NonDawg Best advice for first time Masters patrons?

I have actually been, but it's been more than 20 years. The rest of our group are first timers. Taking a buddy and our wives to Monday practice round.

Will be coming from Athens Monday morning. Main goal is just to enjoy ourselves. Of course, we want to see the course (but not all of it!), watch a few groups at Amen Corner and 16, sample the concessions, and pick up some Masters apparel.

Appreciate any advice. Arrival time, parking, time to shop, hell, plan our whole day if you like.

Go Dawgs!

Joke by Coke cutting seats

'Sections 218 and 219, and a part of section 217, in the stadium will be permanently removed to fit the new Fanning Center, a 100,000 square-foot facility, into the northeast corner of the historic venue. Bobby Dodd Stadium’s capacity, starting with the 2024 season, will be reduced from 55,000 to 51,913.

The change in capacity is the first for the venue since 2003, when seating increased from 46,000 to 55,000. Since the start of the 2017 season, the Jackets have played in front of 50,000 fans at home only six times, with four of those six games being against rival Georgia.' -ajc

that's amazing

The Daily Dawg Caller Bo Jackson, 1st night game at Foley Field

I was reminded last night that today is the anniversary of what is arguably one of the most memorable performances by an opposing player in the history of UGA athletics.

Although resulting in a 23-11 Georgia loss to Auburn, and for the celebrated first night game played at Foley Field (even a portion of the Redcoat Band was in the stands), Bo Jackson’s three-home run performance in Athens on April 2, 1985, was truly spectacular—especially, the first home run Jackson hit off the Bulldogs. A capacity crowd of 3,217, or “at least 10 times greater than normal attendance at Foley,” according to the AJC (clipped below), witnessed a tape-measure shot by Jackson that might still be traveling if the ball hadn’t hit the light pole/fixture out in centerfield.

I’ll never forget that first home run by Jackson. When it hit towards the top of the light pole in center, I swear, the ball seemed to still be rising. Unfortunately, there’s no video from that night that I’ve found—and I’ve looked. A couple of years ago, Jeff Pearlman accurately described Jackson’s moonshot (around 1-minute mark of Facebook video) on The Dan Patrick Show (although I’m pretty sure The Natural was released before the home run and not “39 days” after).

After his initial home run, Jackson hit two more homers, followed by a double, to finish four-for-five with three home runs and 14 total bases.

bo 1985.png

I recall seeing a few of y’all over the years discuss here this game/home run. Anyone else remember this from 39 years ago today?

Botswana is being trampled by a booming elephant population..

And they don't like Germany outlawing trophy hunting of elephants in Botswana by German citizens and have threatened sending 20,000 elephants to Germany for them to see the damage caused of elephant overpopulation,...

Most national reserves in African countries regulate populations of exotic animals,..and when their is an overpopulation, the animals are either sent to private reserves or sourced for meat/leather ,...

And Botswana is most most likely missing the 10k hunting license of Germans per individual to hunt there,..the botswanians will get a lot less for elephant meat in the local market,...

If Germany wants to stimulate African communities, ...then allow hunting!!

Game 37 of the season and we still don't have a set front court rotation

Season in a nutshell really. Tonight we seemingly tried every combination of bigs and none were particularly effective. I kind of wish MW had just stuck with Anselem like he did against OSU, but clearly the talent is not there. Have to get some competent 4s and 5s in next season or we won't be able to compete in the SEC.

Also, don't understand why we started running the offense through the big men again. I can't recall another team with such unskilled bigs forcing the ball into their hands. MW needs to rethink that offense.

Is Fulton County the most corrupt county in all of the United States?

If not they got to be right up there. We all know they routinely commit election fraud but it's much more than that.....

Can’t tell you how many….

spam calls I get a day. If the number is not recognizable, it is silenced…..nonetheless, still annoying as hayul.

The one or two that are most common:

“Hi this is XXXX calling with the funding department at 82 easy capital or XXXX. I'm following up on a piece of mail we sent your company regarding a preapproval for this line of credit or equipment financing up to …..”


This is XXX calling with XXX company to let you know that you & your company still has a Covid payroll credit of up to XXXX $ . It is “imperative” that you call by XXX before it expires . It all is free and with no obligation”…..or something to that effect.

How many of y’all get similar calls…and how many times daily??

Post of the Day Appreciation Post

Just wanted to take a quick moment to thank @bbrdawg for his hospitality at last nights NIT game. I had a ticket way up in the rafters next to the Butler banners and he was gracious enough to offer me his extra ticket so I could sit with other UGA fans. I got to sit next to Kenny Gaines’ family, who was one my favorite players while I was in school. He even introduced me to Josh Brooks and a contact he knew that lives in Indy and works for the Colts, who offered me tickets to the games if I ever want one. Even though we lost last night, it made the whole experience great. I just wanted to shout him out quickly, even though he would say it was nothing. Just one of the reasons why this community is the best in the business.

As someone said last night, “if you wear the right colors, good things happen”

Go Dawgs!

NonDawg Jack Caglianone

I am not going to sit here and say he’s better than Charlie Condon. I don’t believe that, BUT being their Sunday guy pumping triple digits, and doing things like he did last night was crazy. Hit a single off the wall with an exit velo of 117 and then hit that ball 491.. thankfully, it wasn’t my buddy who gave that one up.

bottom line… dude can play and I’m glad I got to see that in person.

Dawgs will beat that a$$ still

NonDawg Update......Prayers appreciated

My mom just called me to tell me that my Grandma had to go to the ER today. Her right arm has been in pain for a couple weeks. Today she said something snapped and was in excruciating pain. Her humerus bone is broken. The Dr said its not a clean break from a fall or anything like that but looks like what cancer would do to a bone. She is scheduled to go to Mayo to see an Oncologist. She's 89 and probably tougher than Brock.......she could definitely go back in if we needed her to. Knowing her and how she is I am preparing myself for the worst but I know our Lord and Savior hears our prayers. I'm asking my Dawg brothers to please pray for her.

The last couple weeks have been tough all around. For anyone still praying much appreciated.
So it is cancer. She has had it for years apparently without it being noticed by any of the 5k various Dr Apts she's had over the past few years. It's spread everywhere in her body. Basically we will find out in the next few days after these other tests are done how much time we have with her. I'm broken. If you didn't know her and met her today you would think she is a ball of fire with just a broken arm. She's special. All prayers and thoughts are coveted.....she has surgery tomorrow to put her arm back together.....maybe the doctors come out of the surgery scratching their heads wondering where the cancer disappeared to.

One of the most underrated home games of all time. I knew we had a good shot to win the national championship

The place was packed at almost 11 AM and we beat the crap out of Arkansas. Here is today’s game.

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Also, when Dan Jackson blocked that punt, I thought the stadium was going to crumble
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Also, I thought it was pretty cool when game day was on the bridge right before kickoff
Hope everybody has a great day

D1Baseball’s meaningless mid-season field of 64 projections

Meaningless but why not (free access)…

For those who want the Cliff notes - Georgia is projected as the #2 seed in the Orlando regional

Kind of a Baron"ish" thread

The melancholy music thread got me thinking about something... I spent most of my younger years chasing tail in all of the standard frat boy haunts. But for a couple of years me and a few friends joined the local Moose Lodge because they had $.50 pitchers on Tuesdays or Wednesdays or some day. We would sit around drinking beer and shooting pool with 50-65 year old vets and just be blown away by their stories. I never expected to connect on any level with anyone there, just wanted cheap beer, but those times changed my outlook on many things.
Do any of you have similar experiences where you decided to hang out somewhere or do something completely foreign to you and you were surprised/changed by the experience? Same kind of thing when serving at the homeless shelter but I've never really felt like I've developed any kind of relationship with those guys, just not enough one on one time.
