NonDawg Personal Post: My Father Passed Away…

My father passed away on Saturday., February 22nd. I know several of you on here who live or vacation on Hilton Head Island knew him as Pool Bar Jim. For anyone who did know my dad or enjoyed coming to his beach bar, we will be having a memorial in his honor on Saturday, March 8th at Celebration Park on HHI from 12:00-4:00. There will be food and drinks, three live musical acts and guest speakers. All are welcome. Go Dawgs!

NonDawg Any here make the jump to an EV?

Looks like that is all up in the air.

Honestly this thread and all of the comments has gotten me looking at a F150 Lightning. They are running some pretty significant promos on those right now.

Honestly and I know this sounds dumb- I actually want a newer design of the truck. It looks TOO much like a standard F150 to me. I’m not wanting a Tesla truck looking monstrosity but…. Something different
