Referee community is like the mafia

They will protect each other at any cost.

I was listening to Johnny Crawford a retired SEC official (who lives in the Macon area) on Bill King's show this morning.

He said he was glad they got the call right and was hearing from his contacts the ref who threw the flag just knew he made the wrong call and at no point watched the replay.

Does anybody really think Oregon is better than UGA?…..

When we play our best, we are the best team in the country! Even when our quarterback has a subpar game, we are strong enough to overcome that. If CB plays the way he’s capable of playing, and our defense plays the way they did Saturday night against Texas, we are unbeatable.

But if CB continues in his funk, and if our D has a lackluster game, we could lose to several teams. For now will have to be content with our number two ranking, ho hum. But the beauty of the playoffs is that our day will come!

These were supposed to be the type of new seat backs for Sanford….

Have no idea why the UGAAA can’t make this simple upgrade. I think the current seat backs have been there for 15+ years. They’re pretty bad. I remember the guy on X who is a lead man in charge of putting the seat backs out tweeted a photo that hinted the new seat backs coming but something fell through. I know UGAAA can’t be hurting for money that bad where they can’t upgrade to these type of stadium chairs. They aesthetically look so much nicer too…..craziness.

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So violent crime is actually up 4.5% nationally, interesting…..

That is a bad stat. But it is obviously the truth, as the FBI stated it.

I wonder if David Muir will apologize for the biased false fact check on Trump? I wonder if he will even mention the stat on his World News show?

Some fact manipulation is convenient in the course of political debate I guess. Repeat it enough and it becomes truth.

Trump is going to end Medicare.
Trump is going to ban abortion
Trump is going to give only billionaires tax breaks
Trump is dangerous for Democracy
Trump wants to be a dictator
Trump is a racis

All just dumb and can’t be proved or even rationally based.

The woman running on the Dem ticket has no plan, she is a place setter for the party. It’s a party politics vote. She she’s whatever she needs to say to the group she is in front of.

The man running on the Repub ticket has a plan. He is no place setter. He thinks for himself and is candid when speaking.

For Kamala, if she has to lie to get elected, well…….

Ready for Election Day and for the stupid ads to stop………. and to see new leadership start taking the reins.

Ok, so I may get beat up for this. We all want more power running plays. But I wonder if

Kirby/Bobo are looking at the fact that it’s a really long season and we only have two RBs (Cash is just for pass block/3rd down). And one of those is a true freshman. I wonder if they aren’t rationing Etienne’s carries (pitch count) to keep his legs for later and reduce injury chances. We lose him and we are done. I get that it’s a fine line between “just win the damn game tonight and worry later” and the long view.

Second half tears from Austin, Texas- Colorado River (Texas version) is on flood alert...

Any coverage is good coverage Horn- We will be the entire sec shorts episode

From no.1 to on the bubble Horn- People will think this is nuts but playoffs are far from a sure thing. Lose another game, especially at ranked A&M, who are Texas marquee wins? We won’t look this bad rest of year but it’s not if Texas lost this game, it’s how they have looked so far

"Connor Stalions- new UGA staff?" Horn- It's like Georgia read Sark's playbook.

"They all scared" Horn- Bad as 3 is playing, he’s not alone, everyone else out there looks shocked by the size, speed and physicality of uga .

Texas Volunteers Horn:

We look like a middle of the road SEC team

Rat poisoned to death Horn: we are a victim of reading, watching, and listening to everyone talk about how great this team is. DFW media didn’t mention another college team all week other than Texas. I don’t want to lose, but nobody thought this team would be undefeated.

"It's 23-0, Gus"Horn:
Gut check time. We can still come back, but our guys need to dig deep. Lucky we are still in it at this point.

Half full Glass Horn:
1) Not really that bad to lose now, can still make CFP and this may be the kick in the ass we need
2) We knew at some point the poison cheese would kick in
3) F it, at least we beat OU

That's all I can come up with. That was a pitiful half of football. Take away 2 INT's and some drops by UGA receivers and it's even uglier.

*** Edit: I will never ever get back on the QE bandwagon. Guy has all world talent but just doesn't show up ready to dominate like a QB1 needs to. Summer soldier and sunshine patriot...

Bright lights are blinding Horn:
Is it just me, or does it seem like every year, Texas seems to play its worse on National Television?

"We're in the D-block of Alcatraz and we're not the biggest bull" Horn: This is why I was so nervous about being ranked #1. There is just so much pressure to live up to when you really haven’t been battle tested. UGA is bending us over.

JR Ewingberg Horn: We got a first down, mazel tov.

Isaiah Bond TD

QE for Heisman Horn: QE actually looked much more relaxed and in rhythm on that drive. In Sark I trust.

Barage of angry posts when Tex fails to convert 4th down on next drive

WTF was that?

Kick the field goal. WTF

Wtf. Telegraphed all the way

Why go for it Sark? Make it a 2 score game!!!

Take your ****ing points. My God.

Dogshit calls on both 3rd and 4th downs😡

what the hell kinda nonsense is that sark?

Dumbest f’n call all year on 3rd down. Sark has to be better

The Reversed PI Call

That’s the worst PI call I’ve ever seen in my life. No lie. Wow.

Bullshit. That was offensive pass interference if any call at all

Good. F these refs.

That may have just cost game

Complete f'ing bullshit. Horrible call. Horrible.

"My man cave is the next best thing to being there" Horn: I threw my water bottle at the screen

Refs change the call



WTF just happened????

OMG! First and GOAL UT!!!!

Well you don't see that every day.

The bottles changed the call.

Okay, who sent the death threat to the refs?


That is the right call.

Thank you students for that stoppage!!!

The water bottles worked! Delayed the game long enough for a ref conference on the call

Wow. That. NEVER. Happens. And it just happened.

Kick Kirby out, now

Woah crazy. The students did the right thing.

Holy cow…that’s crazy…you can’t change the call either. Got it right…but refs botched that all around.


Will Ferrell Horn: you’re my boy Blue!

We are back in this BOIS!

Great call. Great catch. Hell f’in yeah!

We are pumped!!!

Etienne TD ref robbery

That's a touchdown

Crap. That’s a TD.

Kirby is such a non-stop complainer

Starting to hate Kirby. He really is a whiney bitch.

Watching game in alternate universe Horn:
Well it works. He gets most of the calls.

Respect Horn: Honestly, championship type drive by Georgia given the game flow and situation.

Honest Horn: I’m glad it helped us. But you can’t wait 10 minutes and then just waive off a penalty. That was insane and these refs are goonna get punished

Refs don't interfere with a UGA Etienne TD

Well hell.

Plenty of time. LFG.

Knows his football Horn: Game over. Offense isn't good enough to bring us back.

Doesn't know the rules Horn:
So you can shift your entire DLine and sprint a blitz right at a guy and draw a false start? How is that not a penalty on the defense?

Williams sack and QE fumble

That’s game.

Now I can truly say, game over.

Game over.

Kiper's Big Board Horn: Offensive lineman lost some money tonight

Todd McShay Horn: Minus Bama game, seems like Quinn is a turnover machine in big games. He’s nowhere close to an NFL high round QB

Still doing CPR as rigor mortis sets in Horn:

C’mon, D. Time to step up. This game is not over.

Whipped cream on a turd Horn: It was a good game. We won the 2nd half.

Beck scrambles for first down

R u eff’n kidding me.

how do you let that clodfoot Beck scramble for a first down???

welp that was the straw that broke the camels back. Had to get off field there and failed

Fitting way to end this turd.

Gbenda got clowned on that play


That last play defined the DLine. They all quit on that play.

Game review Horn: Outplayed, outcoached, outclassed. Pushed around. Overrated. What a night.

Incredibly obvious, but somehow not believed Horn: we have gotten most of the calls

Truth Horn: GA deserves all credit for playing very good defense in this game tonight. Kirby had them ready to play.

Mr.or Mrs. Ewers Horn: this game was definitely lost in the trenches. The sacks and turnovers on downs. Ewers ended up having the better overall game than Beck.

ESPN fan Horn: Kirby is such a classless bitch. Nobody tried to rob you. That was one of the worst, bullshit calls ever called.

"How dare he claim underdog status when they were only giving UGA 3 to 5 points" Horn: Kirby’s underdog shit is so annoying

CNN Vol: Breaking news. Kirby Smart is an ass hole.

Unpopular Horn: Kirby Smart is a damn fine coach. He came up with a game plan that was very effective especially against our offense. We deserve credit for not quitting in the second half but Georgia definitely deserved to win that game. Hopefully we can learn from this game and finish out the rest of the season.

Great point Horn:
I guess nobody here cares to credit Georgia, a team that's like 35-1 or something the last 3 years.

Nerd Horn: When they do the next updates to NCAA25 Quinn's awareness should be a 38.

The final post Horn: FU Kirby!!

Just a lil' sumthin sumthin to get your hate juices flowing....

From Orangebloods.....


Let me give you a different way to view this game. This is GEORGIA! I guarantee you, the horns players and coaching staff have had this game circled since last season ended as THE MUST WIN GAME on their calender. Due to the fact that we were blowing out all of our opponents, we probably only used HALF our playback to beat these other teams. Georgia has no idea what's coming at them on Saturday. We will have BIG GAME Quinn tomorrow. This game won't be close. We are the new BIG DAWG on the block now my brother's. Get used to this feeling. Sark wakes up and pisses greatness. And this team knows it. And they are not gonna let him down. Put your money on the Horns boys 42-17"

"Agreed. The horns will score 40."

"We’ve heard it all year. “You can’t say Texas’ defense is good, they haven’t played anybody.”

Well this is the week we put that trope to bed.

Georgia has an elite quarterback.
Georgia is elite at creating explosive plays.
Georgia has future NFL players on the offensive line.
Georgia will score some points … but not enough.

Texas 35 – Georgia 17"

"Texas 31
Uga 17

We'll jump to a big lead then bleed the clock to finish it out."

"That's exactly what I'm thinking Horns 34 - Dawgs 17"

"the interesting part of this game will be Tex D vs Beck and crew. If simmons and crew start rushing and sacking that fool and forcing errant throws, this will be > 10 point spread. GA hasn't seen this DKR...and at night. Deer lowered its going to be other worldly."

"Texas just has to play clean football, no turnovers and no stupid offensive drive stopping penalties. DKR will be lit up, so I got our Horns winning 35 - 17."

"Texas 34

Georgia 10

Sark isn't going conservative."

"I think Texas scores 40. I don't think anyone can score 40 on our defense."

"Bring your fn dog - Bevo wants to finish the pooch this time."

"Uga too scared to come to the game. Staying home in kennel."

"He’s more pussy than bulldog."

"Jam the ugly little shit in a crate and stick him in the hold. Problem solved."

"Why is it so hard for those Georgia mental midgets to figure out how to get an ugly little 80 lb dog that can't even run away on his short little legs into a crate then into a car or plane.

Imagine if those hicks had to move a 2,000 Longhorn with 3' long horns"

"10+ point loss tomorrow would be about the only shocking result, IMO. We can win big, we can win close, and they can win close, but based on our defense alone, I don't think they can win big."

"UGA has one player with more than 3 TFL and with more than 1.5 sacks. The team only has 3 INT. Only 2 forced fumbles all season.

They just don't have guys making plays, even if they have the guys to make them."

"Texas 31-13. That’s really all that matters. And, for what it’s worth, I really believe Jerrick Gibson is going to end up being a better back than Blue (who I really like) and Wisner, when it’s all said and done"

"The gameplan will be an absolute gem on both sides. Culmination of years of prep. So much we haven’t shown on each side. Crowd is going to be the best in our history. LFG"

"Kentucky is the best D Georgia has seen...

Pucker up Carson"

About that kickoff...

Lost in the revelry of celebrating a monumental SEC road victory is an event I've not seen addressed on this board or anywhere else. What motivated the coaches to try an onside kick to start the second half? Something they saw on film? Element of surprise? In the long run, it didn't matter. But at the time, I yelled at the TV asking "Why?!" Your thoughts?

SEC Office announcement on the PI overturn.....and my response to them:

Here is the full statement from the SEC Office, on the 'overturned PI call in the UGA - TX game:
"With 3:12 to play in the third quarter of the Georgia at Texas game, Texas intercepted a pass at the Texas 46-yard line and returned it to the Texas 9 yard line. Texas was flagged for committing defensive pass interference on the play which resulted in Georgia maintaining the ball with a first down.
The game officials gathered to discuss the play, which is permitted to ensure the proper penalty is enforced, at which time the calling official reported that he erred, and a foul should not have been called for defensive pass interference. Consequently, Texas was awarded the ball at the Texas 9 yard line.
While the original evaluation and assessment of the penalty was not properly executed, it is unacceptable to have debris thrown on the field at any time.
The disruption of the game due to debris being thrown onto the field will be reviewed by the Conference office related to SEC sportsmanship policies and procedures."

Here are the ACTUAL facts, verified by the telecast: TX flagged for PI. Officials gather to confirm the call with the referee. Referee confirms, and the officials dispurse. The referee then announces the confirmed penalty to the crowd, and SPOTS the ball at the penalty spot, and the yardage chains are moved.
The TX jumbotron starts showing the replay over and over again. And the students/crowd starts throwing objects onto the field, and at the UGA players. This goes on for several minutes, before the crowd settles down. Coach Smart pulls the Georgia players off the field for their safety, who had already started to huddle at the penalty spot, ready to play.
After a couple of minutes dozens of Texas cheerleaders, staff and security pick up the 100s of bottles and debris from the field. The jumbotron continues to play the replay of the play over and over again. The Texas fans are screaming their loudest of the entire game, along with the Texas coaches screaming at the officials, who have now convened in the middle of the field.
The officials have now huddled in the center of the field. You can see them looking at the jumbotron replays. After a 1 minute discussion, the referee breaks their huddle and announces the overturned call.

The SEC statement reads "The game officials gathered to discuss the play, which is permitted to ensure the proper penalty is enforced, at which time the calling official reported that he erred, and a foul should not have been called for defensive pass interference. Consequently, Texas was awarded the ball at the Texas 9 yard line."

This statement is 100% FALSE! They did gather right after the call to discuss, and IMMEDIATELY confirmed and announced the PI penalty, and proceeded to spot the ball at the penalty spot, and move the yardage chains. They did not gather again until 4-5 mins after their original gathering, after the fans throwing the objects on the field.

Their statement is misleading and false. And the SEC office should be held accountable for such a blatantly false and misleading statement.
As a coach and former player, the PI call was questionable. That is part of the game. But for the SEC Office to issue a false and misleading statement, trying to acknowledge and justify the actions and conduct of this officiating crew is despicable.
