This is how to handle a rogue Dem Gov

“So is the position of the GOP now that EOs override state law?”

I think that is the the position of whichever party is in power… And yes I believe it is the law of the land until the courts say no
My personal view is that trans athletes born male should not be allowed to compete against females.

The question of when an EO takes precedence over state law is complex. As a general position, I thought the GOP was all about states rights, but that’s clearly dependent on the issue. Politicians being hypocritical. Shocking.

My primary comment was regarding how Trump looked during this exchange. He attempted to publicly bully the governor from Maine and she wasn’t having it. She said she’s going to follow state and federal law (a reasonable statement) and responded to his threat by commenting that they would settle it in court. Agree or disagree with her position, I think she came off as resolved and Trump came off as a hectoring bully.

But I’m sure many people saw Trump owning another lib. I simply disagree, and I think we are going to see more people publicly pushing back on Trump’s bullying tactics.

Trump just flat wrong with his nonsense about Ukraine

Pretty sure Trump knows what Trump wants. End the war, no U.S or NATO boots on the ground, end the subsidizing of an unwinnable war.

Pretty sure Trump knows what Putin wants and that Putin will negotiate for territory and a security agreement even though he's not desperate to stop the war.

Not sure Trump knows what Zelensky realistically wants and may feel Zelensky is comfortable fighting a defensive war amd being a global celebrity as long as hundreds of billions pour into his coffers. My guess is Trump feels like Zelensky needs a little shove towards negotiating and Trump is more interested in results than recording an accurate historic record of events.

At this point the options aren't good but the best outcome for the U.S. is an end to the hostilities, interrupting the growing bond between Russia, China and Iran as well restarting the Ukrainian economy. We're at egg breaking time now and in the process of trying to make an omelet.
You don’t have any leverage to negotiate an end to the invasion by Russia by projecting weakness (i.e. signaling you dont have the stomach to continue supporting Ukraine). The reality is that Trump is super soft on Russia. Always has been.

You can not trust Russia

I am not a Russian sympathizer. But we have done and would do just about everything Russia has done recently. Imagine if we were in Russia’s shoes and a border country tried to join an adversarial organization. Let’s say Mexico or Canada wanted to join the newly created USSR. You think we would just let that happen? lol Yeah, ok. I’d bet money we would invade Mexico just like Russia invaded Ukraine.

Nope, not a cult at all...

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The Constitution only matters if it lets you keep your guns, right??

Serious question for the MAGAs... would you vote for Trump for a third term?
I would not. Trump is not above the constitution and any Republican that would vote for him again for a 3rd term is a walking contradiction.

This is how to handle a rogue Dem Gov

Interesting point.

So does an executive order override a state law? Maine has a state law protecting trans athletes (and I’m not commenting on whether I agree with this law or not). Trump has not signed an a new law banning trans athletes, he simply signed an EO.

So is the position of the GOP now that EOs override state law? That would be an interesting new direction.
I will agree with you on this that it’s a dangerous precedent. Many conservatives believe that we are a united nation independently sovereign states. If that’s the case, then we can’t pick and choose on when we agree with the feds sticking their nose in state business or not.

Trump just flat wrong with his nonsense about Ukraine

one month pal one month
think about that
the fact that you expect a miracle so soon is how bad its been
carry on
I don’t expect miracles but I also would prefer to refrain from active collusion with Russia. Why can’t you understand the point I’m trying to make? You’re twisting it to fit your narrative that I’m dense enough to expect some political miracle immediately. Don’t minimize my intelligence to that please.
