On the issue of student loans, Biden is more Christian than 99% of the Republicans.

Let’s eliminate social security and Medicare then.

Again see above, trades are a fine option depending on what you want to do. But it certainly isn’t easier to do so now then it’s ever been. I don’t think a brick mason in 1974 had to worry about his bid being undercut by an illegal foreigner.
They are paying for the tuition at trade schools for people to go into the trade. There are very few people doing plumbing , welding, electrical, HVAC etc. Where I live there very few people to do these jobs and most are older and nearing retirement. If you show and do what you say you will and have the skill you can be very successful. Most young people do not have the work ethic and look for the easy way to do things. Hence all of these people trying to be influencers.

Eliminate Social Security for sure. I have been saying they need to raise the age and start converting younger people to another option ie IRA’s on their own etc.
Medicare is a totally different issue and much more difficult to handle.
