How many of you liberals

That’s understandable. On the other side of that for example I can’t vote for anyone who supports abortion. This is “one nation under God” and many of our founding fathers are on record supporting this, self proclaimed Christian’s. God supports life, He created it. Do you see where I’m coming from?
That’s not true at all. Many of the founding fathers were not Christians. They preferred to keep religion out of government affairs. They would not use the Bible as source for being against abortion. Many wars have been fought over religious beliefs and freedom and I feel a lot of Americans are falling into that same trap that the founding fathers wanted to keep us away from.
That’s not true at all. Many of the founding fathers were not Christians. They preferred to keep religion out of government affairs. They would not use the Bible as source for being against abortion. Many wars have been fought over religious beliefs and freedom and I feel a lot of Americans are falling into that same trap that the founding fathers wanted to keep us away from.
It’s 100% true as america was founded on Christianity. To tell yourself otherwise is lying to yourself. This nation was founded on Biblical principals and we’ve gotten away from them. That’s why we’re in the mess that we’re in. Just because you don’t believe it doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
That’s understandable. On the other side of that for example I can’t vote for anyone who supports abortion. This is “one nation under God” and many of our founding fathers are on record supporting this, self proclaimed Christian’s. God supports life, He created it. Do you see where I’m coming from?
I suspect we could have a very interesting discussion regarding the religious beliefs of the founding fathers, but that is neither here nor there. I understand and respect the position that any procedure to end a pregnancy at any stage is a sin against God and I wouldn’t presume to try and convince anyone otherwise.
It’s 100% true as america was founded on Christianity. To tell yourself otherwise is lying to yourself. This nation was founded on Biblical principals and we’ve gotten away from them. That’s why we’re in the mess that we’re in. Just because you don’t believe it doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
This is worth a read.

This is worth a read.

So because they weren’t members of a church and one opposed prayer that defiles the foundation? Lol. You do know that being a member of a church does not make you a Christian Right?

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So because they weren’t members of a church and one opposed prayer that defiles the foundation? Lol. You do know that being a member of a church does not make you a Christian Right?

You can believe in God without going to Church. That wouldn’t make you a Christian, but that does not mean you don’t share some of the same beliefs as Christians. Most of the founding fathers practiced Deism. They believed in God the creator, but believed man should use their own reason and logic to resolve issues to live in peace and harmony—not what is said in the Bible.
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You can believe in God without going to Church. That wouldn’t make you a Christian, but that does not mean you don’t share some of the same beliefs as Christians. Most of the founding fathers practiced Deism. They believed in God the creator, but believed man should use their own reason and logic to resolve issues to live in peace and harmony—not what is said in the Bible.
Good read. But instead of just using quotes taking out of a text, we should consider their entire body of work. They didn’t force their religious beliefs on the governance of the American people. They didn’t say well the Bible says this and we should do it this way, although they may agree that the principles of Christianity may be the best way for one to live their lives.

Good read. But instead of just using quotes taking out of a text, we should consider their entire body of work. They didn’t force their religious beliefs on the governance of the American people. They didn’t say well the Bible says this and we should do it this way, although they may agree that the principles of Christianity may be the best way for one to live their lives.

I never said that they said that.
A reasonable definition, but I would add loving and defending our form of government. And what has made our form of government unique going all the way back to Washington is the orderly transition of power determined by the will of the people as expressed via the electoral college.

To me that is at the absolute core of what our country means and it is why I am so annoyingly persistent regarding Trump’s efforts to subvert the will of the people. There are a few crazies out there who actually believe there was election altering fraud but for the most part the people who continue to claim the election was stolen absolutely know that is a lie and they know that the lie undermines the foundation of the country.

That’s why I won’t even consider voting for anyone who still claims the election was stolen and I personally believe anyone who supports those lies in any way are committing a deeply unpatriotic act.
A reasonable definition, but I would add loving and defending our form of government. And what has made our form of government unique going all the way back to Washington is the orderly transition of power determined by the will of the people as expressed via the electoral college.

To me that is at the absolute core of what our country means and it is why I am so annoyingly persistent regarding Trump’s efforts to subvert the will of the people. There are a few crazies out there who actually believe there was election altering fraud but for the most part the people who continue to claim the election was stolen absolutely know that is a lie and they know that the lie undermines the foundation of the country.

That’s why I won’t even consider voting for anyone who still claims the election was stolen and I personally believe anyone who supports those lies in any way are committing a deeply unpatriotic act.
We have our own opinions about that but you people try to force your opinions on us. That is called communism.
We have our own opinions about that but you people try to force your opinions on us. That is called communism.
My beliefs are that anyone who produces normal level of testosterone should compete in Mens sports. And anyone who produces normal levels of estrogen should compete in women sports. I’m interested to know how do you feel about people who are born with both female and male private parts identifying with one gender over another?
You don’t change your society for a very few unfortunate people. You don’t break down the fabric of you society. You don’t win as a male so you compete as a female. Maybe every guy that doesn’t make the mens basketball team comes to school the next day dressed in a blouse and leads your girls team to victory. Having an all male girls basketball team is where this is headed.
This is worth a read. try to convince us you were not a leftist?

Will, Will, Will, you again use a progressive left web site to try and prove a point. I won't even open an article from such an unreliable and biased site. This org. was founded by John Podesta. LOL SMH.

I am truly asking this, did you not once try to convince us you were not a leftist?[/url]
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