Apparently Karmala is going with the Minn. Governor.......


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Aug 12, 2001
Guy on Meghan Kelley said last night that would be the pick. There were threats of riots inside the convention by the Anti-Jewish wing of the Democratic Party if they went with the PA Governor. Said the AZ Senator had more Skeltons than could be overcome but he was her original pick. Said he was suprised the AZ senator was able to hide his skeletons as long as he did as they were ugly.

Walz is very liberal and will be a good attack dog. Don't think he brings much else to table but want run off any voters and apparently either has no skeletons or has buried them.

Another interesting note communicated on Meghan Kelley that both Harris and her husband has more skeletons to come out. Said the current media had been burned before and Elon Musk and outlets such as Daily Mail were digging up and reporting information the MSM wanted to ignore. Obviously Harris is there preferred candidate but would only ignore and faun over her for so long. Good info.........
I like it! Another far left nut job that’s going to try and convince everyone the next four months that they are changing their ideas and views to appear as if they are middle of the road….big mistake if Shapiro is not the choice…goes to show that the anti semites control the party
It’s a terrible pick. He brings nothing, and it goes to show how the Democrats are supporting the far left Anti-Sementic sect of their party not going for the extremely popular Shapiro who would have guaranteed Pennsylvania for them.
Apparently, the polling said Shapiro would win the Dems Penn but lose them Michigan. They have to have both, thus the pick.
Guy on Meghan Kelley said last night that would be the pick. There were threats of riots inside the convention by the Anti-Jewish wing of the Democratic Party if they went with the PA Governor. Said the AZ Senator had more Skeltons than could be overcome but he was her original pick. Said he was suprised the AZ senator was able to hide his skeletons as long as he did as they were ugly.

Walz is very liberal and will be a good attack dog. Don't think he brings much else to table but want run off any voters and apparently either has no skeletons or has buried them.

Another interesting note communicated on Meghan Kelley that both Harris and her husband has more skeletons to come out. Said the current media had been burned before and Elon Musk and outlets such as Daily Mail were digging up and reporting information the MSM wanted to ignore. Obviously Harris is there preferred candidate but would only ignore and faun over her for so long. Good info.........

Shapiro was the obvious choice, imo.
GIF by Giphy QA
It’s a terrible pick. He brings nothing, and it goes to show how the Democrats are supporting the far left Anti-Sementic sect of their party not going for the extremely popular Shapiro who would have guaranteed Pennsylvania for them.
He adds a lot.

It’s Trump and team who want to make this election all about identity politics (even though they should be hammering policy, which Trump seems unable to do).

Walz served 24 years in the National Guard, was a long time teacher and on the staff of a state champion football team, has been a very pragmatic governor known for reaching across the aisle to get things done and is as likable and relatable as Vance is awkward and uncomfortable.

Apparently, most of the Dem consultants were pushing for Shapiro and Harris went with the person she was most comfortable with.

I agree with the many reasons why Shapiro would have been a great choice, but I think Walz will be very effective as the attack dog, while still maintaining likability within the campaign.
He adds a lot.

It’s Trump and team who want to make this election all about identity politics (even though they should be hammering policy, which Trump seems unable to do).

Walz served 24 years in the National Guard, was a long time teacher and on the staff of a state champion football team, has been a very pragmatic governor known for reaching across the aisle to get things done and is as likable and relatable as Vance is awkward and uncomfortable.

Apparently, most of the Dem consultants were pushing for Shapiro and Harris went with the person she was most comfortable with.

I agree with the many reasons why Shapiro would have been a great choice, but I think Walz will be very effective as the attack dog, while still maintaining likability within the campaign.
@wildup, most of your post might me correct but that is untrue. She wanted to go with Az Governor (background check issues) and then Shapiro (Anti Jewish wing revolted) so she went with her 3rd choice. Walz will be a good attack dog and might do real good but he is ultra liberal.
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He adds a lot.

It’s Trump and team who want to make this election all about identity politics (even though they should be hammering policy, which Trump seems unable to do).

Walz served 24 years in the National Guard, was a long time teacher and on the staff of a state champion football team, has been a very pragmatic governor known for reaching across the aisle to get things done and is as likable and relatable as Vance is awkward and uncomfortable.

Apparently, most of the Dem consultants were pushing for Shapiro and Harris went with the person she was most comfortable with.

I agree with the many reasons why Shapiro would have been a great choice, but I think Walz will be very effective as the attack dog, while still maintaining likability within the campaign.

I know they will play it as a great choice but he will have to defend his handling of the George Floyd riots.

So much for her VP pick bringing excitement to the ticket and moving the needle. Let’s face it, no president picks the most qualified VP. It’s all about picking the one who you trust and will support the agenda. Not different than Trump picking Vance.
For the life of me I don’t understand why Trump didn’t pick Haley or Rubio and create the GOP dream team that would have created more excitement and deepened the base.
@wildup, most of your post might me correct but that is untrue. She wanted to go with Az Governor (background check issues) and then Shapiro (Anti Jewish wing revolted) so she went with her 3rd choice. Walz will be a good attack dog and might do real good but he is ultra liberal.
An ultra liberal Christian with a 24 year military career who coached football and hunts. He’s also the first person on the Dem ticket who hasn’t attended law school since Carter in ‘80.

I agree that Kelly was likely her first choice.

Regarding Shapiro, I’ll admit to concerns that a ticket consisting of a multi-racial female and a Jew might be more than some voters were willing to support. That’s two big historical firsts and unfortunately the last eight years has impacted my view of exactly how much progress we’ve made as a country regarding these issues.
He adds a lot.

It’s Trump and team who want to make this election all about identity politics (even though they should be hammering policy, which Trump seems unable to do).

Walz served 24 years in the National Guard, was a long time teacher and on the staff of a state champion football team, has been a very pragmatic governor known for reaching across the aisle to get things done and is as likable and relatable as Vance is awkward and uncomfortable.

Apparently, most of the Dem consultants were pushing for Shapiro and Harris went with the person she was most comfortable with.

I agree with the many reasons why Shapiro would have been a great choice, but I think Walz will be very effective as the attack dog, while still maintaining likability within the campaign.
do you guys think she is really making any choices?
He adds a lot.

It’s Trump and team who want to make this election all about identity politics (even though they should be hammering policy, which Trump seems unable to do).

Walz served 24 years in the National Guard, was a long time teacher and on the staff of a state champion football team, has been a very pragmatic governor known for reaching across the aisle to get things done and is as likable and relatable as Vance is awkward and uncomfortable.

Apparently, most of the Dem consultants were pushing for Shapiro and Harris went with the person she was most comfortable with.

I agree with the many reasons why Shapiro would have been a great choice, but I think Walz will be very effective as the attack dog, while still maintaining likability within the campaign.
Do people actually find Tim likeable? He seems to be one of the least likeable candidates I have researched in my voting lifetime, and that is saying a lot when you consider Trump and Kamala are currently running for POTUS...
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So much for her VP pick bringing excitement to the ticket and moving the needle. Let’s face it, no president picks the most qualified VP. It’s all about picking the one who you trust and will support the agenda. Not different than Trump picking Vance.
For the life of me I don’t understand why Trump didn’t pick Haley or Rubio and create the GOP dream team that would have created more excitement and deepened the base.
He didn't pick Haley because he feared a coup. He didn't pick Rubio because he already has FL all but in the bag. Theoretically, Vance helps in the Midwest swing states he must win.
He adds a lot.

It’s Trump and team who want to make this election all about identity politics (even though they should be hammering policy, which Trump seems unable to do).

Walz served 24 years in the National Guard, was a long time teacher and on the staff of a state champion football team, has been a very pragmatic governor known for reaching across the aisle to get things done and is as likable and relatable as Vance is awkward and uncomfortable.

Apparently, most of the Dem consultants were pushing for Shapiro and Harris went with the person she was most comfortable with.

I agree with the many reasons why Shapiro would have been a great choice, but I think Walz will be very effective as the attack dog, while still maintaining likability within the campaign.
The Jew Haters pushed back against Shapiro, they leaked his pick on purpose on Friday to gauge what the Dems thought, and the Antifa/Palestinian wing freaked out.

Walz is ok with abortions at ANY TIME.

He waited 24 hours to call out the NG during the 4 year sober George Floyd riots. Congrats George!

He is pro immigration and pro 13 year old kids cutting off their junk.

He is as radical a politician as you could possible pick. This is as bad a pick as Vance is .
So much for her VP pick bringing excitement to the ticket and moving the needle. Let’s face it, no president picks the most qualified VP. It’s all about picking the one who you trust and will support the agenda. Not different than Trump picking Vance.
For the life of me I don’t understand why Trump didn’t pick Haley or Rubio and create the GOP dream team that would have created more excitement and deepened the base.
Because at his core, Trump cannot put his ego aside. It cost him the 2020 election and if he is not careful it will cost him this election as well. He should just talk policy instead of petty name calling and jabs at how bad the left is.
Explain to the American people what you will actually do to make the country better instead of attacking people who stand up to you. But then again he is a new yorker and that ego is more fragile than a house built of sand.
He didn't pick Haley because he feared a coup. He didn't pick Rubio because he already has FL all but in the bag. Theoretically, Vance helps in the Midwest swing states he must win.
I live in the Midwest and don’t see Vance helping at all. Same with Walz.
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So much for her VP pick bringing excitement to the ticket and moving the needle. Let’s face it, no president picks the most qualified VP. It’s all about picking the one who you trust and will support the agenda. Not different than Trump picking Vance.
For the life of me I don’t understand why Trump didn’t pick Haley or Rubio and create the GOP dream team that would have created more excitement and deepened the base.
I understand that thinking. I thought he should pick Haley and then once elected, he could either ignore her or dump her. LOL

But, she wasn't a real option due to how she and he hate each other. Rubio wasn't an option because of the Constitution which would have voided the FL electoral votes. Personally, I really like Byron Donalds but the same Constitutional issue since he is from FL.
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The Jew Haters pushed back against Shapiro, they leaked his pick on purpose on Friday to gauge what the Dems thought, and the Antifa/Palestinian wing freaked out.

Walz is ok with abortions at ANY TIME.

He waited 24 hours to call out the NG during the 4 year sober George Floyd riots. Congrats George!

He is pro immigration and pro 13 year old kids cutting off their junk.

He is as radical a politician as you could possible pick. This is as bad a pick as Vance is .
Everyone should be pro immigration, it is what has helped make this country great.

What you really mean is he is pro open border, which is an absolute disaster.
Good summation of Walz from Charlie Kirk:

You helped ignite the George Floyd riots, the worst the country had seen in decades. While Minneapolis burned, you stalled on deploying the National Guard for an entire day, blaming the city for not submitting the right paperwork. You let your daughter leak the Guard's deployment plans online, so that rioters would know how long they had to loot the city with impunity. Minneapolis is a war zone because of you.

Just days after the attempted murder of Donald Trump, you called him and his supporters "fascists," egging on the same rhetoric that led to him being shot in the first place.

You have overseen some of the most radical youth trans surgery laws in the country. Under your leadership teenagers can get their breast chopped off and get sterilized, and your government calls it “healthcare.”

You have the most radical abortion laws in the country. Zero limits. Every year 5-6 babies are BORN ALIVE and then murdered “legally” under laws you support.

On immigration, you famously said you wanted to provide a “ladder” so invaders can come over Trump’s wall. You are a radical open border zealot.

You oversaw the single worst fraud of the Covid era, the Feeding Our Future case. Thanks to ineptitude at your Department of Education, criminals stole $250 million of taxpayer dollars to spend on luxury cars, houses, and vacations.

Also during Covid, you approved $500 million in "hero pay" for frontline workers, only to have 40% of that money go to people who were ineligible or, in many cases, literally deceased.

In the House, you were Pelosi’s sidekick and did whatever the Democrats demanded.

You will try and disguise yourself as a folksy midwestern moderate. In reality, you are a white male version of Kamala Harris. Radical. Inept. Undeserving to be in leadership.

Make this go viral. Ruin their honeymoon. Let’s educate millions because the media will not.
He adds a lot.

It’s Trump and team who want to make this election all about identity politics (even though they should be hammering policy, which Trump seems unable to do).

No policy anywhere. Just "give me your money"

Policy right in your face and a lot of it.

I'm determined to change your anti-American algorithm on your devices
Because at his core, Trump cannot put his ego aside. It cost him the 2020 election and if he is not careful it will cost him this election as well. He should just talk policy instead of petty name calling and jabs at how bad the left is.
Explain to the American people what you will actually do to make the country better instead of attacking people who stand up to you. But then again he is a new yorker and that ego is more fragile than a house built of sand.
His behavior over the last couple weeks (since VP Harris emerged as the nominee) certainly suggests that he cannot and will not just shut up and run on the issues.
I live in the Midwest and don’t see Vance helping at all. Same with Walz.
It's an . . . interesting pick and you obviously know more about the region than I do, but my understanding is that his appeal is that he's very "midwestern" and would appeal to Wisconsin, Ohio, etc. He's apparently pretty popular in Minnesota. He also seems to fire back at Republicans more than your average Democrat, and I think that is more appealing to the party than it used to be.
His behavior over the last couple weeks (since VP Harris emerged as the nominee) certainly suggests that he cannot and will not just shut up and run on the issues.
Ding ding. And I think that's why you're not hearing much on Harris's platform. She seems to be chilling and letting Trump shoot himself in the dick. That's the only explanation I can come up with.
Ding ding. And I think that's why you're not hearing much on Harris's platform. She seems to be chilling and letting Trump shoot himself in the dick. That's the only explanation I can come up with.
She is not going to get out front of the DNC - it is easy to forget this, but conventions used to be where they cobbled together the party platform. Ah, the days of the old smoke-filled room. I am guessing she will let that play out in the name of consolidating party unity... remember that just a few days ago (10?) people (mostly media) were wanting a shotgun primary.
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On immigration, you famously said you wanted to provide a “ladder” so invaders can come over Trump’s wall. You are a radical open border zealot.
He actually said re: the wall, "If it’s 25 feet, then I’ll invest in the 30 foot ladder factory.” That's pretty funny to me. Seems like a really good ROI.
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She is not going to get out front of the DNC - it is easy to forget this, but conventions used to be where they cobbled together the party platform. Ah, the days of the old smoke-filled room. I am guessing she will let that play out in the name of consolidating party unity... remember that just a few days ago (10?) people (mostly media) were wanting a shotgun primary.
So the leader of the Dem party is going to wait for the party bosses to tell her how she will lead the country?
Do people actually find Tim likeable? He seems to be one of the least likeable candidates I have researched in my voting lifetime, and that is saying a lot when you consider Trump and Kamala are currently running for POTUS...
Walz’s approval rating is 54-41, which is solid.

I have a very good friend who was born and raised in MN and while he is liberal, the rest of his family are conservative multi-generational bankers. He says his family and the state in general likes Walz.
No policy anywhere. Just "give me your money"

Policy right in your face and a lot of it.

I'm determined to change your anti-American algorithm on your devices
And yet Trump covers none of that at his rallies beyond the deportations.

He also says he will make the US the dominant energy producer and exporter, which we already are, and that he will cut inflation, which has already returned to a typical historical growth rate and when mass deportations will have the opposite impact.

He promises manufacturing jobs when the Biden administrations has highly outperformed Trump on that metric. We are currently enjoying the largest investment into factory construction in the US since 1929.

Harris has been the nominee for less than a month. Expect the platform to be unveiled at the convention.
He actually said re: the wall, "If it’s 25 feet, then I’ll invest in the 30 foot ladder factory.” That's pretty funny to me. Seems like a really good ROI.
Yep, it was a cute line but with blue and purple sanctuary cities feeling the squeeze of massive illegal migration, it will be a quote that hurts the ticket. Another issue that will be big is the energy vote in PA. KH on the record saying she will ban fracking may be enough to push Trump past 270.
Yep, it was a cute line but with blue and purple sanctuary cities feeling the squeeze of massive illegal migration, it will be a quote that hurts the ticket. Another issue that will be big is the energy vote in PA. KH on the record saying she will ban fracking may be enough to push Trump past 270.
Know who could've helped her with the fracking issue? Shapiro. Apparently she did get a big union endorsement from that industry though.
So the leader of the Dem party is going to wait for the party bosses to tell her how she will lead the country?
there are no kings - or queens - in America, my man. She's going to be just fine.

"how she will lead."

I am guessing she won't go insulting the people she needs to win, you can bet on that.
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Know who could've helped her with the fracking issue? Shapiro. Apparently she did get a big union endorsement from that industry though.
But due to pure bigotry, he would have hurt him in Mich. If the map holds, one of PA, Mich, Wi or MN puts Trump over the top.

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