Trump is hilariously stupid

How often do you post criticisms of politicians you dislike? Wanna match numbers and see who has a “syndrome” ?

Bear in mind that you average 140 posts per month, fella.

The only defense you have to offer is sophomoric insults and whatabouts. Nothing of substance.
Gee whiz, Kidney! Settle down there, Skippy!

Trump is not perfect, and I never said he was. Yes, this seems like a boneheaded nomination, but it’s his daughter’s father-in-law, for goodness sakes. Trump gave him some low level job that won’t make any real difference. And who knows, maybe the guy has some special connections with a certain Nigerian prince that sends out those emails, and I can finally get that 1,000% return on the money I invested with him back in 2005.

140 posts a month? Wow, I guess I have some kind of addiction to this place. Kinda weird that you would look that up, though. Sophomoric insults? Now let me tell you something right now. Nobody thinks I’m as funny as I do. I laugh at myself all the time.

Now, how bout tell us about your name. It’s quite unique, interesting, and obviously funny to me. Let’s hear it.
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Thank goodness the US Military is battling climate change over in Africa.

It is no secret that Djibouti is hot, and death valley, California have the hottest recorded temps on earth in recent history.

Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia, and Yemen have a 9 month season of zero rain and a 3 month monsoon of random floods,'s nothing new,...those countries depend on hitting the jackpot for rain in March,April, May,...and if they don't, the UN already starts making forecasts in starvation rates for the upcoming year.

USA Africom soldiers in the horn of Africa have split unit chigos in their bhut or Alaska tents for air-conditioning supplied by the most filthy diesel generators with 40,000 hours on them,...pillowing smoke for the enemy to identify miles away,..but the enemy still don't attack,...not because of the USA insulting them by dirtying their environment,...but because the enemy knows they will get their ass whooped if they get froggy.
Gods will!

NonDawg CEO Killer is a hero or villain?

No I actually wouldn’t because I’m not a morally bankrupt scumbag.

But we’ll bought out retort by you lol
Absolutely nobody believes you. Continue with your virtue signaling though.

The same person who claims it's ok to murder a husband and father by shooting him IN THE BACK because of a job he holds- a completely legal job that the government I'm sure you white knight for has every opportunity to regulate whenever and however it sees fit- would absolutely not turn down a $20,000,000 a year job because of some moral high ground.
