What an incredibly pitiful demonstration of behavior...

They have no plan. All they have is "TRUMP IS BAD"

That's not a way forward..."resistance" has never been a "plan". When they can put forth a vision that makes all our lives better, it will be the first time.
We know what their vision is; heck, we just lived through four years of it.

The easiest venue ever for a Democrat, The View, asked Kamala point blank what would you different, and she was stupified.

They don't have a vision, and the one they do have they cannot sell to everyday Americans.
The dem strategist’s after this beat down…

It's CBS, so the numbers are probably higher.

The first comment to this is so spot on. Turns out common sense is popular.

Those numbers are unheard of after a sotu. The lefties here can say what they want but the polling was done by a media outlet that covered up for Kamala. Like you said they are probably on the lowest end they could make them. You would think some obscure right leaning group leaked those.
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Both sides of the Party are ignorant, when Democrats have had a President speaking, he was heckled by Marjorie Greene and some of her co senators and congressman, it's sad where we are as a country. These tariffs hopefully want send us into a point of no return economy wise
Like watching the “Karen” you tube videos when they get stopped for DUI. Same behavior.
I did not watch, but how was it different than MTG and Boebert screeching at Biden like hyenas during the State of the Union?

Both are indefensible, but the outrage about whatever happened last night seems … contrived.
I did not watch, but how was it different than MTG and Boebert screeching at Biden like hyenas during the State of the Union?

Both are indefensible, but the outrage about whatever happened last night seems … contrived.
It was a lot worse. In the case of MTG, that was one person with a history of jackassery. During the same speech all the republicans and the house speaker appropriately stood and applauded when Biden would mention something that no American should oppose - like support for Israel, concern for hostages, or feel good moments honoring a civilian.

As stupid as the signs and outbursts were last night, by far the most offensive act was the entire left side of the aisle refusing to stand and in most cases refusing to even applaud the following:

-honoring the return of an American held hostage in Russia

-honoring the mothers of two girls murdered by illegals

-honoring a 13 year old brain cancer patient who wants to be a cop….dems were actually seen rolling their eyes as he was made an honorary secret service agent. A make a wish kind of thing.

-announcing the capture of the terrorist who killed 13 military personnel in Afghanistan.

-announcing the acceptance of the kid of a slain cop to West Point.

They basically proved that they would rather see America fail if succeeding meant supporting Trump. It was phuvking sickening.
I did not watch, but how was it different than MTG and Boebert screeching at Biden like hyenas during the State of the Union?

Both are indefensible, but the outrage about whatever happened last night seems … contrived.
Comedian Bill Burr has a nice bit on how MAGAs are the first ones to call the other side snowflakes, but tend to be the most butthurt of anyone if someone is critical of Trump. It gets good laughs because it is true.
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And as you can see above, they believe in this shit. I just fired a baby sitter for telling our kids that Trump was evil. They actually believe what they are being told. She told my kid. Yes. MY KIDS. That Trump hated women, didnt want old people to get SS, and wanted to start WW3.

She is no longer the sitter.
Comedian Bill Barr has a nice bit on how MAGAs are the first ones to call the other side snowflakes, but tend to be the most butthurt of anyone if someone is critical of Trump. It gets good laughs because it is true.
We arent butthurt. We see how ignorant you are. Its comical, not butthurt.
Comedian Bill Barr has a nice bit on how MAGAs are the first ones to call the other side snowflakes, but tend to be the most butthurt of anyone if someone is critical of Trump. It gets good laughs because it is true.
This is so confusing, I want both to be true. Are you calling Bill Barr a comedian, or did you mean Bill Burr?

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He has never spoken the truth in his life.
Tell me one of his lies. And don't give me one of his silly comments that be just throws out there to eff with the Ds. Give me a real lie like Obama's "you can keep your doctor" or Schiff's "I've seen the Russian collusion evidence" or Biden's "top half of his class" or the Corn Pop story.
Tell me one of his lies. And don't give me one of his silly comments that be just throws out there to eff with the Ds. Give me a real lie like Obama's "you can keep your doctor" or Schiff's "I've seen the Russian collusion evidence" or Biden's "top half of his class" or the Corn Pop story.
Give him a minute. He is researching the MSNBC site for "Trump is a liar" quotes.
And as you can see above, they believe in this shit. I just fired a baby sitter for telling our kids that Trump was evil. They actually believe what they are being told. She told my kid. Yes. MY KIDS. That Trump hated women, didnt want old people to get SS, and wanted to start WW3.

She is no longer the sitter.
its the lib way
very sad
It's CBS, so the numbers are probably higher.

Democratic Party approval rating falls below 20% after last night and also for their vote against women. Trump back to 50% approval after last night ( very surprising to be that much). Some interesting Facebook posts from people living in Texas 9th Congressional district about Al Green ( they are not too pleased with him )
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