State Dept to purchase 400M for armored Cybertrucks

Sorry, I missed that, thank you. I see it now. Yep, looks like a big nothing burger. Both sides are pretty good at seeing what they want to see.

THAT'S your response...after this gem?

...ignore the cultists. They have no idea this populist demagogue thing they are in love with is identical in every meaningful way to the Marxism they claim to deplore. But that’s a topic for a more informed setting..

How about a bit of self-reflection? It was another fake story generated by liberal media, attempting to undermine legitimate attempts to reduce fraud, waste, and abuse.

But sure...they're the cultists not living in more informed settings.

What a load of horse manure.

State Dept to purchase 400M for armored Cybertrucks

Sorry, I missed that, thank you. I see it now. Yep, looks like a big nothing burger. Both sides are pretty good at seeing what they want to see.
That is true. I still hope, probably wishfully so, that the extremes of both political parties disappear and we can finally get back on track of trying to do what is best for the nation and the American people.

State Dept to purchase 400M for armored Cybertrucks

Sorry, I missed that, thank you. I see it now. Yep, looks like a big nothing burger. Both sides are pretty good at seeing what they want to see.
And sometimes just making it up as they go along. (Both sides)One difference here. Elon gave a stat that was completely incorrect. The condom debacle. He admitted this was not right and set the record straight. Still waiting to see if Rachel Madcow does the same. I won’t hold my breath.

State Dept to purchase 400M for armored Cybertrucks

If the Rep. party doesn't try to or accomplish cutting Medicare/Medicaid/SS I will admit that I went to far. Maybe all of this chaos freaks me out as I own my own business and I'm afraid of the consequences. If the economy booms I will be thankful and happy that I was wrong. Is there a point where you would admit you're wrong?
Well, the accusations of cutting what you're claiming Trump will do have already shown to be Democratic scare tactics. It is literally "fake news", that is a repetitive accusation against every Republican for a generation. Yet, it keeps being shown to be false. Draw your own conclusion.

So, I guess that means you should at least review your data sources.

If Trump does a 180 from his first few weeks and DOESN'T do the things he canpaigned on, I'll gladly criticize him. Thus far, he's done exactly what he was elected to do. We'll see how it plays out.

State Dept to purchase 400M for armored Cybertrucks

Is this true? Do you have a link. Serious question- ignore the cultists. They have no idea this populist demagogue thing they are in love with is identical in every meaningful way to the Marxism they claim to deplore. But that’s a topic for a more informed setting. I AM interested in the sourcing on the original post.
Research is pretty simple even for the uninformed:
CLAIM: MSNBC television host Rachel Maddow on Wednesday accused President Donald Trump and Elon Musk of “corrupt” self-dealing to purchase worth of $400 million of armored Tesla vehicles through a State Department contract.

VERDICT: False. The Biden administration orchestrated the armored EV contract, the State Department has put the contract on hold, and there was only one bidder on the contract during the Biden administration — Elon Musk’s Tesla.

Electric Armored vehicles

State Dept to purchase 400M for armored Cybertrucks

Is this true? Do you have a link. Serious question- ignore the cultists. They have no idea this populist demagogue thing they are in love with is identical in every meaningful way to the Marxism they claim to deplore. But that’s a topic for a more informed setting. I AM interested in the sourcing on the original post.
There has already been a provided link debunking the claim. Your silly name calling should be directed closer to home.
