I like beer but I dont care to drink it in a stadium, dont need it and dont care to spend a fortune on it. I really didnt care one way or the other whether they did or not give it the green light but after seeing it at a night game I will give my thoughts.
After Saturday night I would prefer it if they didnt have it. The lines to pee seem to be longer now because of the drinking and theres only one bathroom on the South side and the line was so ridiculous at half time I just decided I would hold my pee the whole second half.
It seems that getting more beer is a massive priority of the fans over pretty much anything, my dad and I have an isle seat (seats 1 and 2) in Section 128 and people were just constantly going to get more beer, so we constantly had to move for them...super annoying. I also noticed that people were carrying 2 and 3 beers not for others but for themselves, lots of double fisting going on.
I watched a really pretty young lady who barely looked old enough to drink, drink the entire game, she went from looking hot to looking haggard by the end of the game and could barely talk. Alcohol just makes dumb fans more dumb. The guy in front of us came in 30 min early and he seemed to be a UGA alumni, he could barely talk had a beer in each hand, his wife was a Tennessee fan, and she seemed be quite embarrassed by him, she was smoking hot though so I guess it was worth it for him marrying a Tenn fan lol.
One of the dudes on our row started trying to get out and was sweating like he was coked out or about to puke from being too drunk, he looked awful and all the people around me were aware of how bad he looked, then he was in and out of the row 3 or 4 times the rest of the night to eat and "sober up".
Lastly and this doesn't have to do with beer but 4 rows down a dude was vaping weed, smelled awful.
Forgive me for sounding like an olde but I prefer there be no alcohol sales in the stadium and people just do what they always did and bring in their airplane bottles for big games and that be it.