It was a long night. It was truly amazing to watch the results. It was frustrating to think they would delay the remaining state calls until today, so somewhere around 2 or so, it was a relief.
Conservative or liberal, Repub or Dem, it is obvious that the system is broken under its current method. With current technology, it is embarassing to see states taking so long to count the votes.
State by state, some citizens should be embarrassed.
Very happy with our country and what it did. I still claim 312 electorial college votes for Donald Trump. And it was amazing to see how men and women of all colors and national origins voted. MI, AZ, NV and AK will set 312. That and the popular vote shows a mandate.
Glad the ads are over.
Can’t respond to anyone, I am in self proclaimed exile until December 1 on responding to posts. I will honor that.
What we watched blast night was an obvious response to the recklessness of the last four years. And it was obvious it wasn’t going to be close.
Good to see logical votes cast for the betterment of the country as a whole versus individual citizen narcissistic desires, mandates and government manipulation to appease a voting block.
Good day to all.