Good Morning Dawg Nation

Make it make sense!!

I just don't understand this CFPC decisions and rankings....I mean ultimately, win all your games and you don't have anything to worry about but our schedule is brutal and it seems as if there's no consideration for SOS, at least not for us. I know I wear red and black glasses but damn.

End rant.

Lemme hear your thoughts!

Praying for all those on LDGMDNOPL
and all the GMDN gang too!

Happy Birthday/Anniversary if you're celebrating today 🎉🎉

Love you guys and gals, MEAN IT.....

Go Dawgs ❤️


The CFP committee’s antics this year? Squarely on the shoulders of Greg Sankey and Josh Brooks.

Sankey’s decision to dissolve divisions left the SEC powerhouses slugging through a gladiatorial schedule, while the Big Ten commissioner played chess, not checkers. Kevin Warren served up a feast of favorable matchups for his teams, ensuring their playoff resumes looked pristine, even if their schedules were more marshmallow than murderers' row.

And Brooks? Scheduling Clemson felt like a flex at the time, but in hindsight, it just gave Sankey more leverage to appease Bama and Texas with a cushier path this season. On top of that having UGA, the standard of the league go on the road to Bama, to Texas, to Ole miss, all three top 10 school's preseason. Let no one mislead you to think otherwise, this was a hose job and Brooks allowed it to happen.

Let’s hope Sankey and Brooks take a long, hard look at this year’s CFP circus. Maybe even grab a notebook and jot down a few tips from Warren’s playbook—his treatment of Penn State, Indiana, Oregon, and Ohio State is a masterclass in protecting your own.

Here’s hoping this year’s shitshow becomes a teachable moment.

BCS vs. Playoff Committee

Very interesting graphic. Why does the selection committee hate us so much? Literally the only difference is that the computer has us above Alabama & Ole Miss because it values our strength of schedule. They're basically telling Georgia there's no way we get a home playoff game this year because Alabama & Ole Miss are blocking us due to head-to-head.


4th quarter Vol game thread....

Rose Dewitt Bukater Vol: When was last time we scored?? 2 hours ago??


Can't move on Vol: The absence of a review on that CLEAR fumble tells me all I need to know about this SEC fix...

Girl Scout Cookie Vol:
Elarbee hasn’t developed anything but a huge bank account.

As a highly renowned coach once said “friends will get you fired”.

I like Heupel but some of his assistants are Tagalongs.


GA rules the SEC Vol: The fix is in. Just like it use to be for Bama. The league wants GA in the playoff.

"We get everyone's best shot" Vol:
We got the best of everyone this year...arky no turnovers
Bama few negative plays and threw it ok
Oklahoma played mean on defense
Miss state moved the ball and played mean on d
Now georgia hasnt played this well since texas

"If I say it, it's true" Vol: If you wear your helmet without chin strap get tackled helmet comes off Auto Face mask Come on SEC that was a sad call.


"Every play is not reviewed" Vol: They should’ve looked at Delp's fumble. They looked at our 12 men on the field without Georgia challenging when there was no flag.

Manfred Mann Vol: What a douce bag


"Nico stronger arm than Joe" Vol: Nico is off terribly on the deep ball. Wow. Missed Thornton by more than Milton

There's a joke in here somewhere Vol: I'm realizing more and more how elite Hookers deep balls were

"Our route trees are like our family trees...few branches" Vol: Our route trees are freaking awful

(319 total yards, 4.4 per play) Beauty is the eye of the beholder Vol: We can move the football on this Georgia team all day.

Volnation rulebook expert:
The tv ref needs to read the face mask rule.

Rule 9.8 sp civically states it is not a foul if it is not grasped AND twisted. Show me any twist.

Hate when they just cover for the guys in rhe field.

Dawgvent copycat Vol:

I swear we have the most uncreative offense in the country!

Lance Heard false start

stupid OL

Thanks Lance. You’re the real MVP

I hate football

Of course we have a false start. Why not?

Lol there it is

Good lord another jump offsides

The damn tackles and dumb ass penalties

Ref Vol: that jumping around by uga is bs. didnt vols get flagged for that crap in a previous game??

Beggar Vol: Come on us those INT's you been displaying past 4 weeks

Stuart Smalley Vol: We're just as good as Georgia.


Go Solar Vol:

I don't know the stats for the SEC but I'm betting we're one of the most panelized teams in the conference

"We hired away Chaney. Can we get Mike Bobo?" Vol: It's SOOOO damn vanilla! It's amazing the difference between what we've been calling vs all the different formations/wrinkles Georgia has shown.

"Wish that I was on old Rocky Top" Vol: 100%, this game in Neyland we win no doubt.

Every year Vol: This team will be really good next year

Peaked early Vol: I think 2022 was the high water mark for the Heupel offense. Looks like it won’t be duplicated.

Impressive rule knowledge Vol: The def can move as much as they want. We got flagged earlier this yr for offense simulation, meaning we were shouting signals to confuse offense.

"We're coding" Vol: Playoff hopes now on life support

Game summarized in one sentence Vol:

The reality is that Kirby is a much better defensive HC than Heupel is an offensive HC.

"That UGA TE room is like a 7/11 baby" Vol: UGA TEs open all night

Stereotyping Vol: How does a white dude catch that ball and not get stripped. I swear we have some of the softest black dudes in the secondary

Beck's perfect pass to Humphreys

McDonalds Value Meal Vol: wow its over. ball landed right in his hands receiver was supersized he caught it lol. everything going their way

Damn..just a great throw and catch

That was a perfect throw. You literally can’t throw a better pass

This sucks

Guys, just say it. They're just better than we are.

What did Boom do to you? Vol:

F Kirby. F muschamp.

Porn reference Vol: We’re like Jenna Jamison. If you know, you know.

Big uglies Vol: Georgia 's offensive line won this game tonight.

"Vols still undefeated!!" Vol: We lost this game bc of the refs. Once again. Don’t care what others say. They controlled it from start to finish. It’s in the script.

Next year every year Vol: We beat the hell out of Georgia at home next year. And DO NOT storm the field. These fools aren't worthy

Unintentional insult Vol: No sacks. No turnovers. Beck exposing the secondary. Is Georgia the new Florida for Tenn?

Bargaining stage Vol: Maybe UGA will have a bad handoff…or trouble with the field goal snap?

Korath the Pursuer Vol: Heupel's problem is he is dangerously close to becoming Jeff Franklin. Good enough to hang out around the playoff debate, but not good enough to get the job done.


Abhorrent Bobo: every play they call works....disgusting

Rob Schneider Vol: WE SUCK AGAIN


"Somebody call the law" Vol: Mike Bobo took Banks to the woodshed..........and I mean left him bloody and clinging to life in there

"We gotta coach that knows what asparagus is now" Vol: They are a good football team. Just remember where we were 3 - 4 years ago.

"Yep. Yep. Can't spell "out of the playoff" without a "u" and a "t" Vol: Kirby is our new sick of this crap

One of the most frustrating losses in recent years

Anger grief phase Vol:

I swear I wanna slap the s**t outta Kirk Herbbitch

"People are gonna be shocked at the whining and crying I'm prepared to do for two months" Vol: Idk about you people, but I’m going to remind the pundits on social media about two reversed fumbles and a phantom facemask for the next two months.

Denial phase Vol: Bama is going to lose at OU and Ole Miss is going to lose at Florida next week.

"Even when they suck, the gap is still there" Vol: This is prolly the worst Georgia team we’ve seen in years and still got manhandled. I despise GA more than any other team we play. Heupel is not the guy.

"This has nothing to do with losing 8 straight to Kirby" Vol: kirby has no class. he is a pos.

Nate Frazier scores

There goes the dumb 9 point spread. F*** Vegas

F uga

Good Night , The Parties over!!

When Georgia lost last week we all knew it was over..

Touchdown Georgia.
Get back on the bus boys.

That's it....goodbye playoffs

Heupel just got out scored 31-7…..He needs to be challenged.

And GA Tech will beat UGA in the final game. GA Tech has been the upset team this year.


Will Heupel ever beat Kirby?

The Black Knight Vol: Time for the 2024 version of the Dobb Nail Boot.


Acceptance Vol:

I mean it IS the worst Georgia team we’ve seen in years. If we can’t get over this hump then nothing is going to change. We will forever be a team that does good enough to be one of the better teams, but never the top dog.

I'll try to do some postgame tears later.

Warde Manual...

This guy essentially took the "Playoff Committee" and turned it into a large revenue source for the Big 10 conference. They have one school, Ohio State, that is even somewhat deserving. They only played one competitive game. I am surprised that Michigan is not in the 12 teams. He may not be the only Big Ten Notre Dame tool on that committee either. Sounds more like the average committee that we see everywhere on every issue these days. They have no rational sense.
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Manuel play off translation


We really had a long debate as a committee about Georgia and Mississippi, Miami, Alabama, those teams and really all the teams as we went through,”

Translation -
We figurered teams not in the big 10 unfortunately needed some thought too


“But we really had intense conversations about those teams, and there was a lot of consideration about where teams were ranked and why and a lot of conversation about it. It was very, very thorough.


Nah- Big 10 speaks for itself. We actually did a blind ballot on non Big Ten teams and emailed it in - who’s got time for all this work - just reading box scores is a pain in the ass. Anyway we should be commended for any work we do or don’t put it in.


“Well, obviously Georgia has a very good win at Texas, but as the committee analyzed the body of work of Texas versus where Georgia is at present with two losses, even to top-25 teams”


Georgia has one good win. I guess. Remember, this is about Georgia and where they are at present. In other words, Georgia fans need to keep in mind that they are living in a post Ole Miss world. Consider for a minute that UGA can’t possibly expect to compare their win against Tennessee versus Texas holding on to beat Arkansas and Alabamas impressive thrashing over Mercer.

We do agree, however, that Miami should lose ground for not playing given Alabama‘s utter domination over another top 10 team. Although it’s not power five they look just like the other teams we play and we sure are glad they aren’t in the Big 10!

Unintelligible ..,


… What was that? I don’t understand the question. Why would Ole Miss lose ground for an off week?

Manuel Again

“It's nothing against Georgia”


I’m having to address this again this year because everyone seems to think there’s something against Georgia. Well, take your vote of confidence and like it… like all votes of confidence they are to be envied


“but they did struggle against Ole Miss”


Whoops, not so fast on that vote of confidence. Now that I’ve considered it, struggling against ole miss at ole miss will not be forgotten young ladies and gentlemen and may yet be disqualifying.


“had a great win this past week against Tennessee. We will continue to monitor both teams and see how it goes in the next few week”.


Look, we still aren’t sure yet Tennessee isn’t better and we retain the right to arbitrarily jump them over you. I need to look and see whether they play Mercer. If not will we match them against you in the first round and find out once and for all.


We're dealing with very small margins in terms of the different things that we're looking at and comparing


No, I’m sorry these metrics are not available. They have never been available and will never be available. But they are small, very small.

And as I mentioned previously, we have long debates and that should be enough for everyone.

Saturday was my first game buying beer in the stadium

Don't miss a home game just usually cut it off at kickoff.

Got in beer line, almost immediately confronted and accused of breaking in line. My response was "if I broke in line I did not mean to and either way I am not moving." Said with a smile this diffused the situation. I then admitted I may have broken in the bathroom line earlier (at halftime folks go in and out of both doors and before the game it was backed up on one side so semantics really.

Got two Miller Lites. The air was crisp out and I drank them slowly and interspersed some water. The great news was that because it was cool and crisp out my beer was still enjoyable when I picked it up after halftime.

I drank my beer slow and didn't really notice the other fans in the stadium other than my old man who I attend with and a few stadium friends who I have watched get older with me.

Then we beat kicked the crap out to the Vols and I will always toast to that.

Another Positive of Missing SECC

In addition to giving the team some rest, I think another positive for missing the SECC game is giving Kirby more time to focus on recruiting around early signing day. Yes, I know most of the hay is in the barn at that point, but there is no telling what Kirby is able to do with an extra few days to focus on recruiting. Even if it is just to convince a high caliber player to delay their decision or more time to negotiate an NIL deal…

Apologies if this was already discussed

If I'm the SEC's group of ADs and Head Coaches.... I don't simply ignore the idea of a 9 game Conference Schedule...

... (and I say this as someone who has been a HUGE proponent of going to 9 games, though that was before I saw how the committee was going absolutely ignore Strength of Schedule)...

But if I'm the SEC, I don't just drop the idea of a 9 game conference schedule, I start floating the idea at the next SEC summer meetings of cutting back and going to 7 conference games.

At the very least though, I remove any consideration of going to 9 games, which I think is probably already the case in the minds of all the ADs.

The truth about the CFP rankings

I am not telling you what you don't already know, but not only do they not reward strength of schedule, they punish it. I took a look across the top ten teams and compared schedules. No one is even close to Georgia and some (Miami, Notre Dame, Indiana) are embarrassingly bad.

The game against Clemson, a ranked team in the CFP, gives Georgia two more top 25 games played than any other team at 5 total (Clemson, Bama, Texas, Ole Miss, Tennessee). Bama, Oregon and Ohio State will have played 3 each by the end of the year. Georgia has played 3 top ten teams currently in the CFP. No one else has played more than 1. except for Ohio State who will have played 3 after they play Indiana (Oregon, Penn State, Indiana).

Georgia is tied with Oregon for the most top 25 wins with 3 (Texas, Clemson and Tennessee). Bama and Ohio State have 2 each. Everybody else has 1 or no top 25 wins (Indiana, Miami).

Ohio State will have the most top ten wins if the beat Indiana with 2. Only Oregon, Georgia, Ole Miss and Bama have 1 top ten win. The rest have none.

As for losses, Georgia is the only team with 2 top ten losses. Two losses against top ten teams on the road. We also will be the only team besides Ohio State to have played 3 top ten teams. Every other team has played either 1 or none. If losses can be considered good, ours are clearly the best of the losses.

Notre Dame, Bama, Ole Miss and Miami all have an unranked loss. Ole Miss has two.

The bottom line is that UGA had the hardest schedule, by far, and fared reasonably well given that not only are the teams Georgia played very good, but Georgia had to play them on the road. Given this schedule, Georgia should be the highest ranked 2 loss team and probably over some of the 1 loss teams that have played weak schedules. If this is going to be the standard Josh Brooks should cancel any future opening games against quality opponents, but also cancel the Tech series. Clearly, Indiana, Miami, Texas, etc. are not being punished for their weak out of conference slate. That "one more Data point" apparently doesn't matter any more and is in effect more a liability than a help.

*- Assuming this team wins to the lower ranked team or loses to a higher ranked team in the remaining games.

OregonOhio StateTexasPenn StateIndianaNDBamaMiamiOle MissUGA
top 10 played1311101013
top 25 played3322113015
top 10 wins12*00001011
top 25 wins32*1*10*12013
top 10 losses01111*00002
top 25 losses01111*01002
unranked losses0000011120
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