I need to let the younger Dawg fans know something very important today...
It's entirely natural that we despise Florida, revile Tennessee, loathe Auburn, abhor Alabama, and flip off Clemson. This is just part of Dawgdom.
But the Tech football program is a human waste product. I've never seen a team that takes more cheap shots and deserves more punishment than Tech. I've never seen fans so completely devoid of class. Tech is an ass rash, and there is nothing in the world as horrible as losing to those clowns. I'm still mad as hell about that 1974 game.
Tech has only beaten Georgia 14 times in my 60 years on Earth, but that's 14 losses too damn many.
At the University of Georgia, winning national championships is an elective, but thrashing Tech is part of the core curriculum. It is not optional. You will be there.