Woman testifies before House Judiciary Committee

3 Pete

Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jun 8, 2001
About her daughter's rape and murder by an illegal. Nadler dozes off while the other dude checks his phone.
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She doesn’t care. She’s FOSacross both parties hold this administration responsible for the horrendous mess with immigrants we have today.
60% of all voters hold this administration responsible for the horrendous mess we have with illegal immigrants. While Kamala brought up the border bill, most comments from voters today looked at is as an election year bandage for a severed artery.
This is the issue that will kill Harris if she can't convince voters she can fix the problem this administration has started.
I hope so but it is amazing how many people don't know or know and don't care just how far left she is and think she can suddenly fix all the crap her and biden allowed to happen.
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you mean schumer
Kinda makes you wish your sorry party followed the Immigration Laws currently on the books..not some worthless bill that does nothing to solve the problem your party created the last 3 yrs… your sorry ass party has shown time and time again they don’t follow the laws , so even if the bill was worth a shi+ , why would Repubs bail your sorry ass party out? It’s called Politics!
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Kind of makes you wish Trump didn't sabotage the bipartisan border bill
No "border bill" is needed. The current administration could fix this tomorrow without passing anything at all. We already have Title 8 of the US Code. They know it and steadfastly refuse to do it.

Title 8 US Code Subsection 1182
(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.
Kind of makes you wish Trump didn't sabotage the bipartisan border bill
You mean the bill that restricts a POTUS's ability to close the border more so than existing law and was only proposed after the Dems figured out that leaving the border wide open would cost them an election.
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Kinda makes you wish your sorry party followed the Immigration Laws currently on the books..not some worthless bill that does nothing to solve the problem yoir party created the last 3 yrs… your sorry ass party has shown time and time again they don’t follow the laws , so even if the bill was worth a shi+ , why would Repubs bail your sorry ass party’s out? It’s called Politics!
My party? You mean the bill the house sent to schumer and will not bring to a vote. I was replying on that crap bill from the senate. deep breath and think again before you attack someone. You mite be a low info individual, you would have known the bill that came out of the house was a decent bill and the one, out of the senate, everyone is talking about including you is dogsh@t.
Kind of makes you wish Trump didn't sabotage the bipartisan border bill
What did he do exactly? And what was the dem’s exact proposal/bill (all of it) that you Dems never tell the country and who and how many ‘pubs were in favor, but most of all why didn’t The Biden/Harris regime just order the border closed vs open…I think because they wanted the open door policy (future votes) that has created a disaster the last few years and most likely will be felt more costly / more negatively more and more in the future.
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