Not saying Rep.Yeah, the Democrats would NEVER have such goings on, in their party.
Believing the home team?
False messaging about opponents?
Hero worship that makes no sense?
Nah only Republicans.
These are not what you and I think of as Rep.
This is "no one but Trump can save us" people.
I think you know what I am talking about, but are trying to spin it, that's ok.
This isn't about's about one man, to the people I speak of.
Heck, I live in a rural area, the Trump flags out number American flags 10-1!
I don't mean just because it's an election year either. There are countless "TRUMP/Pence" signs still in people's yards.
Look, I loved Reagan. He was the reason I got into politics and became a Rep., but I never looked at him as some kind of savior for our country that was anointed by God.
I am certainly not saying you think like that, but believe me when I tell you, there are many that do.
Hope that clarifies what I meant.......have a good day.