With the polls clearly swinging in Harris's favor this week what does Trump need to do and not do to win.....


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
May 3, 2003
No one can deny that at best right now the race is even with the current polling data showing Harris inching ahead. With this being a sprint and not a Marathon how does the Trump administration course correct?
Just wait it out and be patient. The honeymoon period is almost over. She is doing 17 minute repeat speeches. At some point, even lefties with an agenda may want to hear anything of substance from her. You like her ads don’t you sho. A fighter. Fearless. But never been to the border or Europe. lol.

One job only now is a great strategy. And having the elderly retire comfortably. Oh my god. Sister Theresa is here to save us.

The pressure is already getting to her. She took 60 seconds of questions yesterday and the national security advisor had to walk back some of what she said.
Trump has to realize that he is in an unfair race. And I'm not talking about fraud etc. Im talking about media coverage, expectations, etc. He has to be darn near perfect in everything. She doesn't.

Lose the 12 yr old insults.
Keep preaching facts, about issues and records.

He has to prove his case, against Harris.

Personally, I don't think he can do it, and Harris is going to beat the daylights out of Trump.

As bad as things are now, they are soon going to get worse. God help us
Until Rasmussen Polling shows Harris in the lead I’m taking much of this polling with a grain of salt. Rasmussen still has Trump plus 5 and they poll weekly with no deviation in standard. I linked a video on Thursday from them and they were very bullish / confident in their results. They normally poll nationally but no way Trump is not up in swing states if he is up 5% nationally. They also thru some shade on other polling data being reported. Their numbers and Trump numbers could certainly change, but some / much of the current polling is skewed intentionally to build momentum and help dems increase participation. If Rasmussen poll #’s change, I’ll post / comment accordingly
Trump has to realize that he is in an unfair race. And I'm not talking about fraud etc. Im talking about media coverage, expectations, etc. He has to be darn near perfect in everything. She doesn't.

Lose the 12 yr old insults.
Keep preaching facts, about issues and records.

He has to prove his case, against Harris.

Personally, I don't think he can do it, and Harris is going to beat the daylights out of Trump.

As bad as things are now, they are soon going to get worse. God help us
Don’t be fooled by some of the stuff. It isn’t going to be a landslide, but the polls are more a creation than truth right now. Even some of the lefty media is starting to admit they don’t want a situation where the only story they have is Trump. Biden or Kamala don’t answer questions. If Trump loses he isn’t the story anymore. Then they have to get stuff from Kamala. That is happening.

There is a reason she isn’t taking questions. And it isn’t because she wasn’t prepared to be the nominee. She should have been campaign ready with Joe already. They have to be sure she knows all of her new positions. And can explain why she has walked so many back. They know not to put her in a bad situation. Eventually the pressure will be too high and she will run into a curveball that will take her out. They are paying actors to show up. In her next speech, I bet you ten bucks she says she knows Donald trump’s type.
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No one can deny that at best right now the race is even with the current polling data showing Harris inching ahead. With this being a sprint and not a Marathon how does the Trump administration course correct?
Sure we can…..”polls ain’t worth a shat”. There you go, how’s that?

If you believe in polls, go bet the farm.
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Just wait it out and be patient. The honeymoon period is almost over. She is doing 17 minute repeat speeches. At some point, even lefties with an agenda may want to hear anything of substance from her. You like her ads don’t you sho. A fighter. Fearless. But never been to the border or Europe. lol.

One job only now is a great strategy. And having the elderly retire comfortably. Oh my god. Sister Theresa is here to save us.

The pressure is already getting to her. She took 60 seconds of questions yesterday and the national security advisor had to walk back some of what she said.
The main concern the Trump campaign must have is the running clock. We're under 100 days to election day so while holding tight maybe be the smart move...does Trump have the temperament.

Ill say this, here are my two bits of advice for Trump and Vance.

1) Stop talking about Harris's fact stop talking about race all together. If he wants to reach black voters just be specific about your economic policies and how they will benefit all Americans

2) For the love of God stop comparing himself to MLK and Lincoln. Stop saying he's the best thing ever for black people. It's just dumb and bad look.
Until Rasmussen Polling shows Harris in the lead I’m taking much of this polling with a grain of salt. Rasmussen still has Trump plus 5 and they poll weekly with no deviation in standard. I linked a video on Thursday from them and they were very bullish / confident in their results. They normally poll nationally but no way Trump is not up in swing states if he is up 5% nationally. They also thru some shade on other polling data being reported. Their numbers and Trump numbers could certainly change, but some / much of the current polling is skewed intentionally to build momentum and help dems increase participation. If Rasmussen poll #’s change, I’ll post / comment accordingly
But to answer your question, I would pound Boarder Zsar, inflation, and California/ Minnesota liberal. Would put Vance on road permanently in each swing state as he is solid on the bump and with Q@A. Would ONLY debate 1 time on Fox ONLY, and as you said would not bring up race. His surrogates are solid, Cotton and guy from Florida would do 90% of the Sunday morning talk shows. They are excellent and cover Trumps missteps. Longer it goes worse the alternative will look….
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No one can deny that at best right now the race is even with the current polling data showing Harris inching ahead. With this being a sprint and not a Marathon how does the Trump administration course correct?
You sound like you think the voting starts and ends next week.
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But to answer your question, I would pound Boarder Zsar, inflation, and California/ Minnesota liberal. Would put Vance on road permanently in each swing state as he is solid on the bump and with Q@A. Would ONLY debate 1 time on Fox ONLY, and as you said would not bring up race. His surrogates are solid, Cotton and guy from Florida would do 90% of the Sunday morning talk shows. They are excellent and cover Trumps missteps. Longer it goes worse the alternative will look….
I would debate weekly if possible. They have an awful message that will only resonate with the fringe.
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I would continue to point out her IQ is that of a lawn chair.

I also cannot think of one political win she’s ever had, policy wise. Focus on that.

Maybe Trump will be smart enough not to attack people in his own party, his constant criticism of Kemp is so stupid I can’t wrap my head around it. Someone should tell him to stop that , although I doubt he will.
The main concern the Trump campaign must have is the running clock. We're under 100 days to election day so while holding tight maybe be the smart move...does Trump have the temperament.

Ill say this, here are my two bits of advice for Trump and Vance.

1) Stop talking about Harris's fact stop talking about race all together. If he wants to reach black voters just be specific about your economic policies and how they will benefit all Americans

2) For the love of God stop comparing himself to MLK and Lincoln. Stop saying he's the best thing ever for black people. It's just dumb and bad look.
Your points are spot on. But that isn’t happening. He will continue to be who he has always been. And go to the dance with who he brought. He isn’t changing after 8 years. I actually am not worried about the black vote. They used to want to beat someone up who wore maga stuff. Not the same reaction anymore. Kind of strange. I see good hard working folks really hurting. That is who will carry the election. There are a lot of people fed up. That is what I will count on. Trump will be Trump. And eventually the real kamala will come forward. The same woman who no one wants to work for and has done miserable work at every single stop.

I will hold out hope that the job trump did last time up until 1-6 will carry him. Kamala is now part of the biggest coverup in American history, and now recently easily the most corrupt administration ever. That is quite the resume you like there sho. There will be many wars. So we will have that.
No one can deny that at best right now the race is even with the current polling data showing Harris inching ahead. With this being a sprint and not a Marathon how does the Trump administration course correct?
Rasmussen has Trump ahead. Other polls are over sampling dims to help the numbers and her so called momentum.
I think it’s simple

Debate Harris anywhere anytime

Focusing more on his policy plans he would devour her on stage in my opinion.

But he’d have to focus on policy plans and I have a better chance catching a TD from Carson Beck this fall
What policy plans ?
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Rasmussen has Trump ahead. Other polls are over sampling dims to help the numbers and her so called momentum.
There is some truth to this comment, how much we don’t know , but an ABC poll was caught switching up their normal splits to get a certain result. We don’t know about the others but I think it is a fair hypothesis.
No one can deny that at best right now the race is even with the current polling data showing Harris inching ahead. With this being a sprint and not a Marathon how does the Trump administration course correct?
The polling is media driven. There has been no swing. I believe your assumption is flawed.

Check Rasmussen. It is the least political of the polls and doesn’t fluctuate the polling base.

There has been no swing in favor of Harris except by the media.

Trump is leading because of economic deficiencies of the entire Dem admin.

The key is that it is even more obvious that Biden was not making policy decisions, it was the admin.

Voting Harris changes nothing.

To believe the media, being primarily liberal and democrat (to keep their jobs) really insults a mature adult.

Since you never respond to reasons other than Trump, what makes Harris any different than the last 4 years?
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No one can deny that at best right now the race is even with the current polling data showing Harris inching ahead. With this being a sprint and not a Marathon how does the Trump administration course correct?
I really don’t pay much attention to polls. But aren’t most of these polls ridiculously small samples. Like 800 to maybe 1500 people. I don’t see what that tells you.
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Just wait it out and be patient. The honeymoon period is almost over. She is doing 17 minute repeat speeches. At some point, even lefties with an agenda may want to hear anything of substance from her. You like her ads don’t you sho. A fighter. Fearless. But never been to the border or Europe. lol.

One job only now is a great strategy. And having the elderly retire comfortably. Oh my god. Sister Theresa is here to save us.

The pressure is already getting to her. She took 60 seconds of questions yesterday and the national security advisor had to walk back some of what she said.
It’s the economy stupid is going to bring her down. Trump’s leading 10 to 1 on this issue.
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No one can deny that at best right now the race is even with the current polling data showing Harris inching ahead. With this being a sprint and not a Marathon how does the Trump administration course
I’m not sure what he needs to do to win, but one campaign appearance a week in a state he is already guaranteed to win (as we saw this week) isn’t it.
I’m not sure what he needs to do to win, but one campaign appearance a week in a state he is already guaranteed to win (as we saw this week) isn’t it.

So, do you think the Harris strategy of a pseudo-basement redux a good plan? It honestly might be, if actual tough questions or specific policy plans aren't demanded.
So, do you think the Harris strategy of a pseudo-basement redux a good plan? It honestly might be, if actual tough questions or specific policy plans aren't demanded.
Are you referencing the lack of interviews? Need more please.
Are you referencing the lack of interviews? Need more please.
Sure. That and her website only having links to fund raising and no actual policy. She's done repetitive stump speeches and nothing more. She's clearly avoiding "tough" interviews.

I'm not saying that's "bad" as a choice. I'm just asking what your thoughts are. You're hitting Trump for going places he's already 'going to win', I'm asking if you think the current Harris strategy is a good one or if you think she needs to do more. It's not a trick question or a 'gotcha'.
Sure. That and her website only having links to fund raising and no actual policy. She's done repetitive stump speeches and nothing more. She's clearly avoiding "tough" interviews.

I'm not saying that's "bad" as a choice. I'm just asking what your thoughts are. You're hitting Trump for going places he's already 'going to win', I'm asking if you think the current Harris strategy is a good one or if you think she needs to do more. It's not a trick question or a 'gotcha'.
I didn’t think it was a gotcha. Just wasn’t sure exactly what I was responding to.

The Dems are currently surfing a vibes campaign, light on substance but a welcome relief in tone to the doom and gloom of Trump. It will work until it doesn’t, which will be determined by what pressure Trump is able to apply to move them out of vibes and into substance.

It seems the entire GOP campaign was structured around Biden as the opponent and they have been slow to pivot. Harris is vulnerable but Trump has to exploit that and I’m not convinced he can pull it off.
but a welcome relief in tone to the doom and gloom of Trump.

But, there is zero substance w/ less than 100 days until the election. Her stump speeches are framing her "on my first day.." promises as if she hasn't been around for 3.5 years. What isn't "doom & gloom"? Nobody is happy w/ the current state of affairs in the country. Harris herself is acknowledging problems that she wants to "fix". Why hasn't she done anything before now? Why wait until she's elected? She could make a hell of a point by doing something now.

"Welcome relief"? The DNC has been promising "doom & gloom" if the Trump-facist-end-of-democracy admin gets elected. Are you seriously pretending like the entire Biden campaign never happened? She's (illegally) taking his money, so I assume she's taking his narrative, too.

It will work until it doesn’t, which will be determined by what pressure Trump is able to apply to move them out of vibes and into substance.

If the media was doing their job, they'd be demanding she actually answers ANY question.

It seems the entire GOP campaign was structured around Biden as the opponent and they have been slow to pivot. Harris is vulnerable but Trump has to exploit that and I’m not convinced he can pull it off.

Why wouldn't the campaign be "structured" around Biden? He was the candidate...until he wasn't. It's not like something like this has ever happened before. Her refusal to make herself vulnerable is a strategy & probably a good one, considering how incredibly unpopular she was as VP. Everytime she speaks w/o a script, she demonstrates how poor of a candidate she is (as evidenced by her dropping out before Iowa in 2020). I get not liking Trump...but anybody pretending that Harris is anything other than "Thank God She's Not Trump" is engaging in tremendous self-delusion.

I think she eventually has to put herself in situations that she has proven to be bad at. The question is how many, does the media hold her to the fire, and how much of a difference does it make after early voting starts.

We are in a complete shit storm of an election cycle & we all deserve better candidates than what we have. I'm increasingly in support of a ChatGPT Administration 🤣
Until Rasmussen Polling shows Harris in the lead I’m taking much of this polling with a grain of salt. Rasmussen still has Trump plus 5 and they poll weekly with no deviation in standard. I linked a video on Thursday from them and they were very bullish / confident in their results. They normally poll nationally but no way Trump is not up in swing states if he is up 5% nationally. They also thru some shade on other polling data being reported. Their numbers and Trump numbers could certainly change, but some / much of the current polling is skewed intentionally to build momentum and help dems increase participation. If Rasmussen poll #’s change, I’ll post / comment accordingly

Fax, the only pollster worth following.
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But, there is zero substance w/ less than 100 days until the election. Her stump speeches are framing her "on my first day.." promises as if she hasn't been around for 3.5 years. What isn't "doom & gloom"? Nobody is happy w/ the current state of affairs in the country. Harris herself is acknowledging problems that she wants to "fix". Why hasn't she done anything before now? Why wait until she's elected? She could make a hell of a point by doing something now.

"Welcome relief"? The DNC has been promising "doom & gloom" if the Trump-facist-end-of-democracy admin gets elected. Are you seriously pretending like the entire Biden campaign never happened? She's (illegally) taking his money, so I assume she's taking his narrative, too.

If the media was doing their job, they'd be demanding she actually answers ANY question.

Why wouldn't the campaign be "structured" around Biden? He was the candidate...until he wasn't. It's not like something like this has ever happened before. Her refusal to make herself vulnerable is a strategy & probably a good one, considering how incredibly unpopular she was as VP. Everytime she speaks w/o a script, she demonstrates how poor of a candidate she is (as evidenced by her dropping out before Iowa in 2020). I get not liking Trump...but anybody pretending that Harris is anything other than "Thank God She's Not Trump" is engaging in tremendous self-delusion.

I think she eventually has to put herself in situations that she has proven to be bad at. The question is how many, does the media hold her to the fire, and how much of a difference does it make after early voting starts.

We are in a complete shit storm of an election cycle & we all deserve better candidates than what we have. I'm increasingly in support of a ChatGPT Administration 🤣
I agree with some of what you say above.

The Biden and Now Harris messaging is optimistic about the country and goes highly negative on Trump the candidate and person, and he obviously gives them a lot to work with.

Trump is negative on the country and all of our institutions (other than SCOTUS, obviously). Negative on the courts, negative on the DOJ and FBI, negative on our standing in the world, negative on election integrity, on and on. I’m sure you see it differently, but what you and I think isn’t the point. It’s the less engaged middle that’s going to turn the election and I think they are tired of Trump’s routine. You have to admit that it’s been four or five years of non-stop chaos within the GOP.

Regarding Harris’s abilities, she’s going to have to prove some level of competence beyond the current vibes. Do you think Trump is going to expose her in the campaign and during the debates? I’m not sure he can pull it off.
Because a significant portion of voters want to say they voted for the winner, the NYT poll is pure fiction.
I didn’t think it was a gotcha. Just wasn’t sure exactly what I was responding to.

The Dems are currently surfing a vibes campaign, light on substance but a welcome relief in tone to the doom and gloom of Trump. It will work until it doesn’t, which will be determined by what pressure Trump is able to apply to move them out of vibes and into substance.

It seems the entire GOP campaign was structured around Biden as the opponent and they have been slow to pivot. Harris is vulnerable but Trump has to exploit that and I’m not convinced he can pull it off.
There are millions that would say the entire Biden - Harris administration has been doom and gloom. How many times have we heard that “we will lose our Democracy “ and many Dem pundits painting Trump supporters as racist and ill informed. Their entire platform is doom .
There are millions that would say the entire Biden - Harris administration has been doom and gloom. How many times have we heard that “we will lose our Democracy “ and many Dem pundits painting Trump supporters as racist and ill informed. Their entire platform is doom .
I think it comes down to a reasonably simple question. You either think that the lies about election fraud, the fake elector plots and J6 were a unique threat to our system of government and that Trump was responsible for them or you think it was fake news/politics as usual/lawfare and as such not a big deal. Where you fall on that issue determines most of how you view campaign messaging from both teams.
I think it comes down to a reasonably simple question. You either think that the lies about election fraud, the fake elector plots and J6 were a unique threat to our system of government and that Trump was responsible for them or you think it was fake news/politics as usual/lawfare and as such not a big deal. Where you fall on that issue determines most of how you view how both campaigns are going about messaging right now.
My g-d man.
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I think it comes down to a reasonably simple question. You either think that the lies about election fraud, the fake elector plots and J6 were a unique threat to our system of government and that Trump was responsible for them or you think it was fake news/politics as usual/lawfare and as such not a big deal. Where you fall on that issue determines most of how you view campaign messaging from both teams.
Dude, you side lied about Biden for 4 years to everybody on the planet. And a day or so ago I listed a handful of outrageous and dangerous lies your side continues to push about Trump, the southern border, crime, the economy, and a whole host of other issues. So don't talk about lying. Your side are the experts. Just as they are the experts on anti-semitism, projection, lawfare, and unconstitutional selective prosecution.

This election is about competency and living in the real world. Your chick and her VP voice are incompetent.
You know I thought at least the Democrats would drop the “protecting democracy “ schtick when they placed Kamala as the nominee as late in the cycle and hiding Bidens incompetence as they possibly could. But man….. I got to hand it to them. And it’s not their fault, it’s the people that buy it over and over again