I'm not superstitious, just kindastitious, and had only tried the Watch Along once. As I recall it was against Mizzou in 2022, and after a few minutes I was like, "Let's just go back to the SEC Network announcers and give Radi and the boys a try another time.
It "worked" and I hadn't tried the Watch Along again since.
But last night, Kirk and Fowler were getting on my nerves. I know I was imagining it, but it felt like they were rooting for Tennessee, so I muted their biased asses and tried the Watch Along.
It was like watching the game while eavesdropping on a conversation between three buddies, one of whom was a sometimes cranky fella who had forgotten more about football than his buddies or me had ever known.
In both Radi and Donnan, I could sense Munson's spirit , which is of course the spirit of our fanbase. Most evident when Donnan pleaded with Beck to snap the damn ball before the Tennessee player could run off the field. He did it another time after a call went our way, begging Beck to snap it before the booth could stop the play. He sounded like all of us.
But by far the most hilarious exchange came at the end of the game after our last score. This isn't verbatim, but it's close.
Dayne (eager to please): Coach, would you like to hear my score prediction?
Donnan (sigh, not really): Go ahead.
Dayne: Tennessee has only played two true road games, one at Oklahoma and --
Donnan: I don't wanna hear all that shit, just tell me your prediction.
(Radi howls with laughter)
Dayne: 34-16
Donnan: Oh. Pretty close.
Great job, guys. Very entertaining.
And it worked.