Links to 22 pdf documents from the FBI. No idea what's in them.What am I supposed to be seeing when I click?
It depends what “on” means. He was friendly with many politicians, including, of course, President Trump.I’ll go with 16.
What am I supposed to be seeing when I click?
Nevah, nevah, nevah! My next-door neighbor bought one, and on his first trip down to Disneyland, he had to stop in South Georgia to recharge his car for 3-4 hours before he could proceed on to his destination. Plus, the average battery life is 8-10 years and costs $4,500-$5,000 to replace. No, that's not for this guy.Looking at a Tesla Model Y for the family. Seems like a good deal currently as they are unloading the existing stock ahead of the new release + EV tax credit. Hardly any maintenance cost, low charging cost if you charge at home, not having to hit a gas station again. Seems like a good choice for driving around town or short trips. Honestly just a hesitation at this point because of the different-ness of leaving an ICE vehicle.
Anyone here have one? How has it been?
Agreed.Not a fan of that either. No one side has all the right ideas. Just haven’t found many from the far left recently that I agree with. They are running the show now over there. Has made me sound way more right of center than I usually am. We have several former democrats and a moderate pub in high offices within his cabinet. Which even Trump qualifies as himself. Just find it interesting to see how visceral the reaction is to someone who has governed from the middle mostly