RFK Jr - Damning assertion on Biden Administration

WTF is this guy talking about. This guy lies more and more every day.

1) why would a celebrity lawyer have access to this information?
2) in no way did Biden declare “my goal is regime change in Russia”. Lol. That’s so stupid. How exactly would you get regime change from a nuclear-armed dictator? It’s not possible for us to cause that.
3) if he did state that his goal was to wear down the Russian military, that’s great. And it also worked. Kudos to Joe.
The only good thing that came out of the war is that we got to see how inept the armies of Russia and North Korea were.

NonDawg House bill to end those fake school zone speeding tickets..

Those cameras should be outlawed immediately. The idea that "they are in place to protect the children" is laughable.

They are revenue generating devices for the company that owns the camera and the city government.

The cameras are NOT subject to the same laws as other speed detection devices.

There is no requirement for accuracy, calibration, or maintenance of the device.

There is no proof of who was driving.

There is no way to defend yourself, because your "accuser" isn't a person. The camera isn't owned or operated by law enforcement. The ticket doesn't even come from LE. It comes from a private company....who gets part of the $$$
The cameras I’ve seen take front and back pictures, but I can’t say if they are any good. In areas where counties run the school system most kids probably ride the bus, get a ride, or drive to school. In areas of the country where the schools are run by cities, most of those kids probably walk. I’d say they make a tremendous difference in places like Decatur. Just slow down.
