audacity of the left to talk about civility, when they are the ones with the violent protesters and threats and intimidation tactics.. Have you ever seen pubs turn a confirmation hearing into an out an out circus that should be an embarrassment to every American? Have you ever seen a cabinet member (even the lying scum that worked for O) threatened and ran out of a restaurant when trying to eat with family? Dims are out of control and I have turned into a fight a fight fire with fire person because of them.. I have lowered myself to the level of a dimorat, only without the lying and hypocrisy. I HATE what they are doing to this country.
Only people offended by Nike and freaking out about it are old people, which accounts for a small portion of Nike's revenue. Wont hurt Nike all that much, just like every good NFL team will still have a packed stadium, and NFL will still be the highest rated programming on TV.

NFL ratings down 8-10% since kneeling protest. Many younger folks can't afford NFL tickets. Nike will hurt the NFL more than it will hurt their own company. Many are not sure what the underlying protest really is about? Many view it as disrespect for the flag and country. The original message seemed to be that the police are targeting black people solely because they are black. I understand there are corrupt cops, but this is not borne out by stats. The Obama admin injected race and emotio;n into many black white cops. Much of it with false or unnecessary rhetoric such as "hands up don't shoot" , "Trayvon could have been my son", "and "The police acted stupidly"., etc.

I don't think freedom of speech applies in this case of the NFl since they are protested while an employee of an NFL team. Nike made an economic decision and their stock trended down today but they will probably come out fine. NFL not so much.
Because 20 something asshats don't see to understand economics or you just proved.
Calm down grandpa. The fate of the economy doesn't lie in the hands of one decision by Nike. Anyways, I'm out. I avoid the chat like the plague bc it's filled with filthy freeloaders who refuse to pay a premium fee. And arguing about politics on the internet is more useless than a Christmas tree sale in Israel. Take care man.

Also, you spelled seem wrong. Not typically a big deal, but it is when one is trying to be the smartest guy on an internet forum.
Calm down grandpa. The fate of the economy doesn't lie in the hands of one decision by Nike. Anyways, I'm out. I avoid the chat like the plague bc it's filled with filthy freeloaders who refuse to pay a premium fee. And arguing about politics on the internet is more useless than a Christmas tree sale in Israel. Take care man.

Also, you spelled seem wrong. Not typically a big deal, but it is when one is trying to be the smartest guy on an internet forum.
Not the smartest in the room skippy, just smarter than you.......which as I think about it.....isn't all that impressive. Oh and some snot nose lefty calling other ppl freeloaders.......Priceless.

Anyways, I'm out. I avoid the chat like the plague bc it's filled with filthy freeloaders who refuse to pay a premium fee.
I'm not sure this place can hang on without you.

Please come back soon, call people some names, make a few vapid pronouncements, let drop a pathetically sophomoric simile or two.
Great post!! I wish I could stay calm and write a calm post. If you look back, even though I hated O and what he stood for, I posted very little. However, the behavior of the dims has pushed me over the edge. All the lying and worst of all the unmitigated HYPOCRICY. IF you are going to be a socialist, just admit it. If you are anti America, just admit it. etc etc. The audacity of the left to talk about civility, when they are the ones with the violent protesters and threats and intimidation tactics.. Have you ever seen pubs turn a confirmation hearing into an out an out circus that should be an embarrassment to every American? Have you ever seen a cabinet member (even the lying scum that worked for O) threatened and ran out of a restaurant when trying to eat with family? Dims are out of control and I have turned into a fight a fight fire with fire person because of them.. I have lowered myself to the level of a dimorat, only without the lying and hypocrisy. I HATE what they are doing to this country.
Who told him to stand? The fans? The league? I don’t see the connection. You told your employee to stop doing something. Which is your right...Kaps employer didn’t tell him to stand,
Correct? I support anyone’s right to protest...even the weirdo Westboro Baptist lunatics. I would never kneel for the flag, but that’s me. I just don’t understand why people make such a big deal about this, yet not be up in arms about the epidemic of child molestation in the Catholic Church.
I respect people right to protest and companies right to choose who they want to use in add. It is also my right not to spend a dime with those companies and i am going exercise that right. As far as I am concern if you don't respect our flag there are many other countries you can live in but most have Catholics living there to
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Only people offended by Nike and freaking out about it are old people, which accounts for a small portion of Nike's revenue. Wont hurt Nike all that much, just like every good NFL team will still have a packed stadium, and NFL will still be the highest rated programming on TV.
Lot old people play golf and spend a lot of money a lot young people get there money from old people . I betting Nike will feel some pain

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