I would have the media cleaned up and non-biased in 90 days…or else as they are currently constructed / operating, they would cease to exist.
This could be achieved by having a closed door meeting on November 6, 2024 with all CEOs of the companies who own the news / media outlets, along with the heads of the news organizations…I mean closed door, with 0 phones, 0 cameras, 0 recording devices - everyone would be scanned entering the room, jamming devices would be employed.
My message would be delivered in less than 10 minutes. I would tell them all to start calling balls and strikes the same. Report all the facts, check your biases and opinions at the door. If you want to “flavor” the news story, you (reporter / journalist) are REQUIRED to read a short statement that the following story is based more on our opinion, and less on facts.
I would establish a national licensing board for journalists similar to American Medical Association and the American Bar Association with a requirement that it be headed up and staffed with equal distribution of Republican, Independent, and Democrats. Reports will be run annually to see where their contributions have gone.
I would also require “the news organizations” to operate under the same requirements…that it be headed up and staffed with equal distribution of Republican, Independent, and Democrats. Reports will be run annually to see where their contributions have gone.
Basically, The Fairness Doctrine would be established / re-established.
If the news organizations fail to enact and have these measures in place by April 1, 2025, then the FCC will revoke your licenses and your operations will go dark…mic drop and leave the room!