Illegal alien stabs two people to death, including a 4-year old girl.

Merkel couldn't have done more to harm Germany if she had started WWIII. Germany may be able to save itself but the U.K. may be lost.
I say this to my British friends all the time. The USA runs planet Earth but we need help. We cannot do it all alone. And Great Britain has completed stepped back from the world stage starting several decades ago. This the long game of woke policies. Try to convince Brits and Americans that we should be ashamed of our dominance, ashamed of our success (as if every other person in every other country wouldn't try to replicate what we've done lol).

But when you hear this nonsense for 40 years, you feel like "well, maybe we should let a bunch of people from other countries into our country. What's the worst that could happen?"

The USA needs a strong Britain. Australia's gone weak. All these fools need to follow Trump's lead and be strong; not fugging weak.

Thank God. Trump restores our freedoms to

No prior sitting president has ever refused to accept the outcome of an election.

Violence had never been used before as a tool in an attempt to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.

No president has ever praised and pardoned violent felons who were acting in his name and committing crimes in an effort to benefit his political prospects.

So, you can refer to how bad the Democrats are, and I'd likely agree with many of your comments. Our political system is awash in cash, provided by people who are investing in their own self-interest and uninterested in what's best for the country or average Joes like you and me. That is a systemic, not party, issue.

But to my three points above, those actions are incompatible with a functioning republic. This has been proven many times throughout history. They aren't just about politics; they are a different and more harmful development and should be seen as such. Our electorate, or I should say 49.9% of our electorate, decided the price of eggs and number of genders (among others) were more important issues. Now we all get to see how that works out.
No doubt both sides are messed up and I will acknowledge that. The left and you yourself continue to frame the occurrences that you have mention in the worst or best light depending on what side of the fence you sit.
The the violence you mention and the potential disruption of transfer power between president’s is mostly sensationalism. That was not their intent or purpose that day or they would have completed the task. They( very few unarmed people) breached the capitol and then fairly peacefully. Yes officers were injured and some of the protesters needed to be arrested and prosecuted no doubt. But the way you and others mention these events is utterly astounding and is mostly political posturing. Every other protest mentioned in this thread and others not mentioned involved more violence and had more armed protesters with a much more defined purpose. In all of these other protests very few if any were arrested even when police officers were killed and injured. These protest had more violent acts and destruction and much fewer arrests. January 6th saw so many people arrested who did not do anything violent or destructive yet they were prosecuted. There is a huge difference and the circumstances surrounding these events are vastly different and the responses to these events were dramatically different. If you cannot acknowledge those differences I do not think further discussion is worthwhile.
You focus on these events and there are other events that have transpired that are just as troubling and some even more so to me. The left continually tries to deny an absolute truth proven by science and tries push the false narrative on those who do not agree. The act of denying a truth like this leads to a feeds very destructive behaviors. Younger generations have been sold a bunch of lies and yes some has come from both sides but only party has made them their a part of their party platforms. There are only 2 genders and the denial of that fact makes people to tend to question others truths and foundations that are vital for our country and society. We have young people who think the guy who assininated the United Healthcare CEO is a hero and it was justified. These platforms and policies promote feelings above truth and duty and are much more harmful than anything else mentioned. That is my opinion and I am sure there are many who do not agree. Very few things being discussed does either side of the aisle have a much greater grasp of the total truth of the situation . So much depends on your perspective and what you value most.
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Trump and Birthright Citizenship

It needs to go to the Supreme Court first. The language in the Constitution is fairly direct so the Supreme Court needs to opine that the Constitution does not guarantee birthright citizenship. Even if Congress were to pass a ban and Trump signed, the law can’t violate the Constitution.

It will be interesting to see if Trump can get five votes, the language is what it is.
This is where the pick of Coney Barrett is going to be devastating.

The 14th amendment was written so freed blacks and their progeny would have citizenship.

Now what’s going to be interesting is if Trump has the foresight to go Andrew Jackson on a disfavorsble ruling

Trump and Birthright Citizenship

I've been pleased with Trump so far into term 2.0, but I think the birthright citizenship thing really needs to go through Congress. It would respect the separation of powers and the law would be stickier than an Executive Order.

I understand the problem we've got and the perverse incentive to land here, download a kid, and think that it will make one immune to immigration laws. I just think he could go through Congress with Speaker Johnson to get this going.
I want Congress to get a bill going that will help the President deal with this problem we need a lasting solution to this problem and it has to go through Congress.

Give Elon credit for the Nazi salute

I actually respect his work. He's picked up the TDS slack on here ever since @shonuff253 and @kckd scurried away from this board on Election Night.

It takes a special type of derangement to be this dumb and this upset over nothing.
Don't forget our furry friend Bad Marmot....sure he's still hibernating during this winter of his discontent. Love the subtle use of scurried....sounds appropriate for a colony of Rodents.

Give Elon credit for the Nazi salute

You are right that my post here was a pot stirring insult. But I think most of my posts aren’t that way. Maybe I’m wrong - stared into the Abyss and all that. But other than Zinger, every response to my posts is just a silly name call or something that “whatabouts” my point without ever saying anything factual or substantive to contradict it.
So, providing the ADL's opinion on a supposed Nazi salute is name calling, a "whatabout", and/or not factual or substantive? I provided several substantive facts and opinions on both issues you brought up.

Trump and Birthright Citizenship

It needs to go to the Supreme Court first. The language in the Constitution is fairly direct so the Supreme Court needs to opine that the Constitution does not guarantee birthright citizenship. Even if Congress were to pass a ban and Trump signed, the law can’t violate the Constitution.

It will be interesting to see if Trump can get five votes, the language is what it is.
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