NonDawg Any here make the jump to an EV?

They don't emit "radiation". At least not in the way that most people interpret the term "radiation". When someone says something emits radiation or is radioactive people typically think medical level radiation (x-rays, cancer treatment), Nuclear power plants, etc... But those are stronger forms of radiation known as ionizing radiation.

I mean, honestly, they do emit "some" high level ionizing radiation... but you know what else does at similar levels?... Humans.... bananas... ham sandwiches.... rubber... the sun (massively)... literally everything to some degree...

You'll be exposed to more high level radiation flying from here to Dallas, TX than you will in an electric car... because A) You're closer to the sun, and B) More significantly, you have about 5-6 miles of less atmosphere protecting you than you do on the ground... But the same people who won't hesitate to fly to Dallas to see the Dawgs play in the Cotton Bowl are scared to drive there in an Electric Car.

But like every other electric device we use in our lives electric cars do emit low level electromagnetic radiation (EMR) or non-ionizing radiation. Yes, electric cars emit more of this than your typical cell phone but like you pointed out, there is shielding that alleviates this but the shielding really isn't even designed to degrade EMR, but rather its there due to the heat the batteries put off much like the heat an ICE puts off.

But if anyone is concerned about EMR they should watch Better Call Saul and see how Chuck McGill protects himself because we are literally bombarded all day, every day by EMR... non-stop, every second... at levels that far exceed anything we will ever get from driving an electric car... and knowing this and thinking about this is what drove Chuck McGill crazy.

So you are correct in your research that "radiation" levels from an electric car are safe, and the OP was way off base... For the record, people do get sick in electric vehicles, but its motion sickness that happens at higher rates than normal ICE vehicles because of the lack of engine noise and instant acceleration.

Source: I'm a Nuclear Physicist who currently works as a Medical Radiation Physicist.

You are too smart for the Vent
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It’s amazing, but not unexpected, that you would accuse someone who is voluntarily uncovering the biggest celebrity scandal since Fatty Arbuckle, of a cover up after it was locked away by the previous administration. I congratulate you sir.

Clinton, Gore, Biden were all on a preliminary list.
If Trump were on the list it would have been leaked by the previous administration, no way in hell it would not have been.


As a fat person…
The Office Lie GIF

I’m pumped for the MAHA movement. I’ve been overweight my whole life, I could use all the help I can get! I hope he bans every poison in our foods & incentivizes getting healthier. I paid BIG out of pocket for my GLP-1 meds at the start of Feb. Been eating a clean diet, walking 10,000 steps/day, drinking a gallon of water & getting 8hrs sleep. I’m 14lbs down & my goal is to lose 100. There are some of us who know & what to change for the better. It’s just harder for some…
Season 3 Nbc GIF by The Office
Stay with it!!! I went MAHA last month and started rucking. It's easy. Dropped 12lbs fast.

The President

340,000,000 people in the US, and our choices were those two.

As the late great Slim Pickens said, "what in the wide, wide world of sports is a-goin on here".
And just think , at one time you guys had Musk, Gabbard, Zuck , RFK etc on your side, and you morons ran them all off because of your vengeful stupidity.

The Dems are a rudderless ship. And if you guys dont move more towards the center youre never gonna win another big election. Oh and btw, please keep putting Ratchet Jasmine Crockett out there, shes amazing!

Right now the country wants accountability , and you guys are fighting against it. Just a baffling stance by you guys.


Trump and Epstein were good friends for decades. I have no idea why some on the right think this will somehow be good for Trump and bad for Democrats.

Even if some information is released, it certainly will not be all of it.
It’s amazing, but not unexpected, that you would accuse someone who is voluntarily uncovering the biggest celebrity scandal since Fatty Arbuckle, of a cover up after it was locked away by the previous administration. I congratulate you sir.

Clinton, Gore, Biden were all on a preliminary list.
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