Trump Golf Tracker

Soooo… how are those egg and gas prices looking boys? Day 1 right?

How about government spending? How much does it cost us for Trump to go play golf and all the secret service to stay on Trump properties so he can profit?


Two parties. One is for less government, less spending, & lower taxes. The other seeks more govt positions, more regulations, more spending, handouts, and waste.
I would call you an idiot, except that Sean Hannity used to have the Obama golf tracker on his show during the administration. These things are so dumb.

It’s not relevant for any person and I wish we could stop being stupid and really focus on the important things with each president.
Can’t focus on the real issues because it puts the party in a horrible light. No one with common sense would argue against the spending cuts and uncovering endless waste, much less shrinking the government.

Instead, they are going to create ‘talking points’ about how much trump golfs, Elon not being elected, and a constitutional crisis.

Blindly following rich politicians, bureaucrats, and legacy media talking points with no ability to think independently. Challenging wasteful spending and corruption should be welcomed and cheered by all (except those milking the system).

How many employers would condone/permit this kind of activity in their servers?

Well, I don't think the founders of the Grapevine were ever arrested for child abuse. Not an NSA official in this case, but still. Trying to separate the alphabet people from the molesters is impossible it seems.

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Abuse happens is every community. There are daily cases of youth pastors, coaches, police and others getting arrested for abuse.

There is no evidence that sexual abuse of minors is more likely to occur in the gay community than in the straight community.

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My father was a federal employee for 34 years.

Dad was a mechanical engineer with the US Army Corps of Engineers. He mostly designed heating and cooling systems for government buildings at Forts Stewart / Hunter, Benning, Gordon, Jackson, and Bragg. He also did other projects like designing the lighting system for the approach to a runway at Hunter Army Airfield that could be seen from White Bluff Road for many years until it was replaced by new technology. That was a big source of pride for me.

Dad hated waste and incompetence. He couldn’t stand new Ga Tech graduates that thought they knew everything but actually didn’t know shit from shinola.

The Corps designed a tidal gate system for the Savannah Back River that was supposed to increase water flow in the main river channel to decrease the need for frequent dredging. Dad looked at the design and said it wouldn’t work. They built the damn thing anyways. Guess what, it didn’t work.

When I was a kid during the 60’s and 70’s, Dad often brought home citations and awards for having a great idea that saved money and/or made things better. The awards were usually for $500 to $1,000 for his idea, big bonus money back in those days. Mom would frame them and hang them on the wall until we ran out of space to hang them all.

My Dad was my image of an ideal federal employee growing up. He never got rich, but made a positive difference at work and put his boys through school with no debt and supported his extended family.

Dad would spin in his grave if he knew the crap being uncovered by DOGE, and he would be all for what Trump is doing to Make America Great Again. And he sure as hell wouldn’t have any trouble coming up with five good things he accomplished last week.
What is being uncovered by DOGE, in your mind?

Your dad sounds like a heck of a man.

Trump Golf Tracker

That’s a BS number generated by the GOP. They are saying any time outside of the WH is vacation, when Biden was at home, Camp David and other places but still working.

Trump played golf Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday last week, during what was kind of a busy week, what with Elon gutting the federal government and Trump and his entire administration clearly signaling to the world through absurd lies that we are switching sides in the middle of a European war.

Three weekday rounds in a row in this environment? That’s a statement.

The amount of time President Biden spent on vacation during his presidency varies significantly depending on how "vacation" is defined.

According to detailed fact-checking by Snopes, Biden spent approximately 117 to 118 full days completely on vacation, about 8% of his presidency. Including partial vacation days (where Biden may have traveled or conducted partial official duties), the total rises to about 183 to 184 days—or roughly 12.5% to 12.6% of his presidency [oai_citation:4,Fact Check: Did Joe Biden spend 40% of his presidency on vacation? - MEAWW News](

On the other hand, the Republican National Committee (RNC) provided much higher figures—around 577 days (nearly 39%-40% of his presidency). However, this figure is criticized by fact-checkers because it includes all days Biden spent away from the White House (such as at his Delaware homes or at Camp David), even when there was evidence of official work and activities during these periods [oai_citation:3,‘Sleepy Joe’ Biden Spent More Time On Vacation Than Any Other President In Modern U.S. History – One America News Network]( [oai_citation:2,Biden sets record with shocking percentage of his presidency on vacation * WorldNetDaily * by Bob Unruh](

The discrepancy primarily comes down to how each group defines "vacation." If "vacation" includes any day spent away from the White House regardless of work activities, then the percentage approaches 39% to 40%. But considering official duties and partial working days reduces the accurate percentage significantly to around 12.5% [oai_citation:1,Fact Check: Did Joe Biden spend 40% of his presidency on vacation? - MEAWW News](
When you work 4 hours a day you probably don't need a vacation
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