Trump is hilariously stupid

Something I have not seen discussed or considered concerning QB's

A lot of people are going to poo poo this thought but I think it has more merit than people realize and going forward will absolutely have to have merit.

Could it be that coaches are now hesitant to pull a starting QB because of the money being poured into said QB for NIL? The NFL is this way, they play the starter even if he struggles because they are pouring money into this guy. Investors want their guy to play because they put money into NIL, if you pull that guy you risk future NIL investment.

Im not saying this is the reason we rode with Beck when he was struggling, but it's something to think about. The main reason we probably never sat Carson is because he has the higher capability right now so we felt he was the one that could dig us out of these holes he put us in and most of the time he did.

Just a thought that my dad and I tossed around.

NonDawg Army versus Navy and the CBS Broadcast

Always love this game. Basically have all 22 guys in the box very physical.
One of my favorite rivalries to watch, and all of these guys are heroes

Also, the CBS broadcast… This is the first time I’ve watched CBS all year and I do not miss these guys

I like the ABC ESPN SEC coverage much better

Just my thoughts

Also think we’re gonna win the national championship for what it’s worth
